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PB is the bottom of my food guide pyramid.

The Hungry Runner Girl: PB is the bottom of my food guide pyramid.

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PB is the bottom of my food guide pyramid.

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PB is the bottom of my food guide pyramid.

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The Hungry Runner Girl: PB is the bottom of my food guide pyramid.

Monday, May 9, 2011

PB is the bottom of my food guide pyramid.

Whenever I make a grilled pb and banana sandwich I always get sad because I never put enough pb on because it always goozes off onto the George Foreman grill and then i end up regretting my choice of grilling it.

Today I thought through the problem and realized that I could just have an extra side of it and dip until my heart was content.  Once that scoop was gone I just started dipping the sandwich straight into the jar.

IMG 5941

I love my hearty honey whole wheat bread from Costco.  Dense bread is my favorite.  If I can see through the piece of bread because there are little wholes I know I won't like it.....gotta be thick.

Even though I am not a mother yet I still got a mother's day flower from my niece.  I think she is trying to manipulate me into taking her for DONUTS again.

P.S. I was not trying to go for the "I dipped that front chunk of bangs into a vat of butter" look, it just happens normal.

IMG 5948

WARNING WARNING= Do not look at my feet.  I no longer have any excuses of running or doing anything physically demanding on them anymore and just have to shrug my shoulders and say that is how I was born.

Dinner was amazing and we had bbg beef on rolls with beans, salad and fruit.

IMG 5951

I think this was the boys' way of making room in their stomachs for dessert.

IMG 5945

Dessert was the highlight of the day.  Mer (my g-ma) brought Reese's pb cup ice cream treats.  I don't think I will ever go back to any other type of ice cream bar after trying this.

IMG 5960

Let's make a bet and see if I actually get up for my spin and abs class......Billy is trying to tempt me into watching a movie and it is already 9:14 p.m. (okay, it was my idea).

Check back later today at about four (Utah time) for a CRAZY AWESOME GIVEAWAY!!! I think you might die a little when you see it:)  It may rhyme with booze and go on your feet and make you run incredibly fast.   I may even throw in an autographed picture of Billy because I am feeling extra generous.


Do you eat more or less on your rest days?

-Even though I am doing very light exercise because of my stress fracture, on the days that my excercise is walking from my bed to the couch I probably eat about double as the days I workout.  I am okay with it though because my doctor said that having three helpings of brownies goes straight to the bones to make them whole and peanut butter makes the best glue ever.


-LOVE dipping anything and everything in fresh guacamole.  I really think I could live off of that stuff.

What is your Monday workout?  Do you feel like you have more or less energy to workout on Monday's?

-I LOVE Monday morning workouts because I have so much pent up energy inside of me ready to GO and my body feels rested and on top of the world!


At May 9, 2011 at 6:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm I never thought of what I eat on rest days? I've always kind of just...ate.

Today I'm swimming and doing chest and back! Woot!!!

Dip..I don't really dip. I know I'm weird.

Happy Monday!

At May 9, 2011 at 6:54 AM , Anonymous Julie @ Lettuce Choose Healthy said...

I always have that problem too when the pb goozes (is that a word? haha) out. A side of pb is a must!

reese pb cup dessert .. YUM

At May 9, 2011 at 6:58 AM , Blogger Erin@gosupermamago said...

I LOVE pb and banana sandwiches (ok I just love pb and anything) and have yet to try them grilled---I need to try that ASAP!

I would say I eat equally on my rest days as I do on my workout days, I just always like to eat alot!

I love dipping in quacamole too, hummus, salsa, and pb are a few of my other favs.

Monday is an easy xt day for me during my training right now because its easier for me to get runs in on the weekend. It will be especially easy today because my legs are SO sore from my 10-mile run, bodyrock workout, 4 mile run, and 3.6 mile hike this weekend. I don't even want to stand up today. lol

Have a Happy Monday! :)

At May 9, 2011 at 7:05 AM , Blogger Stephanie F said...

