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Triple Tangent Tuesday and Good News

The Hungry Runner Girl: Triple Tangent Tuesday and Good News

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The Hungry Runner Girl: Triple Tangent Tuesday and Good News

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Triple Tangent Tuesday and Good News

I wanted to update you on how my run went earlier on but the whole having a job thing got in the way.

This morning I had 36 minutes of heaven (30 minutes running, 6 minutes of walking breaks).  I am not going to lie there was some pain in the quad but it was only a level 2 out of 10.

2 minutes into my first 5 minute interval my chest was burning, I was breathing like I had emphysema and my calves were yelling at me for making them work again.

I started to get frustrated but then I remembered I LOVE that feeling with every fiber of my being.  I LOVE to feel like I am pushing myself to become faster, stronger and a smarter runner......even if that means starting at square one again:)  Thanks for all of your amazing comments and good luck wishes, you give me warm fuzzies.

Time for Triple Tangent Tuesday where I share with you 3 completely random things about me.  You do the same in the comments or on your blog:)

1- I may or may not schedule my elliptical sessions at the gym according to what time 'What I Like About You' is on.

Photo 1

I LOVE Amanda Bynes (probably because she makes creepy faces like me) and I will never stop watching tv shows that are tailored for 16 year old girls.


2- One of the most exciting thing about Spring time for me is whipping out my Sperry Topsiders.  I wear these suckers every day.


I want them in every color but apparently Billy thinks that it is more important to pay for tuition and stuff like that instead of expanding my shoe collections horizon's.

3-  Time for my good NEWS.  Your probably going to be like, 'why did you make such a build up for this,' but I am stoked.
I am signed up and ready to go for the HUFF TO BLUFF MARATHON in Southern Utah.  I am so excited about this because my PT is telling me that I NEED to take walk breaks at Boston and to view Boston as a REWARD rather than a race. I am going to listen to him so that I don't get reinjured.
Postcard final2 cmyk

After Boston I am going to take it EASY for two weeks and then prepare for kicking trash at the Huff To Bluff Marathon while listening to my body at the same time:) Who wants to run it with me?!?!  The link to the race is on the top left side of the blogaroo.  It is going to be a BEAUTIFUL course with lots o' downhill. You know you want to and then we can go eat bagels and ice cream together afterwards!!!   This is such good news to me because I am getting a second chance for my sub 3 marathon:)


4.  My student teacher is single handedly trying to give me diabetes.  She is succeeding.
Photo on 2011 04 05 at 12 13  2

Thanks to some readers that sent me a link to  an ARTICLE about the benefits of being a candy-eater:)


********My cutest/favoritest student, Kaya is going to INDIA for a humanitarian trip with the group, Youth Making a Difference.  This girl is absolutely amazing and needs YOUR help to raise money to get there to work in orphanages to teach them basic health and sanitation skills and core school subjects.  She is only a few hundred dollars away from her goal so PLEASE donate if you are able to:)
Here is the LINK!!!!!

Who is your FAVORITE actress?
-I LOVE Sandra Bullock.

What clothes season is your favorite?
-I LOVE spring clothes but I do love me some big bulky sweaters during the winter!

What race are you looking forward to the MOST this year?!?!
-Other than Boston....HUFF TO BLUFF baby!!!

Do you love the feeling of kicking your own booty and pushing yourself to get stronger/faster/awesomer?
- Best feeling in the world:)


At April 5, 2011 at 4:26 PM , Anonymous Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife said...

I love Sandra too-she is hilarious and such a great actress! I also think Reese Witherspoon is absolutely phenomenal! Oh and I love Summer clothes because skirts are sooo fun to wear :)
I am not signed up yet for any races b/c we might move, but I want to do another triathlon--yipppeee!

And yes, the best feeling is getting stronger and faster :) Hello BodyPUMP and running seshes out side!!

At April 5, 2011 at 4:34 PM , Anonymous chelsea said...

