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The Hungry Runner Girl: FRIDAY FAVORITES

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The Hungry Runner Girl: FRIDAY FAVORITES

Friday, February 4, 2011


Yesterday, was the longest day of my life but thank goodness I got in my morning workout or else I would have had to tell some parents what I really think of there kids...ha, I am just kidding.

I was at school for 12.5 hours.  All of you nurses out there; I do not know how you whip out those crazy long shifts.  You are officially my hero.

I came home ready to eat a whole watermelon (including the rhine) and go straight to sleep.

Billy still wasn't home and I attempted staying awake till he got home, let's just say that didn't happen.  He decided to be all responsible and study long and hard for an electrical engineering test.  I am just hoping the the future Jacobs chicklets get his brain.  Mine is a little broken, running a marathon on a treadmill=not the smartest bulb in the world.



1.  The fact that as a reward for all the students staying in dress code, we rented out a movie theatre and get to watch movies all day today while getting paid to be entertained and eat candy.


My excited face.

2.  Toast (x4) and hot chocolate for dinner.  I was too tired last night to even contemplate cooking anything and Billy was still at school. so toast it was and boy did it taste amazing.


3. Have you tried these popsicles?  The whole pack was on sale for 68 cents.  Heaven.


4.  Weights.  Okay, I can't say they are my favorite but I am starting to like them a lil bit.


5. Love me some magazines. Definitely been part of my favorite things for a very long time.


6. My Michael Kors watch that I got a stellar deal on at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale last makes me feel fancy while wearing my $12.50 jeans from Forever 21.

IMG_1108 12.jpg

7.  This space heater has kept me alive this winter and I am forever in debt to it.


8. My favorite thing thus far.....I was in bed at 8:13 p.m. last night and watched Friends (my everyday favorite).


GO WISH MAMA RUNS BAREFOOT HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------

What are some of your FAVORITE THINGS TODAY???

What is your favorite FAST and EASY prep dinner?

-Cereal and toast.

What is the longest work day you have ever had?

-If I count teaching spin yesterday morning, I worked about 14 hours.

Are you running today?

-Long run after school.....I couldn't get my behind out of bed at 4 a.m. this morning:)


At February 4, 2011 at 7:15 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Janae, Have a great day watching movies! Congrats on surviving parent teacher conferences! Love you! Mom

At February 4, 2011 at 7:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your the sweetest cyber bloggie I've connected with! Someday I hope I can meet you!!

No running to day for me!! WOOOHOOOO!

At February 4, 2011 at 7:21 AM , Anonymous Matt @ The Athlete's Plate said...

I ran, swam, AND did weights today ;)

At February 4, 2011 at 7:22 AM , Blogger Angie said...

Wow, 12 hours in a long day! I used to work double shifts at a restaurant where I was a server.. I think the worst it's been was probably 8am to 10pm. Wow that sounds miserable now that I think about it... Never again!!!! :)

My easy and fast dinners - grilled cheese sandwich, taco salad, ramen noodles, and frozen pizza! :)

At February 4, 2011 at 7:22 AM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

I wish my work would rent a movie theater! That sounds AWESOME! Also, your watch is awesome!

I ran this morning before work because after work I get to go celebrate my birthday with my friend who just had a baby and her husband who shares my birthday!

Fast and easy dinner for me is a taco bar, throw some beans on the stove, and then toss them in a wrap with cheese and salsa.

At February 4, 2011 at 7:23 AM , Blogger Raina said...

MOVIE DAY!!!! Have a GREAT TIME! =D Boys rows, girls rows? lol

So- that's quite the dinner! Glad you didn't eat the Rhine and went for the toast =D quick dinner would be something like hot dogs. Terrible, I know...but very fast and keeps the ankle biters at bay. We only do that once in a while. Tuna sandwiches are fast too.

At February 4, 2011 at 7:24 AM , Blogger LindseyAnn said...