Janae. I want to be your best friend. CAN WE MAKE THAT HAPPEN?

I promise I'm normal.

Also, I feel ya on the peanut butter thing- really, you can never get enough.

At May 9, 2011 at 7:05 AM , Blogger Michelle said...

AHAHAHA. It may rhyme with booze and go on your feet. I love it!

At May 9, 2011 at 7:06 AM , Blogger Rene said...

Monday is normally a cardio day but I have a final so my motivation to exercise is pretty low.
I eat a lot of food no matter what. I do feel justified on the days when I have a great workout though.
Guacamole is amazing and goes with just about everything. I'm secretly happy that my kids don't like avacado because it means I don't have to share (pretend you didn't read that Rylee). I'm jealous of my SoCal relatives who have avacado trees in their backyards.

At May 9, 2011 at 7:07 AM , Blogger ImTheMarigold said...

I usually do my long runs on Sunday, so Monday is a rest day! It works out well since I can barely muster the energy to go to work after a weekend. I try to eat less on my rest days since my brain keeps telling me I'm lazy but that usually just ends in mass consumption of some guilty pleasure. Last night it was brownies. Dammit. And dipping depends on what is being dipped. Peanut butter is great for so much, including last nights brownies. Otherwise, french onion or dill dip is great for almost everything else!

At May 9, 2011 at 7:10 AM , Blogger Lindsey@arunningtale said...

Yoga is my Monday workout after Sunday's logn run! I also tend to be more hungry on my rest days - weird?!

At May 9, 2011 at 7:17 AM , Blogger Rachel said...

My Monday workout was spin class this morning. I was DYING during the class, but now I'm at work and feeling fabulous. (Yes, I read blogs at work.)

I think I just eat a lot all the time.. I tend to see an appetite increase on weight lifting days though.

At May 9, 2011 at 7:18 AM , Blogger Nina said...

Why don't you toast the bread in the toaster then slather it in PB and bananas once it pops up? That's what I do. The PB still gets all melty and it's amazing.

What time in Chicago is 4pm Utah time?! Guess I'll check back at 1 and 2 and 3 to find out!

At May 9, 2011 at 7:20 AM , Blogger Lauren said...

I always eat more on my rest days... which I consider to be fueling up for my next workout, lol.

At May 9, 2011 at 7:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally eat more on rest days too! My appetite catches up to me, and I use it to my advantage to pre-fuel for tough workouts that zap my appetite on other days... I love dipping in salsa, guac, PB, and dijon honey mustard. Today my workout will be 8 miles in my favorite park once I drive back home, cant wait! Have a great day!

At May 9, 2011 at 7:26 AM , Anonymous Mayumi said...

mmm...I love PB too! PB + Fluff sandwich is my favorite :)

It's beautiful outside in Boston and hopefully I get to run or ride a bike today.

I like dipping veges in hummus.

At May 9, 2011 at 7:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems like you still work out A LOT with all your classes and everything you are still burning tons of calories! Load up on that pb girly! Your doctor is right! :)

At May 9, 2011 at 7:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and also, I agree with everyone else in that I eat MORE on rest days to help replenish and prevent injury!

At May 9, 2011 at 7:38 AM , Blogger Daniella @ Runner at Heart said...

Mondays are usually a tough day to get motivated so I always make sure I am scheduled to take a class or meet with a trainer so I force myself to the gym.

At May 9, 2011 at 7:38 AM , Anonymous Britney said...

I am joining a group for a 5k fun run this evening! I'm terrified as I've never done anything with this group before - but since I want to meet new people I need to be social more often.

At May 9, 2011 at 7:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holla! You know I am obsessed with PB too!

At May 9, 2011 at 7:41 AM , Anonymous Liv @ The Salty n' Sweet said...

Peanut butter is the best dip! Second would be nutella, but that stuff is too addicting.

Btw, I'd never heard of Reese's PB ice cream before, but I think I need to go find some NOW.