I love Sandra Bullock she is so classic, but I also love Julia Roberts. I love the feeling of kicking my butt, it feels so good to be pushed to the limits and be on the brink of passing out. I think having another marathon after Boston will be so great for you :) Also...I plan my gym trips around afternoon episodes of Full House!

At April 5, 2011 at 4:34 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Yay for running with little pain today! Hope it continues to get better and better! I am a huge Angelina Jolie fan! I LOVE everything about summer! I was looking foreward to my half marathon in Nashville at the end of this month but it looks like we are not going to be able to go due to my husband's new job :( I love love love pushing myself!!!!

At April 5, 2011 at 4:36 PM , Blogger Caitlin said...

I'm so excited that you ran today!!!! Boston will still be a blasty blast! I love summer but only because I'm a camp counselor so I never REALLY have to get dressed =P. And I'm looking forward to the CHICAGO MARATHON!!! Yikes and yay!!!

At April 5, 2011 at 4:38 PM , Blogger Rachel said...

Reese Witherspoon or Sandra are my favs! I love Spring clothes too! I am not sure of my race yet, since I already did Disney. I LOVE being able to push myself to accomplish something.

At April 5, 2011 at 4:43 PM , Blogger ida said...

congrats on today's run and the new marathon on the docket! You'll be back to tearing up the roads in no time.

At April 5, 2011 at 4:44 PM , Blogger Rachelle Wardle said...

Yay! Awesome news girl. That race looks awesome and I know you will totally kill it.

I absolutely thrive on the feeling of pushing myself. Best feeling in the world.

P.S. cadbury mini eggs are the best. :) Have a fabulous night my dear.

At April 5, 2011 at 4:44 PM , Blogger ash & diz said...

We'll be running marathons the same day! You in the south ... me in the north!!! :) you go for sub 3:00, me shooting for sub 4:00!!!

At April 5, 2011 at 4:45 PM , Blogger Tara Upshaw said...

Glad your run went good!! My favorite clothes are summer clothes!! I love just throwing on shorts and a tank top!

At April 5, 2011 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Mary said...

I have those exact same topsiders, and I'm wearing them today. Please tell me you got yours at Nordstrom Rack too!

At April 5, 2011 at 4:45 PM , Blogger Little Miss Runshine said...

Yay so glad you signed up for the next race!!
Boston will be such an experience anyway with the fans and all.
I hope you enjoy all that candy!!!

At April 5, 2011 at 4:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That race looks beautiful, I am glad you are running again!! Those shoes are really cute, I noticed them in another post

At April 5, 2011 at 4:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I looove challenging myself with a new, more difficult workout!!! :D So glad you had a good run!
Sooo glad for you about the race!! :D You'll do awesome!

At April 5, 2011 at 4:50 PM , Blogger Jennifer said...

I'm glad to hear your run went well today! That's awesome progress! And it's good you're viewing Boston as more of a reward run than a race. You're young, healthy, and will have plenty of time to re-run Boston when you have 2 extremely ready legs under you!

At April 5, 2011 at 4:50 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

I want those SHOES!!!!!!!

At April 5, 2011 at 4:59 PM , Blogger Dani said...

glad your run went well!! And glad you're listening to the advice on Boston :)

At April 5, 2011 at 5:02 PM , Anonymous Meredith (Pursuing Balance: Diary of a Dietetic Intern) said...

i love those chocolate candy eggs! easter candy is the best! (says the jewish girl lol)

glad your run went well!

At April 5, 2011 at 5:10 PM , Blogger Ann M said...

So happy to hear that you're able to run again! Congrats!

Also, Mini Eggs are my downfall. I liked it better when they were only available at Easter so I didn't have to resist in every store line ever.

At April 5, 2011 at 5:14 PM , Anonymous Laura @ Meet Virginia said...

If I run that, can I stay with you? ;) Do you know if they have a half with it?? So glad your run went well, I checked your blog at least 10 times this afternoon for an update!

At April 5, 2011 at 5:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for the run! You will be back to you in no time! I LOVE Sperry's too! Have good evening girl!!

