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The Hungry Runner Girl

The Hungry Runner Girl: April 2011

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The Hungry Runner Girl

The Hungry Runner Girl: April 2011

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The Hungry Runner Girl: April 2011

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pilates Makes Me Cry

After teaching spin this morning I was on my way out the door when,

this girl walked in.......

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I know you can tell from the picture alone that we are cousins because we look so alike.

She was on her way to take a pilates class and because she is the busiest girl alive and I cherish every second I get to spend with her I followed her right on in.

Little did I know, I was entering H-E-Double Hockey Sticks.

Not even kidding- at times it literally felt like I was getting stabbed in my buttocks and abdomen, my muscles were so fatigued and screaming at me!!

The best part of amazing workout with absolutely zero pressure on the femur.

I think I might be hooked.

I came home from the gym and we cleaned.  I know that sounds a little out of character but it happened and the cleanliness will probably last all the way until tomorrow afternoon if we are careful.

Next on the list, (where dreams are made) Costco.

We got the usual goods: Tortillas, broc, apples, eggs, chicken, spinach and bananas.

Lunch was made and thoroughly enjoyed.  These tortillas are HIGH in fiber and protein (they are la tortilla factory brand).  Delicious.  The insides were spinach, egg and salsa.  Winning combo.  I don't know if you have noticed yet but I really like eggs.

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After lunch I even did some work.  I graded papers on a weekend.  Summer, I need you know.... at least the snow melted from this morning!

Time to maybe put on real people clothes and spray lots of perfume on myself, wow I am one hour earlier than usual this Saturday with the whole getting out of my gym clothes thing.


Have you ever tried pilates? What did you think?

Favorite wrap fillings?

-Eggs, loads of veggies, tuna, cottage cheese, salsa, cheese (I better stop now or else I might have to go back into the kitchen and make a second lunch.

What show are you currently loving?

-I am re-watching Glee season 1 on Netflix and dare I say it is even better the second time around!

Shrimp in my eyeball.

Not gonna lie, Friday was great!

Came home from school and went straight to bed.  Watched an episode of Glee and drifted off into nap heaven.  I am telling you-dealing with 15 years olds makes me feel like a zombie at the end of the week.

Good thing I woke up with a huge smile on my face ready to take on the world.  Seriously, naps are my drug of choice.  I wake up feeling like a completely different person.

I changed into gym clothes to hit up workout #2 for the day.  It had nothing to do with working out (okay, maybe a little) and everything to do with the fact that Oprah was on (no cable at the Jacob's residence) and she was talking all about the Royal wedding so going on the elliptical on level 1 @ 2.2 mph sounded like the best solution.

My two favorite things....Oprah and Kate Middleton.

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If anyone out there reading this has special connections to the Oprah show, please hook me up.  It is only in the top 3 of 'Things I must do before I die' list. I can't tell you what the other two things are but they do include Yogurtland, winning a marathon, and a Billy Jr.

I showered by request of the birthday girl as her birthday present and we headed over to Tepanyaki.

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Pretty sure the dude just made fun of us the whole time but we laughed so we tipped him well.

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That is until he got shrimp into my eyeballs.  If you make fun of my double chin I will cry.

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Pretty sure I could eat this every meal everyday for the rest of my life besides the fact it costed more than I make in two days of teaching. That chicken better be filled with magic speedy recovery dust or something.

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Note to self: Lack of running leads to excessive cheek fat gaining.

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Happy Birthday Shelly and EXCELLENT choice of Birthday cake....Funfetti rocks my world.


Do you think the whole Royal wedding was overrated?

-Not at all.  I loved everything about it but Billy cannot understand the big deal.  Boys.....

If you are a meat eater what do you normally choose.......steak, chicken or seafood?

-My all time favorite is seafood but if I am in the mood for the other two I always get them.

What is the weather like where you are?

-I just woke up to a lot of it:(

Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Favorites and a Winner!

And the winner of theSporty Girl Jewelry giveaway is.........

