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Skittles, Soup and a Race

The Hungry Runner Girl: Skittles, Soup and a Race

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The Hungry Runner Girl: Skittles, Soup and a Race

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Skittles, Soup and a Race

I think my Mother-In-Law knows me a little too well.  I got a package from her today with skittles (crazy core flavored, my favorite kind), a food magazine and a picture of an empty plate with a note written: "You're Worst Nightmare."


After school yesterday I took a shower and washed those hair horns right away:)  Then I forced Billy to watch The Bachelor on Hulu with me.  Seriously, I was in heaven.  Laying on my couch, eating a popsicle, watching my latest addiction and talking to Billy about who we thought was going home next. I cherish my afternoons and early evenings (not so much past 8 because my eyelids start getting way too heavy).  I really look forward to the hours of 4:30-8 SO MUCH!!!


The Billow made dinner for me tonight while I saw how lazy I could be by not moving a muscle. I am an awesome wife.

He made creamy potato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.  I threw in some broccoli because broccoli should be served at every meal and added some homemade jam from JEN (seriously, so good, thanks girl:)  onto my grilled cheese sandwich....


Wait....what? That isn't normal to put jam on a grilled cheese. We grew up doing that in the Anderson home and as weird as it sounds, try it. It will change your life.  Billy still thinks I am crazy for doing it.  Who doesn't love adding sugary goodness to everything they eat?


As you are reading this I am (or already did) overcoming my fear and doing a hill workout.  It is 4 degrees outside so you better believe I am rocking the incline on the treadmill. Hopefully, I don't fall backwards!!  I will share the workout with you after school today.

P.S. I have a 1/2 marathon in 25 days in Southern Utah....I AM SO EXCITED.  I think it will help me feel more confident for Boston and get over those pre-race jitters.  We are going with some of my best friends from high school.  It is going to be a good time!


Have you ever seen someone fall on the treadmill (besides on The Biggest Loser)?  Have you ever fallen on the treadmill?

-One time at the gym someone left the treadmill going and a woman stepped on without realizing it....SO SAD, face plant!!! I have dropped my ipod (don't tell Billy). water bottle and car keys many time and they zing back so fast as the belt is moving.

-I have fallen so many times while running outside!!! I have some gnarly scars to prove it...sometimes, those sidewalk cracks just jump right out at me!

What time of day do you CHERISH the mostest???

-Early morning sweat sessions and 4:30-8 p.m.

Are you racing this month?

-Feb. 26th:)

Does your family have any weird food combo's like our jam on grilled cheese sandwiches?


At February 2, 2011 at 5:53 AM , Anonymous chelsey @ clean eating chelsey said...

I don't think jam is weird on grilled chese - savory and sweet and salty all at the same time? That's good in my book!

I have the biggest fear of falling while I am on the treadmill - my fear is so big that I cannot run on a treadmill with anything behind me within 5 feet because I'm afraid I'll slam into it when I fly off. I always fall outside though.

At February 2, 2011 at 5:54 AM , Blogger Geneviève said...

I've never fallen on the treadmill, but outside YES. SO many times. And I usually get pretty bruised up and bloody then I usually start crying because I'm so shocked and embarassed (yes I'm a big wimp). Who knew running could be such a contact sport?

At February 2, 2011 at 5:55 AM , Anonymous Amanda (Eating Up) said...

I put jam on my grilled cheese sandwiches all the time! I also put them on my ungrilled cheese sandwiches...

At February 2, 2011 at 5:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never fallen on a treadmill, but I have matching knee scars from falling on sidewalks! =D
Um my favorite times of the day would be early in the morning right when I wake up and whenever we're all together as a family! =D
Actually, we put pickles on grilled cheeses. It sounds gross, but everyone who has tried it so far liked it! =D Other weird food things include ketchup on navy beans because we need our condiments with every meal, and sugar and lemon juice on french toast instead of maple syrup!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:02 AM , Blogger Siobhan said...

I hate when I drop things on the T-Mill!!
One day I was running and dropped my ipod and it flew back behind me and a woman yelled over to me from the bikes, "Your ipod! Your ipod!" As if I didn't hear the music stop in my earbuds. So now the entire area was watching me as I went to pick up my ipod (while laughing) I forgot that I was still attached to the safety string on the t-mill and I jolted as it snapped off on me. How embarrassing. Yet hilarious. Thanks for the help, biker lady!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The jam on grilled cheese weirds me out. I'll just take your word for it.

Feb. 20 in Fort Lauderdale! A half marathon - and my husband's very first!!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was about to say no to the treadmill question but then I remembered that I have fallen. I can't remember anything else though. Maybe I hit my head? lol

I'm racing twice this month! A 5k on Saturday...last minute plan. I want to redeem myself from my 15 second slower time on Jan 22. Plus I'm running my second half marathon on February 12 on Hilton Head Island!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:02 AM , Anonymous Abby @ Have Dental Floss, Will Travel said...

