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The Hungry Runner Girl: Vlog and High Mileage.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Vlog and High Mileage.

First of all I wanted to share with you a part of our scooter date.  Please excuse the bright green gum and the high pitched voice.  I was born that way and my voice hasn't changed since I was seven years old.

How you know it is a high mileage week when in the same day I eat......

Pizza/cupcake date with madre.

Donut date with Billster to the Provo Bakery.
Triple chins are expected to come along with marathon training.
Followed by a Jamba date with Cousin.
Ended by a ginormous salad I found in the back of my fridge from school lunch last week.  I was much too tired to make anything for dinner let alone sit up to eat it.
Good thing I just have a speedy five miles on the schedule today followed by a MASSAGE and then babysitting for a friend.

Life is good until I hit mile 20 of my 24 MILER TOMORROW MORNING.

P.S. If you come to my Saturday morning spin class......I won't be there tomorrow.  I am taking spin off so that I can do the last 10 miles of my long run with my SISSY!!!!

P.P.S. Any Utah bloggers.........we are meeting at Yogurtland at 4 today for yogurt and running/exercise/blogger talk!!! You won't want to miss it!

Boys cover your eyes this one is for you eat more or less when on your period?  Do you eat more when you run more or do you notice?
-Definitely more and I feel like everyday I am eating different depending on so many different factors.  High mileage weeks are a problem for our wallets......seriously, the madness doesn't stop!

Do you break up your long runs (MENTALLY) into sections so that they seem more manageable?
-Oh yeah....I am telling myself that it is just 9 on the treadmill, 5 to go meet my sister and 10 to run with my sister.  That sounds a lot better than 24!!!

A lot of readers have asked what I am going to be putting chia seeds, I am not quite sure yet (besides smoothies) so if you use them, how do YOU eat them?

Any video blogs (vlogs) that you want to see? (Besides how dirty our house is and how the dishes are piled to the ceiling)


At March 11, 2011 at 8:20 AM , Blogger Victoria said...

I am glad somebody else eats salads that weigh more than a small cat.

At March 11, 2011 at 8:20 AM , Blogger Laurie said...

Breaking long runs into sections is definitely the way to go. I have an 18 mile loop that "figure eights" by my house and seems more like two 9 milers in different directions. Much more manageable that way. :)

At March 11, 2011 at 8:21 AM , Blogger Mallory said...

Funny blog! I liked it!! Looks like you had lots of yummy treats!

I definitely eat more when I'm on my period! It sucks!! Especially if that is a higher mileage week for me!

I have broken a long run up into sections but have never run more than 13 & change miles so I haven't had the need to do what you're doing!

At March 11, 2011 at 8:21 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Yep! I ABSOLUTELY eat more during that time o' the month. I justify it by thinking my body is burning MORE calories working to get rid of that 'stuff' in my uterus (hopefully no boys are reading).

I totally break my marathon long runs up in my head. 5K, 10K, half-marathon.... then you only have a 10K then a 5K.... and then YOU ARE FINISHED!

I sprinkle chia seeds on my cereal and my oatmeal... and if I bake stuff, I add it into those things so I get some extra nutrients in my chocolate chip cookies!!!! :-)

At March 11, 2011 at 8:22 AM , Anonymous Chelsea Raynes said...

Janae you are sooo cute! Plus that donut looks so yummy! I eat less during my period but I do crave sweets. Or maybe I just think I deserve sweets during my time.....hmmmm

At March 11, 2011 at 8:23 AM , Blogger Heather said...

That vlog put a smile on my face!! those mountains are beautiful! I couldn't really hear parts of the vlog because of the wind blowing! loved it!

At March 11, 2011 at 8:24 AM , Blogger Stephanie F said...

hahaha i seriously cannot wait until i can do long runs... so i can eat as much as you do. : )

At March 11, 2011 at 8:24 AM , Anonymous Emily said...

I always crave so much more when it's that time of month. But it's always sweet foods. Perhaps that explains my recent mission to eat as many desserts as possible?