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I promise I didn't rig it because she had such an amazing tangent..... I think it was meant to be:)  EMAIL ME @

Time for a few of my favorite things!!!

-Billy is not only my husband but also kind of my parent.  He takes care of all of the responsible things and makes sure to give me my vitamins everyday with a glass of water.  He knows I will forget and he also has to make sure I don't choke on them, not that that has happened before.

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Yes, that is a jelly bean mixed in, it is my reward for taking my vitamins and to help get the gross taste out of my mouth.

-Watching the Royal Wedding at the gym while elipticallying.  Every tv was turned to the wedding and I wasn't the only one crying on an elliptical while watching.

-Wearing Billy's sweatshirt all day long.  I don't know why I like wearing his clothes so much better?!?!

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-Yeah, I am still not even sure what these are even made of but they are delicious and I can't get enough, thanks bro.

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-My veggie soup lasted me all week for lunch and for most of Billy's lunches.  Now I can use the money we saved on some new yoga pants right Billy?

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-We are going for Tepanyaki (the chef's cook your food right in front of you, do cool tricks and toss shrimp in your mouth) for dinner is my sis-in-laws bday celebration!!!

Which reminds me of one of my favorite Office Episodes- A Benihana Christmas.



Are you good at remembering to take your vitamins?

-Nope, I need to work on it big time.

Have you ever been to a Benihana/Tepanyaki type restaurant?

-Entertainment and delicious food for the price of one.....done and done.

What are some of your Friday Favorites?

Janae is becoming a Yogina

Ash, you are hot.

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Once again, I forced my blog friends to hang out with me and eat large amounts of Yogurt.  Let's just say that we eachl sampled at least 22 ounces of yogurt in those little sample cups before we finally filled our cups.  I mean it is a very important decision to get the exact flavor that my body is craving/needing/desiring that day.

Heather, Ashley, Crazy Woman, Jen.  Pray for cute Heather.  She found out last week she has a stress fracture in her foot and was sentenced to the boot:(

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After dinner (I wish I was kidding that I would rather intake 700 cals of ice cream for dinner than real food......maybe, that is why I got a stress fracture) I rushed over to the Billster's baseball game.  Yeah, that's my hubby, I get extremely cocky about him! IMG 5723

They won both games!!! So as a reward I made him take an awkward photo with me.  I am so proud of my lil' slugger.

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Then it was time for YOGA!!!! JULIA came and we had a good ol' time together.

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What I am loving about Yoga:

-I don't know if you have figured this out but I am a wack job and have to be busy 23.5 hours of the day.  My mind is always racing thinking about blogging, Billy's abs, school, running, skittles and other unintelligent things.  When I go to yoga I force myself to stop thinking and just breathe.  I can't even tell you how calm I feel afterwards.

-I feel like I get a full body massage for free.99.

-I can see improvements in the one hour class.  At the beginning of the class I can barely reach my the end I am touching the ground, boo-ya.

-Yogi's are cool people and I will leave it at that.

It is 10:45 p.m. as I am writing this.  I am not going to lie......not being on a strict running schedule is kind of good in the fact that I am becoming way more laid back about my routine.  Let the good times roll.....that is until I wake up for my 6 a.m. pump class:)


Do you feel like you are constantly busy?  How do you slow yourself down and relax?

-Yoga is really helping and let's be honest.....The Biggest Loser, Glee, Scrubs and 100 other favorite TV shows.

What is your favorite sport to watch in real life (besides running)?

-BASEBALL...I love the whole atmosphere of the game.

It is practically the weekend...HALLELUJAH!!! What is your Friday WORKOUT?!?! What are you/did you have for b-fast?

-Pump class, 20 minutes elliptical.  Homemade version of my beloved Subway b-fast sandwich.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

In Need of Your Suggestions.

Nothing like starting off the day with onion breath and jalepenos so spicy they make your eyes tear up.