I once had a treadmill malfunction that resulted in me flying off the back. I had paused it to run to the bathroom, and when I returned I assumed the belt would still be paused. For some reason, rather than resetting, it just started running again, and when I stepped on and promptly fell. Everyone in the gym looked up and the guy working there ran over to make sure I was okay. So embarrassing! But, I got back on and finished my workout - and I still have a 'mill burn scar on my knee to remember the little incident.

At February 2, 2011 at 6:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

when I was in college, I fell of the treadmill HARD. In a full gym. Many, many people stared. My ego and my knee were extremely bruised.

I like any time of day that I'm not at work... :) Good luck with the hills!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never personally fallen in the Treadmill, but I have seen others do it. Its sad and I don't want them to be embarassed because I think you have to do it once in your life to be considered a dedicated runner.

I love my morning drive in because I get to jam to my favorite tunes and be happy while everyone else is mad because of rush hour. I also love right after work when its my running time and dinner because it get to talk to my momma!

I put french or ranch dressing in EVERYTHING.

At February 2, 2011 at 6:10 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

No treadmill falls for me, but I've seen plenty of them. We used to eat mayo and peanut butter sandwiches. Sounds gross, huh? But every now and then I get a hankering for one... it's weird what nostalgia will make you do!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:11 AM , Blogger Katy said...

I am doing one of our base 5Ks! Woo hoo! It's for President's Day (They choose a holiday every month and do a 5K, but I haven't done one since Thanksgiving). I'm really hoping to meet my goal of 28 minutes... Wish me luck!

Have fun on your half marathon! Girl you rock my socks off.

At February 2, 2011 at 6:13 AM , Blogger Sara said...

I have to ask....who are your front runners on the Bachelor? I LOVE Emily and of them HAS to be "The One"

At February 2, 2011 at 6:15 AM , Blogger Little Miss Runshine said...

My friend fell on the treadmill!

I have a 10 miler and half this month!

don't be nervous for Boston! You are seriously going to rock it! Hope your hill workout was awesome!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:15 AM , Anonymous Kimberly @ Im Not Done said...

I cherish the moments after my workout, sometimes that's in the morning, sometimes at night. And making dinner with the hubby, we chat about the day, etc.

No races in February but I have a half marathon on March 5th!!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:18 AM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

I've fallen off the treadmill a couple times, most of the time I can catch myself on the bars before I go completely off. Sort of a hazard of having vertigo problems!

No races for me this month, my first race is the end of March, then my first half marathon at the beginning of april! WOO!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:19 AM , Blogger Rachel said...

I haven't fallen, but have definitely dropped my ipod more times than I can count. I hate when it comes unplugged from your earbuds and whatever embarrassing song you were just running your heart out to, is blasted for the entire gym to hear.

I have my half at the end of the month!!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:22 AM , Blogger Keri said...

Good luck in your half marathon. That is a great distance. Have you ever raced a half before? What about other distances (other than marathons)? Just wondering!

I am not racing this month, but I have a bunch coming up in March.

Happy Birthday month! Yay for February babies ;)

At February 2, 2011 at 6:24 AM , Blogger Gracie said...

I saw a guy fall off a treadmill once flirting with a gym employee. PRECIOUS.

At February 2, 2011 at 6:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fall all the time running outside. I have scars that could rival a little kid!

Mornings are my favorite too. Especially Sat long run mornings :)

At February 2, 2011 at 6:32 AM , Blogger Jenni said...

I've never seen anyone fall on a treadmill and I rarely fall outside. I think I'd break in half if I fell!
I also eat jelly/jam on grilled cheese. Doesn't everybody? Got my kids to do it too.
Fave time of day - early morning!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:32 AM , Anonymous Mike said...

i love how you used the term "gnarly" lol. but no wierd food combos for me!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:32 AM , Blogger Sheanna said...

I've almost fallen on a treadmill before, but that's nothing shocking. My sense of balance is al ittle off-kilter.

I think the only weird thing my family does is put ketchup on scrambled eggs. People seem to find that odd when they see me do that.

At February 2, 2011 at 6:35 AM , Blogger Emily said...

I love sweet savory. I add jam to my egg sandwiches. Try it, you won't regret it.

I definitely savor my early morning sweat sessions the most. My boss keeps hinting that I need to do some early morning work tasks and I keep pretending to not receive the emails.

At February 2, 2011 at 6:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cherish the night. Even though I'm tired EVERYONE is asleep and no one needs me, not even the dog!!

Never, ever had jelly on my grilled cheese!! When I was a kid I used to eat peanut butter and bacon sandwiches.