I definitely eat less on rest days. During workout days, my appetite is crazy, and I really can't stop eating.

At May 9, 2011 at 7:42 AM , Blogger Mallory said...

Mmmm I love pb. So good!!!

I usually eat less on rest days but I try to hydrate the same.

Can't wait to see the giveaway!!!

At May 9, 2011 at 7:42 AM , Blogger Shannon said...

So, if you want an amazing grilled PB sandwhich you HAVE to go to PB Loco! There's one in the Mall of America, and one somewhere else but I'm not sure where... but t hey are so amazing! They have tons of different flavors of peanut butter and they put tons of different things on them like pretzels, marshmallow cream, chocolate chips, honey, jelly... etc. etc. etc. So good!

At May 9, 2011 at 7:47 AM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

my favorite thing to dip is grilled cheese in tomato soup! Delicious

I want an autographed picture of Billy AND you! :)

I try to eat less on rest days, but it never works out.

Today's workout will be 7-10 miles, who knows. I live dangerously!

At May 9, 2011 at 7:49 AM , Blogger RunToTheFinish said...

it always confuses me but I swear I am hungrier on my rest days, which I dislike because i feel like I need to burn off those calories. i think it's really just my body catching up from teh workouts

At May 9, 2011 at 7:51 AM , Anonymous said...

Apparently I'm part of the norm...I also eat more (and often less healthy) on off days. Probably not necessarily a good thing, but its sort of a physical and mental break from thinking about fueling my workouts...I can't eat a cheeseburger and go for a run an hour rest days=cheeseburger days. make sense haha?

At May 9, 2011 at 7:57 AM , Anonymous Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said...

You are so GORGEOUS Janae!! Hehe if you think YOUR bangs look greasy you do NOT wanna see mine!! :P

I eat WAAY more on my rest days!! Like today's a rest day cos I'm sick, and even though all I can stomach is toast and oatmeal I'm having enough of it to feed an army:)

Dipping finger into nut butter jar. Or face into a chocolate fondue.

At May 9, 2011 at 8:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Grilled PB sandwhich, you are making me drool. Haha, so tasty, although I have to admit my favorite bread is Dave's Killer Bread which they also sell at Costco as well. ;)

At May 9, 2011 at 8:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your doctor's brownie analogy is the smartest thing I've ever read! I bet he feels similar about peanut butter cookie dough, doesn't he?!

At May 9, 2011 at 8:09 AM , Anonymous Bess@Bess Be Fit said...

Listen girl don't even be embarrassed about your feet. Hello...20 years of soccer and cleats breaking every toenail and bone in my feet. Haha I'm with ya! We should just have a pedicure date...I'll fly out tomorrow ;)
Um and holy moly shmoly do I need new shoes! I was just running with Maverick this morning and came to the realization that after 8 months of 2 half marathons and training, my shoes are dunzo and I'm broke as a joke. I never win anythinggg ahhhh FINGERS CROSSED I can't wait to enter the contest! I hope you have an AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL DAY!

At May 9, 2011 at 8:34 AM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

Well ,after taking a few days off running, well more than a few, I am eating way more. Maybe it is because I'm making more time for eating. I usually take Mondays off but today I might try some Jillian if my pelvic area is feeling better. Happy day to you Janae!! You're looking gorgeous and glowing!

At May 9, 2011 at 8:46 AM , Blogger Rachelle Wardle said...

I have got to try your pb and bannana sandwhich. My mouth waters a litte every time I see a picture.

I eat like a horse that hasn't been fed in 3 years on my rest days. oops! Seriously I eat so much more when I'm not working out. It's like all of my energy must be channeled toward eating or something. ha!

I can dip just about anything in ranch! Got called into work early so Monday workout got cut short. :(

At May 9, 2011 at 8:50 AM , Blogger Mon Amour said...

I am going to run 3 miles and do a 30 min boxing session :)

At May 9, 2011 at 8:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got an awesome early morning run this morning, 3.3 miles and I feel amazing! Sometimes it pays off to get up early!

