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The Hungry Runner Girl

The Hungry Runner Girl: May 2011

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The Hungry Runner Girl

The Hungry Runner Girl: May 2011

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The Hungry Runner Girl

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The Hungry Runner Girl: May 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day Date

First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR SWEET words about me coming back into the running world.  I have missed it so much and the one mile this morning has left me on cloud nine all day.

Second, DON'T FORGET UTAHNS, that we are going to TERRA MIA on Saturday @ 1.  Email me @ if you need directions, if you can come or you want more information.  EVERYONE IS INVITED!!! I want to be real life best friends!!!

Third, you guys rock.  You make me feel special.  You guys are my idols.


What better way to celebrate the fact that my femurs are ready to RUN than to spend a girls date with my niece?!?!

We started off the date with lunch at G-ma's.  I had a crazy awesome salad (my rule for salads is to throw whatever produce you have into a bowl and call it delicious and add some protein).  Orange, snap peas, chicken breasts, taboule and some cheese.

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She wanted a chimichunga.  We kind of look like sisters, don't ya think?

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Then it was off to Pirate's Island. 10 dollars later and she won enough tickets to buy 7 tootsie rolls, the little ones.  Billy, I think we need to open up one of these places....they make bank.

My niece is in the purse phase now and won't go anywhere without it.

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After the games we went to the jewelry store in the mall.  I told her to pick out whatever she wanted.  She picked out Best Friend necklaces that connect.  I melted and put her as the main beneficiary in my will.

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After the mall we robot danced to Gwen Stefani on the way to......

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You guessed it...YOGURTLAND.

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I think it was a pretty successful date.  I clearly had to refuel with all of those marshmellows after my full long run of one mile this morning.  Okay, I also did a pump class and an hour on the elliptical.  Summer time= playing with billy/family, working out and lots of ice cream.

Next post is about how in the world I am going to control myself to not run more or faster than I should......I think I might need your help because I am already itching to run again today and I am not supposed to until Thursday.


Are you picky about your salads or do you like to try different things and mix lots of different things together?

What fruit are you loving right now?


What was your Tuesday workout?


Went to the doc's this morning.


look awesome.

Completed drills with no pain.

I cried happiness tears.

I came home and ran a mile

pain free in 9:34.

Billy walked in on me on the last .04 after school.

He could hear me hooting and hollering happy words from a block away.

Life is good.  I have a long road ahead of me and have to start SMALL and SLOW but I can't even describe how happy I am to start this journey and enjoy every step I take.

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One mile in 9:34.  I cried typing that.

If you make fun of me for not cleaning up all of our camping gear, I can and will chase you down now:)

Carmello S'mores.

I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day.  By the title of today's post I think you know that my heart was filled with happiness.

After a Nordstrom trip with my sister and Billy (it is a miracle that I walked out of that place without spending a dime especially considering the white ceramic Michael Kors watch was on sale) we started on dinner.

Okay, more like they started on dinner while we.....

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got to work 'testing' the appetizer that I made.  Recipe to come later today, it was heavenly.  And no, it had nothing to do with the twinkies on the counter.  Those are the leftovers from the trip.

Um, it snowed here yesterday, that is why I am wearing a coat.  Luckily it warmed up in time for us to get our barbeque on.

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We used our water cooker (cooked for six hours) to make the steaks and then seared them on the grill.  I think I have reached my iron quota for the next 3 months.

I truly believe that homemade fries are better than restaurant ones.  We used rosemary, garlic and olive oil to season them.

Corn on the cob season deserves a holiday of its own.  It needs to be celebrated especially when cooked on the bbq.

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You can guess what happened next, but first my dream pillow.  Can you imagine waking up on a ginormous marshmallow pillow every morning?  Billy said it wouldn't last 4 minutes in my hands and then I would be left without a pillow but he knows deep down that I would just steal his.

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Oh yes we did.

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I think mine deserves a 10 out of 10.  It takes years of s'mores making, candy consuming and simple physics and equations to make the perfect s'more.

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My BIL needs some practice.

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Never again will I use the 'normal' size marshmallow for s'mores.  Get the ginormous ones that are as big as the graham cracker and you won't regret it.  Next up......peanut butter cup on that sucker.  Just because we are best friends I won't copyright this idea of mine so that you to can enjoy the best thing you will ever eat.