No racing this month.. YOU ROCK!! Speedy girl

At February 2, 2011 at 6:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never fallen but my ipod always goes flying!

Fav time of day: 6-8am. Time to be alone, eat breakfast, and read blogs before I have to start my day.

We always put cheese on our broccoli, which I have heard is weird, but it is GOOD.

Hope you have a great day!!!! :)

At February 2, 2011 at 6:50 AM , Anonymous K said...

You and "Billow" are so cute <3

Fav time of the day=5-10 AM. These are my most productive and optimistic hours. I am awake, working out, and getting into the groove of my work day. Of course I love lunch time (but I'm less productive then!) and in the afternoon my energy starts to dip :(

My dad always butters his PB&J sandwich! I think that's pretty unique! haha

Have a great day and congrats on workin that hill girl!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:52 AM , Blogger Stephanie F said...

I'm a big fan of food in general, sooo... I'm pretty sure that sandwich would be delicious. ALSO. I need to know who you love on the Bachelor. Besides Michelle, obviously. ;) Dying to know!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:54 AM , Blogger Mallory said...

I have never seen anyone fall off a treadmill, which is a good thing because I am one of those inappropriate laughers when someone gets hurt. Oops.

My favorite time of day is also early evening because you finally get to relax, watch tv and cuddle!

No races this month but I am going on vacation!!

I put ketchup on my pork chops and steak... apparently that's weird.

At February 2, 2011 at 6:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never fallen, but my ipod has, and it hit someone standing behind the treadmill once, oops! I am really clumsy and have tripped running outside plenty of times.

I love morning hours when I'm up eating breakfast and before I go to class. It's always a relaxing time unless I'm rushing. I also love random breaks in my day in between classes.

At February 2, 2011 at 6:56 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

oh man I have seen a few people fall of a treadmill at the gym- I cant help but laugh to myself but then of course I want to help them so they are okay :(

My favorite time of day is early in the morning/early evening so I can relax, enjoy the rest of the night being a couch potato!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

new reader over here and in love with ur personality and attitude and sense of humour!

thats a funny picutre that ur mother in law sent u.

i have never used jam on a grilled cheese but i will have to try it sometime!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:01 AM , Anonymous Caitlin said...

I actually think that jam on a grilled cheese would be amazing I'm totally trying that next time. My dad always puts pickles on peanut butter sandwiches.... I doubt I'll ever try that though...

At February 2, 2011 at 7:09 AM , Blogger Holli Marie said...

Jam on grilled cheese sounds unique but I am not sure I am adventurous enough to try it! You are very dedicated putting in all the miles on the treadmill. I run outside anytime it's >20', so I guess I would be on the 'mill too where you are!

I have never actually fallen off the treadmill but have had to jump onto the sides to prevent a face plant! I have seen a few people and it looks painful! Keep up your training for Boston, I've got a 1/2 marathon in March, wish it were in February though the racing bug it biting!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:09 AM , Blogger Heather said...

What a great mother-in-law you have!! The potato soup with broccoli looks yummy. I've never seen someone fall and I've never fallen on the treadmill. I used to put ketchup on my macaroni and cheese, but now I hardly ever eat macaroni and cheese.

At February 2, 2011 at 7:11 AM , Blogger Southern Sober Girl Runs said...

One time I went to the gym post happy hour. I accidentally stepped off the treadmill. Ego and knee were bruised.

At February 2, 2011 at 7:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Billy is such a sweetheart!
I make my bf watch the Bachelor with me as well and he acts like he doesn't like it but i catch him enjoying it! hahaha
I have not fallen off the treadmill but it is my worst nightmare, I am embarrassed very easily so I think that is my motivation to stay put!!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once at my Gym, a girl next to me on the treadmill went into some sort of seizure because she had been dieting really strictly and then was running sprints....she collapsed mid sprint, flew off the treadmill with her head into the concrete wall behind her. I had to do first aid while someone else ran to dial 911!

Moral: don't over diet/over exercise!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:14 AM , Blogger sdralphs said...

Only time I fell on a treadmill was in college when my coaches strapped us into the harness and we had to do agility and speed work on a treadmill. We had to run backwards, shuffle sideways, change directions, all while the machine is moving at a rapid pace. I lost my footing once and fell, but luckily I just curled up in a ball and the harness saved me. The post players were never as fortunate. They would fall and since they were taller their bodies would just drag on the machine. Ha ha. So funny.

I cherish 3-9. Work is over and I get to be home with Shane. I too love curling up on the couch and watching the Bachelor and Modern Family. Best part of my day. Who do you want to win on Bachelor? I love Emily like everyone, but don't think they are a good fit. So I'm pulling for the shopping spree girl.

