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You know you are addicted to blogging when.......

The Hungry Runner Girl: You know you are addicted to blogging when.......

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The Hungry Runner Girl: You know you are addicted to blogging when.......

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You know you are addicted to blogging when.......

You have dreams with your blog friends in them..........

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Your camera battery dies when you are out with friends and you nearly have a panic attack (okay, I will be honest, I had a huge panic attack) so you make Ashley email you late that night with the pictures she got with her camera.......

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You know how many followers you have at any given time and anytime you lose one you hope it is because their computer crashed and deleted their blogger account rather than thinking you lost one of your best friends because of your lack of hygiene.........You better not leave me for posting this picture.

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You have calluses on the tips of your fingers from typing so much.  Not typing up lesson plans or because I am writing Billy love letters (not everyday at least) but because I LOVE commenting, writing and emailing you guys.......  (P.S. I don't know why it is that when I take pics on photo booth it flips things around, but I do wear my wedding ring on my left hand).

Photo on 2011 05 11 at 09 31

You forget how to start a conversation with real life people and instead when they ask you a question you just stare at them and start typing your reply on your air keyboard.

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and then they stare back at you like this.......

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When you do hang out with your real life friends, you make them pose with their food and you use the phrase, "come on, it's for the blog" at least 23 times.  Thanks again Ashton:)

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When your madre calls you with something important and before she even says hello she says, "you promise you won't put it on the blog!!!!"  I respond with,"Yes, mom.  I do have some boundaries of what I put on the blog.......not many boundaries but maybe one or two."

I am going to be in trouble when I get home for this one..... no picture is safe with me especially when I ask Billy to do an artistic modeling pose.

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How do you know you are addicted to blogging?

-When I tell Billy about something that happened on your blog and he asks who I am talking about and realize that I have never met you in real life.  Awkward.

What blogs are you loving lately?  Do you read just fitness/food blogs or other genre's too?  Fill me in!!!!!


At May 11, 2011 at 3:56 PM , Blogger XLMIC said...

I capitalize on my children's embarrassing moments or my own frightening appearance. Everything that would have been considered a misfortune in the past is now welcomed and met with... what a great blog post this'll make!

I am loving some really awesome humor blogs. And humorous running moms blogs. I need more laughter in my life.

At May 11, 2011 at 3:58 PM , Blogger XLMIC said...

But I guess that the real sign of being addicted is being the first person to post a comment on some really, really, wildly popular blog :P But we'd know I needed an intervention if that really excited me.

At May 11, 2011 at 4:04 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

So funny! I love that you are addicted to blogging because I totally love reading your blog. And my husband totally thinks I'm addicted (cause I am) and curses at me for getting the computer out as soon as I get home!

At May 11, 2011 at 4:04 PM , Blogger Anna Walker said...

I LOVE all blogs! I love reading so many different kind of blogs from all sorts of subjects! ha I do know that being excited to read certain peoples blogs, and knowing that you just can't go a day without blogging [or at least, having a post planned] means you're kind of addicted. Ha I like this addiction though! You "meet" so many wonderful people! :D

At May 11, 2011 at 4:06 PM , Anonymous Courtney @ Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life said...

Girl, you always know how to make me laugh! I'm pretty sure I could relate to each and every situation you posted about being addicted to blogging. Oops...sorry I'm not sorry! ;)

And I'd have to say I'm currently addicted to YOUR blog!

At May 11, 2011 at 4:06 PM , Anonymous Leah @ Why Deprive? said...

haha I have to stop myself from giving people at work my blog email address by accident, and I totally get made fun of all the time for talking so much about people I have never met in real life.
Blogging is awesome. :)

At May 11, 2011 at 4:06 PM , Blogger Sarah OUaL said...

I offered our guest room up to a blog friend I haven't met in real life. She's coming from across the country for a race I'm running too, how could I not?!

Janae hurry and get to CA so we can finally be IRL and it'll just be less weird, ok? K.

