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The Hungry Runner Girl

The Hungry Runner Girl: March 2011

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The Hungry Runner Girl

The Hungry Runner Girl: March 2011

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The Hungry Runner Girl: March 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spin songs, race photos and hot chocolate overdose.

Workout: Taught 45 minute spin class and 45 minutes on the elliptical.  Now that I can ellipticize I am already slacking on the lifting department.....good thing the sis and I have a gym date tomorrow and she can whip me into shape.  Get excited for round 2 of ROUND ONE HERE.

Even though I am extremely excited for summer......there are a few things that I will miss about winter.

1.  I drink hot chocolate all year long, in the winter people look at me like I am a normal person.  However, in the summer they (family, co-workers, strangers, Billy) stare when I am wearing short sleeves, in 90 degree weather sipping the HC thinking I must be high or something.

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2.  Boots.  I have runners feet.  Like really bad runners feet.  Boots do a great job of covering the lack of a toenail, the calluses, the size 10 etc.  If we meet in real life during the summer please only look at me from the ankles up, otherwise your opinion of me may drastically change.

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3.  Treadmill running.  I LOVE running outside but I do love my stopping at lights, dealing with extreme weather, I get to watch reality shows as I go and most importantly.....bathroom emergencies are easier to handle.

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I forgot to post my spin list yesterday- I don't know what got into me, maybe it was because I was all worked up about the 2.5 serving size bag of Swedish Fish.  I guess I did share two fishies with Billy so maybe I only ate 2 servings?!?!

1.  Blah Blah by Kei$ha

2. Rock That Body by Black Eyed Peas

3. Remember the Name by Fort Minor

4. What the Heck by Avril Lavign

5. DJ Got Us Falling in Love by Usher

6. Forget You by Cee Lo Green

7. Uprising by Muse

8. Perfect by Pink

9. Papercut by Linkin Park

10. Who Dat Girl by Akon

11. Get Low by Petey Pablo (oldey but a classic)

12. Bawitdaba  by Kidd Rock


Time for more amazingly awesome reader's RACE PHOTOS!!!! Read round 1 and 2 HERE and HERE.

The Gorgeous Rachelsent in a picture of her at the Disney Princess Half Marathon!!! I am jealous, I want to do this race SO year?!?!

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The CutestMONICAsent in her Beautiful picture of her running the Moab 1/2 marathon.  LOVE the outfit and the HUGE smile:)

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The Gorgeous BECKY @ FitnessFashionFun sent in her favorite picture of finishing a race last weekend.  She PRed in the Heart Mini Marathon 15k race.  DANG girl, you are amazing.

Heart Mini


1.  What are you going to miss most about Winter?

2.  Do you have cute feet or runners feet?  Do you get pedicures?

-Back in the single days I would all the time but I think Billy would agree it is time to splurge on a little lovin' for my feet.

3.  Anyone have fun VACATION plans coming up this spring/summer?

-BOSTON is getting closer and closer:)  Next month we are going to St. George with my family and we will be in Cali for most of the Summer (number one reason to be a teacher:)

Serving Size My Eye.

Really.  2.5 servings.  Pretty funny joke whoever made the food label for my Swedish Fish Easter edition treat.  More like 2.5 bites.  I don't know anyone that could open up that bag and eat 1/2.5 of that bag and save the rest for later. 
If you have accomplished eating just one serving at a time of those delicious gummy goodnesses, I think you may be in the running for some sort of world record or something.

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Let me know if you want me to do a vlog about how to make your hair look like you dipped it into the deep fryer, it takes a lot of work to make it look so good.
Ever seen this Brian Reagan clip about food labels. Hilarious.

When I got home from spin Billy was marinating Mahi-Mahi in an amazing sauce.  In the mix was soy sauce, garlic, balsamic vinegar, ginger, brown sugar, cayenne pepper, olive oil, salt and pepper (he eyeballed it, no measurements).
I married this man for a reason.  He knows how to speak to my soul with food.
My 'Love Language' is clearly food.
He pan fried the fish and the rest was magic.  I used the the marinade as a dressing and seriously, it was amazing.  Try it.