I don't think my family does anything terribly weird. We just eat ketchup with everything. Well we use to, I hardly eat ketchup at all anymore.

No races for me coming up. Just working on getting back into the workout scene.

At February 2, 2011 at 7:15 AM , Anonymous Michelle M said...

I've been ripped by my tread-monster only once. My son decided he wanted to try it out, tripped, didn't have the safety tab attached to himself, treadmill is close to the wall, got himself trapped between the wall and the evil treadmill. As the treadmill was burning the first layer of skin off his little stomach, I jumped on the thing (sometimes a mother's instinct doesn't kick in properly) and promptly tripped. I now have a pretty burn scar on my arm that matches my son's on his stomach. I still love my treadmill though.

At February 2, 2011 at 7:21 AM , Blogger Raina said...

Very excited for your half!!!

I watched my son (3) fall on the TM- not so good..bad idea mom.

At February 2, 2011 at 7:43 AM , Anonymous Melissa said...

I've never ::knock on wood:: fallen off the treadmill. I think if i did, I'd have to cancel my gym membership immediately if not sooner!

As for races, I'm running the Austin Half on 2/20!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:48 AM , Anonymous Corey @ the runner's cookie said...

I think jam and cheese go well together!!
My favorite times of day are morning (my time to myself when my head is still clear) and when I get home from work.

At February 2, 2011 at 7:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Falling on the treadmill is my worst fear! My BlackBerry and iPod have definitely been shot out from it before :(

My favorite part of the day is definitely my morning workout .. or my nighttime frozen yogurt eating/humor blog reading ..

No race this month except for myself training for my half in April!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:50 AM , Blogger Big Daddy Diesel said...

- I am with Billy with the jam on the grill cheese, I am telling you Billy, we would get along great

- You will do fine on the hills, I did shallow hills last night 6x4 mins on dreadmill in between 5-7 incline, later this weeks its 10x2 mins at 10 incline or higher (that one I dread)

- I cherish training time and dinner

- I wish I was racing in Feb, its Ohio and its cold

- I dont cook with salt, I dont add salt to food, but I put salt on watermelon, everyone thinks I am nuts. But think about it, after a hard workout, little soduim to replace what you lost and watermelon is basically water, the almost perfect post workout combo, AND watermelon is sooooo flipping good!!!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:51 AM , Blogger BigHappyFamily said...

I have seen someone fall off a treadmill... a young high school girl at the gym (who was reading hollywood rag magazines). It is much funnier to see in person to someone you're pretty sure won't get hurt, as opposed to watching the BL contestants on TV when you wonder will they ever get up?

Love skittles, but never heard of the "core" variety ... must find me some.

I, Ms. non-racing recreational runner, have entered a race. It will be my second race ever (first was a 5K). I am doing my first 1/2 marathon on 3/6. I plan to finish under 1:45, and smiling. We'll see.

At February 2, 2011 at 7:52 AM , Blogger Danielle said...

The same thing happened to a lady at my gym. She stepped on the treadmill without knowing it was already on. It shot her backwards and she his the treadmill I was on. OUCH.
No racing for me for a while. I can't run for 6 weeks : (
I'm glad you washed your hair yesterday. It's good to know you didn't decide you could go 11 years without washing your hair, too. : )

At February 2, 2011 at 7:59 AM , Anonymous Kelly said...

My freshman year of college I fell off a treadmill. It was mortifying. I'm still terrified of doing it again.

At February 2, 2011 at 8:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gppdness, I almost fell of the treadmill last week! But very often my stuff will fall and fly off the back, it sucks but at the same time it is hilarious to see my stuff move warp speed:)

Girl, if you like jam on grilled cheese then you will LOVE grapes on pizza! It sounds weird, but girl your mind will explode, it is so yummy aka sweet and salty crunchy deliciousness!:)

At February 2, 2011 at 8:17 AM , Blogger Emily @ said...

I fell when running outside last June (tripped on a curb) and broke my elbow! First time I ever broke a bone and wasn't allowed to run for 5 weeks. It was sooooo miserable.

I have a half marathon on Feb 27th! :)

My mom used to make us cream cheese and jam sandwiches on pumpernickle bread when we were kids! So good!

At February 2, 2011 at 8:29 AM , Blogger Reese's Runner said...

We like peanut butter and icing on graham crackers. Yummmmmm. What did you think of Bachelor last night?

At February 2, 2011 at 8:30 AM , Blogger Reese's Runner said...

Oh and run a race in Texas so we can hang out and eat candy.

At February 2, 2011 at 8:31 AM , Blogger Tara @ Dashing in Pearls said...

I've never fallen on a treadmill (that I can remember... I may have blocked it out though).

I have a 5k on Feb. 26th!