At May 9, 2011 at 8:52 AM , Blogger ruth said...

guac, almond butter, and ranch, in that order! I use dips pretty much all the time....sometimes I'll even melt chocolate chips just for dipping! hubby kept me up late watching DVR'd shows (till midnight!) so my 5am workout was a bust... afternoon workout it is :) love you janae!!

At May 9, 2011 at 8:53 AM , Anonymous Alaina said...

I think I do find myself eating a bit more on rest days. I know that I tend to eat healthier on days that I exercise.

I love to dip chips into salsa. :-)

At May 9, 2011 at 8:55 AM , Blogger Christine said...

Monday workout was 6x400's w/ 400 walk/jogs in between w/ a warm up and cool down.


It is HOT and HUMID here in Dallas, TX.

Sweat dripping into my eyeballs and my lungs feeling like they are going to implode because the air is so thick.

But now that the torture is over I'm super proud that I did it!! I am getting too comfy in my long slow distances!

Oh, and I love to dip stuff into Nutella!!

At May 9, 2011 at 9:01 AM , Blogger Siobhan said...

PB CUP ICE CREAM TREATS?! Why am I just learning about these now?! I am making it my newest mission to buy some of those!

At May 9, 2011 at 9:03 AM , Blogger Stephanie F said...

Wait a second, WHO IN THE WORLD is sending you SHOES to give away? Seriously, how do you pull this off?

At May 9, 2011 at 9:12 AM , Blogger trisha*n said...

I am embarrassed by how much almond butter i go through...every day. I just can't help myself.

And shoes...really?! Girl, you got some crazy hook ups. Share?

At May 9, 2011 at 9:34 AM , Anonymous Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun said...

PB should SO make up the bottom of the food pyramid. That makes perfect sense to me.

I want to eat one of those sandwiches. YUM!

At May 9, 2011 at 9:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That ice cream sounds amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
I definitely eat more on rest days! Especially peanut butter straight out of the jar....and now homemade cashew butter! so, so good!! hahahaha

At May 9, 2011 at 9:38 AM , Blogger Mandee said...

oh my goodness. if PB is the bottom of your food pyramid... you have to read my post on PBJ for today. I had the most amazing goodness of a PBJ sandwich and so did my boyfriend, from a food cart in Portland! YUM!

At May 9, 2011 at 9:56 AM , Blogger Kurt @ Becoming An Ironman said...

Rocket shoes?

At May 9, 2011 at 9:57 AM , Anonymous Tessa @ Amazing Asset said...

I need to work on eating properly during rest days. I tend to eat less because I am anxious about my lack of exercise and the irrational fear of getting "fat." Which I know is not possible! Ugh.
I love dipping into sour cream and ketchup :)

At May 9, 2011 at 9:57 AM , Anonymous Kristin Morris said...

I seem to eat more on rest days. Actually I feel like a fat tub o'lard on these days so I try not to have many of them. Today I did some kickboxing and my favorite all time thing to dip is Salsa. I LOVE. LOVE, LOVE chips and salsa.

At May 9, 2011 at 10:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My hip flexor hurts so I think I may have to take it easy today. Blech-it's such a beautiful day for running.

At May 9, 2011 at 10:06 AM , Blogger Christina @ The Athletarian said...

PB and B sanwiches are my absolute favorite!!! I bring them to work all the time and people tell me to grow up but I swear it will never stop as ling as I live.

I probably eat the same on both workout days and rest days. I do have days that I overeat but I don't really plan it. I just let myself go wild like once a week!

I also love tortilla chips and guacamole. I also love dipping apple and celery in PB. And grilled cheese into ketchp! YUM!

I woke up at 45:30am and went for a 9.5km run and I plan on trying to fit in another 30 minutes or so of exercise after work before I have to head to job #2! Maybe some plyometrics or skipping!