I 'forgot' (at least that is what I am telling Billy) to pack my bfast and was forced to go to Subway for a flatbread egg sandwich.  I did have oatmeal in my desk drawer but I think I have officially overdosed on that stuff and the thought of eating it makes my stomach a little nauseous.

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Below is not an advertisement for Gold's Gym Tour de Cure but me trying to take a picture of my sweatiness after teaching a class.  I can come out of the saddle now and actually pedal faster than my usual 2.5 mph that I have been doing for the last two months.

The best part about spin is that a girl in my spin class is having her baby in 2 days and she still kicks my trash....even if my bones were whole she would leave me in the dust!!

It took me at least two minutes to take the picture and this is the best one I got.  My brain could not figure out how to take a self-portrait with my phone at 6:45 a.m.

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In case you were wondering my eyes are open and I wasn't purposefully trying to make a creepy face, it just happened naturally.

And the beautiful spin playlist I know you have all been waiting for...... That Kanye West song is AMAZING!

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Do you like vegetables at breakfast?

-I really can't think of a time of day that I wouldn't love to chomp on some nice fresh vegetables.  I grew up with a sister that ate green peppers and jicamas like an became normal to me to love vegetable because I wanted to copy everything that she did, good thing the only bad habit I copied from her is the whole not washing your hair thing for a week.

What food are you over?

-I don't think I will be able to eat oatmeal for at least 88 days.

If you have kids, did you workout throughout your pregnancy? Did you run?

I am working on a post about Running/birth control/periods and want to know if you have any specific things you want me to talk about?  I kind of have a lot to say about the whole subject but I need your help to narrow it down to want you wanna discuss mkay?  Brothers/BIlly no making any funny 'anonymous' comments on this one.


Lessons in Recovery Part 1,938,958

First of all, Reese's Runner (GO TO HER will laugh for 8 hours straight) and I are going to OWN the New York Marathon...I am SO happy she got in!!!!!  I know Pam (a bff from Cali) is going to be there.....WHO ELSE?!?!

I know it is like 4 trillion days away but you gotta give a girl a little something to look forward to right?

P.S. New York prepare for bloggers to take over your town and spend their life savings on designer bag knock-offs, pizza, candy and more pizza.  It is a dream come true.


Billy is being all grown-up and taking a 4 hour class every Monday and Wednesday night.  I don't know how he chose to do that over hanging out with his most coolest, hilariousest, best friend (me, in case you were wondering).

After I taught spin, I needed some mom time while Billy was at class.

I am pretty sure 99% of you know exactly what its like to go through an injury.

One minute I am joking around about considering getting my leg amputated or making fun of myself for my left leg atrophying and turning into a noodle and the next minute I am a mess as I am thinking about the good ol' days of running down the canyon pretending I am neck and neck with a Kenyan racing for the finish.

I needed Mom time.  I don't know how else to explain it-I just know I needed her.  Even though we barely even talked about running or my injury just being around that woman made me feel so much better and double score happened when Billy got out of class early and was home waiting for me to hang out afterwards:)

Mom and I went to Jason's Deli and I got a turkey/avocado sandwich on onion bread.  I think they designed this sandwich with hungryrunnergirl in mind.

They clearly liked me because they hooked me up with two pickles instead of just one.

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Reason #2 my mom knows how to make my heart extremely was her idea to go for cupcakes after.

It is normal for one's smile to take up 71% of their face especially if there is 4 inches of ice cream in front of her.

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Expect to see that sweatshirt at least for the next 15 days before I actually wash it.  Remember how it was 27 degrees as I was driving to work this morning?

Hello, lover.  Nice to meet you.

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Magically I realized that I am blessed and this lil' injury is just took some talking with mis madre, avocado and frosting to remember that.


P.S. You can still enter my giveaway wahoo!!!! I will pick the winner on Friday!!!

P.P.S. is an awesome website if you are looking for songs to run enter your pace or cadence goal and it finds songs that are that many beats per minute.  Cool to the extreme if you ask me.


What are you thankful for today?  Remembering how much we DO HAVE helps us get through anything that comes our way.