I don't know if it's weird but we eat PB & banana sandwiches... YUM!

At February 2, 2011 at 8:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've stumbled on the treadmill and dropped my ipod more times than I can count! After Boston, your next race should be in Canada. I already know you like Victoria! Annnnnd I love weird food combination. My favorite is salty tortilla chips dipped in raspberry yogurt. I like to think of it has a tastier sour cream...

At February 2, 2011 at 8:45 AM , Anonymous Dorry said...

BILLOW! Love that. I might have to borrow it for my Billy. Not racing til March 27th, but super excited about it! My favorite time of the day is from 8ish til about 11AM. I also love 4-6PM when Billy gets home from work and we hang out. Hope you're having a great day!!

At February 2, 2011 at 8:47 AM , Blogger Julia said...

Totally saw someone fall for the same reason as you wrote about in your post at SF Gold's...I have not yet fallen (knock on wood) but was slightly afraid today with my first speed workout...eek. I held on when i got scared...but learned it is okay to let go of the treadmill...more to come on that in my post tonight :)

my favorite time of day is morning workouts (surprisingly...but they totally wake me up) and 7-9 tv time :)

I sooo hope we see you at the race on the 26th!!

At February 2, 2011 at 8:49 AM , Anonymous Lauren Runs said...

Go you for the hill workout! I am doing blizzard workouts... you try running outside in a blizzard and don't go anywhere because of the wind!

I have the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon on Feb 27.
Favorite time of day: in bed in the AM, snuggling. or after an afternoon workout when I do not move.
Crazy family food: the flavors aren't crazy, but Thanksgiving is NOT thanksgiving without black olives to eat.

At February 2, 2011 at 8:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend once fell of the treadmill when we were little. She put the speed all the way up as fast as it could go and jumped on it. She fell off so fast, hahaha it is funny looking back at it now but it was kind of scary at the time.

Also--I have a 10k this weekend and a 10 miler race in 2 weekends! :)

At February 2, 2011 at 8:58 AM , Blogger Nicole said...

No races this month for me! Too much snow!!!

I love the times between 9-6... so peaceful!!! :)

i love potato soup with grilled cheese! mmmmm

At February 2, 2011 at 8:59 AM , Blogger Nicole said...

p.s. tangent Tuesday on my blog!

At February 2, 2011 at 9:03 AM , Blogger Runners Fuel said...

when I was yournger, my dad and I would enjoy and PB and may sanwdich. I tried it recently, so gross now.

At February 2, 2011 at 9:08 AM , Blogger Jess said...

Janae, I am embarrassed to admit that I one time fell off a treadmill. My parents always told me to wear the safety clip, and I didn't listen, and I was running my little heart out, and closed my eyes for a second (I was really into the song on my IPOD), and I fell off! My leg got caught between the speeding treadmill belt and the wall, and I proceeded to get Staph infection! It was a horrible embarrassing story for me!

At February 2, 2011 at 9:14 AM , Blogger Stephanie said...

Our family eats PB sandwiches when we make chili. Everyone thinks that's weird but I :)

I have a race coming up on the 12th! Just a 3 miler so it's for speed and I'm a turtle. Should be fun!

I LOVE any time before 8 am and after 5 pm when I get to be with my loves. :)

At February 2, 2011 at 9:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was doing treadmill sprints once and was huffing and puffing and suddenly the screen flashed ERROR and the belt shut off. To say I went flying would be an understatement!

I think my fav time of day is aorund 8:30 when I get home, all my stuff is ready for the day and I just chill out in bed or on the couch and relax!

At February 2, 2011 at 9:25 AM , Blogger EBURNS said...

I'm with Emily, jam on egg sandwiches.....deliciousness!

Other family combo, is dipping chicken in butter, coating with crushed up rice krispies, and baking. So good.

Next race pi day 5k. (3.14 on 3/14)

At February 2, 2011 at 9:31 AM , Blogger d.a.r. said...

I have lost my iPod several times on the treaddy. It just shoots off the back like a missile. I accidently hit the lady on the elliptical behind me once, whoops!!

Our family puts diced up hard boiled eggs on tacos. Weird enough for ya?

At February 2, 2011 at 9:46 AM , Blogger Wendy said...

Oh my goodness! I thought my family was the only ones who put jam on their grilled cheese sandwiches! I am so happy I was wrong. That is awesome that you do it too. I like grape jelly. ;-)

I am probably doing a 10K on Feb 12th.

My favorite time of day is when my little kids are all in bed and I can veg on my computer without feeling guilty. ;-)

At February 2, 2011 at 9:48 AM , Blogger Wendy said...

We were really poor growing up and my mom would feed us peanut butter and mayo sandwiches. Seriously. Only one of my siblings still likes them to this day. I haven't eaten one since I was probably 10 years old and will never eat one again. (But I did like them when I was little.)