What about you? sweet or salty cravings?

Oh and good luck on your run tomorrow, you totally inspire me to hit the pavement!

At March 11, 2011 at 8:25 AM , Blogger Jody @ Raising Fin and Fish said...

Haven't had a period in 16 months (9 months of pregnancy, 7 months of breastfeeding) so I couldn't tell ya!

I've never broken up long runs but my long runs aren't as long as yours ;)

I look forward to your Chia seeds ideas. I'll have to talk to my clients about those.

At March 11, 2011 at 8:26 AM , Anonymous Laura @ Meet Virginia said...

Ahhhh i love it when you post vlogs! So fun! I am making one TODAY with my roomie! Weeeee. Love that you guys have scooter dates. So fun! :)

At March 11, 2011 at 8:26 AM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

You guys are too cute on the scooter! I love it and I'm seriously jealous of those mountains! I used to live in the mountains in TN and it was glorious!

I haven't actually had my period in years (whoa overshare for blog land) because I have an IUD, so I don't really know. I do eat WAY more during training though.

I don't really break up my runs, but sometimes I run multiple runs in a day because I feel like running again.

At March 11, 2011 at 8:28 AM , Anonymous Brandi said...

You are so cute! Loved the scooter date!

I want that donut. Bad.

I eat less on my period. I just feel so icky and bloated and eating doesnt make it any better for me :(

I planned my 20 mile route to be in 5 mile sections. So I was like oh only 5 miles to this corner, oh only 5 miles down this road, i can do 5 miles! Made it so much easier mentally for me!

I add chia seeds to oatmeal and plain greek yogurt w fruit toppings! Yum!

At March 11, 2011 at 8:29 AM , Blogger I'd Rather Have a Cupcake said...

Besides in smoothies I put Chia seeds in granola, banana soft serve, oatmeal, homemade muffins, in cereal of just with fruit and greek yogurt.

At March 11, 2011 at 8:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your vlog, chick-a-roos!
Yup, I always eat more then, but it seems like all my extra food is in the form of chocolate & sugar.
My long run today will be on the treadmill instead of outside in the freezing rain, so I'm gonna need to break it up in my head somehow and find a really good movie or show to watch during it.

At March 11, 2011 at 8:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok that's it I'm running a marathon in Utah!!!!!!!!

At March 11, 2011 at 8:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I add chia seeds lately into everything! I'll sprinkle them onto toast with jam, in my oatmeal, and I actually even tried putting some on ice cream (but that was kinda odd...) :)

At March 11, 2011 at 8:33 AM , Blogger Lindsey@arunningtale said...

I notice I do eat more when I run more - especially if I run in the morning before work, I am hungry all day!

I put chia seeds in oatmeal and cereal,in any baking - cookies, granola bars and on top of salads.

At March 11, 2011 at 8:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you make my day-
"I was born that way and my voice hasn't changed since I was seven years old. "
HILARIOUS- iim the opposite.. i look like im 12 yet my voice is that of a 30 year old...

At March 11, 2011 at 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute video! I want a scooter! Those mountains are so pretty!!! As you can see I'm a little jealous.. :-)

I break up my runs too. We're totally tricking ourselves!

At March 11, 2011 at 8:37 AM , Blogger Caitlin said...

I for sure eat more on longer runs and on my period. Also I am totally the stereotype for pizza and ice cream. And if I don't break up my runs mentally I would never finish. Glad you had a fun scooter date, have a great weekend amazing lady!!

At March 11, 2011 at 8:37 AM , Anonymous Page said...

When aunt flow visits - you're allowed to eat whatever you want, no limits. That's a scientific fact. ;)

At March 11, 2011 at 8:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish i was a UT blogger! boooo hahah.

good luck with that 24 miler tmrw. EXCITING!

and it's definitely a high mileage week when it's double (or triple) dosage of the extra sweet stuff :)

At March 11, 2011 at 8:39 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

First time to comment - I love your blog! You are hilarious!

