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The Hungry Runner Girl

The Hungry Runner Girl: November 2010

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The Hungry Runner Girl

The Hungry Runner Girl: November 2010

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The Hungry Runner Girl

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The Hungry Runner Girl: November 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Entertainment at the Gym

What I do when I strap myself to an elliptical for a ridiculous amount of time:

A. Magazine (favorites include Women's Wunning, Women's Health, RUNNERS WORLD, Cooking Light and the Food Network)


B. Read a book, I know Mom I have come a long way. Mind Gym is awesome if you are looking for a book about the mental aspect of running and exercise.


I use a headband to keep it open.  Maybe I should patent this idea before I post this.


C. Watch the classics on my iphone.


D. Think about what I am going to cook or eat that day. (Usually involving chocolate)


E. Jam out to my favorite songs.  Yes, I am one of those people that sing as they work-out.  'Like a G6' was listened to 4 times in a row this morning.  Obsessed.


F. Watch Saved By the Bell, VH1 or the Food Network on the TV's.  Slater and his dimples.


G. Contemplate my life.


Please don't mind the acne, albinoness and sweatiness.  It happens.  It was also 6 A.M.

I am sure you can all relate but the gym is ME time.  I don't have to answer to 15 year olds and I can spend time doing something 100% for me.  This time allows me to be a better wife, friend, teacher, daughter and sister.

Workout today.

30 MInutes on the Stair Climber

40 Minutes Elliptical

Shower and out the door.

Thanks everyone for your sweet comment on my exciting news.  You made my day!!

How do you pass the time when you are working out?

-You saw my list.  When I run I don't need anything except for an ipod every now and then....even on the treadmill, I am just happy to be running.  Actually, a little Oprah helps.


Probably the best news I have gotten this year.

Dramatic. Probably. Do I care. No.

Wednesday we went into the main running store for Utah County, "Runners Corner" to get some new shoes for my brother-in-law.

To make a long story short.....after talking to the owner for about an hour about marathons etc (his PR is 2:22, he won the St. George marathon in 1987 and he ran Boston 16 times) and my times etc. he asked if I wanted to join their running team.

I peed a little, cried a little and starting shaking uncontrollably.

I am joining their running team and will be sponsored by the store.  I will be entered into races (for free), train with elite runners, free coaching, free equipment, free nutritional guidance.

I can't even tell you how excited I am.

Next week I am sitting down with him for a few hours to go over nutrition and training plans for me.

I could die happy right now.  Now I just gotta get this knee back to normal:)


This is my happiest face to show you how ridiculously excited I am.

What brings out your happiest face?

-Looks like for me it is anything to do with running, Billy and graduating college.


Monday, November 29, 2010

I am okay with that....

Check back in the morning for my exciting running news.  Sorry to keep you hanging for so long but it is kind of fun.

For those of you that were wondering I use the 'Kurt Kinetic' trainer.   I absolutely love it and it barely makes a peep!

And for those of you that noticed.....I never make my bed.  I am okay with that.

Dinner was vegetable soup that I made yesterday with a slice of bread smothered in Feta.  Random but don't knock it till you try it.


3 hours of Lost with Billy.  We just finished the series finale.  We are a little bit behind.

Time for dessert......


'Healthy' banana bread from last night, more bananas and chocolate chips drizzled with almond butter.

Do you have some form of dessert every day?

-For my first marathon I went off white sugar for my entire training.  I don't know if I will ever be able to do that again.  I need something sweet at least once a day and I am more than okay with that.

Time to get my bike on....

During the winter months in the Rocky Mountains I don't go outside unless it is to get to work, go to the gym, or get hot chocolate at 7-11 (they have the best mini-marshmellows this side of the Mississippi).  If you can't tell I taught United States Geography today.

When I got home from school I had a ridiculous amount of energy and nowhere to go.....I already did the above listed things that day, seriously.

I whipped out the trainer.


2 episodes of 'Scrubs' later, I was feeling good and sweaty.  I have a secret crush on JD, it's okay Billy likes Eliot.


6 A.M. spin class 60 minutes

Upper body lifting 20 Minutes (video to come this week)

I seriously ate probably 2 lbs. of vegetables, oatmeal, 3 apples and any other gram of fiber I could find.  Hopefully, that will cleanse out the butter clumps floating around in my blood stream due to large amounts of rolls, gravy, mozzarella sticks and pie.