At February 2, 2011 at 9:53 AM , Blogger my little celebration said...

I fell outside one time in the middle of summer on a Saturday on the main road in Wichita, Kansas. It was totally embarrassing because so many people saw me fall, knee first and then hands before I waddled into a nearby restaurant to wash the blood and rocks off of my wounds. And I still have the scars. But honestly, it was such a good run otherwise that I don't feel that horrible about it. It made me feel kind of hardcore : )

My family doesn't have as many weird food combos as they do just weird food staples. My mom and dad are both hunters so we often had deer fingers instead of chicken fingers, pheasant chili instead of beef chili, and elk burgers instead of cow burgers. But wild game tends to be leaner than other meats, so I don't mind it. And I actually still prefer the taste even though I don't eat it as much now I'm out of the house.

At February 2, 2011 at 10:04 AM , Blogger Anne said...

I can only eat poached or fried eggs on toast with jam.

Also, growing up, the condiments inside our grilled cheese depended on the type of cheese/bread. For example:

Wheat Bread/Cheddar Cheese/Mustard/Pickles
White Bread/American Cheese/Dipped in Apple Sauce.


At February 2, 2011 at 10:06 AM , Blogger Mara Campbell said...

I was at work at our company gym at noon, it was totally packed. I was waiting for a treadmill. One guy got off his and walked away. SCORE, I thought. Well, I didn't notice that he DIDN'T turn it off (WTH??????) and I stepped right onto a treadmill going 100 MPH. You better believe it shot me off the back like George Jetson. My ipod and water bottle went flying. In front of a packed gym. At work, where I have to see these people everyday. Most embarassing moment ever!!!

NO racing for me in February...but I did just sign up for a 200 mile relay race in April. Should be interesting!

At February 2, 2011 at 10:18 AM , Blogger Susan said...

You're going to rock the half marathon, and it will definitely be a confidence booster for Boston! Mine was. :)

At February 2, 2011 at 10:22 AM , Blogger Anna P said...

Never fallen on the treadmill (and hope I never do-I have one now!! Go read my blog)and have never seen anyone do it-how embarrassing that would be!!

I cherish the time between 630 and 830am the most, get my workout in, the kidlets get up, the day is fresh and new =)

No races this month, they I may do some of my own races...ON MY BRAND NEW TREADMILLL!!!!! =)

Weird food combos: well, I'm 1/2 Asian (mom is Korean) so about every we eat is a weird food combo =) I do like pizza rolls dipped in a ranch/tabaso combination (crazy good) and dip my pizza in Thousand island dressing. I am going to have to try your grilled cheese and jelly combo, sounds DIVINE!!

~Anna Banana

At February 2, 2011 at 10:24 AM , Blogger Stefanie D. said...

Shut up! Crazy Core skittles???? I used to be a hardcore blue package skittles fan, until those lovely bits of sugary goodness came out. Love them.

I have not ever fallen on a treadmill. But have almost fallen, which I think is almost as embarrassing. Because for that breif moment when you get off balance and then try to regain your balance, it sounds like a 500 pound giant stomping on the treadmill and then everyone in the entire gym is looking at you like, WTH are you doing??? And your like...heh, heh...

At February 2, 2011 at 10:25 AM , Anonymous Kayla (Little Miss Healthify) said...

I always think it's so funny when they fall off the treadmill on BL! Haha, is that mean?

I'm going to have to try jam on cheese toast, I bet it's amazing. I love apples with cheddar and peanut butter.

At February 2, 2011 at 10:25 AM , Blogger Kristina Buenafe said...

Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches! Good luck in your half marathon :)

At February 2, 2011 at 10:33 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Oh Janae. You are so cute. I watched this show called 'Heavy' on my laptop last night all cuddled in my warm bed. I love the hours of 8-10pm because I am done with everything...finally! Have you seen 'Heavy'? It's my newest obsession. Love it! It's on A&E, you can see it on their website. It's like Intervention but for morbidly obese individuals on a mission to get healthy.

So, my marathon is in 4 days (holy cow!) and I am feeling much better, thank God!! I wanted to ask you something though. I was thinking about trying that crazy stuff called Beta Alanine (or something like that) that you mentioned awhile back. I know they say not to try anything new on race day, but do you think it would cause any problems? You made it sound miraculous and I would love to try it. Unfortunately, your post about it came too late and I had already done my longest runs so I wasn't able to experiment with it.

I would love you forever and totally appreciate some advice because you are so wonderful and amazing like that! :) You can email me.

Muchas Gracias mi amiga! Have a fabulous Wednesday.