Anyway, I love chia seeds - I put them on/in everything! I add them to salads (they don't add any taste, just crunch factor), cook them into my oatmeal, add to ice-cream (makes it healthy, right?!), add to my recipes - in cookies, granola bars, granola etc.

Basically you can add them to anything you want!

At March 11, 2011 at 8:39 AM , Blogger Erica Upham said...

I want to have some mountains to frolic in! Here in Oklahoma it's all flat!

At March 11, 2011 at 8:42 AM , Blogger Kristin @NyceLife said...

I can't get over those awesome mountains! Yes, I eat more right before my period, usually I don't keep track really closely, that's how I know it's coming ;)

At March 11, 2011 at 8:42 AM , Blogger Erin@gosupermamago said...

I just started following and I am now addicted to your blog! I even started my own, but I'm not as funny (or cute) as you! haha

At March 11, 2011 at 8:49 AM , Blogger Ashley said...

Love the video :) Utah looks gorgeous!!

At March 11, 2011 at 8:49 AM , Blogger Gracie said...

Your VLOG is so cute! Now I want a scooter. I read to break up a marathon into 3 mile "laps" and it really helped me when I ran a super boring marathon. I kept telling myself "Just three more laps" and it got me through expanses of nothingness.

At March 11, 2011 at 8:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the vlog, I'm so jealous of your beautiful mountain view.

I put a tablespoon of chia seeds in my oatmeal every day, good stuff!

At March 11, 2011 at 8:53 AM , Blogger Liz said...

I put chia seeds in my oatmeal and yogurt all the time. I also use them as sprinkles for my ice cream! Love those little guys.

At March 11, 2011 at 8:53 AM , Anonymous Pam said...

You are soo adorable!! I want to adopt you! Billy can come visit on Sundays!! :)

I love chia seeds in my oatmeal and salads!! Yay 4 buying them!! The nutrtionals are AWESOME!!

I crave sweets when it's my time of the month and actually eat less 'cuz of the bloated feeling. When I run more I eat more!! No guilt at FroYo!! :)

I mentally have to break up my longer runs on the treadmill...I think "okay 10 more mins...and so on..." Outside I just GO!! :)


At March 11, 2011 at 9:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the vlog! =D
All that food looks good!!!!!!! I'm craving some donuts now! haha
hope you have a great weekend

At March 11, 2011 at 9:03 AM , Anonymous Bess@Bess Be Fit said...

I eat more the week BEFORE my that weird?? Like, I could eat a freaking dinosaur. I eat a lot anyways and definitely a lot more when I'm running a lot. Chia seeds are great in oats, too and you can bake them into things as well....stir into your yogurt...basically anything.

At March 11, 2011 at 9:05 AM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

I am soooooo behind on blogs. I want to get a massage today muscles just feel tired. :( Long runs..yes, I suppose I break them up. I am always eating soooo much and feeling so tired right before my period. Now! grrrr. Off to watch your video.

At March 11, 2011 at 9:05 AM , Anonymous Sabrina @ Radioactive Runner said...

haha love the vlog you posted. You are so funny!
Good luck on your run tomorrow!!!

At March 11, 2011 at 9:14 AM , Anonymous Holly said...

Hahaha- I love your video- you are too funny :)
I definitely eat more during 'girl time.' I eat like it's my job that week! The fridge better BEWARE!!

Good luck on your long run tomorrow- such a good idea to break it down like that- makes it a bit easier to handle :) Hopefully you have some good shows to catch up on!

At March 11, 2011 at 9:14 AM , Blogger Caroline said...

no more period for me...I had a surgery
it brings good (obvious reasons) and bad ( I was way too young for that)

long runs: I break them yes anything over 10 I have to otherwise I would not take the first step!!!!

At March 11, 2011 at 9:21 AM , Blogger Danielle said...

I feel like I eat WAY more during that time of the month.
I'm drooling over that donut right now.

I think it's Olive Garden for me tonight!! Be jealous of my breadsticks!! : )

At March 11, 2011 at 9:23 AM , Blogger cchrisco said...