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It is completely normal to eat your salad out of a cake pan.   I finished off the meal with pear slices smeared with PB and of course 2.5 servings of Swedish Fish Easter edition.
What serving sizes do you laugh at when you look at its food label and wonder who in the world only eats one serving of that food?
-Most candy, CEREAL, ice cream, popcorn, pringles, nuts, wheat thins and mac and cheese.

Do you ever eyeball recipes and skip the whole 'measuring' thing?
-Yep.  Much too lazy to actually follow a recipe perfect.

What was the last deliciously sweet thing you ate?
-Unless I slept walked during the night and ate some ice cream (this has happened in the past) it was swedish fish and a pear.

Anyone have awesome news to share with me?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cheerleading and Speed.

Back in the good ol' days of ninth grade I made the cheerleading squad.  I was friends with the director's daughter in case you were wondering how I made the team with my lack of flexibility, rhythm and extra weirdness.

Although I am not able to work on the physical aspect of running right now, I have been thinking a lot about the mental aspect of running because that is something that I CAN work on.

Janae Cheerleader

Pretty sure I have had the same hairstyle since the sixth grade:)

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to cheer your friends and family on and tell them how freakin' amazing they are?  However, if we are not meeting our goal pace, we don't run as far as we wanted to or we are just having a bad running day we automatically start thinking we suck, we are slow or that there is no way that we will every be able to meet our running goals.

There are some days that I MENTALLY ruin a run or race no matter how physically prepared I am for it.

During my last half-marathon I was having a tough time with being positive and kept telling myself that I wasn't good enough, I was slow and that I would never reach my future goals in terms of running.  Guess what happened......I ran a lot slower than I know I could have and I did not meet the time I was hoping for.

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On the other hand, I reached my marathon PR by being my own biggest CHEERLEADER.  It wasn't that I had trained any harder (I found out about the race 3 days before I did it) or because I was wearing new shoes that secretly had wheels engineered into was because I was my own best friend during the race.  It was almost creepy how awesome I thought I was.   If you can't tell I have a huge smile on my face. 

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Throughout this race my thoughts involved things like, 'You are AWESOMESAUCE, holy cow you are doing so great, you are the"  I may have even made up a few cheers for myself......I am too embarrassed to post them on the blog though:)

My answer on how to get speedy involves incorporating speed work, hill training, tempo runs and running more miles in general but a HUGE aspect on how to get speedier is to be your own biggest CHEERLEADER.  If you are mentally telling yourself that YOU CAN and that you are doing amazing, I guarantee you will run faster than if you are having negative thoughts and telling yourself that you can't do it.  Try it on your next run and let me know how it goes:)

Fake it to make it........if you don't believe you are the greatest thing in the world, just start telling yourself that you are and before you know it, you will believe it.   Because guess what- I think you are INCREDIBLE!!


Did you have braces?

-As you can see in my 9th grade picture I did, for a little over FOUR YEARS!!!

Tell me an experience you have had when you have been your own biggest cheerleader and how it effected your run or race or vis versa.

What is your key to increasing your speediness?

Burgers and 45 Minutes

Good news team.  I was bumped up to 45 minutes on the elliptical.  Better believe I will be smiling away on that big piece of silver machinery this morning as I watch Saved By The Bell and listen to ET by Katy Pery.

Next thing you know it, I will be able to share with you my good ol' sweaty beast pictures after a hard run again. Until then I will give you a recycled 'Janae you need to take a shower because you smell really bad' picture.

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Being the dare-devel that I am, I got something NEW at Costco yesterday.

I am that person that gets the SAME thing every time at the store and today I ventured to a new territory.

Wait for it, wait for it........instead of buying frozen Tilapia fillets, I bought frozen Mahi-Mahi fillets.  I know, I really took a risk with this one.  Next thing you know I will buy brussel sprouts instead of broccoli and romaine instead of spinach (okay, that is a lie.....I could never leave my beloved broccoli and spinach).

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As we were walking into Costco a lady drove by and rudly ate a ginormous greasy burger right in front of me as I was standing there starving. How dare she enjoy her beautiful burger when she knew all I could think about was getting home and eating dinner.  I mean it had been at least 90 minutes since my egg sandwich.

