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Saturday, March 12, 2011


I never accidentally run too fast or accidentally do too many mile repeats or hill climbs but sometimes on my long runs I accidentally run too far because I love it so so very much. Really, running at an aerobic pace for a long time is my favorite thing in the whole wide world (except cuddling with Billy while eating a Costco sized bag of frozen skittles which probably happens way too much).


Long story short I did 27 miles at a 7:48 average pace.  No hitting any walls or feeling like death.  Sister joined me for nine (ps I am pacing her for a half marathon next Saturday wahoo!!!)  I did the first 8 on the treadmill while watching friends and the last 19 outside.  It was one of those runs that boosts your confidence and reminds you how good it feels to run:)  


I got some pretty funny stares from other runners in their running tights and gloves.....hey, I was HOT after doing the first 8 on the treadmill and it was 42 degrees betcha I am not going for fashion or approval, I just didn't want to overheat and end up in a snow bank trying to cool off!


I learned something new.  Taking an ice bath while drinking COLD chocolate milk with glutamine makes you REALLY COLD.  But you gotta do what you gotta do to prevent soreness right?!?!

The rest of my day includes meeting up with the gorgeous JEN, going to Tangled with the Neices and Nephews and watching BYU slaughter San Diego State.  Oh and a trip to Costco and CAFE RIO. Boom.


What is your favorite:  Long runs, speedwork, hill work or races?

-LONG RUNS sing to my soul, the other stuff makes me hurt so bad!

When have you been the coldest of your whole life?

-One time skiing it was SO incredibly windy and I am a loser and didn't wear enough layers and I thought I was going to freeze to death!

Tell me one of your latest ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!! Brag about can be about work, family, school, exercise, a race....I want to know what YOU are proud of!!!


At March 12, 2011 at 2:16 PM , Anonymous Alicia said...

Amazing!!!!!!! You are seriously going to kill it at Boston! I wish I could get my sis to run but shes not a fan, have fun pacing. My exercise accomplishment recently was doing the push jerk with 90 lbs! I was so excited... enjoy the rest of your day :)

At March 12, 2011 at 2:20 PM , Blogger Run with Jess said...

Totally agree with you! Love long runs! But 27 is crazy and so is your pace! I hit my year-high of 13, and felt like I could have went longer if it weren't for the nasty cold wind. This past week I hit my lowest weight since meeting my hubby. Lots of hard work, but I'm getting my pre-marriage, pre-baby shape back!

At March 12, 2011 at 2:22 PM , Blogger Katie said...

Dropping 52 secs off my last 5k time!! And getting across the monkey bars for the first time in my life :D

Long runs are not my best friend yet. Even though it hurts, I'll take speedwork. Also I consider races speedwork (the shorter ones at least), but they make me too nervous so speed work wins. And I love some hill work, but I don't like hills when they are in a race.

At March 12, 2011 at 2:23 PM , Blogger Karen Greenberg said...

I love reading your blog. Thank you for the inspiration!

The thing I am most proud of recently is graduating college at the age of 36. I just got my degree and teaching certificate in November and will be taking my graduation walk on April 8.

At March 12, 2011 at 2:25 PM , Blogger Kara said...

You've helped me feel better about running 26.2 tomorrow morning :)

I always drink HOT chocolate in the ice bath, it helps keep you warmer!

At March 12, 2011 at 2:30 PM , Anonymous Sabrina @ Radioactive Runner said...

You should be SO PROUD of yourself!! 27 miles, that's AMAZING!!!

I love hill work outs and long runs!!

At March 12, 2011 at 2:30 PM , Blogger Mallory said...

OMG you are so funny and I absolutely love the action shots. You seriously are hilarious! Good job on all your miles. You're a little crazy though. But that's probably why everyone thinks you're great!

Long runs are definitely my favorite out of all of them.

I can't really remember when I was the coldest. Nothing really stands out in my mind.

My best accomplishment lately is teaching my nephew (15 months) how to go up to the women in our family and run his hand threw their hair and say "pretty." That and teaching him how to tickle people and say "tickle tickle tickle." I'm a good influence!

At March 12, 2011 at 2:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great run!

Long runs are my favorite! And the coldest I've ever been: at a Notre Dame football game at the end of November. We had to stamp down the snow around our feet. It was windy, no sun, and bitter cold! I had on tons of layers but nothing helped!