I put chia in all kinds of things, pretty much anything that has something that the chia will stick to. Oatmeal, peanut butter sandwiches, smoothies, yogurt... You can also just mix it with water and drink it. It forms a gel consistency, so it's kind of weird, but not bad. You can also make your own energy gel with it:

At March 11, 2011 at 9:28 AM , Blogger Runners Fuel said...

The more I run, the more I eat. Hubs couldn't believe how hungry I was last night. I couldn't stop!!

At March 11, 2011 at 9:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

cute vlog!!

At March 11, 2011 at 9:30 AM , Blogger Jenn said...

I just licked my computer screen at that maple donut!!

I just bought chia seeds! Haven't tried them yet but I've heard a lot of great things about them.

I definitely eat more the few days BEFORE the dreaded female curse. Not only do I generally eat more but I have like zero willpower and I don't really care. Hoping this doesn't catch up with me:)

Awesome to run some of your long run with your sissy!!! I'm running mine with my sister today! And EVERY run is a mental bargain for me. I break them all up into little manageable distances. Wow, 24!! Good luck with that!!!!Have a great weekend:)

At March 11, 2011 at 9:37 AM , Anonymous Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn said...

Omggg I love scooters! I want one, get me a vespa for my birthday?!:)

Slash I always have to break up the mileage in my head, otherwise I go crazy! And I eat way different amounts of food every day, it makes no sense but I love the variation:)

At March 11, 2011 at 9:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the video!!

I am always hungry the day after a long run. But I am annoyingly hungry all the time. And I usually do my long runs around the lake in my neighborhood. I can take either a 4.5 or 5 mile loop, and I just break it down into loops rather than miles. When I did my 20 miler, I tried to convince myself that it was just like a mile doing 4 loops around the track. Yeah, I think I smoked crack before I ran that day. Or it was the lack of oxygen to my brain after all of those miles.

At March 11, 2011 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous Dorry said...

Weeeeee! Scooter date looks like fun and I love those mountains! The more I run, the more I eat. Certain days, it seems never-ending and I'm OK with that. I love to eat! Add chia seeds to oatmeal or I've seen people add to everything from soups to sprinkling on a PB&J sandwich. Happy Friday!!!! xo

At March 11, 2011 at 9:42 AM , Blogger giraffy said...

1. My cravings totally change during my period, and it's a struggle to give in in moderation to avoid totally gorging.

2. I put chia seeds in yogurt, peanut butter sandwiches, and oatmeal too!

3. Okay, so my longest run was my half marathon, and that was spectacular the entire time and I didn't have to talk myself into it. But, on my 10-11 milers, I start doing this around mile 1.5: Okay! Almost half way to the half way mark! Mile 2.5, halfway there! Mile 4, almost done! And then I treat the last half of the run as a whole new run. I'm crazy that way.

At March 11, 2011 at 9:54 AM , Anonymous Laura (LunaChickRuns) said...

My favorite use for chia seeds is in overnight oatmeal. It makes everything set really well and is delicious in the morning! I also sprinkle them on pretty much everything when I remember to! :-)

At March 11, 2011 at 9:54 AM , Blogger Maria said...

I always break my runs into sections- the only problem comes when half way is so close to home it is tempting to stop!

At March 11, 2011 at 9:55 AM , Anonymous chelsey @ clean eating chelsey said...

Breaking up mileage is so nice. In the summers I usually run half of my runs to the gym, lift, and then run home. Full body work out - booyah!

Looks like you had a great day! I wish I could come get froyo with you.

At March 11, 2011 at 9:58 AM , Anonymous Megan (Running Foodie) said...

I'm so jealous you're on Spring Break right now! I am not off for another MONTH! I'm currently living vicariously through you :)

At March 11, 2011 at 10:12 AM , Blogger ShortSkirts said...

that scooter looks like so much fun! And Utah is gorgeous i'm so jealous.

I tend to eat more when i run more. Especially when i do morning runs, i tend to be extra hungry all day.