Do you take your workouts indoors during the winter?  What are some things you do at home to get your blood pumping? (Children read this blog, be careful SUAR ha:)

-I love using my bike trainer, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, yoga and I did P-90X for a week before I quit.  When we are rich and famous you know I will have a room with a treadmill, large TV, weights and a personal trainer that comes to us 3 times a week.

-If you live in Cali or somewhere warm will you please just lie to me and tell me that you don't get to work-out in the beautiful warm sunshine.  Thanks. Bye.

Snack Attack 4

Round 4 of some awesome snacks.  Try them, you won't regret it.

Jessica Wueliner sent in.....


"Veggies and hummus, however this is the sad version because my crisper was a little lacking today :(  I love the roasted red pepper by Sabra and sam's also makes a good one."

MMMHH Hummus is crack in my book.

Jamyn Miller, one of my Bff's since FOURTH Grade, former Cougarette and seriously best body ever sent in....


"Here is my fave of all faves for snacks.  I found the best yogurt.  It's the Kroger brand at Smiths and it's called carbmaster.  It's high in protein, low in sugar,  and every flavor is delish= winner!  I love mixing this yogurt with grapenuts and bananas.  SO good!!  I eat it at least twice a day. :)"

This must be the best snack ever because it works on this girl.

Heather G sent in.....


Cheap, easy and oh so delicious.  Have you ever eaten the sticker on accident? Because I have.

Anitra Patane sent in.....


This one is a coconut that I husked myself.  Woo Hoo!

Then I cracked it open with a heavy butcher knife.  A friend of mine told me about the many health benefits of coconut water/juice and said that they even sell it packaged in the store.  I saw some in Foodland the other day....but we have so much fresh ones here...I use it for energy.  Gives me a huge boost of energy before I go and teach P.E.

The third pic is just a prettier view of it.  The copra/meat of the coconut is mega healthy too and i use that for snacks too.  Just scoop all of it out and put it in a baggie for later.  Sorry, I don't own any pretty cups so there's the coconut water in my magic bullet cup."

She lives in Hawaii.....let us all take a moment to be extremely jealous of her.

Tina @

Mami Camera 292.JPG

"So my favorite snacks are least in the US.  My family and I are Estonian.  This picture is with my two favorite Estonian foods/snacks (also my two favorite foods ever).  The bread in the middle is the traditional cinnamon raisin bread.  It's *amazing*.  Like melt in your mouth, heaven amazing.  The things that I am holding are called pirukad. They can be filled with anything from meat to veggies to fruit.  Pirukad are awesome because each family has their own recipe and, of course, each family thinks that they have the best recipe.  Obviously my family actually *does* have the best recipe.  I'm just saying :p"

I could probably eat that whole thing right now, it looks so good.

Thanks for the picture ladies!! Hopefully you got some more good snack ideas.  Feel free to still send in your favorite snack and I will post it!!

Do you eat a morning snack? What is it?  Does your breakfast hold you over until lunch?

-I usually have an apple or a piece of fruit for a morning snack but a lot of mornings at school I am too busy to stop and eat something so I make sure I have a huge breakfast.  My students are scared of me when I get hungry.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Healthyish Banana Bread

Does it count as healthy if I ate half the bag of chocolate chips as I was baking?

  • 1/3 c. natural applesauce
  • 3/4 c. brown sugar
  • egg whitesshopping list
  • 2-3 bananas
  • 1/3 c. water
  • 1 2/3 c. wheat flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • Chocolate chips of course
    • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix applesauce and sugar. Stir in eggs then bananas then water. Stir in dry ingredients. Pour mixture into a loaf pan and bake 55-60 minutes or until knife comes out clean.
    • I think the picture says at least 100 words of how good it turned out.  Billy even liked it and he hates bananas and most healthified things.
    • IMG_2443.JPG
    • After many hours of watching The Office and Top Gun, I headed over to my parents house for Sunday night dinner.
    • We had Thanksgiving #2.  I can officially say I am now sick of turkey and pie but it was delicious while it lasted.  The gravy stole the show.  Any gravy fans out there?
    • IMG_2444.JPG
    • IMG_2446.JPG
    • I am ready to get back to normal eating and exercise.
    • What is your plan of attack after this week of indulgent eating?
    • -I will be hitting the veggies hard and lots of water.  I am also looking forward to a sweat session from spin and a killer strength training work-out tomorrow.  A huge part of why I am feeling kind of yucky right now is because I have been going to bed way too late and sleeping in.  Back to the 9:30 P.M.-5:00 A.M. sleeping pattern.