-An awesome job that I love, BILLY/FAMILY, my blogger friends and being able to see how far I have come in recovery:) (PS if you have an iphone or ipad there is an awesome gratitude journal app that is free and each day it comes with an awesome quote and a place to write what you are grateful for, ).

Pickle Fan?

-I eat a jar in less than 24 hours so we stopped by them because it turned into a 200 dollar per month addiction.

Favorite place to get sandwiches?

-I do love Jason's but Kneaders (maybe just a Utah thing) is my absolute favorite.

Who is going to be in New York for the Marathon.....I need to start planning and organizing some pretty amazing get-togethers/hang-outs/slumber-parties/and ice-cream bingeing.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bottomless Pit and Race Photos

Started the morning off with a pump date with Julia.  No picture because I think you know I was wearing the exact same workout outfit as yesterday(because we would rather buy iPadsthan a washer and dryer)and you have seen plenty of pictures of me with no make-up, sweat dripping into my eyeballs, and hair horns that look lethal to the touch.

Julia LOVED the class and is going to come every Wednesday with me.  I think we should bring a picnic breakfast to enjoy in the aerobics room after class and make it a full on 6 a.m. date, Billy is probably going to be a little jealous!

Whenever I strength train my hunger is that of a 14 year old boy and his twin brother combined with a little of Roulin Gardner's appetite mixed in there.

I ate my b-fast.....egg sandwich,

still starving,

dug into my fruit that I packed for mid-morning snack,

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somehow hungrier than before,


and then I started thinking-something is wrong with me and decided to just say I am just hungry in my head not my stomach.

I couldn't lie to myself anymore and

an hour later I dug into my soup that I brought for lunch.

Noon rolled around and I made my way to the cafeteria for the salad bar because I had already licked the lining of my lunchbox clean.

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That would be at least 13 scoops of HOMEMADE salsa and pico on top of that baby. Tomatoes are going to start growing out of my ears.

Finally, I felt like a normal person and stopped thinking about ways to steal food from my students or how to make pillows look like me at my desk while sneaking away to Subway during class.


TheBEAUTIFUL MELISSA @ thehealthycupcake sent in her FIRST marathon photo at the Rock n' Roll Sand Diego Marathon!! LOVE THE speak to my heart.



The PRETTIEST Meg @ Bestpaceissuicidepace sent in some AWESOME photos!!

"Just got a couple race pics from this past weekend's four miler. They're hilarious! I was clearly having a conversation - awesome timing, photographer! I got a PR that race, and got to try out my brand new neon orange Newtons- love 'em!!"

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CONGRATS ON THE PR-----I am craving that feeling more than ever:)


And one of my real life BFF'S the STUNNING Holley @ Lungesandlashesat the Salt Lake City Marathon a few weeks ago.....holds a special place in my (Janae's) heart because it was my FIRST marathon ever!!

"Here I am trekking to the finish line! I love feeling that extra burst of energy you get when you come down the finish shoot and everyone is cheering! And MAYBE I tend to get a little emotional. :)"

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Do you like BIG RACES with lots of crowds and runners or SMALL RACES with more room to run and prettier scenery?

-I LOVE BIG RACES....crowds fuel me and who doesn't like a bigger group of racers with more men for me to pass:)

Do you go to gym classes with your friends?

-I didn't used to but now I am hooked....I love looking over at my friend with eyes that say, "I am about to die from exhaustion" when the teacher tells you just one more set.

What is in your EMERGENCY FOOD STASH right now?

-One ginormous Costco pb jar that I scoop out the goods with my fingers.

Napping my life away.

I am really cool and right after school yesterday I went straight to my bed for a 2 hour nap while 'watching' Friend's with my eyes closed.

I am thinking about doing a series on the blog about home decorating.  If you want any tips on wood paneling and grean flowery velvet drapes, I am your woman but let me just warn might be a little on the pricey side to transform your house to look like our 1908 home. 