At March 11, 2011 at 10:12 AM , Blogger misszippy said...

You are much braver than I to ride a scooter and videotape at the same time!

As to the food/period question--I just crave chocolate with mine!

At March 11, 2011 at 10:13 AM , Blogger Joanna said...

Scooters are so fun!!! I want one! I would love to see more videos of just your everyday life! Day in the life of a Driver's Ed teacher perhaps?

On my period, I eat a lot!!! I'm a lot more fatigued as well but hopefully as I build up my running I can get over that!

I love Jamba Juice! Do you have Juice it Up over there? They have a Gummi Bear flavored Smoothie that you'd LOOVE!

At March 11, 2011 at 10:17 AM , Blogger Rachelle Wardle said...

I eat a lot no matter what. Training/not training....I just love food. However I do enjoy justifying it by running high mileage. :)

And I am so glad I am not the only one that breaks my long runs up. I constanlty worry I will completely bomb the marathon due to breaking in between long runs. 10 miles, stop and get the dog 4 more miles. Stop at maverick get a name it I'll use it as an excuse to break up a long run. :)

At March 11, 2011 at 10:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i put chia seeds in my oatmeal (you can add more water that way bc the chia soaks up the excess and makes the whole bowl fluffier!), yogurt (nice crunch), and homemade granola bars.

oh, and i defffinitely eat more on my . (<---period) and before, and after...

At March 11, 2011 at 10:28 AM , Blogger Hannah Biggers said...

I def eat More More More! and I usually have to have chocolate at every meal- I even sprinkled choc chips in my oatmeal once ;-)

I have never used Chia seeds. But now I am curious.

Great blog btw- I just started reading!

At March 11, 2011 at 10:29 AM , Blogger Emily @ said...

I always mentally break up my long runs, makes it a lot more manageable. I want to buy my bf a bike so he can bike next to me when I run. I'm so happy that its starting to get warmer! 50 degrees today!

Chia seeds can be thrown on anything - oatmeal, cereal, smoothies, salads (or mix with your salad dressing/salsa!), yogurt, etc.

Your pizza and cupcake date with your mom looks like a blast!!

Happy Friday! Have a great long run tomorrow!

At March 11, 2011 at 10:32 AM , Blogger HowdyFromNYC said...

I am ravenous the week before and not hungry at all during. Is that weird? I also tend to eat a ton if I don't work out and eat A LOT less if when I have a really good, hard workout. I feel like that's backwards?

Are you still going to have your sis do a makeup tutorial?! :)

At March 11, 2011 at 10:34 AM , Blogger Julia said...

I DEFINITELY eat more when I run more so it is difficult for me mentally right now to get used to not needed to eat every 5 seconds like I was when I was running. I have been okay eating healthy this week but hope I can stick with it!


At March 11, 2011 at 10:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I make a "tapioca" pudding with my chia seeds. Raw nut milk, blended with soaked dates. Then add fruit, I use frozen cherries, add chia seeds. Let sit until they puff up and enjoy!

At March 11, 2011 at 10:39 AM , Anonymous Lindsey@TextbooksandCookbooks said...

Oh yeah, I eat a ton around that fun time of the month. I mostly crave carbs/sweets...and I crave them

I loveeee chia seeds! I am home for a little visiting my Mom and I brought her some to try :) I like putting them in oatmeal and yogurt. I love the texture! I haven't added them to anything else though so let me know what you add them to!

At March 11, 2011 at 10:47 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I want to come visit!!! That looks like too much fun. Oh can I can i?!?!?!
I'll bring you fish, swedish fist!

At March 11, 2011 at 10:58 AM , Blogger De Zuster Van said...

Oh my God, those mountains are beautiful! When can I move in? I don't mind dirty dishes!

And what's up with those chia seeds, I'm very intrigued. How do they taste?

At March 11, 2011 at 11:06 AM , Blogger Little Miss Runshine said...

I put salba (chia) seeds in oatmeal and yogurt! delicious!

good luck on your 24 miler!