At April 5, 2011 at 5:19 PM , Anonymous Michelle (The Runner's Plate) said...

So happy to hear your quad is feeling better!

I enjoy the changing seasons to change up my wardrobe all the time!

At April 5, 2011 at 5:21 PM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

Awesome news and awesome outlook girl!! You are wise! I'm looking forward to my half marathon in May and my Marathon in June! Boston can be a really fun thing to use as much to see along the course...tons and tons of people cheering, kids handing out orange slices...ENJOY! have fun and can't wait for you to kick trash or whatever you said at this other marathon! Fav actress....hmmm, I like julia roberts, kate hudson, Jennifer garner...

At April 5, 2011 at 5:27 PM , Anonymous Corey said...

I think you have an amazing attitude about all of this. Boston will just be a stepping stone toward another marathon :) Sounds like a perfect solution!

At April 5, 2011 at 5:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm looking to my run swim run in July. I won the race last year so I hope to do it again this year. :)

At April 5, 2011 at 5:39 PM , Anonymous Michelle said...

I love Sandra Bullock as well! She is so good in anything she plays.
I am excited to wear capris and flip flops!!
I am totally going to be in the area during the race, and while my dream is to run a marathon someday, there is no way I could be ready to run a marathon by then. Or is there??

At April 5, 2011 at 5:40 PM , Blogger Stefanie Mockler said...

I love the feeling of kicking my own booty during a work out - there's nothing like it!! :)

At April 5, 2011 at 6:04 PM , Anonymous Laura (LunaChickRuns) said...

Yes, love that feeling!!

The Huff to Bluff looks amazing. I wish I could run it and go out for ice cream with you!! :-)

I am most excited for IM Wisconsin. I can't wait to start training!

At April 5, 2011 at 6:16 PM , Anonymous Alicia said...

That is fabulous news!! I love that you are staying so positive.. The first thing I did when I got home was check your blog to see what you news was, stalkerish? Yea... but I know you don't mind. If I'm not about to throw up during crossfit than I didn't push hard enough so yes I love that feeling!!! PS EASTER candy is the best!!!

At April 5, 2011 at 6:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How exciting that you signed up for another marathon!!! You're going to rock it!

At April 5, 2011 at 6:21 PM , Blogger Trying To Heal said...

can you wait two weeks, come to San Diego and help me get through my first marathon? i'd be forever grateful...!

At April 5, 2011 at 6:24 PM , Blogger JC said...

excellent news! you'll rock it!! :)

At April 5, 2011 at 6:33 PM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

Sandra Bullock is definitely my favorite actress too!

Awesome about the marathon, you'll come back better than ever!!

At April 5, 2011 at 6:41 PM , Anonymous Lara @ six times the yum said...

I'm glad you're run went well, relatively speaking. Congrats on the new marathon. Sounds like so much fun! I know you're bounce right back. :) PS. I love the feelings of pushing myself. It's killer during the workout/pushing, but it's the most amazing, rewarding feeling after!

At April 5, 2011 at 6:42 PM , Blogger Siobhan said...

I noticed your Sperry Topsiders in another post and LOVED them! They are so adorable and I want a pair!

And yes another marathon! I love it! Keep kicking butt you fabulous lady! I also LOVE that feeling. It's the greatest!

At April 5, 2011 at 6:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Sperry topsiders are my favorite shoes too! I want so many more pairs!

At April 5, 2011 at 6:48 PM , Blogger EBURNS said...

Great news!
I love Kelly Ripa, not really an actress though, but sort of.

At April 5, 2011 at 6:48 PM , Blogger Rebecca said...

My runs always hurt. Then again, I'm fat and out of shape. No- wait- positive ... I got nothing.

OK- my three random things, because I KNOW you care:
-I google "cute hair for running" in hopes of, well, having cute hair while I run. I've yet to find anything relevant.