One of my proudest moments: running my best marathon this past fall and finally feeling like I ran the race I had in me. Now of course I want to beat that race. :)

At March 12, 2011 at 2:39 PM , Blogger Laurie said...

Wow, great job! You are too cute! I'm always cold, so I can't think of one particular time I was the coldest. This definitely isn't a "real feat", especially compared to 27 miles, but I'm super proud of myself for getting all the laundry (for 6 people) washed, dried, folded and put away on Thursday so I wouldn't have to do any this weekend. :)

At March 12, 2011 at 2:40 PM , Blogger Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner said...


I need to go lie down now...!

P.S. WELL DONE you are going to KICK BOSTON'S BUTT!!

At March 12, 2011 at 2:44 PM , Blogger Julia said...

you are seriously so amazing!! 27 miles is crazy awesome!! I cannot even believe so amazing!

so cool you get to see jen today...she is super fabulous :)

things I am proud of lately: the dogtown half PR and for school I am presenting my research at a conference in less than a month and I was selected as an award finalist so I might win some money....YEAH! haha

At March 12, 2011 at 2:44 PM , Blogger Kim (Book Worm Runs) said...

You are a ROCKSTAR!!! Awesome run!!! :) I absolutely look forward to my long runs more than any other run...I just love them. I am also like a kid at Christmas as races...they are what keep me motivated! You are going to KILL IT at Boston girl...rock on!! :)

At March 12, 2011 at 2:48 PM , Blogger J said...

Wowee that is a long way! Great job on the run! I ran a 5 mile race this morning and had a great time running with my running teammates!

At March 12, 2011 at 2:58 PM , Blogger Little Miss Runshine said...

wow you are awesome! great job!!! you are going to murder boston marathon!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in awe that you accidently ran 27 miles, especially at a 7:48 pace. That is quite amazing! Ice baths make me cold for hours. I make a cup of coffee and drink that while I'm in the ice bath, I can not even imagine drinking chocolate milk. oh my.

I think the coldest I've ever been was when I went to Wisconsin to see a friend over thanksgiving break. She lived right by Lake Superior and it was so cold. Bone chilling cold. This Florida girl does not tolerate those cold temperature very well.

I am really proud of the training that I've done for my half-mary that is next weekend. My last half in November was a disaster and because of that I committed to training harder, and better. I'm set to finish in 1:55, and that makes me UBER excited!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, 27 miles, you rock! I choose long runs too, but sometimes, I love feeling super speedy even if it hurts.
I'm cold all winter here. I love the snow but not the cold. I get cold snowboarding, but not that often since I bundle in a billion layers.
I just ran 5.5 miles outside and felt great!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous Julia said...

Great job! You are so awesome and such an inspiration!!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:13 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

My latest accomplishment is that I ran a tempo run on Wednesday and ran 1.5 miles of it at a 9:30 pace WITHOUT STOPPING!!! It was on the mill and I always have to jump more than I would like while it keeps going! I am trying to get better but none of the girls at the gym are into exercise like I am so I have no one to push me but myself and I can only be my own cheerleader for so long! I am learning how to run faster, which is a funny thing to say and am hoping that my 11.2 tomorrow goes well!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:13 PM , Anonymous Michelle (The Runner's Plate) said...

I can't believe you ran in a tank top and shorts in 42 degree weather!! I am pretty sure I would still be wearing my full winter get-up, and I live in Alaska!!

I am cold all the time. Does that count?

You rock my socks off!!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:16 PM , Blogger XLMIC said...

I would seriously be dressed like you for 19 miles outside in 42 degrees... tank and shorts all the way *thumbs up* My temperature warms up pretty fast when I work out and I always 'look' underdressed.

I think I like hills the best. My PT thinks it takes me back to my rowing days :P and I think I am all young again!

The coldest I have ever been... in Dec 1982 in Ithaca, NY, the temp dropped 60 or 70 degrees overnight. I had gone to the studio (I was a landscape architecture student at the time) and was pulling an all-nighter w/o having read the forecast. I went up the hill in shorts and a tee shirt. It was blizzarding and in the teens when I left. 30-minute walk home. So. Cold.

Really proud of having the courage to put myself out there with my blog. It has been really scary. Do something every day that scares you, right?

At March 12, 2011 at 3:31 PM , Blogger Angie said...