Rest Day

Woke up to this....


While wishing we were here.....


But oh well, you've just got to make the best of things right???

So what did I do you may ask.

-Put on my most comfy sweats

-Tweezed the eyebrows, finally

-Turned the heater on full blast

-Made banana bread (recipe to come later)

-Prepped my lunches and a big pot of soup for the week. (Used my method of throwing whatever produce I own, garlic cloves and chicken broth into the crock pot.  Photo is pre-broth)


-Made a delicious salad with Grilled Tilapia and a ginormous wheat roll.


Time to take care of Billy, he is not feeling good.

What are some of your favorite Sunday morning activities?

-Today is my rest day.  First of all, sleeping in is a must.  I love prepping meals for the week while catching up on some of my favorite shows and a little bit of yoga:)

Saturday Recap

Started my Saturday off by teaching a spin class, 45 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes upper-body strength-training.

I love my Saturday work-outs.  Nothing better than going to the gym while most Americans are still sleeping or eating all you can eat pancakes at IHOP.

We spent the day watching football and doing laundry...our team lost to their rivals by one point. Boo.

As we were folding laundry I told Billy I had a slight tummy ache. He told me that it was probably because I had eaten too much candy, I then told him I hadn't had any candy yet.  He replied, "That makes more sense...your body is used to having it by now and so that is why it is upset.'  I guess I need to work on that.

After the game we headed over to my sister-in-laws families house and had pizza (add some breadsticks to that photo).  Those olives were thrown off right after the photo.  Who really puts olives on their pizza.  Sorry, I am a little too opinionated about my food.


Jaime and Jace.  I met Jaime through my spin class.  We became best friends and I set her up with my brother....they got married 8 months later.  I am retiring on setting people up because I have 100% accuracy and I don't want to loose that.


Then we played the game "Word on the Street."  Everyone got a little to competitive but just because I know you were team took the championships.  There were plenty of munchies to be eaten while playing.


I can eat a million reeces pieces without even noticing.  Those little peanut butter covered in a hard shell of chocolatey goodness should not be allowed within 40 feet of me.

What food do you need a restraining order on?

-Reeces pieces, swedish fish and butterscotch chips.  I could probably eat the entire bag without noticing.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Marathon Lessons

When I can't run I just think about it all day.  More than a healthy amount.  I have so much grading and laundry to do but I would rather read, think, daydream and read some more about running.

I came up with a list of what I LEARNED from my last marathon the day after the race and thought I would post it.  I PR'd with this marathon and I think I will do a recap tomorrow even though it was two months ago.

I wanted to remind myself of some of these things because heck, I will be running again in 45 days.


1. 2 pieces of wheat bread with a ridiculous ammount of PB and a Nature Valley granola bar were made to be eaten by me before a race.

2. Shot blocks in your sports bra.  They always fall out of my pockets but in the sports bra there isn't a lot of extra room for them to bounce around ha.

3. Reserve your energy. Use every ounce of energy efficiently. Move horizontally, not vertical.  Use your arms a little less.

4. Wear your Bondi Band. My hair was poking me in my eyeballs half the time.  Heaven forbid I take a second off my time to fix it.

5.  Eat and drink whether you are hungry or not.  Gatorade rocks.

6. Pray.  God knows how important running is to me and wants to hear from me as I do it:)

7. Run on your makes you speedier (by now you should know I have awful grammar, just roll with it)

8. The new Ipod shuffles are perfect for running.  'Rise Against' latest album was made specifically for me to run to...obsessed.

9. Fazoli's breadsticks and spaghetti made for the best cheap night before the race meal.

10. Make friends with the other runners.  Yeah they are your competition but they will become your biggest resources and you will learn a lot from them.


11. Smile when it hurts, people may think you are high but whatever.


Ha...doesn't it look like I am crying/yelling.  That is my version of a smile at mile 21.


In previous races I had a negative tone with myself.  I would get frustrated when people passed me and told myself I wasn't doing enough.  At mile 8 of the Logan Marathon I realized I was sick of thinking like that, I changed my whole perspective and I truly believed this is how I PR'd.