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I told Billy that I was just going to sleep until the morning.....that is until the sis-in-law called saying they had extra gift cards to Olive Garden and wanted to see if we cared for some buttery breadsticks and saucy noodles.

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That salad dressing has to be made of all sorts of artery clogging ingredients because it tastes so delicious.  I love how unhealthy we can make salads these days.  Oh, and dipping the breadsticks into more dressing makes life that much better.

I got the Chicken Parm.  I will forever love spaghetti.  No branching out for me on this one.

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2nd reason I am really cool: I go to restaurants in gym clothes. There was a nine o'clock yoga class I REALLY wanted to go to and I knew that if I just put my gym clothes on it would motivate me to still go to yoga after dinner rather than going back to bed.

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Plus, secretly I knew I would need stretchy pants after unlimited breadsticks.

So, it is my brother Dave's B-DAY (he is a pilot living in Kentucky) TODAY!!! For some reason he sent me a present for his birthday.  They are Kazoozles and I had never tried them so he figured send a crate of them to her and odds are she will love them, not share them with her husband and she will finish them off in 24 hours.

He was right.

Happy Birthday David. I LOVE you so much.  Thank you for always making me laugh (click here to see my favorite picture of him), inspiring me to run (he rocked the 400m and 800m in high school) and being such an amazing example to me.  You are awesomesauce and definitely in my top 3 favorite brothers;)

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My strategy worked with the whole wear gym clothes everywhere you go even if it embarrasses your husband and I made it to yoga.

Thank goodness Ash came with me......I really don't know how I lived pre-blogging friends.  Thanks girl for partying with me in yoga all the way until 10 pm-way past our bedtime!

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Note to self: Olive Garden is not good fuel for yoga.

It felt so good to stretch, breath and think about thing.  I better keep all this strength training and yoga up when I am back to spending 60% of my life on the treadmill.

Don't forget to enter is the


How often do you stretch or go to yoga?

-I want to start going twice a weak....I felt amazing afterwards!

What is your favorite 'chain' restaurant (not fast food)?

-I LOVE Cheesecake Factory, I study their menu for at least 22 minutes before ordering.

Are you a napper?

-They are my favorite and the first month of school while adjusting from my summer routine I take a nap EVERY day.  I think my body goes into shock having to become a real person again and have a schedule!

Have an amazing WEDNESDAY and give yourself a big hug right now and pretend it is from me:)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Triple Tangent Tuesday and a GIVEAWAY!!!

I am glad you stopped by to read about my tangents and if you just scroll down straight to the giveaway without reading my post an alarm will go off on your computer and let's just say it would be quite embarrassing.  Try it, I dare you.

I started the morning off with some time on the elliptical.  Yes, you read that right, the elliptical.  My doc says that I am allowed to start incorporating yoga and the elliptical as long as it doesn't hurt and if I don't wake up the next morning feeling pain.  I tried it yesterday for the first time and when my alarm clock went off this morning I was quite nervous to stand up.....I think I cried a little when the femur was feeling a-okay.  Still a long time until I can even attempt to run but this is PROGRESS and dang, I am grateful.

Time for our little Tuesday tradition (traditions are what bond us together people whether you like it or not).

Kari from JOGGING WITH FICTION sent me this today and I opened it as I was drinking hot chocolate on a spring day......

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I couldn't have said it better myself.


Hopefully the MIL isn't reading the blog today because she might hate me for posting this but tangent number 2 is that I can make a mean fish face (which is quite the talent when you have the cheeks that I do).

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*****Before you pass judgment regarding the greasiness of my hair please remember this photo was taken at the end of a full day at Disneyland (splash mountain 10X's, running around to get as many fast passes as possible and 4 churro's worth of grease absorbed directly to my scalp).


It scares me how excited I got when I found one stray sour patch kid under my computer cord after I thought that I had already eaten all of the one's I brought for my after lunch dessert.  Double excitement points that it was a red one-my favorite.

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It took a lot of will power to take the picture of it before I ate it.