I couldn't get her burger off my mind, I even hinted to Billy that we should go to 5 Guys for dinner (I don't think he caught on, either that or he didn't hear what I was saying because the 3D tv's on display at Costco were calling his name).

instead I made a mahi-mahi burger at home and I guarantee it was better than car-driving-eating-delicious-burger ladies meal.

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I grilled the fish on the george foreman and topped it with a sweet-terryaki sauce, lettuce and pineapple, I was feeling tropical.  I also toasted the buns which is key to burger success.  I had a can of green beans on the side and closed my eyes as I ate them and pretended like they were 5 Guys cajun spiced french fries.  I guess my arteries and my bank account are thanking Billy for skipping the fast food last night.


What was the last NEW to you food that you bought at the grocery store?


What are your favorite 'burger' toppings?

-Not together: pineapple, grilled onions/mushrooms/pepper, melty cheese, juicy tomatoes.....okay, I could go on forever.

What kitchen appliance do you use the most in your kitchen?

-My George Foreman grill is getting some good use lately.  I also use the oven a lot to roast my veggies.

What running shoes are you using lately?

-I am thinking I am going to get the Saucony Kinvara's next, I guess this means that I need to put some miles on the pairs that I have right now:)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tripple Tangent Tuesday.


I woke up at the crack of dawn to get a good workout in this morning (I may be loosing some of my running strength but I REFUSE to loose my cardiovascular endurance, that takes FOREVER to build up).

1 hour swimming

1 hour cycling

30 minutes elliptical.

Still no running this week.......maybe towards the end of next week:)


Time for your FAVORITE part about Tuesday.  Don't deny that you look forward all day on Tuesday to the time that I share with you three random and strange things about me.

1. I live out of my car.  At all times I have gym shoes and clothes in my car just in case I have time to fit in an extra workout sometime throughout the day.  Pretty much half of my house is in my car.  One time Billy and I decided to go to a movie while we were out doing errands and hadn't had dinner yet.......lucky for us, I always have at least 3 days worth of food in the car at all times, you can read about it HERE.  Good thing I don't have any friends to drive around with because the passenger seat is always full.

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2. Somedays you may feel bad for Billy because I always ruin pictures of us by making a creepy face, I am here today to tell you that I am not the only one that does takes two to tango.    That is Billy's bro in the seat behind him, it must run in the family.

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3. On my 23rd birthday I chose to have Rice Krispy treats for dessert.  Yes, they are good but I still regret that decision to this did I choose cereal mixed with marshmallows over dense cake and 3 inches of RICH FROSTING!?!?!  Please forgive me frosting gods, I will never choose something over you again.  And cousin Erin in the background, don't you ever text during my birthday song again.  You know it is a big deal to me:)

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1. Is your car messy or clean?

-I try and try to keep it clean but sometimes it just has to turn into my closet in order to go from place to place throughout the day.  Plus, I can't go 14 minutes of driving without eating something, that would be a crime. PS Billy found my secret candy stash in the center console of my car.....any ideas of a new home for my candy?

2.  What time is the earliest you have ever woken up for something?  What was it?

-I woke up at 3:30 for the Utah Valley Marathon.


Donuts, Fiesta Salad and Skittles.

What up BFF's!?!?!  Let's talk about Monday.

After school I went on over to my Physical Therapy appointment.  The sister and I schedule our appointments at the same time so that we get to have a date together.  The two hours goes by speedy fast when you are talking the whole time and being hand-fed grapes by your niece while you are getting elctro-therapy.

I have trained these children well and they obey my every command.

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Or do they obey me because we promise them donuts if they are good during the appointment?

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Remember how Billy and I had the sock debate?  Maybe I wouldn't have two different lengths of socks if I followed his lead and matched all of my socks together but that would take organizational skills and maturity....maybe next year.  PS my lil niece will not take off her dollar store sun hat.