I was thinking about running today, but I guess it's icy outside. :( It's going to be yoga and strength training later!
Been there, done the 12.5 hour PT conference days (though, it wasn't work because I was student teaching at the time, so I was paying full time student tuition to do it!) There was one summer, though, that I would work 7-4:30 at one job and 5-12:30 at another! Those were LOOOONG days, but the second job was at a coffee shop so I got an extra energy boost when I got there ;)
Pasta is my fast and easy go to. 10 minutes from start to finish. :)
Have a great day--enjoy your movie! That's such a neat reward for them!! How strict is the dress code at your school?

At February 4, 2011 at 7:26 AM , Blogger Raina said...

My favorites? I don't get to the mall much, but I like forever 21 and wet seal...haha. cheap fashion.
I also LOVE my new Nike Tshirt from Jess @ Blonde Ponytail.
Winning is pretty Awesome.

So are killer 1600's

At February 4, 2011 at 7:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loving my almond croissant this morning, ran already and my go to dinner is mac & cheese. Love your blog, you are too cute and funny!

At February 4, 2011 at 7:30 AM , Blogger Beth said...

Movie day at work sounds like the BEST! And I make breakfast (eggs, cerreal or oatmeal) for dinner about 4 times per week. Toast is completely acceptable as long as its paired with chocolate :)

At February 4, 2011 at 7:33 AM , Blogger misszippy said...

That's a marathon of a day! I love going to bed early, so I'm actually kind of jealous of that 8:15.

Hope today's an easier day.

At February 4, 2011 at 7:37 AM , Anonymous Kimberly @ Im Not Done said...

My fav easy meal is a Kashi Magherita pizza. I keep one in my freezer at all times!

At February 4, 2011 at 7:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait I absolutely love toast, slash I love oats or a hummus quinoa raisin bowl:)

And YES I am running today, have fun girlie girl!:)

At February 4, 2011 at 7:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay! SO glad you're starting to like the weights... even if it's just a little bit!!!

I had a few 8am-10pm days a couple of years ago I was NOT fond of... but I did have a broken arm so I was in a heavily medicated state for most of it which made it more tolerable!

... And yeah, You totally made an appearance in my dream! You came to my wedding (I know, ME, Married! ahahah) and we ate creamies! ahahah SO RANDOM! I blame reading your fantastic wedding recap before bed last night as the culprit!

At February 4, 2011 at 7:50 AM , Anonymous Pam said...

Hello sweetie! Favorite fast/easy meal toast w/almond butter or peanut butter w/a sliced banana sprinkled w/cinnamon!

some favorite things: my silver key necklace that my daughter gave to me for Christmas, I like to snuggle w/my kids pillow pets when they go to bed,coconut creme creamer (coffee mate),chai latte (nordstrom cafe) and my compression socks!! :)

No running 4 me 2day. tomorrow is 4 miles before surf city!! Yeaaa!! :)


At February 4, 2011 at 7:50 AM , Blogger Sheanna said...

Hey, I want to know how you can get up so early in the morning but then sleep in on the weekends? Doesn't that kind of mess up your circadian rhythm or something? I have to get up early every single day or else I throw myself off kilter....And I'm a sucker for a schedule (going off schedule = a very bad mood for Sheanna).

At February 4, 2011 at 7:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a Michael Kors watch, too! Except mine is tortise shell. I'm kind of vainly obsessed with it. No running for me today. I was supposed to go to 6am Body Pump, but I slept right through it... even though my friend Sara came to pick me up, sat in my parking lot, and called me 6 times. Nope, I sleep like a rock. :) Now I am road tripping to Charleston to visit some friends, so running will wait until Sunday. Have a great weekend!!!

At February 4, 2011 at 7:57 AM , Blogger Danielle said...

My quick go-to meal is a sandwich. It's too easy.
My longest work day would have to be 14 hours. I worked open to close on Black Friday. YUCK.
No run for me. I'm counting down the days until I can run again!!

At February 4, 2011 at 7:58 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

ahhh I have a M.Kors watch too! SO love it- i'll have to post favorite Fridays later tonight to share! plus i love forever21 (especially the jeans)! yay! you're so fabulous going to the gym early, one of my FAVORITES to do too! haha! Have a great Friday pretty girl!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:00 AM , Anonymous Bess@Bess Be Fit said...

