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I eat hills for breakfast.....

The Hungry Runner Girl: I eat hills for breakfast.....

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I eat hills for breakfast.....

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I eat hills for breakfast.....

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The Hungry Runner Girl: I eat hills for breakfast.....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I eat hills for breakfast.....

But it looks like the hills threw red paint all over my face, injected my cheeks with puffiness, dipped my hair into the ocean and spit me out into the locker room.


P.S. It is cool to wear a purple shirt and blue shorts, I got dressed in the dark and I love me some mismatching.

As you know I am just getting into the whole hill thing and push yourself to the point you want to puke thing.  I can already feel the benefits (maybe they are all psycological but either way I am going to take it).  What was I thinking just focusing on upping my, boring.  I am loving switching things up and seeing how hard I can push myself.

My Hill workout: Key point....keep the same pace on the (uphill or even fast) as you do on the flat part....KICKED ME IN THE FACE.


10 miles with nine 1/2 mile hills in 74 minutes.  Each week these hills are going to get a lil bigger:)  Seriously, inclines hurt but it made the 0% feel easy and like I could go forever! 

I know you aren't supposed to 'reward' yourself with food.  But whatever, it works for me and my new bag of skittle from the MIL were running through my mind during this run...don't make fun of me but I may have visualized a big pot of them at the top of each one of my hills.  It made me run faster.


You have to check out the cutest Val's post about The Month of made me all tingly and happy inside my heart.  Love her.

Also, KATE is running Surf City Marathon (SO IS PAM:) this SUNDAY!!! Wish her luck and READ this postabout running for the JOY or for the CALORIE her honesty!


What workout are you going to do this week (or have you already done) that is pukeworthy?

-Today's hills made every muscle in my bod shake!!

Do you reward yourself with food?  What do you reward a hard workout with?

-I think this can be unhealthy for some peeps but for me I do it all the time.......I love food and even though I would eat the skittles/ice cream even if I didn't do the workout it is still fun to think about rewarding myself with its delciousness later on. Me and the Megan (CHECK OUT HER AMAZING GIVEAWAY!!!) are going to get Gatorade's after spin tonight....chatting with the bff and a nice cold beverage sounds good to me.

-I also reward myself with laying on the couch for 6 hours being the laziest soul on earth, watching my favorite tv shows and back in the single days when I was loaded (not actually rich, just really stupid with my money....I thought money was enless) I used pedicures, massages and shopping trips as a reward:)

What are the bodily consequences for you after a hard workout?

-RED FACE, chaffing like crazy on my arms, people don't like standing within 20 feet of me, beads of sweat and ENDORPHINS to the MAX!!!!


At February 2, 2011 at 4:07 PM , Blogger A Prelude To... said...

Bodily consequences after a hard workout?

I flat out stink.
...and I'm ok with that. Mostly because there is nothing I can do to change the facts :-)

At February 2, 2011 at 4:07 PM , Blogger Keri said...

Amazing hill workout! I think I would fall off the back of the treadmill!

At February 2, 2011 at 4:09 PM , Anonymous Matt @ The Athlete's Plate said...

Great workout! I think mine was harder though ;)

At February 2, 2011 at 4:09 PM , Blogger Rose @ Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri said...

I'm going to eat terrible food anyway, so I reward myself with not getting fat by exercising. Oh, and being healthy and crap.

This week I have a slow and steady 12 miler. Nothing that will kill me. It's an easy week.

I usually just smell bad and need to lie down after a hard workout. I have trouble remembering to wear deodorant.

And, um, I thought purple and blue actually went together?

At February 2, 2011 at 4:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That workout is awesome girl! You are so strong!
Um yes, I reward myself with food all the time...all I was thinking about on my run this weekend was the doughballs I was going to enjoy when I was done!
I too suffer from the red face after a well as smelling like the inside of my gym bag.

At February 2, 2011 at 4:10 PM , Blogger XLMIC said...