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Dinner was quick because it was already 8 by the time I got home and I finally got to see my hunk of a husband.  I had a grilled chicken (leftover from last night) mexican fiesta salad.  All I needed was a pinata and my night would be complete.......

but then I checked my front porch and it was better than a pinata, the most BEAUTIFUL, recently 1/2 marathon PR'd SWEETEST DORRY @ LivingWithHealthyHungersent me a package of my favorite things.  Made my day and I laid for at least five minutes on the couch hugging them until I quickly demolished half of the goodies.  I have a problem and I am okay with it.  I also tore into the cocoa granola....heaven!! Thanks girl!!!

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Getting my swim on this early morning.....I know, I know, I look so attractive in my swim cap, goggle face and bright red face from the is hard work looking that good.  There will also be some ELLIPTICAL and spinning in my horizon.

Best thing about Monday: Beside's donuts and eating din din with billster......I downloaded the ADELE ALBUM.  Um, absolutely amazing.  If you have a second, listen to this song and if it doesn't give you goosebumps please get checked for low estrogen levels.


What is your favorite song lately?

-Adele- Make You Feel My Love.

How are you getting your sweat on today?

Random question:  Do you text, call, email, tweet or facebook people the most?

-I think I text more than anything.

Do you have a favorite blanket?  Describe it to me.

-Billy's Mom made us the above picture BYU blanket and I am obsessed. Fuzzy, warm, soft, hugable....the whole package.  I don't know how I lived before it (+10 mother-in-law points for saying that right?!?!  Yes, my MIL keeps a running total of my points for things I say, good and bad:)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Control Freak.


50 minute spin class followed by an ABS class.  Holy cow....from my hips to my shoulders I feel like I was run over by a semi and then trampled by a herd of antelope.  I didn't know it was possible to get so sore from doing a short abs class.  Pretty sure she had us do a 5 minute plank with a weight on our back, the tears were shed in the form of beads of sweat dropping from my forehead onto the mat (I am sorry to whoever uses that mat after me).


I am a control freak.

Whether it is in the form of controlling my daily schedule to the T, what I eat, what time I go to bed, when and how I exercise, the numbers on my Garmin or treadmill, my classroom, the future, money, name it, I love to have control over knowing EXACTLY what is going to happen and that it is according to my time frame.

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Plot Thickens:  I have no control over my leg right now and it has been DRIVING ME INSANE.  I can't figure out what my pace will be for Boston, what races I am going to be signing up for this summer, how many miles I run a week (zero right now) and most of all WHEN it is going to stop hurting.

I am doing everything I can do get back out on the road but that is ALL I CAN DO.

This morning as I was driving to school and getting frustrated that my leg wasn't paying attention to my race schedule or the fact that I have dreamed every night about Boston for the past 6 months and that it should be getting better according to MY TIME, I had an ah-ha moment (any Oprah fans out there?).

There is nothing I can do about it so I just gotta sit back and let the Big Guy upstairs decide what is best for me.  I have no control over this and I need to just learn to be okay with that.

Time to sit back, eat as many swedish fish and skittles as I can and enjoy the ride, people and little things in my life that make me HAPPY.

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There is no use in wasting my time, energy and happiness worrying about something that is COMPLETELY out of my control.

I hope you aren't too sick of hearing about my lamesauce problem but writing about it helps me to remember the things I am learning and I know A LOT of you have been in my shoes or are dealing with an injury or lack of control somewhere in your life right now.

P.S. My brother that lives in Kentucky called me yesterday with big news.  He said, "Guess what Janae......Boston just came out and announced that they are going to do the marathon again next year, and the year after that and the year after that:)"  It was good to remember that of course I am going to try my hardest and do my best but I have many more Boston's ahead of me.


Are you a control freak?  What things do you have to be in control of?

-Yep, but I am learning that I can't control everything and that is OKAY!!!!  Time to let go:)

Do you like Oprah?

-LOVE her but no tv=no Oprah, when will they put her on Hulu?

Have you ever been to an abs class?  How did you feel after?

-This was my first total abs class and I had to do a serious post today because it hurts to laugh and when I try to be funny I end up laughing as I am writing.

Jelly Bean Head and The First BBQ of 1,000's This Year.