Some of my favorite things today include my uggs, my treadmill, my blackberry, and getting to whip people into shape this afternoon :)

My favorite easy dinner is absolutely cereal, or a microwavable pizza if I have one.

My longest work day was probably around 12 hours.

And I already got my run in was only a 3 miler but I am planning my long run for Sunday since I have to work at the gym all day tomorrow, too!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:02 AM , Blogger Brooke said...

YOUR BLOG! haha, and my dog.

At February 4, 2011 at 8:04 AM , Blogger Big Daddy Diesel said...

- todays favorite, its friday, active rest day because I am dreading tomorrows 8 mile run on my 1/12 mile track

- Favorite fast and easy is either Marie calendar chicken pot pie, 6 mins to nuke it, you can get a ton at costco or Tuna fish sandwiches

- I am saving my longest day for my Ironman, I hope its under 17 hours

- Whoaaaaaaaaaa are those JEANS!!! Are you ok, you have a fever, you injuried?

At February 4, 2011 at 8:10 AM , Blogger Krista said...

Mmmm I love toast too. My favorite quick and easy dinner is an Amy's organic frozen pizza. So good!

I have an exam this afternoon and then I'm hittingthe gym for a run! Too cold outside :)

Have a great weekend!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:11 AM , Anonymous Bess@Bess Be Fit said...

PS YOU ARE HOTTTTTTT :) Come eat chocolate chip cookies with me and lets watch Friends all day.

At February 4, 2011 at 8:12 AM , Anonymous Elisha ( said...

Cereal! Best quick and easy dinner ever. It has to have fruit in it though, preferably blueberries.

I think my longest work day was around 11 or 12 hours. Oh the joys of working in an accounting dept. during the end of the month.

I am running today. I also just found out there is a Crumbs bakery where I live (in VA just outside of DC). So I am going to need to run a lot for the large quantity of cupcakes I plan on taste testing this weekend!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:15 AM , Blogger Mallory said...

Is that the London episode?? Oh my how I love Friends!!!

My favorite thing today.... day 3 without caffeine and no headache!!

I too love cereal and toast! Lots of times I'll have a banana too!

Longest work day... I've had many long days but in recent history my 11 hour work days.

Not running today... we have to go look at a new apartment!!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:19 AM , Blogger Katie said...

i'm not running today, but i ran a tempo last night and rocked it's little face off so i'm pretty excited! today i swam, just a tiny bit, and it's work and puppy time! have a great friday lady!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:21 AM , Blogger Mommyrunsoncoffee said...

I am a big fan of the cereal dinner!

Today I got up at 4:30 and did 4 mile run followed by 60 min. Spin class before my babies woke up. I still had energy to burn (thanks to all the candy I ate yesterday) so I vacuumed, mopped and dusted. Now, I can relax and play with my girls' , another favorite thing on Friday.

I used to work at an inner city school that had a 12 hour school day. We ate breakfast, lunch and dinner there followed by two hour study hall at night. Needless to say, it was a long day everyday!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:23 AM , Blogger Tara @ Dashing in Pearls said...

I love my Michael Kors watch! And your blog :)

At February 4, 2011 at 8:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting paid to watch movies all day? Lucky duck!
My boyfriend's studying electrical engineering too, and I am so lost when he talks to me about his classes.
I'm not running today, but I am snowboarding!! My snowboard is one of my favorite things.

At February 4, 2011 at 8:25 AM , Blogger Mary said...

That is so awesome you get to watch movies all day! My lazy dinner is microwaved sweet potatoes....or ice cream. And it's rainy & cold so I couldn't convince myself to run morning...hopefully I will find some motivation later on!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:32 AM , Blogger Kara said...

I eat pb&j sandwiches when my husband is out of town, and I make it even lazier by putting it on a paper plate. My longest work day ever was 18 hours and boy did that suck! It was multiple days in a row too, so it gets worse after day 1.