I don't know if I have a pukeworthy workout this week... tonight's might be... 5 miles w/ a 1 easy, 1 sort of faster, 1 faster, 1 back to the sort of faster, and final one easy. I am hoping to hit about 8:30 for the middle one... which will be a challenge for me... and 9:15-9:30 for the sort of faster ones. I may puke if I hit those target times :)

No reward of food... but I do allow myself to take a shower... after I cool down and stretch out ;-)

I get really red in the face and super smelly (so I've been told) and also endorphin-y like you :)

Glad you 'enjoyed' the hills!

At February 2, 2011 at 4:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHOA nice workout!!! I maybe max out at 2%, I'm such a pansy!!! I definitely reward myself with food, but only when I feel like I deserved it.

My face is alarmingly red during/after a run. I seriously look sunburnt, and have had people as me if I was ok. PLUS, it last for like, 2 hours. It's a little ridiculous.

At February 2, 2011 at 4:13 PM , Blogger Meghan said...

Sometimes I reward myself with food, but I know that's a slippery slope, so I try not to.

My biggest result of pushing myself hard is a tomato face - in fact, I can get it when I'm not pushing too hard. This is exactly the reason I hated PE in high school.

At February 2, 2011 at 4:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those hills made you very happy!

Speed work makes me want to vomit. And I rewarded myself with a vanilla latte from Starbucks it's perfectly acceptable!

At February 2, 2011 at 4:16 PM , Blogger Kimberly said...

I eat egg white sandwiches for breakfast but hills would be OK. Yay for you!

I haven't done a puke-worthy workout lately but my body is screaming after 40 minutes of squats, lunges and weights. So my consequence is "falling" on the toilet.

And yes, I sometimes reward myself with food. I like to celebrate races with Coconut M&Ms :)

At February 2, 2011 at 4:16 PM , Anonymous Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said...

Woah you are HARDCORE girl!! I must start doing hill workouts, but I am too chicken! It will help with my speed though, so okay, you've motivated me! But I WILL have to reward myself with cookies (in dough form) afterwards. It's the only way.

HAHAHA my face looks like a tomato after a run. And mismatching is so the way to shorts + pink top + fluorescent orange shoes + Tomato Face last week! :P

At February 2, 2011 at 4:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I reward myself with food too. I think it's TOTALLY OKAY. This is because I think of it in a way that I am giving myself a little treat or gift. What I think is UNHEALTHY is thinking "oh I ran the five miles, I burnt the calories so now I can eat the treat". I used to do I run for the fun of it and candy is a gift so, reward on, sistah!


At February 2, 2011 at 4:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait I ALWAYS reward with food:) Aka usually hummus raisin quinoa bowls but occasionally some chocolatey deliciousness!

Hills are my fave, today I kicked serious booty on the elliptical and then an awesome hour on the spin bike, it was endorphinelicious and I promptly ate lots of yummy deliciousness:)

Slash I get super red in the face and sweaty, it is gross but occasionally I take the opportunity to laugh at myself:)

At February 2, 2011 at 4:23 PM , Blogger Sue G. said...

I have to say you are very inspiring to me. I am struggling to get my running groove back in gear, and reading about your hill work and feeling like you want to puke strangely makes me feel better about my struggle. I will strive to keep going even when I feel like I just can't do anymore.

Oh--and my face looks beat red after running and it lasts for quite some time. I think people believe I went overboard at a tanning salon. But I'm not tan, just a lovely shade of blotchy red.

At February 2, 2011 at 4:26 PM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

I did 15 miles on the treadmill yesterday, but instead of being pukeworthy like I thought it would be, it felt awesome! Good thing I pushed myself. Way to go on those hills!

I gotta say, I tend not to look at myself right after a run, but I know I have some serious hair horns (I love your term!) and crazy sweat action. When I used to run in my school gym, I'd leave with my entire shirt soaked...I was foul.

At February 2, 2011 at 4:27 PM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Girl, You.Are.A.machine! A sub 3 hour marathon machine!! You kept that speed with those inclines?!! Well done! How about the shout out you got on Carrots-n-cake?!

Question: Would you still teach IF you got paid to blog full-time?

At February 2, 2011 at 4:35 PM , Blogger Rachel said...

Some old man at the gym told me I must've got a good workout today because my face was so red.. Thanks dude.

At February 2, 2011 at 4:36 PM , Anonymous Maria said...

You. Rock. My. Socks.