WOW!! 27 miles under 8 minute pace?? You are my hero! :)

At March 12, 2011 at 3:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are out of this freakin' world!!! AMAZING!!! I'd much rather be on the colder side of things too... Utah looks beautiful right about now!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are a superwoman!!!!!!!! srsly you rock my world and impress me OH SO MUCH!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:38 PM , Blogger Gracie said...

What an awesome long run!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:39 PM , Blogger Jaeme + Randy said...

Seriously you are crazy haha that's awesome! I can't wait to start running in shorts and a tank top! Yay for Spring/Summer!

One of my accomplishments was last year when I ran the Ragnar Relay. I ran 7 miles on my second out of three runs and totally killed it. Felt awesome, like I could run at least 2 more when I finished (7 miles is a good run for me...just fyi haha). Well I drank/ate nothing during or after which caused me to throw up all night long, starting about an hour after I finished. I was so disappointed because my third run was going to be in about 5 hours and I didn't know how I was going to do it. I was going to have to have someone else on my team run it and I was so mad at myself. Well I got about 1.5 hours of sleep before my third run came up and when I woke up I felt great but STARVING. So I scarfed down some carbs and I finished my last run! It was a huge accomplishment for me. I don't think I will ever forget that!

Sorry for the novel :). Enjoy Cafe Rio tonight, I'm very jealous!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome long run!

I think one of my latest accomplishments is running Chicago marathon this fall (my first!!) I can't wait to do another one this fall :)

At March 12, 2011 at 3:39 PM , Blogger Heather Forcey said...

There are two things I am pretty proud of: I am now able to run four miles without stopping, and I won 2nd place in a local 2-mile race last weekend. Both of these are things I NEVER figured I'd do!

You are one amazing woman! I wonder if I'll ever run over 20 miles, much less 27! The rest of your plans for the day sound fantastic!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez. 27?! i thought the fact that i did 24 was good (and yes i pushed through the last 2 just because i said "well janae is going 24 so shall i" hahahah). you are a beast. i am going to get to meet you in boston right?! :)

and speedwork is my favorite in the whole wide world. it used to be long runs but there's something so amazing to me about speedwork lately that i've been digging

At March 12, 2011 at 3:46 PM , Blogger Lisa @ Eat.Pray.Run. said... I honestly can't imagine accidentally running 27 miles, or purposely running 27 miles, for that matter. You are INCREDIBLE!! I struggled through my 5 miles this morning. Now that I've read what you did today, I want to go knock out some more miles tomorrow!! Thanks for the boost ( :

I like long runs best too, when I can get into a groove. Usually, the longer I go, the more I feel like I can do. I think the first 2-3 miles are the worst!

The coldest I've ever been was in Venice, Italy in January. But, it was hard to complain, because, dangit, I was in Venice, Italy!!

I'm proud that I've been able to stay serious about running for almost a year now, and don't have any plans to stop! I'm so glad to have found all these wonderful blogs to give me inspiration!!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:53 PM , Blogger Pam @ said...

You never cease to amaze me, chica! :) My current victory is my 5K pr this morning. It just blows my mind to think that my pace was 8:58 and that felt so hard to me. You just ran 9 times that far at a much faster pace! You are a MACHINE!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your day! We're off to eat pizza and go see Battle: Los Angeles tonight!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:55 PM , Blogger Suzana said...

We are collecting cans at my field placement (I'm a social work student) to turn them in for money to take our clients out to the orchestra. I have collected the most cans out of all the students at work!!

At March 12, 2011 at 3:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go, Janae! Today I was the women's winner in our local 5k race and 9th overall finisher!

At March 12, 2011 at 4:01 PM , Blogger Lacey said...

You're so cute, I love how you can accidentally run so far! I do love long, slow runs, maybe not 27 miles long though lol.

My accomplishment for the week, I had an job interview for a great job and I did amazing! It would be my dream to get this job and I think I have a really good chance of getting it. I can't stop smiling just thinking about it!!! And if I get this job I will get to run way more races, and i'll even get to venture outside of California, awesome!

At March 12, 2011 at 4:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, that's so awesome!! great job! i think my training this marathon season makes me really proud of myself. i've had some great workouts and am feeling really good for my marathon in 9 wks. i'm shooting for sub 340!

At March 12, 2011 at 4:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome accidental 27 mile run! You are too funny! Hope you have a fun evening!