-I love skinny pants, but my man sized quads keep me from wearing them

-My first marathon is May 7th and I plan to a) not die and b)finish. I'm really impressed with fast people, but they're kinda like really rich people, usually born with it. Or have to work really hard to get it, neither of which I have been blessed with.

Hope the ol' quad feels better.

At April 5, 2011 at 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you were able to run! Sounds like you are making good progress :-)

At April 5, 2011 at 6:59 PM , Blogger ShortSkirts said...

that looks like a really great marathon. Should be fun with the small field and gorgeous scenery. Go get em Janae!

At April 5, 2011 at 7:03 PM , Blogger Nicole @ Of Cookies and Carrots said...

stay positive girl you deserve it :) you are amazing and i am always in awe of your attitude and crazy running ability <3

also, funny story, you have always kind of reminded me of amanda bynes... just sayin' ;)


At April 5, 2011 at 7:08 PM , Blogger dorothy said...

you're doing great, i'm sure you'll be back to your old speed demon self in no time.

i think im in the same position you used to be in terms of how running = calorie burn and no real enjoyment.. i aspire to have your attitude about it and not feel like exercise is a punishment :\ how did you change your view on it or did it just happen naturally? i intend on continuing to run for sure but i just want to make it more, eh, pleasurable for myself lol


At April 5, 2011 at 7:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the run!!! I used to watch What I Like about You everyday after high school, so good. Summer dresses are my favorite!
I'm so excited for my May half, and the speed workouts I've been doing are kicking my booty, but I feel so strong afterwards.
I'm so glad to hear you're still doing Boston but are doing another marathon for your goal!

At April 5, 2011 at 7:11 PM , Blogger Erin @ UntilYouTri said...

Congrats on getting back into actually being able to RUN and on signing up for the marathon!! I think that's so great! Now you can not worry too much about getting your sub-3 on the TOUGH Boston course--just have fun and think of it as a reward/experience, and set your sights a little further down the road:) You rock!

At April 5, 2011 at 7:12 PM , Anonymous Dorry said...

Yay for the Marathon in May! I wiiiiish I could come run it with you and bring Lindsay Cotter, too! I'm really happy for you and proud of you for switching gears about Boston in order to stay injury-free! Like your brother said, there will be many more Bostons! And I love your shoes. :)

I don't have any specific races on the calendar, but some definite race goals for the year!

At April 5, 2011 at 7:15 PM , Blogger BigHappyFamily said...

I had a triple Tuesday ... three 3 mile runs.

I ran 3 this morning with the neighbor. Hello 6 AM, haven't seen you in a while.

I ran 3 on the TM while the kids had swim practice. It was supposed to be a warm up for weightlifting, but "warm up" turned out to be 3.25 @ 8.0+. Yumm.

Then, I scored a deal with the hubby and took my oldest to soccer, while the little ones stayed home, and got in another 3 miles on this gorgeous loop that surrounds the sports complex.

That's a triple for Tuesday!

ENJOY Boston. The Kenyans are going to win, and the rest of us are there for a good time, no? Without the focus being on breaking 3 hours in Boston, you'll have time to really soak in the experience, say hi to the other bloggers on the course, enjoy the Wellesly scream, and anxiously anticipate getting to the Citgo sign, and everything in between. Then go break 3 hours at the Utah Marathon in May.

At April 5, 2011 at 7:18 PM , Anonymous Christy said...

Hurray for running! How did you know it okay to run today?

My favorite actress has to be... oh, I don't even know if I have one. I seem to like the male actors better. (: They're cuter.

At April 5, 2011 at 7:28 PM , Blogger Kristin Bradfield said...

Congrats on a successful fun and a new marathon!

At April 5, 2011 at 7:29 PM , Blogger Kristin Bradfield said...

^^^Haha, successful "run", although I think for you run and fun are the same! :)

At April 5, 2011 at 7:34 PM , Blogger Elliott said...

I love my Sperry's too. Unfortunately, they don't love my hot feet from this AL heat. I have to wear them with (women's) loafer socks! I am not ashamed, and my shoes don't smell like wet dog. Congrats on your run!