At May 11, 2011 at 4:08 PM , Blogger EBURNS said...

My husband even asks about you as he would any of my other friends.

At May 11, 2011 at 4:09 PM , Anonymous Elena @ Gaga For Grapefruit said...

hahahah i love this! mike is starting to hate me because i talk about blogs like i know them and he has no clue who i'm talking about... whoopsies!

At May 11, 2011 at 4:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I'm addicted to blogs because I can relate everything back to something I read on a blog. "Oh, your IT band hurts? You should foam roll it, let me send you 15 different blog posts that detail how to do it. Yes, they say it's SUPPOSED to hurt"
Or "Yes, I heard it from a reliable source that Swedish Fish are indeed a staple food group, haven't you read HungryRunnerGirl???"
I wonder when my friends are going to disown me for this habit....

At May 11, 2011 at 4:10 PM , Blogger Randee and Angie said...

Oh crap, sounds like me! Even my 9 year old asks me why I take so many pictures for the blog. Oh well, it's better then a heroin addiction.

At May 11, 2011 at 4:10 PM , Anonymous Katie @ Parker Report said...

Um I knew I was addicted to blogging when I called all my family and friends and told them Hungry Runner Girl mentioned me on her blog!! lol

I love running blogs, but also home decorating blogs like thriftydecorchick and remodelholic.

At May 11, 2011 at 4:11 PM , Blogger Devin said...

I am a nursing student in Salt Lake City, and I have a blog that has a LOT of cool things on it that I learn about. Everyone please follow it!!!

At May 11, 2011 at 4:17 PM , Anonymous Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife said...

Haha. This is great :)

I like my blog.... hehe. I also love PBFingers, CarrotsNCake, and HealthyTippingPoint.

The great Fitness experiment is a good one too. ha!

At May 11, 2011 at 4:19 PM , Blogger HollywoodRuns said...

I am a new blogger and I am totally addicted to blogging and reading other blogs. I mostly read fitness blogs and thats what mine is about too. I hope to inspire as many people as you one day! I know I am addicted when I ask my son to take another picture of me and he turns around and gives me the death glare and says "more, are you kidding me?" Then when I say c'mon I need pics for my blog he says "well you're not even giving me props on your blog for being your photographer!". HAHA.

At May 11, 2011 at 4:34 PM , Anonymous Shannon @ HungryGazelle said...

Oh my gosh, I do the same thing!!! I totally start talking about my blogging friends like we've been friends for the past 100 years. Like "Paula totally had the most awesome looking sandwich for lunch today, I HAVE to try it". And then my husband looks at me blankly... Another example is how I told him that there is no possible way I'd miss SR's running conference and he asked who I was staying with. I totally just assumed I'd stay with one of my friends that I've never met in real life before :)

At May 11, 2011 at 4:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading blogs of all sorts!!!!! :D
I know I'm addicted because I check my Google Reader multiple times a day and literally jump up and down when someone has posted something! haha

At May 11, 2011 at 4:39 PM , Blogger Deborah said...

I have been reading your blog for a few months and I would have to say that I am definitely addicted to your blog! You are so funny and I love your energy. You are the first blog I check everyday.

At May 11, 2011 at 4:40 PM , Blogger Allison said...

Maybe you lost one of the boys with all that Aunt Flo talk. Hahahaha!

I am suddenly addicted to Shut Up and Run because she mentioned "poop" in her post today 3 times. Hilarious!!!

"I will not crap on my run today." Bahahaha! I love it (her)!!

At May 11, 2011 at 4:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omg I am totally addicted to blogging and other blogs. Yesterday I had an off day from work and all I did was blog hop from one blog to the next. I now have way too many blogs on my google reader... and I love it!

Has your husband heard that he looks like Callum Blue before? Cuz sometimes he does...

At May 11, 2011 at 4:48 PM , Blogger Mandee said...