Oh wait, and yes, I have fallen off of a treadmill in college at the rec center. I fell of and then my hair got stuck in the belt. It went round and round and kept yanking my hair and the belt was hitting my shoulder. I had road rash! It was humiliating and my friend was too shocked to help so she just stared at me! I could've killed her.

At February 2, 2011 at 10:40 AM , Blogger Jenn said...

That looks pretty yummy...I think I will have to try it!! I thought I was weird with the tortilla and pb. :)
I LOVE my mornings!! Espresso...Kev, and Jackie. Blog stalking and then more espresso!
Hope your having a great day!! :)
P.s. No way, your mom pays me nothing...Your just fabulous so I feel like I should say so often!!

At February 2, 2011 at 10:41 AM , Blogger funderson said...

1-Never seen anyone fall on the treadmill, but I fall down all the time running. Trailrunning is tough on the knee-skin.
2-4:30 to 8 as well...after that I'm asleep!
3-nope...good luck on your 1/2! Southern Utah in winter rules.
4-My Utah Co. fam always ate peanut butter on waffles...yum

At February 2, 2011 at 11:21 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

hubs puts yellow mustard on his french toast! :)

At February 2, 2011 at 11:27 AM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

You M-I-L is awesome! Did you get the stuff I sent you yet? Hope so!!

I am totalling thinkng of you for your hill workout! I did mine today and trid "rolling hills" again. HR was through the roof!!

I am SUPER pumped or your half!! Wish I was closer and could cheer you on too--I know seeing you runi real-life (which WILL happen one day) would be so inspiring!! I'd even wear a t-shirt: "The Hungry Girl Runner" She'll outrun you in 13.1 and put down more Skittles than you can count!!"

At February 2, 2011 at 11:29 AM , Anonymous Paula @ Eat: Watch: Run said...

I was on a treadmill at my apartment complex once and there was an indoor basketball court near the treadmills. Door to the court was not closed all the way and a basketball rolled up to the back of my treadmill, which the treadmill sucked under and threw me forward. Not fun. It was an instant stop from 6.5 mph. I was more scared than anything, but that could have really done some damage!

At February 2, 2011 at 11:37 AM , Blogger Jamie Pickle said...

I don't recall ever falling on the treadmill, but I wouldn't put it past me. I have def fallen while running outside. I don't understand why people leave treadmills on, isn't there a pause button?? My hubby thinks I am crazy when I put jam on my everything bagle with plain cream cheese.

At February 2, 2011 at 11:38 AM , Blogger ShortSkirts said...

Good Luck with the hills!

I have a 5k race on 2/12 Valentines Day Dash that I'm running with two of my lovely girl friends. I'm so excited.

Luckily I have never fallen off of a tredmill, and have yet to take spills while running out doors, which is surprising given that my head is constantly on a swivel looking at what's around me.

Good luck with your half!

At February 2, 2011 at 11:47 AM , Blogger Eunice K. said...

I've never fallen off a treadmill or seen it happen although i've seen the aftermath (someone getting up)...

weird food combo: Salt on grapefruit and oranges? my husband looks at me like I have 3 heads when I do that.

Thanks for visiting our blog - we wish we could be half as fast as you. You go girl!

-sef (of sef & sariah)

At February 2, 2011 at 11:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never fallen on a treadmill, but I do have scars from falling outside. Most of them were my fault, minus the one from the RNR Dallas Half last year when I was tripped. Whatever, I still PR'd ;-)

I have a 5K on Saturday (my birthday). It's a Cupid themed race, I can't wait. It's been AGES since i've done a 5K race.

I want to do another half in Feb, but Austin is sold out. Not sure if I will or not

At February 2, 2011 at 11:59 AM , Blogger Lizzy said...

I fell! It was so embarrassing. It was like 2 years ago at like 6am in January. All the treadmills were full and then from across the gym I saw this guy get off and I ran over to it not realizing he never shut it off. (hey it was early). Anyway, it was going like at 7:30 min pace. It was soooo scary!!! I ended up having to go to the hospital. I'm an embarrassment. hahah

Can't wait to hear about your speed workout!

At February 2, 2011 at 12:02 PM , Blogger Katie said...

ok, once i dropped a towel while on the treadmill and managed to step on it with BOTH feet. boom, flew off the back, bang into the wall. ow. also i fall down outside. a lot. while running, or not. i just fall down.

i'm racing a 5K & a 10M as tuneup races for my half in march! whoop whoop!

At February 2, 2011 at 12:07 PM , Blogger sdralphs said...

Check this video out! I reminded me of your last post on beauty!

At February 2, 2011 at 12:18 PM , Anonymous Cyndi @ Weightless Life said...

I have a nasty scar on my knee from falling on the treadmill. I have a half-marathon on the 26th too.

At February 2, 2011 at 12:27 PM , Blogger clm said...