You have the best posts. I look forward to checking your blog every day. You definitely put a smile on my face :)

At May 9, 2011 at 10:09 AM , Blogger Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

I would say that PB is half of my daily calories. So delicious! Ya for giveaways!!

At May 9, 2011 at 10:21 AM , Blogger Have Your Way said...

Do you eat more or less on your rest days?

-I usually eat a TON of food when I'm not working out, and barely eat anything when I run in the morning or the evening?


-peanut butter or ranch

What is your Monday workout? Do you feel like you have more or less energy to workout on Monday's?

-Today I ran one mile because my hips were sore and my knee started to hurt. I always feel so tired on Mondays throughout the whole day.

At May 9, 2011 at 10:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I eat way more on rest days.....maybe because I have more time? Haha, PB is definitely on the bottom of my food chain! I eat it so much....I can go through a big jar a week!

At May 9, 2011 at 10:54 AM , Blogger Coy Martinez said...

Oh my!! I've never tried the ice cream version of a Reece's Cup! Is it really that good?? Please say yes!

At May 9, 2011 at 11:00 AM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

We are meant to be buds...I could bath in PB! :) You and your family are SO photogenic--just beautiful and knowing how genuine and thoughtful you are, makes you even more stunning.

I feel like I can down MORE food on rest days?? What gives? ;)

At May 9, 2011 at 11:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love dipping in hummus! Anything really - crackers, veggies... you name it, I'll dip it!

At May 9, 2011 at 11:01 AM , Anonymous Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife said...

I LOVE monday workouts as well-b/c rest day is Sunday for me too :)

At May 9, 2011 at 11:08 AM , Blogger BigHappyFamily said...

Love Monday workouts, because though my weekends are usually jam packed, I never lift, and I usually take easy/long runs on Saturday.

Ready to hear about your give-away.

At May 9, 2011 at 11:10 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

That PB sandwich looks amazing! I don't have a forman grill, but I am thinking I might try that in a skillet on the stove grilled cheese (or should I say grilled pb) style.

You talk about fear foods in one of your posts, and I must admit I still have trouble getting over some of mine, but PB was a big success, once I finally let myself eat it again, I fell in love!

I like Monday workouts in general because I usually take Sunday as a rest day and carb out, so Monday's I am so energized I could run forever! This Monday comes after a 200 mile, 12 teammember relay, so I am a bit sore and not on my Monday workout game...

Can't wait to see the giveaway!

At May 9, 2011 at 11:10 AM , Blogger Rose @ Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri said...

I'm scheduled to run 11 miles. Plus, I have week 4 of the hundred push up challenge.

Before I developed a dairy allergy I would dip everything and anything into ranch dressing. Mmmmmm, ranch.

At May 9, 2011 at 11:11 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

super cute! I think my brothers did the same position on the floor to cure a full stomach. haha!
I am way more hungry on my rest days too. Its the bodies way of need to stock up!haha.

At May 9, 2011 at 11:13 AM , Blogger Chels said...

Usually I have so much energy during my Monday morning workouts...Sunday is always my rest day so I come back fully recharged. Todays workout was a 3 mile run and some upper body lifting. I am so used to working out in the morning, on my rest days my stomach is so hungry by 6am, so I usually eat a little more.

At May 9, 2011 at 11:19 AM , Blogger Jen said...

You always have the best pictures of your food. And your feet aren't bad! You are doing so well during this time period of no running. I'm so proud of you! I hope you stayed up and watched that movie and took advantage of the time you had with Billy. He IS pretty busy during the week after all!
I love guac! And I love that yummy fruit dip too. Also love that totally unhealthy artichoke dip at Olive Garden. SO VERY GOOD!

At May 9, 2011 at 11:45 AM , Anonymous Jen G. said...

Your post title is my new life motto. Seriously, I had two spoonfuls straight from the jar this morning.

At May 9, 2011 at 12:19 PM , Anonymous Run. Learn. Repeat. said...