At April 5, 2011 at 7:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That IS good news! If I lived near there, I would be standing there cheering you on. Maybe one day!

At April 5, 2011 at 8:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for another marathon! I will still be excited to see how you do at Boston, you can still be speedy with walking!

At April 5, 2011 at 8:22 PM , Blogger Why said...

Good luck in Boston. We will be there as well hoping for some good weather. :)
Gotta Run

At April 5, 2011 at 8:27 PM , Blogger Natalie Cates said...

How exciting about your new race! AND the fact that you still get to do Boston period! SWEET!

Actress - Reese Witherspoon, hands down. I think she is amazing (and I hear about 2-3 times a week that I look "just like" her) AND she's from TN like me. :)

Clothes - Summer dresses, shorts and tanks, but I love the fall clothes - jeans, boots, sweatshirts, jackets, etc.

Race - I'm doing a 5k on April 30 - Jumpstart Jackson, and I am signing up for the St. Jude Half Marathon (I've never done a race beyond a 5k) - registration opens in May, and the race is in Memphis in December. COME RACE WITH ME!

Kicking my own trash in a workout is the BEST. I did it tonight during my run and my zumba class, and I'll be doing it again in the morning.

Tangents: 1)I am in the middle of a very frustrating/ugly/sticky situation and I hope it is resolved immediately. 2)My husband and I have a deal to cook fresh seafood 2-3 times per week and it is awesome. Tonight was fish tacos with fresh avocados and mango salsa. 3)I have a ridiculously large number of papers to grade on my desk (reading tests and essays)...thank goodness we're taking standardized tests the rest of the week so I can get some grading done!

Glad your quad is getting better. Much love!

At April 5, 2011 at 8:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i <3 kyra sedgwick. like i want to be her.

omg i SO WANT TO DO THAT RACE WITH YOU. <-- can you tell how much i want to?! but that's my best friend's bachelorette party. bummer. otherwise i'd hope on a plane straight to you

At April 5, 2011 at 9:17 PM , Blogger RoseRunner said...

lordy, you are SO Amanda Bynes! I can't believe I never noticed that before!!

I'm a big biotch about actresses...most of them annoy me. But I love the men. Joseph Gordon Levitt is my fave.

At April 5, 2011 at 9:24 PM , Blogger Mary said...

umm after seeing those pictures, I have to say you look JUST like Amanda Bynes! Though it might just be the bubbly personality.

Also, that's so great about your new race!! I just signed up for a marathon in October which is AGES away, but I am so excited already!

ALSO, I'm not sure that paypal link is working on your student's blog? I tried it on two different browsers & couldn't get it to go anywhere.

At April 5, 2011 at 10:35 PM , Blogger Shannon said...

Okay, so every time I see a video of you I think that you remind me so much of Amanda Bynes! So I'm glad to hear that you like her. I've always been afraid to say anything because I wasn't sure whether or not you like her, and I didn't want to offend you...

I would so love to do the marathon... but it's 2 states away... so far all I have going this year is a 10k on May 14.

At April 6, 2011 at 3:57 AM , Blogger Erin@gosupermamago said...

Congrats on your first run back!

I love your positive attitude and that you are already planning your next "attack" on reaching your goal PR. No matter what race it is, I know you'll do it...You seriously rock!!

1) I really like Reese Witherspoon.
2) Summer clothes are my absolutely fav (maybe thats because summer is my fav season) Although I agree, I love putting on a big sweater once fall rolls around)

3) I am really looking forward to two races, my next half in Boston in May when I WILL PR and go sub 1:35 AND my first Full in Portland, ME in October!!!

4) Yes, it is definately one of the best feelings!!

At April 6, 2011 at 3:58 AM , Blogger V said...

you are ADORABLE. and I can definitely see how you look like amanda bynes :) and congrats for running again! I know that must feel GREAT.