I'm not running today because I'm doing 14 miles tomorrow morning!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm How did you know it was today??

At February 4, 2011 at 8:37 AM , Anonymous Dorry said...

Billy is my favorite thing today! And slipper socks. I agree about easy cereal breakfast - I love cereal and could eat it 3 times a day. I'm running 5 speedy miles on the treadmill this afternoon! I hope you are having a happy Friday! xoxoxo

At February 4, 2011 at 8:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those popsicles look awesome!!!
Some of my favorites:
I'm about to be done with school!! =P
Family time over the weekend!
Super awesome circuit workouts that require no weights!
Skype-ing with my BFF in the states this afternoon!
Go-to quick dinner:
Pb and banana or apple, fried egg sandwich, oats! =P

At February 4, 2011 at 8:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

movies all day? i want your job! well, just for today.
one time fishing we went for 21 hours straight. im wimpy though, my brothers have crabbed in the winter for 30 hours at a time without sleeping or stopping!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:45 AM , Blogger J said...

The longest I have ever worked it prolly a 14 hour day. Its tough and tiring but in my line of work some times it is required. We also work 10 hour days in the summer and get fridays off.

Have fun today watching movies! I wish i was at home instead of at work!

Oatmeal, cereal, eggs, grilled cheese or leftovers are my favorite easy dinners!

I have a few favorites today - like magazines and my comfy sweater!

AND I ran this morning! 2.5 miles in the 14F weather! IT was so peaceful! Can't wait for tomorrow for another run!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:48 AM , Blogger ash & diz said...

You are gorgeous... seriously.

My go to breakfast is scrambled eggs loaded with veggies.

I've had too many long work days... too many.

No running today, except through airports. Though I did consider just for a second waking up way too early to run. But sleep prevailed. :)

At February 4, 2011 at 8:49 AM , Blogger Julia said...

so awesome that you all get a movie day :) :)

my favorites right now are: my netflix subscription (keeping me sane with school), my warm blankets and my bed, spending time with my pup riley, reading for fun (joined an e-book club this week!) and pizza (eaten 4/5 days this week).

getting ready to go run now :) looking forward to it since i took yesterday off!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long days are totally hard - though a movie day today sounds like the perfect way to recover!
What movies are you going to see? (by the way, love your earrings in that pic!)
For my fast meals I love a sweet potato (baked in the microwave) with dark red kidney beans, broccoli and parmesan cheese, or grilled cheese sandwiches, or quesadillas.
My favorite thing today is Jeans day - and Packer party at work (which means lots of free food baked by my lovely co-workers!) We are in Wisconsin so it means we are totally gung ho for the Super Bowl this weekend!!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:56 AM , Blogger Stephanie said...

I am. running today. Repeat: I AM running today. (there now I've said it enough that it has to be true!)

At February 4, 2011 at 8:57 AM , Blogger Runners Fuel said...

I just had toast and chocoalte milk for dinner the other night! It was the best!

At February 4, 2011 at 9:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Movies all day?! I hope that comes with popcorn and licorice too!! Toast is my easy-button dinner... but not without a hefty little spread of peanut butter on top! Hope you have a great Friday.

At February 4, 2011 at 9:06 AM , Blogger BigHappyFamily said...

Cereal and toast are definitely favorite go to dinners ... especially when the husband isn't coming home to eat with us. Also, PB&J.

Longest work day: 3 AM - 8 PM. I managed a 3 shift aircraft engine factory, and we (the exec management team) went in to serve all three shifts a catered dinner as a reward for their hard work. I had to be there for all 3 shifts, mid-shift meal.

Today is the only day all week I am not running. I am swimming tonight, and doing my 10-12 mile run tomorrow.

At February 4, 2011 at 9:10 AM , Blogger Kiley said...

I would love to go to bed that early...dont think it will ever happen again. I can barely get my little boy to bed that early!!

My favorite thing this week is my giveaway!! ($10 iTunes Giftcard!) I like to make people happy :)

At February 4, 2011 at 9:10 AM , Blogger Caroline said...