I try not to reward myself with food (such a slippery slope with my history!) but sometimes I need to "bribe" myself to get off the couch because I know that a run will help me feel better.

At February 2, 2011 at 4:40 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

you're awesome. i can't run hills but if I did...I def would reward myself with a bar of chocolate ;) oppppps!

ps i loved vals post too so i had to re-post and do one myself!

At February 2, 2011 at 4:44 PM , Blogger ash & diz said...

Ahhh. That sounds amazing and killer all at the same time. How did you figure out that workout?? Maybe I need to do that for my marathon training ... hmm

Can we please run together???? Please? Pretty please with whip cream and crazy core skittles on top????

At February 2, 2011 at 4:46 PM , Blogger Julia said...

AWESOME hill impressed and definitely inspired me to push myself :)

I love to reward myself with pretty much anything but definitely food and other treats. Today I rewarded myself with hot chocolate...I was even on time to work...just so I could get hot was seriously delicious and wonderful. Loved every sip.

After I workout...whoa...I sweat so much I seriously look like I just went for an hour swim...I usually do not even want to be around me until I shower so I can't imagine how others feel. haha!

At February 2, 2011 at 4:53 PM , Blogger EBURNS said...

I have found my reward is not actually in consuming the food, but planning what food I want to eat post run. The planning helps distract me from the actual hurt I am in, and that escape is what I crave.

My true post workout reward (which can only happen on weekends) is a post lunch nap.
looooooove it.

always impressed with your workout. :)

At February 2, 2011 at 5:06 PM , Blogger Meg O @watchmegorun said...

i like to reward myself with food from time to time and also by being as lazy as possible (especially after a longer urn). Way to kick those hills butt!

By the way, I constantly check the san fran groupon's to see if they feature any yummy restaurants and today there was a candy shop! $20 worth of candy for $8. Since I know you're going there too, I thought you should know. You could stock up on lots of goodies :)

At February 2, 2011 at 5:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're adorable. :)

Gonna be honest the likelihood of me chruning out a hard workout this week is pretty minimal... but yours looks brutal! I actually kind of like hills. In a sort of masochistic way. And they definitely make the lower inclines feel like your'e FLYING!!

Congrats on a successful workout! :)

At February 2, 2011 at 5:11 PM , Anonymous mm said...

I reward myself with a book or trashy television, never with food. I just don't care about food that much. Exercise also seriously supresses my appetite and I practically have to force myself to eat immediately after a workout (but I'm starving like a beast the next day).

And my face turns PURPLE. So ridiculously red that it is actually a shade of purple and stays that way for a couple of hours usually. Sexy, no?

At February 2, 2011 at 5:12 PM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

Amazing! Love seeing your workout. I have hills tonight too but they won't be at this level. You rock girlie! I'm rewarding myself before I do them...spicy guacamole and blue chips. I missed reading your blog while I've been missing in blog action the past few days. What have I missed out on?! Must go see.

At February 2, 2011 at 5:13 PM , Blogger Anna P said...

you are AMAZING! I am going to try to do some 'hills' on my mill in the next few weeks...

On tap for this week still: 3-4 miles tomorrow, elliptical Friday, 5-6 miles on Saturday, upper body tomorrow, lower body Friday

Food reward: nope, I eat it all the time so its not really a reward for me =)

Pukeworthy: this usually happens after a fast tempo or a race...I am afraid one time it will ACTUALLY happened!!
Have you ever puked after a race? I hope I never do!!

At February 2, 2011 at 5:22 PM , Blogger Runners Fuel said...

yay, I love mismtaching, too! I reward myself with the rare donut!

At February 2, 2011 at 5:23 PM , Blogger Nik said...

*First time commenter alert* Your blog is great.

The P90X legs & back workout didn't make me puke but it did cripple me for a few days. Seriously, could barely walk.

I don't typically reward myself for workouts but I do have my eye on a hot little bag once I finish both 1/2 marathons I'm signed up for this year.

As for bodily consequences of hard workouts (especially cardio)'s major gastrointestinal issues if you know what I mean!

At February 2, 2011 at 5:23 PM , Blogger Jess said...