I read fitness and food blogs since that's what I blog about, but I also read style blogs since I am trying to get some style!

I am so addicted to blogging that I think my company pays me to blog/read blogs about 10 of the 40 hours I work per week (they don't know) shhhhh don't tell. that is bad.

At May 11, 2011 at 4:48 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I know Im addicted to blogging because...

1) I love it when cool runs happen or funny stuff cause my brain immediately goes 'blog!'.

2) I keep mentioning something that happened to/running stories from you and skinnyrunner and the almost runner and running off the reeses (my four faves) to people and then having to pretend I actually know you in real life so I don't look extremely weird (sorry, im clearly a stalker in major denial).

I love the 4 mentioned, chic runner, the vitamin bee, make a run for it and brokerunner! I also read fashion blogs a lot ha ha. x

At May 11, 2011 at 4:55 PM , Blogger Jody @ Raising Fin and Fish said...

I'm definitely a blog-a-holic.

I love fitness & food blogs so my blog is a little mesh of both.

I also love crafting blogs for the crafty side of me

At May 11, 2011 at 4:57 PM , Blogger Kim @ keller-creative said...

You are the only fitness/running blog I read. Let's just say I identify more with your hungry/eating side of your blog. I love your blog because you make me laugh. a lot. Thanks for that!

At May 11, 2011 at 5:03 PM , Blogger ashley said...

it's sickening how many blogs i follow!! i first discovered blogs when i was engaged and followed all the wedding blogs and brides to be, then after i got married i was obsessed with newlywed blogs, then i shifted home and style blog obsession when we bought a house.. and now that i'm hardcore obsessed with running, yep running blog obsession. so yea, i follow alot of different types!

At May 11, 2011 at 5:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, I am so addicted to blogging. I always warn my family and friends nothing is safe around me! :)

I talk about everyone too and when the Husband asks me who I'm talkinga bout I say.. "uhh I read her blog."

At May 11, 2011 at 5:24 PM , Blogger gadabout said...

I love me some Peanut Butter Fingers (the blog, although technically I loved the snack first which motivated me to read the blog) which led me to YOUR blog which inspired me to start MY blog. As both the writer and the ONLY reader, I think it's pretty fantastic- not biased at all I promise...

At May 11, 2011 at 5:27 PM , Blogger Angela said...

Hahaha I love his.

I totally talk about bloggers like I am their bff and they know me... they don't. I am pretty sure Matt thinks I actually know a lot of people. HA!

At May 11, 2011 at 5:38 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I love reading blogs! I think it drives my family crazy! I refer to your blog when talking to my husband and kids and they get that confused who are you talking about my face as 'you know my favorite hungry blog' they all do the Ahhhh okay face!!

At May 11, 2011 at 5:48 PM , Blogger Alison said...

I read blogs like it is my JOB! Actually, can that be my job? I'm really good at it!

I have been overloading on food/fitness blogs lately, but I also read tons of fashion, design, and lifestyle blogs. Somehow I find them to be so inspirational, and I love getting to know writers and see the world from their perspective.

And now thanks to your lovely commenters, I have a million more to check out.

Also -- thank you for blogging everyday! For addicts like me, it is good to know where I can go to get my daily fix :)

At May 11, 2011 at 5:49 PM , Anonymous Nicole @ Of Cookies and Carrots said...

This was such a cute/funny post! Definitely that I sometimes motivate myself to go do things so i can take pictuers to blog about... or that I can't bear to be away from my computer for more than a few hours (which I'm actaully a little tired of, but hey)... or the constant references to people when I'm having real-life conversations!

And the crazy urge to go on a cross-country road trip to meet EVERYONE ;)


At May 11, 2011 at 5:58 PM , Anonymous Alaina said...

I'm definitely guilty of freaking out when my camera dies. I will then take crappy phone pictures just so that I can document the event!

At May 11, 2011 at 6:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a new blogger, but I absolutely love how you wrote a blog post about being addicted to blogging...haha :)

At May 11, 2011 at 6:04 PM , Blogger agable said...