Fast meal : dried cranberries and almonds what? That is a meal!
Longest day :26 hours and 20 min. Was single and young and very stupid and they abused of those facts, was the only engineer at my work things were not working well...I had just started this new Job and wanted to impressed my boss

Friday is rest day. I hate rest days
I go help will's teacher I do like that though
Teachers are the best !

At February 4, 2011 at 9:21 AM , Blogger funderson said...

Those popsicles are my son's FAV! I have no idea how you all eat them in winter..BRR
I'm with you on the toast though...I DO make my own bread to honor my good Utah grandmothers. :)

At February 4, 2011 at 9:25 AM , Blogger Heather said...

Favorites right now would be sipping wine and looking at magazines while relaxing on the couch at night.

FAST and EASY prep dinners include a bowl of vegetables, omelette, quesadilla, cereal

Longest work day was probably 12 hours long.

I ran last night so I'll be biking tonight.

At February 4, 2011 at 9:33 AM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

Look at your cute little black slippers. ;) My easy go to is eggs and toast. I tried this nasty protein smoothie last was easy but gross. I have some intervals today. Happy Friday!

At February 4, 2011 at 9:50 AM , Blogger Stephanie F said...

Love that watch, girl. It is GORGEOUS!

At February 4, 2011 at 9:55 AM , Blogger Meg said...

I have SO MANY favorite things today.

1. I'm about to drive down to NYC to see friends for the weekend.
2. On the way down, I'm stopping in Connecticut to have lunch with a friend I only see like once a year.
3. I have a box of Nerds with my name on it for the drive down.
4. I have a STACK of various fitness and wedding magazines that I haven't had time to look at since the semester started, and I'm going to look at them TONIGHT.

My favorite fast dinner is definitely cereal. My current fav is honey nut cheerios.
And I'm not running today, sadly. While my five mile run yesterday was fantastic and I felt really good mentally, my body is not doing so great today. The broken toe has reared its ugly bruised head, and not only is my toe killing me but the rest of my foot feels all messed up, too. I'm trying to avoid having one of those "crap I don't get to workout this weekend" freak outs, but I'm bringing my gear with me so if the sidewalks aren't too snowy I'll try to go running tomorrow. Sigh.

At February 4, 2011 at 9:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fast and easy dinner - tacos! I always make sure to have the ingredients on hand!

Yes, I am running today. Probabyl in the afternoon when my daughter has her quiet-time. I've been bad with running this week...been feeling a bit under the weather.

At February 4, 2011 at 9:58 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

My favorite easy meal is Quesadillas. I just throw some spinach, black beans and cheese on a tortilla and toast it up in a pan until it's all melty. If I'm feeling fancy I'll cut up some tomatoes and avocados, but they're good just by themselves. Hmmm, maybe I'll go do that now ;)

At February 4, 2011 at 10:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Friday!

1. Quick prep meal? Chili Mac. 2 boxes of macaroni and cheese + 1 can chili = Chili mac. It is amazing, quick, and has lots of protein (thanks to the beans).

2. Ugh. I am one of those 12-hour shift nurses and it is BRUTAL at times, especially working in the ER where I rarely get a chance to sit down. But the 12-hour shifts = only working 3 days a week so I really can't complain.

3. I ran an easy 7 miles in 56 minutes. It's cold and sunny in Boston today!

At February 4, 2011 at 10:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love cereal for dinner! It's quick and filling.

I did an easy peasy 8-miler today. Got an 18-miler this weekend!

At February 4, 2011 at 10:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luckily I have never worked more then 9 hours at a time!! So awesome you get to watch movies and munch candy at work!!

At February 4, 2011 at 10:19 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Awesome reward for staying in dress code!! sweet!

I don't do very well with super longs days. If I were a nurse, I would suck it up to have 4 days off. That would be amazing!

Have an amazing day and WEEKEND :) I will be channeling your speed and enthusiasm on Sunday.

At February 4, 2011 at 10:30 AM , Blogger Unprofessional said...