Katie :)

At March 12, 2011 at 4:17 PM , Blogger middleagedrunner said...

hoooooly crap! I don't know how you do it... The hills in my town are so intense that I'm lucky to get thru 10 miles without collapsing so you are my hero. Regardless, I'm pretty damn proud to be able to do 10 miles of hills that NO treadmill can recreate...
I'd love to know your secret for being able to chug the chocolate milk too- I have major issues with milk (taste/texture- I'm not lactose intolerant or anything) but since it is being touted as the best new recovery drink I'd love to be able to stomach it... guess I just have to plug my nose and pound it!

At March 12, 2011 at 4:28 PM , Anonymous Laura (LunaChickRuns) said...

Woot! I pick long runs too. Sometimes I love speed work, but long runs are where it's at. Double bonus if it's on a trail, then I am in heaven.

I am proud of myself for completing my 20 miler in the afternoon yesterday. Sounds lame, but I am totally a morning runner normally so motivating myself to start later was a little tough. I felt so great when I finished though!

At March 12, 2011 at 4:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loove speed workouts! =D
Something I'm proud of:
Managing to do three days of strength training this week!
Hope you have an awesome weekend!

At March 12, 2011 at 4:31 PM , Blogger Rene said...

You are amazing. I love outdoor long runs. I feel great once they are done. I need to work on hills more.
I am proud of going back to school for a second degree that is totally different from my first one. It will take a long time but I am so excited to pursue something that I love.

At March 12, 2011 at 4:36 PM , Anonymous Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife said...

WOW, that is awesome. I love speed work and races. Running my 2nd marathon with my sister was the best! GO COUGARS!!!! :) Accomplishment : I can put more weight on my bar as I teach BodyPUMP now, than I could when I first was trained, 3 months ago!!

At March 12, 2011 at 4:40 PM , Blogger Melissa said...

Superstar!!!!!!! Way to accidentally run 27 miles ;)

I ran 9 miles today...the farthest distance since my marathon in June. It's felt great to start doing my long runs again!

At March 12, 2011 at 4:42 PM , Blogger juanitagf said...

I love the long run especially in sunny, 42* weather! I would love to be able to do your 27 mile pace for more than 1 mile... The other type of run that I love is a long tempo. Getting out and pushing for a medium long distance is my biggest confidence builder!

At March 12, 2011 at 4:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a LONG run! Holy cow. I just signed up for my very first 5k...I don't think I've ever run for 3 miles without walking at points, so this should be interesting. At least I have inspiration by stalking your blog :)

At March 12, 2011 at 5:11 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

My most recent amazing accomplishment was today: my first 10K race. So far the longest distance of my life. :)
Good job with the run today! Love the photos!

At March 12, 2011 at 5:11 PM , Anonymous hellomily said...

wow! That is AWESOME, congrats! I am proud of my 8 miles today-- the longest I have ever run. I hope one day I can run 27 too!

At March 12, 2011 at 5:15 PM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

I had a run like that today too! Love it!

You crack me up, running more than you planned.

At March 12, 2011 at 5:22 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

Davis County Runner, BYU grad,and Mom of 3 just tuning in to your blog for the first time and I am ADDICTED. You are such an inspiration and so entertaining! Is it weird that I feel like we're friends already? ;) Sorry, that's probably creepy. Training for another half in May and took a wrong turn on my 10 miles turned 13 today! Wouldn't have been so bad except I was supposed to pic up my 5 yr old from a bday party whoops! Anyhow, my fave runs are intervals or tempo runs. Long is ok on a day like today! You can't beat sunshine and light rain all in one run.

At March 12, 2011 at 5:26 PM , Anonymous Abby @ Have Dental Floss, Will Travel said...

Ha, I love how you accidentally ran 27 miles. You'll be golden for Boston!

A bit of a rough day in these parts. I've been sick on and off all week and had big plans for today - 6-8 miles run, 3+ hour trail ride, 5-6 mile run. Unfortunately, my legs were hurting on the first run and by the time we got to the trails, I had absolutely no power in any part of my body. I made it to two hours before turning around to head home and take a nap. Pretty demoralizing, all told, but I guess we all have those days. It's funny how these workouts stick with you far more than the great ones. Reading about your awesome run made me excited to get back out, at least. :)

Your froyo from yesterday has reminded me that I'm sorely overdue for some self-serve softserve. Mmm!

At March 12, 2011 at 5:27 PM , Blogger Nicole W. said...