I miss the days when a pedicure, trip to costa/pizza, tanning, and shopping seemed like a normal thing to do at least one afternoon a week... (of course followed by tv and some 7/11 hot chocolate instead of class)

At February 2, 2011 at 5:24 PM , Blogger PBandJ Runner said...

Pukeworthy workout.. Mine today wasn't exactly puke worthy, but I was definitely feeling a little whoozy by the end:
2 mile warm-up
2x5 minutes at 7.6 with 2 min.EZ in b/w
2x3x2 min at 8.0 with 1 min EZ in b/w
2 mile cooldown.
My thighs screamed for the rest of the day.

Food Reward: PB&J after every long run!

Bodily Consequences: Sweat more than all the men in the weight room combined, face redder than my hair, possible chafing, foot blisters (my feet are so ugly from running... alas, no more flip flops).

At February 2, 2011 at 5:24 PM , Anonymous Corey @ the runners cookie said...

You are amazing!! Killer hill workout! I totally reward myself with food - choc chip pancakes or french toast usually :) I say whatever works!

At February 2, 2011 at 5:25 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

awesome workout! I did a speed workout this morning. I ALWAYS sweat like a big inside, and I get the red face and wet hair also. I always feel great after I am done. I have even run 3 days in a row and I could tell I was tired but I was still ok after!

At February 2, 2011 at 5:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hills are the one thing I'm always sucky at training for. I find lots of excuses to avoid them...

At February 2, 2011 at 5:43 PM , Blogger cathysrunning said...

What a workout! You amaze me! Consequences for me are: red face, foggy glasses (when I come in the warm house from the cold outside), and I get very cold within the first 5 minutes after my run! Hot showers are the best!

At February 2, 2011 at 5:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost always obsess about what delicious creation I will make for breakfast while I am running. I also reward myself with ice cream and cupcakes later in the day after my long runs. I don't think it's unhealthy, I work my ass off and I deserve a treat!

Killer hill workout today! I did speed intervals yesterday and have a tempo tomorrow, but I know I should start doing some hills to prep for Boston. I am terrified though!

At February 2, 2011 at 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't quite puke-worthy, but I did Body Pump and Spin back to back this morning. While I didn't puke, I did acquire some bangin' hair horns. And heck yes I reward myself with food. I am eating fro yo while watching Biggest Loser typing this. :) Way to dominate those hills, girl!

At February 2, 2011 at 5:58 PM , Anonymous Dorry said...

I love your colorful outfit! I'm the most fashion-challenged person when it comes to workout gear. Really, I'm just too cheap to buy anything cute or matching. I have red face and frizzled hair horns. I feel much better being lazy on the couch at night with Billy when I had a great workout earlier in the day. For me (and I think you, too!), it's important to get some of our energy out. I do have rest days, but I love my workouts. I have a speed workout Friday that will probably be pukeworthy. xo

At February 2, 2011 at 6:00 PM , Blogger trisha*n said...

First off...just found your blog. I love it! Second of all...hills are fabulous! I just started doing more interval and hill training in the last 6 months, and I love it! I used to just focus on increasing mileage and distance runs. Now mixing it up keeps my mind busy and keeps my body working hard!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:04 PM , Blogger Meg said...

Wow, I'm not the only one whose arms chafe after a crazy workout. I thought it was so weird that that's the only place where I chafe. I just invested in some Body Glide and so far, it seems to work!

I definitely use food as a reward. For example, I'm eating candy on Friday. I've wanted candy all week, and I'm driving to NYC on Friday, so I'm eating candy while driving on Friday. It's something to look forward to, and I can be like "I really want candy right now but y'know what? I don't need it, cause I get it on Friday." And the only way I get it on Friday is if I hit the gym before class/driving to NYC. If I don't hit the gym, no candy. Considering how long I've been craving it, I know I'll go to the gym on Friday because if I don't get my candy I might hurt someone.

Hill training is innnsane. I was thinking of maybe doing some tomorrow. I've been so focused on distance recently because I have a 5 mile race in March and I want to make sure I can actually run every second of five miles (which sounds puny to you, I know lol). Yesterday I hit a total wall with running (which I talk about on my blog :) and I'm thinking I need to mix it up. Maybe hill training, while painful, might be the change I need?