Your blog is so fun to read! My sis-in-law told me about it because I like to run and I've been reading it everyday ever since. I'm glad I'm not the only one who eats twice as much on my rest days!

At May 9, 2011 at 12:27 PM , Blogger ZippyZu said...

There is NEVER enough peanut butter, ever.. I really think that I could eat an entire jar in one sitting. Though I have yet to try it... hmm- next mission!

At May 9, 2011 at 1:20 PM , Blogger Heather said...

YOu and your niece are too cute.
I think your pb theory is solid, but I am allergic to most things on your plate!!
I eat less on days that are test. It is good because of rest, but bad because I can't dip my food in guacamole that day.

At May 9, 2011 at 1:44 PM , Blogger Holley @ Lunges and Lashes said...

i love monday mornings because everything is fresh, get in a great run... great weight session and you walk away feeling so good!

At May 9, 2011 at 1:47 PM , Blogger  birdie to be said...

I completely get that! I LOVE peanut butter! Actually any nut butters.

At May 9, 2011 at 2:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes I snack more on rest days because I need something to do during the hours I'm usually exercising/showering/etc. I could live off guac too - seriously, don't leave me alone with a container of that deliciousness.
Monday workout: just finished 5.5 miles on a bike path along the waterfront!

At May 9, 2011 at 2:17 PM , Blogger Muncher Cruncher said...

Oh my GOSH I love PB. Your sandwich looks reaaaaally good. I think peanut butter really just makes everything taste a lil' bit better. Don't you?
I'm so glad I got to sweat with you for a bit saturday. You always make me so happy! Thanks for being such a great friend my darling. See you soon! xoxoxo

At May 9, 2011 at 2:33 PM , Anonymous Elena @ Gaga For Grapefruit said...

i love hummus, salsa, guac, greek yogurt mixed with franks red hot.... hmmm i have a dipping problem!

and i'm looking forward to SWIMMING! woooo!

At May 9, 2011 at 3:38 PM , Blogger Mac said...

My favorite things to dip into are peanut butter or ranch mixed with hot sauce! I like my food hot!

At May 9, 2011 at 5:08 PM , Blogger LisasFitLife said...

Ranch is a great dip for anything. lol

At May 9, 2011 at 6:55 PM , Blogger EBURNS said...

I definitely eat more on rest days.,,,,much bigger appetite. Plus, mentally it is fun to just eat what I crave instead of wondering how it is going to sit or fuel the workout. On my day off, there was a bag of cheetos that disappeared.

As far as PB goes, is it weird that I have a spoon that sits on top the the jar? Maybe not weird.....but gross.

At May 9, 2011 at 8:30 PM , Blogger Lizzi said...

I actually noticed that I seem to eat MORE on my rest days. Probably out of boredom ahhaha. pretty much if i'm not working out, i'm eating, so i guess it makes sense.

I am a condiment FREAK - NOTHING DIPPABLE is not safe with me. I like anything dipped in any or all of the following: ketchup, gravy, mustard, mayo, chutney/relish (any sort), sour cream, guac, peanut butter, jam/honey/nutella (on savoury stuff especially! chips and fries and cheese dipped in any of the above is the best). Basically if it can be used as a dip, it will!

Monday is already long gone for me here. My Monday workout was a spin class + a lil elliptical. I don't really notice a difference in energy levels on Mondays. Tuesdays are nearly always rest days for me so i think knowing that TOMORROW I CAN BE LAZY! really helps me get through and push myself.

At May 9, 2011 at 8:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rest days…definitely eat more. I also think it's because I am not keeping busy or as active as when I workout.

Favorite to dip:
Ketchup or guacamole! LOVE hungry girl's recipe for guacamole! I just make it extra spicy. =p

I love my workouts on monday IF I pre-planned them. I don't know why but I don't have to plan any other day except Monday. =p lol

P.S. You remind me of my twin…SUPER CRAZY!!!! haha I love it! The faces and hyperness.


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