I'm going to be honest: Your blog has quickly become my favorite. I don't know if it's because I relate so much to you, or because you live in an awesome state (this Fl girl is so jealous!:) or just because you love candy as much as I do. Whatever the reason, I think your blog is FABULOUS!

At May 11, 2011 at 6:06 PM , Blogger Lauren said...

I am definitely getting addicted to blogs. Which sucks with the time difference (13 hours ahead of the east coast) because while I'm up, all the other bloggers are sleeping and not updating! lol

At May 11, 2011 at 6:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My googlereader is packed! I have 150 posts to read right now... I may have a problem :)

At May 11, 2011 at 6:11 PM , Blogger MelPeabody @ Green Mountain Runner said...

Hysterical post! I totally talk about bloggers as if I know them in real life. My real life friends even have started stalking the same blogs I do so we get together and talk about our blogging friends lives! Def. addicted!

At May 11, 2011 at 6:11 PM , Blogger Becca said...

I love your blog! :) I was wondering if you would share the recipe for that delicious looking Vanilla Bean cake you had last month? Its my birthday tomorrow and when my man asked what kind of cake I wanted, I couldn't get that picture out of my mind!!

At May 11, 2011 at 6:14 PM , Blogger Chels said...

Everyday I look forward to my 45 minute lunch break, one so I can eat and two so I can stalk blogs and catch up on the latest running news or fitness news. I tend to read a variety of blogs, running, health, fitness and foodies.
I must say, you have the most creative pics ever! I look forward to checking your blog several times a day :) Keep them post coming!!

At May 11, 2011 at 6:15 PM , Blogger Missy said...

Yes...the dream thing. That's a clue and it weirds me out!!!
Also, when someone creeps up on me when I am reading and they're like "Who's that baby??? Oh, so cute!!" and I'm like...that's Heather's know, I don't really know her but...
Thank goodness (since I work with my mom) I no longer have to explain who Lulu or Gigi are. She knows.
Yeah, that would be a sign.

At May 11, 2011 at 6:23 PM , Blogger Erin @ UntilYouTri said...

Haha, yeah, I know I'm addicted when I am constantly planning blog posts and "thinking" in blog posts...and when I start to get confused as to which are my real life friends and which are my blog friends...I feel like I know your whole lives so it's easy to get confused;).

At May 11, 2011 at 6:29 PM , Blogger Rene said...

I don't have my own blog but I blog stalk pretty regularly. Most awk moment - when I ran into a kid from my hometown (5 hrs away) here in Dallas. He started telling me he was getting married to which I replied - yeah, aren't you getting married in San Diego next month. When he gave me a funny look I spent the rest of the conversation pretending I didn't know any of the stuff he was sharing.
Besides you and Muncher Cruncher I follow The Meanest Mom. Her stories are so funny that I cry.

At May 11, 2011 at 6:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I catch myself saying stuff about things I read or what people said and then I'm like "on a blog" "a blogger said."

Sometimes I get nervous and try to cover for myself. "Someone I know said..."

I guess I'm not completely out of the blog closet yet.


At May 11, 2011 at 6:32 PM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

hahaah! Mike always prefaces things saying "you can't put this on the blog!" he's such a bummer. This post is so fun!

At May 11, 2011 at 6:52 PM , Blogger Rachel said...

Um, I have totally had dreams about blog friends. Or seen something in the grocery store that a blogger particularily likes and thought of them. Maybe I'm psycho? Or creepy?

At May 11, 2011 at 7:15 PM , Blogger Kurt @ Becoming An Ironman said...

Such a good post!! haha

I know I'm addicted to blogging when I'm better at scheduling blog posts than I am at scheduling meals, workouts, or my own real life job.

At May 11, 2011 at 7:25 PM , Blogger Mallory said...