At February 2, 2011 at 6:14 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

I definitely reward myself with food. It's awful, but after a long run it's worth it!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job on your hill workout! I had an awesome workout tonight at spin class. The original instructor couldn't make it because of the foot & a half of snow, so the instructor from the previous class taught again just made it 35 minutes instead of 45 min. Since it was shorter, I think I pushed myself way harder and worked just as hard as a longer class.

After a good workout, my face gets red to match my hair & endorphins are flowing!

Hahah, I just saw at the bottom of the page that your blog is powered by chocolate. Made me laugh!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:24 PM , Blogger Gracie said...

Long run = tummy cramps :( I can still eat, no nausea or anything, just feel a little crampy.

At February 2, 2011 at 6:28 PM , Blogger Kim (Book Worm Runs) said...

Woo hoo!!! Hills, what hills?!?! Psshh, you got this girl!! You are one tough chickie and you look adorable with your post run sweat and mis matched clothes ;) Love it!!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:28 PM , Blogger Fifty K said...

Chaffing! Some how I chaffed the my right underarm (always the same darn arm) tonight on my 5 mile snowy, icy, slushy, windy, cold and hilly run. Not sure how with a shirt and a jacket on but I did. I need to learn to BodyGlide that arm up no matter what I wear.

At February 2, 2011 at 6:29 PM , Blogger Little Miss Runshine said...

You did absolutely amazing on the hills!! see you will DOMINATE Boston!!! I still can't fathom fitting in running workouts you do and then spinning on top of that!!

I have a hill workout tomorrow, but not nearly as intense as yours!

I reward myself with food BEFORE my workout AND AFTER! probably why I gain wait when I train!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:32 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

My 10 miler on Sunday was puke worthy!! I have a speed workout tomorrow that will probably make me want to die... alas puke worthy!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:33 PM , Blogger d.a.r. said...

I totally reward myself with food. And bubble baths. And shopping.

I get gross after a hard workout. Dang Irish skin. I am all red and blotchy. I look like I have leprosy.

At February 2, 2011 at 6:47 PM , Blogger Betsy said...

YOU are a Rockstar girl!!!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:52 PM , Blogger Kristin Bradfield said...

Nice workout! And you can wear whatever you want when running :)

At February 2, 2011 at 6:54 PM , Blogger J said...

How did you run so fast with all those hills!! You are going to kick butt at Boston if you keep up these great workouts! I always get red when I run on the treadmill! yesterday I was like sooo red and sweaty just after my 5 miles of intervals! MY workout yesterday was a bit pukeworthy, I did an extra interval and felt good but it was tough!

I try not to reward myself with food but I do it sometimes. It is just so good!!

Keep up the great work girly!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:55 PM , Blogger Katie said...

after a tough workout, my face is purple, my clothes are stuck to me and i smell like a foot. oh wait, that's right now.

awesome hill workout, lady. that's the way to knock it out.

At February 2, 2011 at 6:55 PM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Thanks for letting me know I was on SR's site!! She and YOU always make me laugh or smile when reading! YOU should email her one of your pics--YOU and BILLY are model material and I am so serious.

So, I have decided to frame a picture of you to bring to the gym and set on my treadmill to inspire me for my hill workouts. Do you think that would be weird?!!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you did those inclines AND with those paces! That's insane - hardcore!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:20 PM , Anonymous chelsey @ clean eating chelsey said...

I don't necessarily reward myself with food, but I definitely get excited over the fact that I get to eat more! Great job on the workout!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:21 PM , Blogger Wendy said...

Great hill workout!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:22 PM , Anonymous Kimberly @ Im Not Done said...

Those are some serious hills! Makes my 3.5 hills from tonight look like nothing!

I love to reward myself after a hard workout by being lazy for the rest of the day.

I'm definitely with you on the chaffing. Anything over 7 miles. Not fun at all!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooo,,this workout looks tough-I want to try it!!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:31 PM , Blogger Christine said...

That work out is pretty intense! You totally kick my butt when I'm running on flat ground... and on the decline!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:35 PM , Blogger Angie said...

Good job with the hill workout!! You are a baller!! :)

At February 2, 2011 at 7:42 PM , Blogger Stephanie F said...