30 hour shifts...yeah, maybe doctor was a poor career choice. Said shifts lead to Chicken Nuggets, cereal, yogurt, and a 1lb bag of frozen broccoli. Perfect balanced post-call meal.

At February 4, 2011 at 10:41 AM , Anonymous Lu @ Done Dieting said...

That is a long day! Going to bed early is a luxury I don't usually get. I'm a little jealous. And toast for dinner is awesome.

At February 4, 2011 at 10:53 AM , Blogger Reese's Runner said...

I love toast for dinner! men never seem to think that is a meal! You are too funny lady.

At February 4, 2011 at 10:54 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

love my friends and my wheel of fortune, because I tend to act like I am 80yrs old! our go to dinner are eggs! Nothing better with some salsa!!
Happy friday friend.

At February 4, 2011 at 11:01 AM , Blogger Nicole said...

You look so pretty in that picture! Cute earrings.
I have the black Michael Kors watch that the bf got me for Christmas... and I wear it with cheap forever skinnies because I mix highs and lows, or I'm just really cheap.
Today is too pretty of a day not to run! Such a nice day here.
Toast is my go-to morning meal, sometime I don't have time to make an egg. Love it.

At February 4, 2011 at 11:04 AM , Anonymous chelsey @ clean eating chelsey said...

I wasn't planning on running today, but now I am because I don't have to go home to a sick pup anymore!!! HE POOPED IT OUT THIS MORNING!!! SOrry for using potty language on the blog, but I know you'll be excited that my baby is okay!

At February 4, 2011 at 11:07 AM , Blogger Jenn said...

Favorite things today: watching food network while blog staking! The gym, and the art supply store!
go to din din: soup and sandwich
I worked on a movie set for 16 hours once...longest day ever!!
Yay its friday!! Have a great day!

At February 4, 2011 at 11:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dinner made my life. Glad when we finally become awesome neighbors (hey, it'll happen...) I don't have to put on airs and pretend to make fancy meals. We can just have toast, candy, and hot chocolate and call it perfection.
Favorite part of my Friday so far was finding an unopened jar of pb in the back of my shelf. No, I didn't use a spoon. That's what fingers are for :)

At February 4, 2011 at 11:24 AM , Blogger Mara Campbell said...

I love toast and cereal for dinner. I could eat cereal for every single meal and be happy about it. I am home sick from work and haven't been able to run all week because of a twisted ankle. So i'm a bit of a Debbie Downer today...but still happy it's Friday!!! Hope you have a good one!

At February 4, 2011 at 11:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave and I had cereal for dinner last night... except we didn't have the excuse of a 12 hour workday. Oh well!

Jealous you get to watch movies all day! That's awesome!

Is that an old Runner's World in the picture? I haven't seen that issue. But now, inevitably, I feel compelled to find it and read it out of curiosity.

At February 4, 2011 at 11:35 AM , Anonymous Sarah said...

Have you tried Maghound for magazines? I love it! My husband and I get 7 magazines for $22/month, but that includes People, Us Weekly AND Entertainment weekly... hehe! Friday nights are magazine nights in our house when the stash comes for the weekend :)

At February 4, 2011 at 11:35 AM , Anonymous Amanda (Eating Up) said...

Space heaters ARE the best.

At February 4, 2011 at 11:36 AM , Blogger Pam @ said...

I LOVE the movie theater thing! That's just awesome!

As soon as I get off work this afternoon, I'm driving to Murray to buy tickets to see my FAVORITE comedian next weekend on a Valentine's date with my FAVORITE husband!

At February 4, 2011 at 11:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love your smiles in the pictures you post :)

hopefully i get to run after work today. fingers crossed because i certainly am

At February 4, 2011 at 12:00 PM , Anonymous Corey @ the runners cookie said...

You are so gorgeous! I seriously think teachers are some of the hardest workers - my boyfriend teaches math and man, between the grading, the parents, the worrying about the kids, it is definitely more than a regular full time job. I am so thankful for the amazing teachers in my life!
Oh, and toast totally makes an acceptable dinner! I hit up the treadmill this morning and am hoping to go long either tomorrow or Sunday. Good luck with your run today!