While we were driving to my parents house last night for dinner I wanted to see what Billy would look like with a jelly bean for a head.
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The picture doesn't do it justice.  Next time you have a starburst jelly bean hold it really close to your eye and look at people in a way that the jelly bean covers their head.  This is the cure all for a bad mood.....instantly you will start laughing and realize that life is awesome but it could be even more awesome if some people really did have jelly beans for heads.  They would not be safe around me and I would probably end up in prison and then there would be no more blogging:(  (PS keep in mind I do not drink or do mind is normally really strange).
Dinner was green beans, a roll the size of my foot (that is big considering I wear a size 10) and a bbq chicken breast with jello in the background.  Dad-good job on cooking the chicken on the grill, perfection.
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Mer (doesn't everyone call their grandma Mer?) and I were more than ready to dig in.  At least someone will join in with me for a weird pose and chant, 'we want food.'
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Side mom puts a towel on my chair whenever I eat on the 'fancy' chair at their house.  Hmmmm I guess I have a history of spilling things.
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I taught her to use that pouty lip anytime she wants something.
Somehow she went from really sad to really happy when we whipped out dessert.
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We also had a skype date with my bro, his wife and their cute baby.  I like to do the 'walking downstairs' trick whenever I skype, it always fools people that I really am going down stairs while talking to them (great way to win friends....walk by the monitor and make it look like you are walking down stairs as you go by by just bending your knees more and more so it looks like you are going down stairs).
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We ended the night by watching 'Chopped' as a family.  We are recreating a Chopped episode at the next family dinner where we are all competing against each other.  (You are given three random ingredients in which you much incorporate into a meal.)  Get very excited.  I better not get chopped.
Hope you have an AMAZING Monday.  Enjoy every second of it and remember you only have one Monday March 28th 2011.......take advantage of it:)
What do you call your Grandma?-Mer and she is AWESOME.
What is your favorite Easter candy....tis the season?
-Starburst jelly beans and cadburry mini eggs.
How are you going to take advantage of Monday?
-Go to one of my favorite 6 a.m. spin classes, eat more jelly beans, try to make my students laugh at least 10 times and make Billy cuddle with me.
Have you ever seen Chopped on the Food Network?
-We are hooked!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Routine.

My Sunday Routine:

1-Open Eyes.

2-Watch the BL on my laptop while Billy still sleeps.

3-Walk 14 steps to the couch.

4-Stalk blogs.

5-Lunch Time.  Put every last piece of random food in your kitchen onto a plate. I need to go grocery shopping. (Grilled Zucchini, spinach salad, fried egg, tilapia on a bagel thin).

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6-Drink your 4th cup of hot chocolate.

7-Do some yoga because you are so addicted to endorphins that in order to think clearly you need just a few of 'em to get through the day.

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8-Put on a dress, smear make-up all over my face and brush my teeth for church.

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9-Write a lame blog post because for some reason you are tired from doing absolutely nothing besides a few Sun Salutation's and making a great bum print in your couch.

10-Pack purse full of snacks because heaven forbid I get hungry during church.  I don't want my fellow church goers to see the awful side of me that comes out when my blood sugar drops.  It's not pretty.

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What day do you go grocery shopping?  Do you just wait until everything is out?

-We used to always go on Saturday's but now we just wait until we are out of everything.

Do you like wearing dresses? (Boys, do you like wearing suits?)

-For the first hour I do but then it starts to bug me.  This is probably why I am either in jeans or tempo shorts 99% of my life.

Tell me five things that you have done today.

Saturday was good to me.

I am writing this post way past my bed time so please excuse the extra grammatical (instead of the usual 15 expect at least 20 mistakes).

Saturday was good to me.  I am not going to lie- every day for the past two weeks I have cried multiple times a day about my stupid leg but Saturday was just too good of a day to cry and let my silly self-pitying get in the way.

Billy and I spent the afternoon on the couch watching movies, working on computer stuff and just being lazy.

Then we went to my little piece of heaven.........

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Wow.  Did you know that a moon face is one of the side effect of steroids and so is really creepy overly happy faces about new make-up and a swim cap.

Now that my mother is a texting machine (just last year the only text I had received from her was, 'yes' and now I receive full on paragraphs from the woman.  It is awesome especially when she offers Yogurtland.  Once again we went with the dessert before dinner and it worked like a charm.

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The fruit was calling my name and it just felt right to load my pb fro-yo with heaps of fresh fruit.