Haha such a fun post!!! I love it!! I love making Jess participate in the bloggin experience :)

At May 11, 2011 at 7:26 PM , Blogger ash said...

Haha, my boyfriend is always fussing at me to get off the computer, which is ironic because he's a computer science major, and you'd think he'd be the one with the online obsession. But no, I'm a blog-aholic. And proud. :)

At May 11, 2011 at 7:38 PM , Anonymous Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn said...

I know I am addicted to blogging when I spend more time reading blogs than doing my work!!!

You two are adorable, and no worries I will always be a follower of Hungry Runner Girl:)

At May 11, 2011 at 7:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lately, I've been having crazy blogger dreams. Like, every night it's a different blogger, and I dream really vividly so when I wake up I'm kinda freaked out because I've never actually met any of them and my mind just creates their voices and personas.....weirddddd, haha.

At May 11, 2011 at 7:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay so I know I'm addicted to blogging, because now I can't go one day without posting, even if it's the silliest most ridiculous post! lol Plus I can't go a day without reading everyone else's blog. Yours is one of my favorites! But I'm loving all the Utah girls, Hollie, Ruth, Stefanie, I'm sure I've forgot one, yall are all awesome!

At May 11, 2011 at 7:57 PM , Blogger Colorado Gal said...

This post made me laugh! I knew I had a blogging problem when I took a picture of something or other, and for the rest of the day, I was sculpting a blog post to put with the pic! Literally, running words through my head ALL DAY LONG. I'm a little nuts :)

I love your blog and appreciate how you will seriously talk about anything! I also read Skinny Runner and Running off the Reeses every day....any blog that makes me laugh out loud is okay with me!

At May 11, 2011 at 8:02 PM , Anonymous Colleen said...

"...and he asks who I am talking about and realize that I have never met you in real life. Awkward."

bahaha! this just happened to me tonight! i was looking for something in target that a blogger mentioned and i said something about how one of my "blog friends" recommended it... then i felt stupid because i've never met any of these people whose blogs i follow - but i feel like they are my friends! :)

At May 11, 2011 at 8:28 PM , Blogger Melissa said...

ahahah, love this post!! I esp like the deer in the headlights picture.

Sometimes I want to tell a story, but it's about bloggies, and then I feel awkward and silly since we've all never met! This is why I need to attend the running conference in Las Vegas!!!!

At May 11, 2011 at 8:31 PM , Blogger Beccarigg said...

I found your blog a couple weeks ago and I already talk about you constantly like I've known you since kindergarten. My husband pretends to roll his eyes when I start a conversation with, "So today the hungryrunnergirl...." But deep down inside I know he really likes hearing about your blog too ; )

I love that you are totally gorgeous but you have no problem taking goofy pictures of yourself and posting them for your thousands of followers to see. I love your random tangents, your obsession for candy and ice cream, your giddyness over your husband and your honesty about everything. Am I addicted? Um yeah, probably : )

At May 11, 2011 at 8:41 PM , Blogger Lucy said...

My friends know you on a first name basis. Nbd.

At May 11, 2011 at 8:43 PM , Anonymous Tessa @ Amazing Asset said...

Hahaa this is an awesome and hilarious post :) I have had dreams about blogging too and I am constantly thinking of new post ideas and other ways to keep readers interested! One motivation to get my homework done is so that I can go BLOG again!

At May 11, 2011 at 8:45 PM , Anonymous Liv @ The Salty n' Sweet said...

LOL this post is great. I have to agree with all of your points! Once, I accidentally left my camera's memory at home, and literally wanted to go back, even though it was at least a 2 hour trip back. I was devastated because I ate so much delicious food that day :(

At May 11, 2011 at 9:29 PM , Blogger Falon said...

Cute! Blogging is your hobby, like knitting or spelunking. Nothing wrong with that.

At May 11, 2011 at 9:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I talk to my boyfriend about bloggers... like I just had lunch with them in person or something, and just have to tell him about what we talked about. Except I didn't...I just read their blog while I was eating lunch :). At first he thought it was weird, but now he's getting used to it!