27 miles?? who does that? you are a freak of nature! LOL.... and I LOVE IT!!!
WHY do you live so far away!
okay...p.s IIII want to know:
1. How many miles are you running a week?
2. what it is the most miles you've ever ran in 1 week? (sunday to saturday)
3. what is your goal time for Boston?

At March 12, 2011 at 5:27 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I am proud that I am running my first 5k TOMORROW! I have only run a max of 2.8 miles ever so far, so I'm hoping that the adrenaline and atmosphere will power me through it. Wish me luck!

At March 12, 2011 at 5:32 PM , Blogger Detroit Runner(Jeff) said...

Ran my longest long run to date today - 14 miles. By the way, I love skittles but never tried them frozen. Are they good frozen, why?

At March 12, 2011 at 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! I need to go and sit down! Awesome job girlie!

At March 12, 2011 at 5:53 PM , Anonymous chelsey @ clean eating chelsey said...

I wish I had an absolutely intense love for running lik eyou. I love it, but not 27 miles!! You're awesome!

At March 12, 2011 at 5:54 PM , Blogger Erin@gosupermamago said...

You only ran 24 more miles than me I plan on a longer run tomorrow, although I can promise you that I will not accidentally run anywhere close to 27 miles. You are a ROCKSTAR!!

I was so super proud of myself after I ran my second half in 1:37:01. I ran the first in 1:48 and I hadn't trained any harder/differently, so I was super surprised, amazed, and proud when I did it. I had no idea I could run that fast! HA, I never ever pace myself. But I'm going to start so I can come back and tell you all about it. :)

PS: I love Costco and I love it that you go there like everyday. :)

At March 12, 2011 at 5:57 PM , Anonymous Dorry said...

There you go again! :) I love your love for running. It's contagious. I've only run one race, but I loved it - such a great atmosphere. I also enjoy a 6-8 mile run. That's my happy zone. It sounds like you have a lot of fun going on today - enjoy your weekend! xo

At March 12, 2011 at 6:00 PM , Anonymous Pam said...

GREAT JOB ON YOUR RUN!! You inspire me to work out harder and LONGER!!

Good luck to your sis!! :)

Enjoy your weekend!! :) xo

At March 12, 2011 at 6:14 PM , Blogger Rusty Shackleford said...

Most recent accomplishment I am proud of: Last week I ran 30 miles total for the week for the first time ever. Hopefully I can keep that rolling.

At March 12, 2011 at 6:25 PM , Blogger Erin said...

I am proud of the fact that I got up this morning after being up with a sick baby and did my 3.2 miles and then had the courage to do Body Pump and didn't collapse into a crumbling heap when I realized I am not as strong as I once was!!! I hope the strength training helps....

I have a question for you though....when do the first miles of any run stop feeling like death? I am a new runner so this is probably an absolutely ludacris question to ask someone of your level. I want to love running probably not as much as you but I want to love it. I feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment when I finish a run I set out to do and that feeling carrys me to my next run so I think that is a good start lol

At March 12, 2011 at 6:25 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

You are AWESOME! I just love your blog!

I ran 9 miles yesterday and it was wonderful....with no negative talk or thoughts while running! I just loved and enjoyed each and every step!

At March 12, 2011 at 6:25 PM , Anonymous Jamie said...

You are so amazing! I did a 20-miler today after being sick for two weeks, so I was pretty proud!

At March 12, 2011 at 6:37 PM , Blogger Cynthia said...

27 miles YOU ARE MY IDOL!!!

I ran a 5k today and PR'd by 2 min 50 seconds!

At March 12, 2011 at 6:51 PM , Blogger Tara @ Dashing in Pearls said...

I ran my first 10k today!!!!!!! It almost killed me though. My right heel and the outside of my left foot are both killing me so I'll be getting new shoes either tomorrow or Monday (depends on when I start feeling better).

At March 12, 2011 at 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW you impress and inspire meee :) !!!! I love reading your blog !

At March 12, 2011 at 6:57 PM , Blogger Amylee said...

Are you kidding me?! RACES!!!

My greatest accomplishment so far was running over 26 miles at the Del Sol Ragnar in AZ a couple weeks ago. One of our runners was injured and I ran his last leg- and totally killed my previous time records in the process! Also, there was no walking in this Ragnar for me. Which is amazing because part of the beast of Ragnar is how SORE you get. It was awesome.

I was just thinking about my favorites though, and I love the nitty gritty work outs. I love running in snow storms, up crazy hills in the middle of my runs, or in crazy cold (we're talking -18) temperatures. Give me that extreme and let me show you how I can conquer it. Maybe that is why I love Ragnars so much...