Sporty Girl Jewelrysent me the most beautiful necklace in the world to help encourage and inspire me to get back out there running.  Let's just say I will be wearing it every day of my life!!! It is just my style: simple, SO CUTE and goes with anything.  THANK YOU, it really is my favorite!

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You have a chance for one too!! Winner will be able to choose a necklace from their website or get a twinner one like would be like our own Best Friend Forever necklace!

To enter Giveaway:

1. Tell me a tangent about yourself.

Extra Entries:

1. Like Sporty Girl Jewelry on Facebook by clicking HEREand tell them I sent you (leave a separate comment saying that you did).

2.  Become a follower on their blog by clicking HERE(leave a separate comment saying that you did).

Girls date without ice cream.

I know it seems to drastic to be true and you may not believe me but I did hang out with my girlfriends (ASH and JULIA) without any ice cream or sugary goodness in sight......

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However, as much fun as pump was, next week we will be going to yogurtland afterwards.  I heard it is good to refuel your body with protein within 30 minutes of finishing lifting and the combo of protein from the yogurt, animal protein from the animal crackers (frosted of course) and those meaty gummy bears, I think I will be set and well on my way to 22 inch biceps.

We tried out a new teacher last night and it was a combination of weights, complicated dance moves and Janae looking like an idiot as she tried to dance around the room hopping on one leg.

Why didn't we set-up in the back of the room?  To provide entertainment for everyone around me and to help them feel that much better about themselves.  Wow, I am a good person-always finding ways to make others feel better about themselves.

Earlier in the day I put on my chef hat and got out my can opener to make a sophisticated dinner.

Into the crock pot went: Red-potatoes, green beans, corn, kidney beans, 3 jars of italian stewed tomatoes, chicken, a jar of spaghetti sauce and water. Go have fun for 4-6 hours and come back to a hot, veggielicious dinner.

+10 wife points.  I am almost out of the negative now (I accidentally ate his dessert the other day and lost some major points)

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AHHHHH and look what it is....TINA'S BOOK, 'Carrots N' Cake'!!!! Seriously, get this book now.....I am LOVING it and can't wait to do the full review.  My ipad feels bad because I have forgotten about it since I got this book and can't put it down!

Just to make things interesting and to fill that separate dessert stomach, I had to eat a lil leftover from last night. Recipe HERE.

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Check back after school for a Tuesday GIVEAWAY....muhahah, I am quite excited for this one:)  P.S. Get excited for summer time....I may be switching to 3 posts a day-watch out Oprah, I may be taking over the world.

Do you have a separate dessert pouch?

-Yes and with my latest x-ray the doctor told me that in fact my dessert stomach is larger than my normal food stomach.  Strange.  PS he told me that boys do not have such a pouch but instead their stomach expands 13 times normal size when there is steak, chicken wings or nachos placed in front of them.

What was the last thing that you made without a recipe and turned out delicious?

-Cereal suicide, grilled cheese and toast with pb do not count.

What are you reading right now?

-Carrots N' Cake, finishing Kara's book, the closed captioning on The Biggest Loser and I am going to start 'Unbroken' (a WWII story about a runner).

Monday, April 25, 2011

Recovery Lessons - People First.

I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason.

We are supposed to take our trials and learn and grow from them and try to become a little wiser (is that even a word?).

There is a reason I got a stress fracture (besides giving Kara and Desiree a chance to win Boston).

Basically, I am trying to learn everything I possibly can from this situation as fast as possible so I can get back out there pounding the pavement or enjoying a date with my beautiful treadmill (that taunts me every time I walk by it).

One important thing that I am learning is that people come first.

We usually leave family dinner on Sunday nights at 8 o'clock sharp so that I can get home, blog, make lunch and get ready for bedtime at 9:30, nothing was allowed to break this routine (yes-I know motherhood is going to kill me off one day).

But last night was another story........ we were obviously having a lot of fun with out of state family.