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Don't forget to check out TIPS FOR TUESDAY!!! The winner for the photo-shoot giveaway is announced wahoo!!


Any s'mores tricks/recipes for the perfect s'more?  What other things do you roast?

-At girls camp when I was a teenager, my favorite thing to roast was Starbursts.  I dare you to try it.

Soft, hard, fluffy or flat pillow?

-We have down pillows that are soft and they are almost as good to me as a marshmallow pillow.  During college I slept without a pillow because for a semester at BYU Hawaii I didn't have one and so I just got used to it.

Favorite sides at a BBQ?

-Corn on the cob, watermelon, grilled pineapple and vinegar cole-slaw....not the creamy kind.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Thus Far.


30 minutes weights (scratch that....actually it was 30 minutes of standing in the weights area catching up with my sister because I hadn't seen her in three whole days, I know it is tragic.)

45 minutes elliptical.  I am excited because the femurs felt fine, the real test comes in the morning when I first stand up.

30 minutes swimming.  It scares me how much I am liking it.

I went back to my parents house so I could start on our sand encrusted laundry and I stole my mom's nice shampoo and showered and got ready. Nothing like camping to make you appreciate showering.  Maybe this camping trip was some sort of intervention for me to make me enjoy getting ready.

Then it was snack time with my little patriotic niece.  We ate oranges, they are SO good right now!

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The little one doesn't talk much yet and so she just has to bring out what she wants to eat.  Syrup= feed me waffles right this second in baby language.

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Even though she doesn't talk yet, she knows that when I come around with the camera, she needs to pose with her food.  I promise I didn't even tell her to do this.  I see some competition in the future for family food blogger.

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My mom had to go to Cafe Rio to get some gift cards and so magically I said I would join her.  The whole way there I kept holding my stomach and making moaning sounds like my stomach was eating itself alive.  I think she got the hint that I wanted a salad.  PS this is what I call my poodle hair with a side of ginormous forehead.

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I like to take advantage of other people's weaknesses.  When my mom said no to the guac in her soup I quickly told them that she just wanted it on the side.  Double the guac makes me double happy.

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I think the lady in the back really wanted to be in the picture with my mom or she just thought we looked so awesome to be friends with and she just wanted to come hang out.


Do you exercise on holiday's?

-YEP!!! I think it is the best way to start the day. B-dawg and I even went for an EARLY morning run on Christmas.

Any bbq's/special Memorial Day dinners?

-We are going to have steak and s'mores:)

What do you top your waffles with?

-Strawberries and whipped cream is my FAVORITE!!!

They're Back........

HELLO ALL!!! I missed you so much!! For some reason the pictures in the previous three posts did not work but don't worry I fixed that first thing when we got home (even before showering, wiping the dust off of me so that it wouldn't get all over the couch or brushing my teeth for the first time in who knows how long......that is how you know I love you).

We ended up coming home a day early because mother nature got fiesty.

This photo was pre-sand blowing EVERYWHERE at 90 mph.  I even got a bloody nose from breathing in so much sand.  There was no escaping it.  We even built our own bomb shelter but that didn't do a thing.  At about 2:30 a.m. Sunday morning we crawled into our Neighbors truck (they had an RV and were sleeping in there) and slept through the storm.  Sunday night was supposed to be even worse so we came home early.

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That's okay though because I don't think it is humanly possible for humans to have any more fun that we had so I guess we were meant to go home early.

Sorry, for the lame iphone pics but we decided that it would probably be a good idea to put the DSLR away because the sand was getting in every nook and craney.

Let's talk about the highlights of the trip.

No, this is not a picture of a homeless bald 8 year old that we picked up along the way, this is just me enjoying the sunshine, water and wind blowing in my face on our neighbors speed boat.

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And another one, just for good measures.  I think I won the world record for the most hair horns at one time.

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For lunch yesterday our neighbors took us to an awesome restaurant that took about an hour on a boat to get to......did I mention that Lake Powell is the most ginormous lake you will ever see.

We (including the BIL and SIL) actually ended up hanging out with our neighbors more than the group that we came with because A. they were awesomesauce and quite hilarious.  B.  they had the coolest toys and loved sharing them with us poor Provians.  C.  I don't know, but they were just really fun.  D.  We really didn't know the group we came with so it was no big deal.