At February 4, 2011 at 12:04 PM , Blogger ShortSkirts said...

I think the longest day I ever worked was 22 hours the day before we shipped Gears of War 2. This may or may not have involved a 20 minute nap on the floor of my office. It was less than fun.

And I absolutely love your watch!

At February 4, 2011 at 12:48 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I bought the almost the same exact watch last year at the sale too...except I got the one with bling. :)
My fast dinner: pasta and jar spaghetti sauce

At February 4, 2011 at 12:50 PM , Blogger Jen said...

As a mom (yes, that's a job) my days never end. And it doesn't come with sick days or vacation days either. Ha! Ha! Just kidding, I love being a mom and working all day and night long.
Good luck on your long run this afternoon! You are so my hero.
I'm glad you're enjoying the jam. There's lots more where that came from. We'll have to do apricot and triple berry next time.

At February 4, 2011 at 1:10 PM , Blogger Anna P said...

That is a LONG time to be at school! I hope you stayed refuled with proper dosages of sugar! =)

Fav things today: my kiddos (always), that spring is coming, my new treadmill, my yoga pants, my recliner

Fav. Fast prep dinner: pizza!

Longest work day: at the hospital IONS ago when I worked an 16 hour shift-wow!! 7am-11pm, then I had to go back in at 8am the next morning!!

Today was an elliptical day, tomorrow is my long run, which will most likely equal 4 miles (on the mill), if I make it to 5, I am TOTALLY treating myself to a chocolate sundae =) If it was outdoors, it would be closer to 7 or 8...can not WAIT for spring.... =)

At February 4, 2011 at 1:11 PM , Anonymous Maria said...

Unfortunately, I had lots and lots of 12-13 hour days last semester :( This semester it's not so frequent. I don't blame you for eating toast for dinner, that's what I would've done!

I'm trying to psych myself up for a quick run right now. Do not want. I am exhausted.

At February 4, 2011 at 1:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i work my full time 9-5 then i serve at applebees a few nights a week so i've gotten accustomed to 14 hour days... they are certainly not fun.

i did the elliptical this morning and i'm doing zumba tomorrow morning. nope. not running.

At February 4, 2011 at 1:28 PM , Blogger suze said...

Fave things today: California weather, frosted shredded wheats, and pbj's.
Fast & easy dinner: Chicken nuggets and salad. Or cereal :)
Longest work day: about 12 hours
and already did my run this morning!

At February 4, 2011 at 1:32 PM , Blogger Jen said...

Love that watch and watching Friends in bed is one of my favorite past times ;) Have a great weekend!


At February 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ran 7 miles today on the beloved dreadmill. Forever 21 jeans are my all time favorites. You cannot tell me they don't fit you well!

At February 4, 2011 at 1:36 PM , Blogger Lori Lynn said...

Did you have PT Conferences? I'm a teacher, and we had them last night as well. We have another evening of them and then a half day of them next week too. I'm totally exhausted after doing them!

At February 4, 2011 at 1:38 PM , Blogger ~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Your dinner looks good. I think the longest work day I have ever had was about 20 hours.

At February 4, 2011 at 1:48 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

I love that MK watch!!! Soooooooo jealous!! My favorite things include my ugg boots & coach purses....:-) food? Chicken fingers and ranch!! Mmmmm

At February 4, 2011 at 1:48 PM , Blogger Caroline said...

what movies did you end up seeing today?

At February 4, 2011 at 2:12 PM , Blogger Trying To Heal said...

easiest dinner? eggs and toast.

longest work day? 18+ hours. the environment needed me.

At February 4, 2011 at 2:22 PM , Blogger PBandJ Runner said...