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As it got later and later I started to feel more and more anxious about the situation. "If I don't go to bed now there is no way I will be able to get up in time for spin and my favorite abs class."  I started to freak out about-heaven forbid-missing my beloved spin class.

I had to CHOOSE to stop being so anxious about such a silly thing and remember that there is nothing in this world more important than our relationship with God, our family, friends and even strangers.

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It was kind of a wake up call for me.  As much as I love working out and running, it just can't be my top priority because what happens when you can't do it anymore. God and our families are ALWAYS there for us no matter what.

I don't want to be on 108 years old on my death bed thinking about how I skipped out on amazing memories with people because I had to get a workout in.

So, I stayed up laughing, missed spin and rolled out of bed at 7 for an abs class where I wanted to throw my tennis shoe at the instructor because she was trying to start my abs on fire and make them fall off.

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Yes, this is the exact same shirt and hair from yesterday........hopefully, I never have to learn the lessons about hygiene, that would be a tough pill to swallow.

Dear God, look at how mature I am getting......I think that this means that my femur should be good to go by the end of the week right.  K thanks.


Do you deal with Anxiety?  Over what?

-I am getting a little better but exercise, being late, work, getting enough sleep (i used to bawl for hours in Jr. High if I couldn't fall asleep by 9) and school (in the past) really cause me a lot of anxiety. I am trying my hardest to calm down and choose a new perspective on the situation.

What was a hard thing that happened in the past that you can look back on now and realize that it may have happened for a reason?

-A BIG one for me was a break-up RIGHT before I met, yeah things definitely happen for a reason:)

How many hours of sleep is ideal for you? How many do you usually get?

-EIGHT, um eight:)

Recovery Lessons - People First.

I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason.

We are supposed to take our trials and learn and grow from them and try to become a little wiser (is that even a word?).

There is a reason I got a stress fracture (besides giving Kara and Desiree a chance to win Boston).

Basically, I am trying to learn everything I possibly can from this situation as fast as possible so I can get back out there pounding the pavement or enjoying a date with my beautiful treadmill (that taunts me every time I walk by it).

One important thing that I am learning is that people come first.

We usually leave family dinner on Sunday nights at 8 o'clock sharp so that I can get home, blog, make lunch and get ready for bedtime at 9:30, nothing was allowed to break this routine (yes-I know motherhood is going to kill me off one day).

But last night was another story........ we were obviously having a lot of fun with out of state family.

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As it got later and later I started to feel more and more anxious about the situation. "If I don't go to bed now there is no way I will be able to get up in time for spin and my favorite abs class."  I started to freak out about-heaven forbid-missing my beloved spin class.

I had to CHOOSE to stop being so anxious about such a silly thing and remember that there is nothing in this world more important than our relationship with God, our family, friends and even strangers.

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It was kind of a wake up call for me.  As much as I love working out and running, it just can't be my top priority because what happens when you can't do it anymore. God and our families are ALWAYS there for us no matter what.

I don't want to be on 108 years old on my death bad thinking about skipping on amazing memories with people because I had to get a workout in.

So, I stayed up laughing, missed spin and rolled out of bed at 7 for an abs class where I wanted to throw my tennis shoe at the instructor because she was trying to start my abs on fire and make them fall off.

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Yes, this is the exact same shirt and hair from yesterday........hopefully, I never have to learn the lessons about hygiene, that would be a tough pill to swallow.

Dear God, look at how mature I am getting......I think that this means that my femur should be good to go by the end of the week right.  K thanks.


Do you deal with Anxiety?  Over what?

-I am getting a little better but exercise, being late, work, getting enough sleep (i used to bawl for hours in Jr. High if I couldn't fall asleep by 9) and school (in the past) really cause me a lot of anxiety. I am trying my hardest to calm down and choose a new perspective on the situation.

What was a hard thing that happened in the past that you can look back on now and realize that it may have happened for a reason?

-A BIG one for me was a break-up RIGHT before I met, yeah things definitely happen for a reason:)

How many hours of sleep is ideal for you? How many do you usually get?

-EIGHT, um eight:)