At March 12, 2011 at 7:13 PM , Anonymous Connie said...

i have nothing to be proud of :(
i keep procrastinating

you should feel proud! i don't think ive ever ran 24 miles at once! thats crazy!!!! send some sunshine over here to vancouver, i absolutely dislike running in the rain

At March 12, 2011 at 7:14 PM , Anonymous Chelsea said...

I wish I could accidently run extra miles! I do prefer long runs over speed work and the coldest I have been...hmmm, never, I run really hot. I am my own furnace so I always find a way to stay warm. Thats the advantage of all my extra body fat.

At March 12, 2011 at 7:52 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

27 miles??? your AWESOME!!! you are going to Sub 3 @ boston i just KNOW it!!

At March 12, 2011 at 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think my favorite is races, but I really haven't been running long enough to say for sure.

I'm really proud of myself for finishing my first 9 mile run today even though I wanted to quit by mile 6. It doesn't sound like much compared to your 27, but at the time it felt like a really long distance and I finished!

At March 12, 2011 at 8:03 PM , Blogger Katy said...

I love Tangled! It was so adorable! And to think you were nervous about running 24 miles, and you ended up doing an extra 3! You are a beast! Great job!

At March 12, 2011 at 8:19 PM , Anonymous Elizabeth said...

This might sound like an anti-accomplishment, but I'm going to go with it anyway.

Today I ran a 10K and did horrible. I will not go into details of how bad I was, but it was bad. Like humiliating bad.

But I'm good now. I'm better. And I'm not going to stop running.

That right there, for me? Is an accomplishment. :)

At March 12, 2011 at 8:37 PM , Anonymous Katie said...

Favorite is speedwork! I'm not very fast, so getting up to a 8:15 pace feels like flying :)

Coldest was canoeing in 45 degrees in May in the rain and then the canoe flipping. BRRRR!

Bragging - after having a running meltdown this morning, posting about it and weeping over my poor running all afternoon, I slugged out 10.1 miles tonight. Might have been slow but I got the miles done!

At March 12, 2011 at 9:44 PM , Blogger Shannon said...

Today I did my first 5 miler race, and I crushed my time goal!!!! I did 5 miles in 59 minutes last week and did it in 52 minutes today. Win!

At March 12, 2011 at 9:49 PM , Blogger athletic chick said...

My favorite - super long rides on the bike. I'm most proud of my 200k (126 miles) ride that I did back in December. And I'm like Amylee... the harder the conditions, the more I love it.

Thank you for your awesome posts!

At March 12, 2011 at 10:11 PM , Blogger RoseRunner said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At March 12, 2011 at 10:46 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

can't say this has ever happened to me. today i talked to a cute lady (actually, my wedding photographer haha) who is running boston. i told her to look out for you! :)

At March 12, 2011 at 10:54 PM , Blogger Lizzi said...

Favourite runs = long (though it's been FOREVERRRRrrr since I've done one!) and hill work (I 'learned' to run on a nature reserve/mountain near my house... I never realised what good training it was until I started running with other people and realised I absolutely KICK ASS on hills. Monster quads of doom!).

Coldest in my life? Oh gosh.. I'm a complete sissy and spend every winter practically in tears because the cold just feels like it's in my bones and I just CAN'T warm up! This year I'm planning on fattening/muscle-ing myself up for the cold months. Bring on the hot chocolate and mashed potatoes!

Accomplishments of today: ice cream for breakfast - shazam! also did my first run in a while (I've had ongoing dramas with stress fractured feet so I've been taking it REALLY easy so I don't make anything worse between now and my next race - half marathon in April). I did 10k on the treadmill, with some speed work thrown in (which I suck at and makes me cry and wahwahahkuhsdidg). My legs were SCREAMING and i hated/loved every minute of it. Ooooh yeah, I'm makin' a comeback :)

At March 12, 2011 at 10:55 PM , Blogger Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

I learned the same thing today!! lol... i drank chocolate milk (straight outta the carton) and ate some yogurt (straight outta the tub) while sitting in an ice bath... soooo cold!! lol... nice run! you are awesome!!

At March 13, 2011 at 6:17 AM , Blogger Emily said...