At May 11, 2011 at 9:41 PM , Blogger Kristina @ A Home Made by Kiki said...

I am definitely addicted to blogs! I have a wide variety of blogs that I read, but right now I am focused on fitness/running blogs and food blogs (*always* food blogs of course...that never changes!). I just started running so I love the motivation I get from the fitness blogs (yours is at the top of my list) that I follow. I also have dreams about bloggers that I have never met in person...glad I am not alone! Ha!

At May 11, 2011 at 9:47 PM , Blogger Mrs. JM said...

my family is totally used to my blogging/forum obsession. the shortest version of a long story is that i went from being self employed full time to full time stay-at-home mom and quickly reached out to my internet friends for some adult interaction. maybe it's pathetic but i don't care, it keeps me sane! now i'll be telling a story and the fam will pass glances to one another and then someone will say "she's talking about her internet friend." lol. i read your blog several times a day. because of your blog i found the skinny runner, muncher cruncher and a few others. i enjoy gourmet runner, runners cookie, a bicycle built for two (hey, you asked, i answered). i love to cook so i love foodie blogs too. and mommy blogs. and fashion blogs. need i go on? -- it's bad, it's really, really bad! p.s. i try to blog more frequently and i'm getting better so i hope one day, my blog(s) might be the kind i like to follow.

At May 11, 2011 at 10:26 PM , Blogger Monika @ Monika's Miles said...

First of all.. I believe I am comment #65 and that it itself is ridiculous. Second, I just got into blogging a couple months ago and am struggling to figure out how everyone is so awesome at it and I barely have 3 followers. And 3rd - you're hilarious, can count me as a new reader, and you can further potentially teach me your ways as a blogging addict. Haha! Love it.

At May 11, 2011 at 10:31 PM , Blogger Shannon said...

Mmk, the "you have dreams about your blogger friends" thing I found pretty funny cuz, uh, I totally had a dream about you last night... and your niece was really mean to me...

I sound like a total creeper...

At May 11, 2011 at 10:35 PM , Anonymous Pam Landy said...

I'm loving/stalking...

and a new one I just stumbled upon (her love story is basically from a movie...and she has blogging tips, you know for those readers that just maybe will start a blog one day...)

At May 11, 2011 at 10:36 PM , Anonymous Pam Landy said...

OMG how could I forget once upon a lime...I need more sugar. My brain is not functioning...sugar, need sugar!

At May 12, 2011 at 1:16 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Janae... I just wanted to say that I just found out there is a Yogurtland in Anchorage. I almost peed my pants in excitement. I can now share in your glorious frozen yogurt yumminess. Except it is weird, I guess it is in the airport. So I am going to be the random dork going to the airport to get froyo. Now I just need to find out if it is before or after security...

At May 12, 2011 at 1:45 AM , Blogger B said...

I love the crazy photos you put up of the hubby :) tehehe. I'm going to show my hubby your blog if he yells at me for the last pic I put up of him

At May 12, 2011 at 5:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I def have a a a group of favs that I follow and have grown to really love! I call them friends.. :) In some weird way I feel connected to them.

At May 12, 2011 at 5:34 AM , Blogger Sweat Is My Sanity said...

Well I've been blogging since Feb. 2008 so I can totally relate and so can Big Papa...he tunes me out when I talk about Blogland. It was totally fun going to Blissdom in January and finally meeting all my blog friends. Totally out of my comfort zone but I loved it, and guess what...they weren't axe-murderers after all.

At May 12, 2011 at 6:28 AM , Blogger Rachel said...

I always start conversations with "Well, I have this blogger friend, and she told this story.." People roll their eyes on those stories.

At May 12, 2011 at 7:20 AM , Blogger Angie said...

I am addicted to blogs too!!! I mostly follow health/workout blogs, but love the crafty/DIY ones too. And of course, as an Okie, The Pioneer Woman. I look forward to your posts, always enlightening and FUNNY!