At March 11, 2011 at 11:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I definitely definitely definitely eat way more when it's that time of the month. It is almost ridiculous, I sometimes think it's more of a mental thing. Good luck on your 24 miler!! I definitely prefer to break up mileage in my head. It becomes way more manageable then looking at the big picture.

At March 11, 2011 at 11:24 AM , Blogger Stefanie D. said...

Loved the vlog!!You have inspired me to maybe do a video of myself...maybe...not sure if I'm that brave yet!!

Ahhhh. Sadly, I will still be at work when you are meeting at Yogurtland with all of the cool Utah bloggers. :(

At March 11, 2011 at 11:24 AM , Blogger Danielle said...

Think I am going to have to move to Utah! you ladies have too much fun at these blogger meetups!

At March 11, 2011 at 11:40 AM , Blogger Dana said...

I eat chia seeds everyday! I put them in greek yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, pancakes and baked goods. I'm a texture freak so I love the added crunch!

At March 11, 2011 at 11:47 AM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Vlog: You running your speed/mile repeat workouts please!!! I want to see talet in action!

I think the break-up-a-long-run-into-sections is so key!! I usually choose 6's or whatever my math allows me to do. :)

Utah looks gorgeous this time of year--almost Spring??? Savor those 10 with your Sista tomorrow!

At March 11, 2011 at 12:04 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

I def eat more when I run...and a few days before Aunt Flo visits!

You can put chia in tons of things! I put them on granola, sprinkle them in nut butters right before I use them....I use them for chia eggs too

At March 11, 2011 at 12:22 PM , Anonymous SueM said...

You crack me up-love the vlog!

Don't know about chia seeds, but the more I run and the faster I run, the more I need to eat! You could also try ground flaxseed meal.

At March 11, 2011 at 12:25 PM , Anonymous Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said...

HAHAHA your vlog is HILARIOUS!! You always make me want to do one! :P

I break up long runs into 5 miles. Totally manageable that way!! And chia seeds in oatmeal is the BOMB!! Seriously, it thickens it all up:)

Oooh PLEASE do a vlog of you running!! That would be so much fun!! Sure, we might not be able to catch all of what you're saying, but it'd be so COOL!! :D

At March 11, 2011 at 12:45 PM , Blogger Jen said...

You are so cute! I would love to see a vlog of your running style!
I like to break up long runs too. How great that you get to run with your sis tomorrow! And I think it's a good idea to take a break from your Saturday spin class for a while. I feel like I'm missing out today but can't wait until tomorrow! Tell all my other besties Hi for me!
I crave chocolate before and during that time of the month. But I guess I crave them all the time too. Ha!

At March 11, 2011 at 12:45 PM , Anonymous janetha @ meals and moves said...

if you weren't wayyyy down south i'd totally come. we need to plan a meetup in the SLC!

At March 11, 2011 at 12:50 PM , Blogger my little celebration said...

You guys are adorable. Thanks for the video!

At March 11, 2011 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous Just Run With It said...

You guys are adorbs! I hope the 24 miler goes well! BOOYA for big mileage! I love stirring a tablespoon of chia seeds into a tall glass of lemonade! They swell up in liquid, so drink fast if you prefer them crunchier, or let 'em soak for a few minutes if you'd like. Chia seeds are great!

At March 11, 2011 at 1:02 PM , Blogger Rose @ Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri said...

I definitely break up longer runs, near the end, with thoughts like "only 6 miles left! That's a 10k! Anyone can run a 10k!" "Only 3 miles left. That's a 5k! My dead grandma can run a 5k!"

At March 11, 2011 at 1:04 PM , Blogger funderson said...

You'll like this chia seed usage...I was STARVING yesterday afternoon and all I had around (I was still at my office) was a jar of peanut butter so I scooped a big finger scoop full of PB and dipped it into my chia seed baggie. They coated the PB nicely and looked really gross. I, of course, immediately poked my PB/chia covered finger into my 10 year old's face and got the desired reaction.