Janae. You are going to rock the socks off Boston. I seriously cannot wait to hear how you did! haha wish it would get here sooner! I can't (definitely can) believe you did that workout- so hardcore! :) Keep it up!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:45 PM , Anonymous Bess@Bess Be Fit said...

YOU ARE MY FREAKING HERO. My gosh you rule at life seriously...what a sick workout! SO proud of are my inspiration :)

At February 2, 2011 at 7:49 PM , Anonymous Pam said...

Great workout Janae!! You da "wo"-man!!

Thanks for the shout-out!! :)

I thoroughly enjoy fro-yo after a great workout w/o one ounce of guilt!!

Have a great evening!! xo :)

At February 2, 2011 at 7:54 PM , Blogger Erika said...

My Bestie Nicole sent me here to check out your blog...and it's adorable!
That hill work looked like a b*tch! Way to man up!
Nicole and I often use shopping as our reward for exercising...we have to find the perfect race outfits, ya know?

At February 2, 2011 at 7:55 PM , Blogger Laura said...

Wow - 10 miles on the treadmill. You rock!
I totally use food as a reward, sometimes. Plus I swear that treats like ice cream and candy taste 100% better when I've worked up my metabolism for the day! Also I love being lazy after a great workout... curling up with a good book or taking a nap for a couple hours. My body loves the rest, too!

At February 2, 2011 at 8:00 PM , Blogger solarpowered said...

Since I'm just getting back into my running after my calf injury, I haven't been running speedy stuff or hard workouts much at all. And I've stayed away from the hills.

Until tonight! Ran my running store's group run tonight, with 4 miles of hilly stuff thrown in. And my leg held up! Woot! Go Hills!

At February 2, 2011 at 8:31 PM , Blogger Caroline said...

Hill on treadmill for me too this morning.
It makes me drip like crazy and also makes purple not red, and let's not talk about the hair...I scare people I think.

reward today celebratiing the birthday of my youngest who turns 5 today with smoothies, I dedicated my post to him today go see cute pics and video!
well i think he is cute but i am bias..

At February 2, 2011 at 8:41 PM , Blogger Natalie said...

hilarious. as i'm reading this i'm eating a GIANT bowl of homemade banana pudding. it was my reward for doing 10 on the treadmill today (not quite as fast or hilly as you but i'll take it ;)) I've been looking fwd to that pudding all freaking day! ...and now i've moved on to cookies :)

At February 2, 2011 at 8:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ewwwwww to hills. seriously the worst type of workout EVER. way to beast it though. and i love that first picture. pure joy there :)

At February 2, 2011 at 9:49 PM , Anonymous Kate (What Kate is Cooking) said...

I've rewarded myself with food many times (I know, it's horrible.) I like to treat myself after long runs with frozen yogurt from Costco. Just thinking about it makes me want to run 15 miles!

At February 2, 2011 at 10:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great hill work :) Ive been doing some of those myself but no where near as cool as you.

Ive been sick the past few days so no running for me.

At February 2, 2011 at 10:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My crazy workout was today, 7 miles, lift class and hot yoga!!!

I rewarded myself with frozen yogurt and swedish fish ;)

I'm a hot mess when I workout out, sweat, smell, i look gross, and seeing as I look like this 99.9% of my days I don't see how Kris stays with me ;)

Thanks for the shout out on your blog! Ive had the most views ever! I may have to do a guest post ;)

At February 2, 2011 at 10:40 PM , Blogger Muncher Cruncher said...

Ok those hills look KILLER. You are incredible. Our date to Crest basically made my night. I love you to PIECES. Can't wait for our PF date. xoxoxo

At February 2, 2011 at 10:46 PM , Blogger Jenn said...

Oh, I am so going to do some hills so I can look like you!...Tomorrow!!
I sweat like crazy too... Im drenched when I work out and I feel like everyone is looking at me like Im discusting! Owell... I hear it means your really healthy when you sweat a stickin to that story!

At February 2, 2011 at 10:47 PM , Blogger Stephanie said...