I have always loved running but since I have started reading your blog I have decided to run a half-marathon. I am starting to train and build up my endurance last Monday I had run 10 miles and decided that I was going to try and run 11 miles yesterday. As I was running it felt amazing, I was tired or sore so I ended up running 13.1 a half-marathon at about a 6.8-7.0 pace I was so proud of myself and I felt like I had accomplished so much. Hopefully when I run my half my time and pace will be better. I love your blog and you are so encouraging. I struggled with disordered eating and have used running as a way to help me place my love for running and eating healthy to get over it. Thanks for all of your tips and encouragement! You are awesome!

At March 13, 2011 at 6:56 AM , Blogger Maria said...

I love long runs the most, normally until about 2 miles form the end, no matter if they are 10 or 14 miles! I accidently ran too far yesterday because I got muddled with which route to take! OOps!

At March 13, 2011 at 10:30 AM , Blogger Beth said...

I love long runs most too. I am proud that yesterday I ran 20 miles for the first time, on trails, with my hubby on a beautiful day, couldn't get much better....unless I stopped getting blisters =)

At March 13, 2011 at 10:48 AM , Blogger Coy Martinez said...

Latest accomplishment, being able to roll the IT without making a face. That's an amazing long run!!

At March 13, 2011 at 10:52 AM , Anonymous Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn said...

omg girl I love you. I could NEVER do that! Okay that's a lie I probably will some day, but not for a long time:))

At March 13, 2011 at 11:20 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I can't believe you just accidentally ran 27 miles!! This is why you're my hero.

At March 13, 2011 at 11:22 AM , Blogger EBURNS said...

Long runs sing to my soul as well!

Coldest ever= Packer game in January 2000. I have never tolerated the cold the same since that moment and it has been 11 years.

Our districts superintendant asked me to be a teacher speaker the superintendant's forum. Being asked was an honor, but then I got a lot of compliments for the things I said. Good ego stroking for sure.

At March 13, 2011 at 12:01 PM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Accidentally 27?!!! You must've been in-the-zone! Such an inspiration! Get ready to move to Portland and train withe Nike sponsored runners!

At March 13, 2011 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a fun "oops". I love going out for a run and having no idea how far I went, then mapping it out later and seeing I went farther than I thought. 27-that is a beast of a run!

At March 13, 2011 at 5:25 PM , Blogger Amy said...

Thanks for following my blog and for the sweet comments!
You should be so proud of yourself for defeating 27 miles! There are moments in running like that where you feel like you are so close to flying, no wonder you didn't notice the extra miles (extra Skittles for you my friend).
Where I live (Brisbane, Australia) doesn't really get that cold - so I probably shouldn't complain about our winters :)
Keep going with the awesome work!

At March 14, 2011 at 7:31 AM , Blogger Emily @ said...

Long runs are my favorite too! Its amazing to have a nice chunk of time where the only thing you have to worry about is putting one foot in front of the other. Its amazing personal time to have, or bonding time to spend with someone.

Umm I LOVE how you just bust out 27 miles without thinking about it. You are a champ. I ran 10 on Saturday, nothing compared to you, but I felt great during and after and it just made me so happy. There's nothing like a really great run to start off the day!

The coldest I've ever been was at the Patriots AFC Championship Game in 2007. Even though I was wearing like 3 pairs of pants and about 8 long sleeved shirts and 2 ski parkas, with handwarmers and footwarmers in, I was still freezing. I had to take breaks from the game to go stand in the bathroom bc that was the only place that was warm! It was awful!

At March 14, 2011 at 7:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

27 miles! crazy girl! no wonder u r hungry all the time. u make me hungry.
i did 8 miles and that seemed like a challenge.

oooh, come to canada and pace me for my half marathon!!! yay!

At March 15, 2011 at 2:23 PM , Blogger Dana said...

I wish I could keep your pace for that many miles!! I could do 2 miles at a 7:48 and then I would probably keel over.

You're awesome!

At March 17, 2011 at 8:57 PM , Blogger Lindsey Peterson said...

haha I'm from Alaska, but living in Virginia. I drive around all the time in 50 degree weather with my window down and they look at me like I'm mental. I also try to get my friends to run with me but they think 35 degrees is too cold...lame-o's!

At March 19, 2011 at 11:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! I love how casually you mention that you accidentally ran 27 miles at a 7:48 pace...yikes! That would be my crowning achievement if it ever happened in my life. But since it won't...what am I proud of? Being a good wife and friend. Not so glamorous, but the most important part of who I am.


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