I may see future meeting up at Powell with our 'neighbors' in the future.


I got a chicken sandwich with sauted mushrooms and guac (under the chicken).  It sounds like a weird combo but it was heavenly.  I couldn't pass up the french fries.  When your mind and body both say yes, than you must go for it.

Another highlight from the trip (besides Billy's sexy sandy toes) was that he tried selling me the rock collection that he put together while in the sand.  I fell for it and gave him ten bucks, he told me that in twenty years they will be worth at least 100 grand.  Just trying to make good investments.

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Third highlight, (Don't worry he thinks it's funny to) Billy was using the last of the spray on sunscreen and didn't notice that it was just spraying out little blops of suncreen resulting in sweet sunburn circles on his side.  Unconditional love.

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Today will be spent getting the sand out of my ear lobes, 54 loads of laundry and some time with the mamacita.  Hope you are having an amazing Memorial Day!!!


Any fun tan line/sunscreen mishaps or stories?

-When I was 8 I took the sunscreen and just put my hands directly on my face and didn't rub it in, resulting in two handprints on my cheeks.

What is the craziest mother nature situation you have ever been in?

-The sand storm of Powell 2011.  It was crazy....the sand pelted you, I couldn't even walk in the direction of the wind and it wouldn't stop for HOURS!!

What are your Memorial Day plans!??!?!

-Besides the above mentioned items we are going to roast our s'mores that we never had a chance to do while in Powell.  I love that that is going to be the highlight of my day.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Food of Lake Powell

Happy Sunday morning!!! I am actually writing this Saturday at the ice cream parlor because I won't have internet again for a while and I know that you couldn't live without seeing pictures of my high sugar diet mixed with more fiber and fruit than most people eat in a week.

Breakfast was yogurt, banana, chocolate animal crackers (next time you have the option, choose chocolate), apple and peanut butter.  You gotta fuel well for a day of laying in the sun.

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Lunch was really exciting.  I bought a bag of lettuce (servings: 6.  Really, food label makers?!?!) with lunch meat, carrots and dressing that I saved from Wendy's on Friday.   That leg of mine next to my lunch really takes this photo to the next level. Any companies looking for their next food photographer, I am your woman.  White, sandy, pasty legs really bring out the bright colors of the vegetables.

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Lots of ice cold lemonade (high-fructose corn syrup mixed with water and pink food coloring) and cheezits (white cheddar to be exact, heavenly).

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Billy forced me to try a twinkie.  I have never had one my entire 25 years of life.  I took a bite.  Not worth it.  Sorry Billy, it is the one sugary thing I will never love.  That is a good thing for you though because it is the one thing that I won't steel from you.

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After a few hours of boating and swimming a sand storm started up so we naturally got into the car and headed for ice cream.  Life is better with no make-up, no hair brushes, no mirrors and ice cream cones.

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What is the BEST thing that you have ate in the last 24 hours?

-Butterfinger ice cream cone.

What are your Sunday plans?

-Sun, boat, eat, repeat.

Favorite type of cracker?

-Cheez-its and wheat thins tie in my heart.

The Sights of Lake Powell

I may never come home.  I am sorry mom, but you can come visit us whenever you want okay.  I will take you on the boat, feed you s'mores and pick sand out of your scalp.....okay, probably not but I can't stop thinking about all of the sand that is currently seeping into my brain.

We got to our camping spot (right on the shoreline) at 2 a.m. and fell fast asleep.  That is until the crazy drunks next to us would NOT stop laughing, cooking brats and shining their flashlights into our eyeballs and asking how we are doing.

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Billster and I got up at 6 and decided to go on a mini hike/adventure.

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We made best friends with the campers next to us.  Let's just say these peeps are loaded and have all the best toys.

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They told us to take their Razor out whenever we wanted.  We may have taken advantage of them and explored for 1.5 hours.  I am a maniac driver.  Not only do I love the need for speed when it comes running but driving atvs/razors etc.  I was going crazy.   Emergency room doctor do not read the next sentence.  We caught some MAJOR air.  I couldn't stop laughing the whole time and so I now have a thick layer of sand on my teeth.  Doesn't that sound appetizing.

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There has been lots of boating, napping, eating (next post) and swimming.  Really, I don't know if I will come home.