PS do not overestimate my healthiness with the above yogurt.....there was also large amounts of brownie chunks underneath all of that beautiful fruit.

While we were there, we ran into a girl that I have blog stalked for awhile and felt like I knew in real life but really didn't until last night  How do non-bloggers make friends....I don't know anymore.

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Christy from Sweet Treats and More.  Go to her blog, you will love every second of it and will want to eat your screen.

I know you think, "Janae, get a life and go somewhere else for once on a Saturday night (or any night for that matter)."

I don't think you understand.......the yogurt is perfection and all of my friends (and 3/4ths of Provo) are all there.

I ran into a huge group of my gym/spin friends and the most GORGEOUS ASHLEY and her family.

Being the awesome party animals that we are, we headed home at the late night hour of 9 to enjoy being in pj's,IMG 4982

eating egg sandwiches and greasy popcorn,

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While watching 'Grown Ups.'  It was pretty funny but I fell asleep half-way through like I always do.  Poor Billy has had to watch more than a trillion endings of movies all by himself. Maybe if we started the movies at 5 I could stay awake, okay that's not true.


Do you fall asleep easy during movies/tv shows?

-Yep and I hate to admit that I fell asleep during the last Harry Potter.  When I am just sitting still and relaxed I can't keep my eyes open.

What are you having for Sunday b-fast?

-I am thinking pancakes.  Sunday's are the only days that I can actually make something delicious and sit down to enjoy it.....better believe I am going to take advantage of it:)

Do your parents know how to text and be tech savy?

-They didn't used to but now they can do everything (including commenting on my blog....hint hint mom).

Favorite store in your mall (money is not a factor in this question)?

-Nordstrom, I think I could by a million things in each department.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Deltoid's 101

Workout: Taught spin (no tension and I have to stay in the saddle the whole time), 30 minutes elliptical level 2, weights for 20 minutes and SWIMMING for an hour.  3 awesome things about today's workout......My little spinnee's were so fun today, I DID the elliptical (on a toddler's level but I am not complaining) with less pain, and swimming was SO fun and I had my OWN lane the entire time for the first time ever (I HATE sharing lanes because the people complain that I accidentally flale my arms into their face or sing too loudly).

I got home and showered (swimming is definitely helping me with my hygiene) and made the world's largest salad and yes, that is a casserole dish.

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I had broccoli, tuna, eggs, spinach, dressing and an orange on the side.  Fiber baby.


Every now and then someone emails me about my weights routines (I have not figured out if they are mocking me for my lack of muscles or they just want me to direct the question to my hardcore sister but either way it makes me happy:).

The sis and I picked our 5 favorite deltoid moves and decided to share them with you because we are best friends after all.   Each week we will choose a different muscle group to show you our favorite moves.

I have to tell you though.....deltoids (shoulders) are our FAVORITES because ripped deltoids make your whole arms look awesome:)

We don't know the exact names for these moves but don't worry I will make them up as we go.

Each move has two pictures to show you where to start and end for each rep.  We do 12 reps and 3 sets of each move.


This is the, "Makes Me Want to Cry and Curl Up in a Ball by the 7th Rep" move.  (We use 8-10 lbs. for this)

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This is the, "Good Thing I Shaved My Armpits" move.  (We use 10 lbs. for this)

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This is the, "Make Sure Not to Hit Anything on the Way Up, Not that I Would Know" move. (We use 12 lbs. for this)

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This is the, "Janae Only Uses Her Own Body Weight Instead of Hand Weights Because It Is So Hard" move.  (We use 5 lbs. for this)

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This is the, "Show off Your Ripped Arms to the Whole Gym" move. (We use 5-8 lbs. for this).

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What muscle group do you want to see next?

-If someone says the quad, I will probably cry.

What is one of your gym pet peeves?

-Having to share a lane in the pool, people that are sick and touching every piece of equipment possible and when a stranger gets on the treadmill next to me if the entire gym is empty and there are 30 other treadmills to choose from (I know I am weird).

What is your FAVORITE form of protein on a salad?

-I LOVE anything fish (salmon, tuna, tilapia, shrimp etc)!!!