At March 11, 2011 at 1:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put chia seeds in my oatmeal, on yogurt, in smoothies, and on toast with peanut butter.

I love your blog!!!!

At March 11, 2011 at 1:34 PM , Blogger Carrie said...

OMG I love your vlog :) You are so gorgeous girl, and you and Billy win the cutest couple award for sure!!
So happy you got to enjoy some warm weather scooter time! :) Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!

At March 11, 2011 at 1:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went and got me some chia yesterday, I put mine on a salad and ice cream for dessert.
Must have worked because I ran 20 miles for the first time today, furthest so far has been 14miles.

Braking up runs makes it easier-good run on your run, have fun with your sister. I am going to see my sissy and her gorgeous kids right now! Bettet get dressed. Look forward to seeing what you put your chia on.

At March 11, 2011 at 2:34 PM , Blogger Dominique said...

Try Chia seeds in your YOGURT!!! I normally use ground or whole flax seeds in my yogurt (see??... ) but I'm sure chia seeds would work great as well. Seriously, it's one of my favorite snacks.

At March 11, 2011 at 2:43 PM , Blogger Stephanie said...

I eat my chia seeds in my yogurt, smoothies and oatmeal. Although...I bet they'd be tastier if I just shoved them in some donuts. That's what I feel like doing when I have my period. :)

At March 11, 2011 at 3:01 PM , Blogger Katy said...

Haha, you're video is PRECIOUS! :) Those mountains are gorgeous girl!

At March 11, 2011 at 3:03 PM , Blogger Pam @ said...

Back when I used to have a period (no more thanks to continuous birth control!), I ate like a HORSE in the few days leading up to it. Then after I started I felt like poo and always cramped really badly and didn't want to eat anything.

At March 11, 2011 at 3:44 PM , Blogger Nelly said...

haha yogurtland is awesome, I find a way to load on so many toppings that I make yogurt unhealthy!

great video, the mountains in Utah look awesome. enjoy the long run tomorrow!

At March 11, 2011 at 4:50 PM , Anonymous Maria said...

I'm jealous of all your delicious eats! I definitely find myself more munchy when it's that time of month, which is saying a lot because I am always munchy!

I definitely break my run up. Usually miles is the hurdle and then I just take it mile by mile.

At March 11, 2011 at 4:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the vlog!! You are too cute!!

I put chia seeds in my yogurt, oatmeal, and on top of pancakes/French toast.

I wish I lived in UT so I could come to your fun blogger get-togethers!

At March 11, 2011 at 5:21 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

will you come to michigan so i can meet you??? :( :( :(

At March 11, 2011 at 5:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I had it bad and I only have to run 8 miles tomorrow, haha! Good luck and have fun with your sister!!

At March 11, 2011 at 6:13 PM , Anonymous Cara said...

Wow good luck with the 24 miler! I just got some chia seeds and I've been putting them in my yogurt and cereal mixtures.

At March 11, 2011 at 6:22 PM , Blogger Colorado Gal said...

I love my chia seeds! They're great in oatmeal, but if you put them in a glass of water with a little lemon juice and stick it in the fridge over night, it will almost be like a drinkable tapioca pudding by morning!

At March 11, 2011 at 7:19 PM , Blogger athletic chick said...

Ha! Yes, definitely eat more right before my period. I feel like my stomach is a bottomless pit. I do long rides (i.e. centuries) when I'm not injured, and yes, my appetite is HUGE when I'm riding that much.

At March 12, 2011 at 5:18 AM , Blogger Pink Champagne, Gatorade, and MRE's said...

I feel like my uterus turns into a second stomach when I have mine. I try to have a running partner for long runs but do not normally break them up.

At March 12, 2011 at 11:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put chia seeds on...everything. lol I put it in ice cream, on my salads, basically whenever I need to get them in!

At March 12, 2011 at 1:07 PM , Anonymous Katie said...

My cat LOVES your scooter video! Every time I play it, she runs over and tries to lick the laptop! LOL!! Guess I know what she wants for Christmas!!


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