Fav. Thing Today: chili for lunch!!
EZ dinner: eggs! Or brown rice, soy sauce, raw salmon, avocado, and tomatoes. Tastes like a California roll of sushi, but takes so much less effrt.
Running: Not today! Today is my day off, as per my coach's advice. She gets a lil angry when I get run-happy and run 7 days a week. Something about recovery.... GRR

At February 4, 2011 at 3:38 PM , Anonymous Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said...

You are so so SO pretty girl!! Serious girl crush over here! :P And I just did my own Janae-inspired Friday Favourites post!:)

At February 4, 2011 at 4:06 PM , Anonymous Connie said...

i HAVE to watch friends everyday too! i feel so drained without it :P! you might be shocked to read this, but i've NEVER seen the last episode before! and don't tell me! I don;t wanna know! if I dont watch it i can still believe that friends is alive and ongoing!

At February 4, 2011 at 4:18 PM , Blogger dear willow, said...

We looove eating beans. Its so weird and people make fun of us but theyre packed with nutrition and CHEAP!!!!! Annnd take 2 seconds to heat up :)

I had your wooorst nightmare (and mine) yesterday. In kettlebell training, everyine voted to SKIP LUNCH!!!!! We were working out for 6 hours!!??!!!
It was hhoorrriiibbbllleeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At February 4, 2011 at 4:39 PM , Blogger jenny winstead said...

i love reading your blog and your pic is GORGEOUS! i can't get enough of your blog.

i made a special post of my 5 friday favorites. :) maybe you can check em out when you get a sec after recovering from your long run! HA

At February 4, 2011 at 7:22 PM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

I can't believe I failed to comment earlier!! My fast and easy meal is definitely PB and crackers. But, I bought a bunch of ready made "Near East" brand, flavored coucous, heat with water done in 5 min. Add some frzn veggies, and I'm good!

I love your eye makeup--your eyes "pop" to begin with, but you do them up right!!! Gorg!

At February 4, 2011 at 8:56 PM , Blogger The Depressed Yogi said...

My Friday Favorites:

1. Equinox gym - it's the gym of all gyms, and I am enjoying my 7-day trial!

2. Trader Joe's frozen Chana Masala - delicious, easy, high in protein and delicious

3. Toast - b/c your post reminded me I have some bread in the freezer to toast!

4. Bones - Because I've watched every episode of Criminal Minds so I need a new obsession

5. Being in bed on a Friday night, watching Bones and wearing compression socks. Hawt.

At February 4, 2011 at 9:44 PM , Blogger RoseRunner said...

oh gahh, I'm such a magazine junkie. Do you subscribe to all those? strangely, the only mag I subscribe to is Esquire, because it is the only one that sneakily keeps renewing itself without asking.

In reference to your next post (since I'm too lazy to comment twice), I'm so curious if you'd share what blogs you read to motivate you!! Seriously, you are the raddest runner I've found on the blogosphere, so I'm dying to know who you turn to for inspiration

At February 5, 2011 at 12:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahaaa YES for friends.. that show will never get old me!!
my friday FAV is my new cookbook Appetite for Reduction( all vegan!) i FREAKING LOVEEE IT!

At February 5, 2011 at 11:39 AM , Anonymous Susan - Nurse on the Run said...

Thanks for the shoutout to nurses! 12.5 hour shifts are long, but we get extra days off soooo I suppose it is worth it. Already there, might as well stay for another four hours! That being said, we don't watch movies while we work. ;)

Watermelon?? I haven't seen one of those in months....what are they growing in Utah??

At February 5, 2011 at 8:31 PM , Anonymous Kelsey said...

I love magazines too! I think I have 10 subscriptions and can barely read them all every month.

At February 6, 2011 at 8:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omg! I LOVE LOVE LOVE those popsicles. They go on sale for a dollar here in Arizona and I stock up on them. Then I eat the whole bag in 3 days. When my husband goes to grab one and discovers they are all mysteriously gone he thinks I am nuts. The pineapple and cherry are also super YUMMY.

At February 6, 2011 at 7:23 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Love your Friday Favorites! Those popsicles look delish!

At February 7, 2011 at 12:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the MK watch! I love MK, he's my favorite designer. Especially his purses and watches


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