-I'm not sure if I have a favorite actress....hmm...
-I LOVE summer clothes. If I could wear a dress every day of my life, I probably would.
-I'm running the Geneva Half Marathon in Geneva, Switzerland in a few weeks....super stoked!
-Yes and no. Somedays, I want to push myself as much as possible and other days I just want to relax, de-stress, and run.

Also: love the candy picture. yes, yes, and YES.

At April 6, 2011 at 6:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you are running again! You must be stoked beyond belief.

1. Fave actress is Mila Kunis. I want to be her... lol
2. Summer clothes all the way! Easy, breezy, flowy, hippie-ish clothes like dresses and sandals and denim shorts :)
3. No racing for me
4. I love long runs. I feel so proud of what I am capable of when I have managed to bang out 12 miles non-stop. Best feeling evahhh!

At April 6, 2011 at 7:38 AM , Blogger Meredith said...

I wish I could run Huff to Bluff with you! Too bad Utah is so far from NC!

I LOVE Amanda Bines! Every Friday night I would watch that show!! I still watch the re-runs!!

Congrats on the running! I know you felt amazing!!

1. I love Reese Witherspoon! Sometimes I get told I look like her & she seem so down to earth.
2. I like summer clothes, but I like Winter too. You know when its cold you always wish it was warm & the other way around.
3. I am SOOOO looking forward to my first full marathon in November!!
4. I love that feeling! Especially after you finish & you can look back & say "yeah it was hard, it hurt sometimes, but I kicked TRASH!!"

Have a great day, girlie!!

At April 6, 2011 at 7:39 AM , Blogger Laura said...

Hmmm, I will look into Huff to Bluff and consider coming out for it - that sounds like a fun race!

On that note, I am coming to Park City this weekend to go skiing, and am going to look for Yogurtland if I can find one!

At April 6, 2011 at 7:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Favorite Actress- man there are so many..Reese Witherspoon, Kate Hudson, Sandra Bullock, I'm sure there are more.
Favorite clothes season- Spring and Fall (some of Summer-when it's not sweltering hot!)
Race I'm looking forward to....hopefully the Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon, just tackle another Half Marathon and get a surfboard medal! Super fun!
Yes I love pushing myself because I am know that I can do it and will not fall out!

At April 6, 2011 at 7:56 AM , Anonymous Holly said...

I was SO sad I missed your triple tangent Tuesday yesterday- I always look forward to it :) But thank goodness I can catch up today! :)
I'm SOOOOO happy that you were able to run today- I know how much it means to you! I know you rocked it & I KNOW you will rock Boston. Boston should be scared of you ;)
My favorite actress is Julia Roberts. I just love her. Oh & Natalie Portman is right up there too!!

At April 6, 2011 at 8:32 AM , Blogger Emily said...

please quit your job and just blog for us.

want to be my pacer in boston? i think with walk breaks you'll still be schooling me!

i LOVE the feeling of pushing my body beyond limit.

SO SO SO happy you signed up for another marathon to slaughter!

At April 6, 2011 at 2:53 PM , Blogger Jenny said...

Glad you had a good run!

Oh my word, why are you torturing me with a photo of those Cadbury Mini Eggs? ; ) I have no strength to resist them, yum.

I love summer clothes the most. I can't wait to start wearing flip flops again.

No upcoming races due to my knee, but hopefully I'll be able to remedy that soon. Still getting over the bummer of not being able to run my ultra this weekend. Boo.

I do love pushing myself. I feel a lot better when I'm strong and fit. : )

At April 6, 2011 at 2:54 PM , Blogger Missy said...

Amanda Bynes is awesome.
I wish you had your own sitcom (0:

At April 6, 2011 at 4:35 PM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

I counted 4 tangents! :) Baaaahston can totally be your reward--I like how your PT phrased that and a race to look forward to! Win it!

I agree--Love Sandra! Also a Cam Diaz fan--she's so athletic looking!

I am looking forward to Running the Strip at Night Dec 4th-Vegas baby!!

At April 16, 2011 at 11:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear you're getting better! Sorry you don't get to race Boston, but sounds like you have the best possible attitude about it!


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