*****BE YOUR OWN BIGGEST FAN.  Cheer yourself on, act amazed with yourself, recognize that you are hard core.....for goodness sake be a little COCKY about the task you are undertaking.

Tell me about some of the lessons you have learned from your last race or any lessons you have learned from fitness accomplishments!!!!

Cookbooks and Chocolate Covered Raisins

We went to Harry Potter.

I only dozed off once for a few minutes during the movie.  It was the 5 p.m. showing.  I don't know what my problem is.  Pretty sure I have slept through the majority of each Harry Potter movie.

Billy's family and I met up with my family at our favorite spot.  I am telling you Cafe Rio is crack to me.

I wish I could tell you that I branched out and tried something new but I went with grilled chicken, pico and salsa. Amazing, now I have a leftover tortilla for tomorrow.   I also had some of my mother-in-laws tortilla soup.


Conveniently there is a frozen yogurt shop right next door.  They had the football game playing and the girls gossiped and ate ice cream.  Does it get any better than that?


It is now 12:46 a.m. and I just finished making my spin playlist for tomorrow (I mean today) morning and I am now eating chocolate-covered raisins and reading a new cookbook (free from Costco).  That is completely normal right.


Do you ever fall asleep at the movies or am I just ninety years old?

-85% of movies I fall asleep in.  Should I get checked for narcolepsy?

Do you enjoy looking through cookbooks?

-I have read more cookbooks than normal books and I am not proud to admit that.

Friday, November 26, 2010

I truly am a ten year old

I woke up and I was still so full from yesterday.  Headed over to the gym and whipped out a workout and sweated gravy  There were only about ten people at the gym at any given time, it was empty.
50 Minute Stair Intervals
40 Minute Elliptical Intervals
10 Minutes Upperbody Weights
Came home, didn't shower and went to the bookstore.  I actually now have a legitimate reason to have bad hygeine.....our pipes FROZE!!! We haven't had water in two days ha.  Luckily, we have bottles of water to brush our teeth and I showered at my parents yesterday.  I buy strong perfume.
It's completely normal to be in this section of the bookstore with your parent in-laws.  We were giggling the whole time.
We were educated and starving by the time we left the bookstore so we made our way quickly over to Fuddruckers.
How to eat at Fuddrockers without gaining seven pounds, clogging your arteries and getting your money's worth all at the same time.
-Order your bun without butter.
-Go for the salmon or veggie fillet (the turkey is actually still high in fat and calories)
-Skip the fries and make a side salad from their condiment section.  Cheap and fiberilicious.
After lunch we met up with some friends at a tumbling gym, bet you didn't know I am a gymnast.
I have come to terms with the fact that I really never will grow up and I am okay with that.  I am considering my 25th b-day to be at this place.
Great butt shot right.

As for the running news I will share with you on Monday....I have one more phone call I need to make before I share:)  I haven't run on it yet....even though it is so much better I really want to be smart about it and give it time.
Did you go shopping today?
-I am not a fan of crowds so we only went to the bookstore to learn about the book 'under the sheets'.
Did you eat Thanksgiving leftovers?
-Not yet but our fridge is stuffed with leftovers.  We have never had so much food at one time in our house.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The I am Thankful Post

Time for the blog thankful list because I am sure this is the first one you have seen in the internet cyberworld....enjoy.


1.  I am so grateful for this boy. You think I am weird just from the things I say and do on the blog....try living with me.  He is way too good to me.

2. My Savior, Jesus Christ.  He is my rock and I am grateful that I can turn to Him.

3. My family.  I don't even know how to explain my gratitude towards them.



4. My job.  I honestly get excited to go to work and I love seeing my students progress.

5. Friends, in real life and my new bloggy friends.

Bucerias 276-1.jpg

6.  Of course running.....p.s.  I have AWESOME running news to share with you:)


Get ready for more pictures...time to recap my favorite parts of Thanksgiving.


Start with the best.  There were eleven pies for twenty-two people.  That's how we roll.


Guess how much candy is in the jar....I lost but my mom had a hidden bag for me already, don't tell anyone. Oh crap my whole family reads this, oops.

Last but not least, the best game ever.


Catch phrase.  If the buzzer goes off on you, you have to eat one of these beans.  Flavors include......


Dog food,


Rotten egg,


Pencil Shaving,




Moldy cheese.

All I can say is today was amazing.

What was the best part of your Thanksgiving?

-Mine was laughing so hard I peed a little.