At May 12, 2011 at 9:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do all those things. lol

At May 12, 2011 at 9:24 AM , Blogger Neon Blonde Runner said...

When I walk down the street, I really love doing the wave as well! (And when running of course.)

I sometimes do it in my car in my neighborhood too.

At May 12, 2011 at 9:54 AM , Anonymous Amy said...

haha thats hilarious! i feel the same way...i totally feel connected to people through blogs...but when i talk about them or write things to them..sometimes i realize, oh ya we've never actually met! i still feel like we're friends though! :)

At May 12, 2011 at 10:05 AM , Anonymous janetha @ meals and moves said...

Haha my blog friends are in my dreams all the time. Also, I always have to think really hard to remember if I haven't met some of my blog friends in real life before. There are some that I swear I have but really haven't!

At May 12, 2011 at 10:17 AM , Blogger Stephanie said...

I read a wide variety of blogs from food and fitness to home improvement, to ones where it's strangers talking about their life in general. Like you I think they are my BFF's and tell people about them as if they are people I've met in real life.

At May 12, 2011 at 11:47 AM , Blogger d.a.r. said...

You are a hoot, I loved this post! :)

At May 12, 2011 at 12:16 PM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Soooo addicted now (your pictures make me laugh!). I feel like my "real life" friends think I live in this virtual blog bubble but I try to tell them, no really, we are friends (even though we haven't met!).

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed the amount of fabulous blogs out there! And, yes I do take it personally when a follower leaves :(

At May 12, 2011 at 2:13 PM , Anonymous Alyssa @ Life of bLyss said...

I really like Bill's artistic modeling pose. I'll have to contact him for some tips.

aaand. yeah. "no, it won't go on the blog." is a daily phrase for me fa sho.

At May 13, 2011 at 3:09 PM , Anonymous Kelly @foodiefresh said...

My husband will retell a story like this, "one of Kelly's friends..." and I have to interrupt to qualify it and say "no, I actually don't know them..I just read this on their blog, and we've exchanged a few emails and comments..."

At May 13, 2011 at 3:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true! I find myself thinking and talking about my bloggie friends like my bffs. I need to find a few different genre blogs because I bet they're just as fun and amusing as my normal food/fitness blogs I read.

At May 13, 2011 at 3:48 PM , Anonymous Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun said...

Haha! I totally do many of those things. Peter is always asking me if something is a "blog friend" when I share a story.

Mine = you know you're addicted to blogging when your 2 year old knows what one is. LOL

At May 13, 2011 at 6:16 PM , Blogger Thisisme said...

I always use blog names like I might have known everyone from a previous life or something when I'm talking to LBS about it. . then he always says "wait who" and I have to lower my head and quickly say "oh just one of my blog friends" while steam rolling ahead into the next sentence! (;

At May 13, 2011 at 7:24 PM , Blogger ~K~ said...

too funny. I didn't know how addicted i was to READING blogs until yesterday and the day before...when i couldn't b/c of blogger being down.
To answer your question, i'm only reading running blogs...

At May 14, 2011 at 11:24 AM , Blogger Jennifer said...

I love this! I was hanging out with one of my girlfriends yesterday and I kept taking pictures of us, our drinks, everything! And I kept saying "It's for my blog!" Such a dork! :D

At May 14, 2011 at 11:39 AM , Blogger Sandy said...

I just started following your blog yesterday, found it through Running Off The Reeses... I am loving reading your blog so far! I like the running blogs... I like to pretend I can run. :)

At May 14, 2011 at 5:22 PM , Blogger Alicia said...

Dido to the comment above! And I'm obsessed already; is that creepy? I blog to keep my fam and friends updated on our baseball life adventure!

At May 15, 2011 at 2:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! I think the turning point for me was when I started talking about my blog friends lives to my real life friends. I totally get that one!


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