What have YOU been up to today?  Any races? Any long runs?

4-wheelers or Jet-ski's?

-Both.  I can't choose so don't make me.

Do you wear sun screen?

-Not only do I wear it but I accidentally eat it.  We have the spray on kind and I always forget to close my mouth when I spray my face.

NO CHEESE?!?!?!?!?!

Is it normal for a group of 25 year olds (Billy is almost 26....the gray hair is coming in) to spend twenty minutes going through a bag of chocolate animal crackers guessing what each animal is?  Maybe the weird part is that none of them actually resembled different animals except for the elephant.  BIlly swears that he is holding a buffalo.

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Everyone wanted Subway but I was a two-year old and demanded Wendy's so that I could get my apple-pecan salad.  Bad call on my part.

20 minutes in line.  11 minutes to wait for the chicken to be done.  They brought it out with no cheese.  Oh no you didn't.  I get the salad for the bleu cheese.  I dream about it.  You better believe I demanded two times the normal amount for having to walk back to the front.  It was 9 pm. My blood sugar was low and it hurt to think.

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Billy was so proud of himself because he realized that he could get five things off of the dollar menu and it would be cheaper than his normal combo meal.  You know what isn't going to be cheap honey?  The stent that you will need in 20 years:)

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It's okay though because I will probably be long gone from candy overdose.

Now we are driving in the middle of nowhere, listening to Dashboard with my seat warmer on and Chopped season 5 waiting to be watched.   We have to stop at Walmart before we get to the lake because Billy forgot s'more stuff (I know, how could he?  He has learned his lesson and will NEVER do that again).

I will be sleeping under the stars and picking melty marshmallow out of my hair.  That is the American dream.


Do you like camping?

-Back when I had good hygeine I hated it.  Now that I would rather jump in a lake to shower, I LOVE it.

Chocolate or vanilla frosty?

-Even though I ate 3/4ths of Billy's chocolate frosty, I would choose vanilla.

When you are at a restaurant and they make a mistake do you make them fix it or eat it anyways?

-I am one of those people that asks them to fix it.  I like mis comida and I like it the way I like it.

Friday, May 27, 2011

First Day of Summer Schedule.

5:51 A.M.  Wake-up, bounce out of bed and make it to the gym by 6 for pump (yes, I have a talent that I am able to go in public looking like I just rolled out of bed because I literally do).

7:30  Swim for 45 minutes until the 3 people in the water aerobics class needed the entire pool and kicked me out.

8:30 Convince Billy to skip his Friday class to stay home and hang out with his bestest friend in the whole wide world.

2 hours cleaning kitchen and car.

I actually can't remember what happened after that.

Shave my legs.  You are welcome Billy.

Time starts to get fuzzy but somehow my toes are painted florescent blue but I don't even remember painting them.

Billy whips out our new toy and makes the most delicious chicken I have ever had in my entire life.  (I am not exaggerating I promise).

This thing cooks ANYTHING from meat to veggies to fruit to more meat by choosing a temperature of water that you want it to cook in and then letting it do its magic.  I will do a full review when I am not too busy watching 'Make It or Brake It' as I type.

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SO MOIST.  I think you will be seeing this a lot in the future.  We hadn't had broccoli for at least 12 hours so I tossed it with olive oil and garlic pepper and roasted it.

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1-3 Watch the Biggest Loser while we eat and veg out.  WHERE WAS RULON!?!?  I was so excited to see his transformation and he didn't even show up.

3-Gym with my sister.  We are creepy and put our bikes touching so that we can talk the whole time.  That is how you know you are getting a kick butt workout-you can talk full on conversations the whole time and it is okay for your arms to be touching because there is literally zero sweat coming off of your body.


4 PM- Attempt to blog but continually get interrupted because the swedish fish in the freezer (try them frozen, it will change your life) are calling your name and you can't think clearly until you grab some more.

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4:41 Start to Pack because in 19 minutes you are supposed to leave for LAKE POWELL for boating, camping and sea-dooing for the next three days.

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I will be blogging but it may be via my iphone.  Expect even more spelling errors, making less sense than usual and plenty of rambling.



Anything random that you freeze because you like it better that way?

-Gummy bears, grapes and m & m's.