Next time you and Megan hang out..just swing by my pad in Iowa and pick me up first, mkay? :)

I ran 3 tonight in 27:26. Please do not laugh that this made me want to puke.
I reward myself with food. Not candy...but stuff I normally wouldn't buy.

At February 2, 2011 at 10:48 PM , Blogger journey said...

I love a good hill in a run. I will have to post a pic of the hill I live on. I love the feeling I get when I reach the top. so great.

Thanks for the comment! Made my night. My hubs thought I won a prize or something.

Of course we can meet at the half! That would be fabulous!! We will have to arrange a meeting spot.

Nice work with the workouts!!

At February 2, 2011 at 11:32 PM , Anonymous Page said...

Ahhh, you are so good with the hills! Thanks for the motivation!

At February 2, 2011 at 11:50 PM , Blogger Ashley said...

I love your blog! I found it through my friend Chelsea (Russell) Greer, she says you guys met in college. She and I have been friends since we were 5. Your blog totally inspires me!
I don't have a pukeworthy workout this week. It is my easy week in training! Next week will be more tough.
I TOTALLY reward myself with food! That is often times how I get enough motivation to tack on a few extra miles.

At February 2, 2011 at 11:55 PM , Blogger Katy said...

You make my hill workout look like a joke. But that's why I have to keep working on it! :)

Great job, you're amazing!

At February 3, 2011 at 12:38 AM , Anonymous KayS said...

Post long run reward = frozen yogurt parfeit!!!!!!!!!!

At February 3, 2011 at 6:45 AM , Blogger BigHappyFamily said...

When I run I dream about wine waiting for me when I get home. Yes, I do. Mmmmm....

Nice effort on the hills. You should harness your try something different approach to your runs, and try to lift weights so heavy they are puke worthy. What do you think? I think 3 x 10's in the weight room are boring too, but maybe establishing your max for squat and bench would be fun/puke worthy/skittle bag rewarding?

At February 3, 2011 at 9:09 AM , Blogger Big Daddy Diesel said...

I cant tell, did you puke or dry heeve after the workout? Did you earn the coolest, grandest, most prideful and desire award of alltime? the BDD Pukie!!!

At February 3, 2011 at 10:16 AM , Anonymous Angel said...

Amazing hill workout- congrats! You are definitely going to break 3 in Boston!

What software do you use to get the print out that you posted here of your mileage, incline and speed?

At February 3, 2011 at 10:17 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

That workout sounds ridiculously tough but so good. I love the feeling after I finish a workout that hard.

Thanks for the linkage to my bloggeroo. :) You're the best. I am picking up my beta alanine TODAY and trying it before a 5 miler. Wish I could run farther! Darn taper!

At February 3, 2011 at 11:16 AM , Blogger Mara Campbell said...

I wish I had a pukeworthy workout on the plan this week, I rolled my ankle last weekend and i'm resting this week. SOOOOO hard to rest all darn week!!! I'm going insane already and it's only been 3 days.

I reward myself with time watching the Beverly Hills Housewives and trips to our local yogurt shop!!

I am a total stinkfest after working out and my childhood soccer nickname of TomatoFace is pretty accurate.

At February 3, 2011 at 11:49 AM , Blogger Siobhan said...

I love the hill guidelines. I am for sure stealing that one! I have a fear of t-mill hill training and I think this will help.

And that red face-- yeaaa, I have that problem. It's cute, right?

At February 3, 2011 at 1:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a red-face for a very long time after a workout. When I was in high school, i'd go halfway til lunch with a beet-red face! Usually at work, it subsides after an hour after I get here (depending on what my workout was).

I do grub down after long runs and races. That is, when I actually feel like eating. Post-race is the only time I ever DONT want to eat. I'm weird

At February 4, 2011 at 12:48 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

The hills ain't got nothing on you girl! :)

I definitely reward myself with food. That's why I can't lose any weight. Whatever though...

At February 4, 2011 at 5:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes - I'm so behind in my blog reading! I'm exhausted reading about that hill workout! (I better go lay on the couch for awhile and recover.) You are crazy! And well on your way to becoming the fastest runner in the world!

At February 5, 2011 at 8:21 PM , Anonymous Kelsey said...

Thanks for the recommendation on the Month of Love post! It is so cute!


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