Do you like to go boating?  Where do you go?

-I have never been to Powell. It is about 5 hours south and everyone swears it is the best place in the whole wide world.  We shall see:)

What are you doing tonight?

Road trip:)  Lots of stalking blogs on my phone, munching on road trip food and setting up camp!

Ice Cream Cake Cupcake

Sorry team but this post may be a little shorter than my normal eight page ramble.  I was an incredibly good wife and went and cheered on B-mister at his baseballs games.  We got home at 10:47 and I am just now writing my post (I am usually in my 3rd cycle of REM by now and I WILL be waking up for early morning pump......last one before it is cancelled at my gym).

I wanted to start things off by making you drool.  A student brought in this cupcake from her sister's bakery.  This would be an ice cream cake cupcake.  The icing tasted just like mint chocolate chip ice cream but it wasn't.  It took me off guard but I ended up licking the crumbs off of my desk (I desperately wish I was kidding, and I know you are all picturing me do it as we speak), so I guess it was a winner.  I asked my student why she didn't bring this to me at the begining of the year because it would have guaranteed her an automatic A if she had.

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After a faculty party (those Utah valley teachers sure know how to have a good time) we went over to the parentals because these kids really can't live without me. Seriously, they can't.  Don't even question it.

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Steak potatoes, green beans and rolls.  If you remember from this post, my dad is on his journey to a healthier lifestyle, he has lost 19 lbs now.  This is quite a common dinner (they switch up between chicken and salads too) for them these days and I am not complaining (He skips the rolls and potatoes, my mom makes those especially for her carb loving daughters).

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And for dessert.....French Vanilla hot chocolate made with milk.  Billy's games were FREEZING and I needed something HOT to keep me from sneaking into the snack shack and sitting by the heater and stealing all of their Skittles during the game.

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Billy helped my sister upload books for her Nook.  She reads at least 2 books a week and I posted this picture for your opinion on Nooking.....(PS I hate that Barne's and Noble called their eReader a nook....just sounds iffy to me).

Do you use a kindle/nook/iPad to read?  Do you think you will?  What is your favorite genre of reading? What are you reading right now?

-I LOVE reading off of the iPad, except when I am outside it is a little harder to read but still doable.  Remember, I now have three months of recommendations are welcomed with open arms.

Who cooked more in your home growing up....your mom or your dad?  What about now?

-Mom cooks and dad makes a killer grilled cheese, stack of pancakes and knows his way around the BBQ.  Billy is a WAY better cook (I am a better baker) but he just got me some new kitchen tools so that I can start my very own culinary arts school in my kitchen:)  Expect a lot of good recipes people!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Girly Things Giveaway

Without getting into too much detail (remember my Dad, FIL, brothers and some co-workers read my blog) let's just say that the RIGHT SPORTS BRA IS NECESSARY for a happy and enjoyable workout.
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Moving Comfort gave me the opportunity to choose a sports bra from their AMAZING sports bra fitting room.  This fitting room allowed me to choose the best fit/style/color for ME.  I like that.

So, now that I am eating like I am still run 70 miles per week and taking estrogen.....lets just say the girls have grown a little.  I have been in need of a better sports bra's than my $3.99 clearance ones from a few years ago.  This new one is so comfortable and does the job well.
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I am O.B.S.E.S.S.E.D.

I don't know how I ran or worked out before this baby.
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No making fun of me for my moles, embarrassment of taking my whole shirt off or my sweaty blotchy skin.  It happens to everyone, just a little more often for some people.

To Enter:

1.  Leave a comment in the Hungry Runner Girl discussion on their Facebook wall by clicking HERE!!!!!  In your comment just tell them which sports bra you would like using their new interactive Sports Bra Fitting Room (click HERE to access fitting room)


The giveaway will last for one week and the winner will be able to select a Moving Comfort sports bra of their choice.


Even though you are leaving comments for the giveaway on their facebook page......I am still going to ask you questions for fun.

Favorite color of sports bra?

Do you experience chafing form your sports bras when you do a long run?
-My old ones yes (even though I used half the tube of glide each time).   I can't wait to try this new one out!!

Do you have moles or freckles?
-Both for this chicka, during the summer they really come out to show their face.

What was the best part of your THURSDAY!!!
On my way to a faculty party at a park wahoo!!!!