I love 4:00-9:00. The moment I clock out at work until I go to sleep. Is it wrong to live for those hours?

I don't think this is a weird combo...but my husband does. Whenever we have spaghetti, we have fried potatoes as the side dish. YUM! Turns out we grew up eating that because potatoes were a cheap side dish, but in my mind they just go together!

At February 2, 2011 at 12:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

French toast with powdered sugar - no syrup. That's how I grew up eating it!

Oh and I've definitely dropped things on the tmill! Ipod, phone, towels, etc. As kids we used to "hang out" at the health club. the treadmills were a blast to ram up to a high speed and then stand still. our bodies would slam up against the 1970s carpeted wall behind us. ha! crazy!

No races this month for me!

Thought of you this a.m. when I was getting dressed for school (I teach 4th grade at a private school)....I normally try to dress cute-ish, but I finally just threw something cute/comfy on and called it a day. I'm sick of rushing because I take too long picking out an outfit! Maybe I just need lots of new cute clothes so it's an easy choice. ;)

At February 2, 2011 at 12:34 PM , Blogger Kim (Book Worm Runs) said...

I have never fallen nor seen anyone else fall off a treadmill...OUCH! I am not sure what I would do if I did! :) LOL!

I LOVE the morning when I wake up before my hubby and it is QUIET and I can enjoy some alone time :)

I have a 5 mile race next weekend!!! So excited!!

I know you killed those hills this morning, girl!! Hope you had a great day! :)

At February 2, 2011 at 12:39 PM , Blogger Meg said...

Weird food combinations: cottage cheese with pepper on it (jake thought I was crazy and now he thinks it's awesome), and putting applesauce on pancakes. Neither of these things are that crazy but they're things that make people wonder what I'm doing so... maybe they're weird?

And I value my time at the gym. It's my only time to be alone and think about whatever I want to think about and be totally selfish.

Also, I DID see someone fall off the treadmill once. It was terrifying. She lost her footing (which I do all the time, but I always catch myself) and flew off. But the treadmill kept going and her leg was under it. I was far away but the person a couple treadmills down ran over and hit the emergency stop button. Her leg was absolutely shredded. I've seen her at the gym since then and she has a NASTY scar from it. But she still uses the treadmill.. she just attaches the little strap to herself now.

At February 2, 2011 at 12:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHAHA JAM ON A GRILLED CHEESE?? that is such a first.. so cute thougha nd ibet it tastes GNARLY

my FAV time of the day.. NO DOUBT 7-9 in the morning!! breakfast time before a workout :D

At February 2, 2011 at 12:42 PM , Anonymous Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said...

Hahahahaha your MIL is a riot!! She knows you so well! :D

Falling on a treadmill is like my worst nightmare!!! I always drop things though, and once made the person next to me fall when I dropped my towel on their belt! They were seriously cheesed off! :P

At February 2, 2011 at 12:56 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Ha! Your aunt def knows you too well. wait, maybe I'm getting to know you too well through this blog! I swear I went past the candy isle in the supermarket the other day and thought of you, then laughed at how crazy it is that I actually read blogs enough to know what people like!!

Any whoosers, I've never seen anyone fall on the treadmill but I did see someone fall after a big snow storm last week. It was horrible! She almost knocked her teeth out on the curb *shudders* she walked away ok but her arm was hurt, you could tell. Poor thing.

Any whoosers! Enjoy your grilled jammy cheese-wich lol. I like my grilled cheese with tomato mmmm

At February 2, 2011 at 1:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA! I have had SEVERAL near misses on the treadmill before!It usually happens when I am on a treadmill and watching sports...I'm not a huge sports addict, but I LOVE watching my hometown teams. One time David Ortiz hit a huge Home Run for the Red Sox and I stepped a little too far to the right and I was literally two seconds away from a face plant! Luckily I was quick enough to grab onto something! From then on, whenever I get excited about a sports moment I just grab onto the t-mill!

I look forward to hearing how your hill workout went!! Be prepared, the hills of Newton are TOUGH!!!

Also, I salute your jelly application to a grilled cheese...if it tastes good, WHY NOT?! :)

At February 2, 2011 at 1:30 PM , Blogger journey said...

I have had a few near misses on the treadmill but nothing to bad. Thank heavens!

I am running that same half-marathon that you are doing! It's my first since I've had my 3rd baby and it will be more of a walk then run. I am doing for/with a friend and I am not really in shape enough to have a great time but it's for a friend right?? Good luck and I am sure I will see ya on the winners podium!

I am for sure going to try the jam on grilled cheese thing...but maybe on just half of the sandwich!

At February 2, 2011 at 1:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're worst nightmare? As in you are worst nightmare?? That's not very nice! Haha. I know what it meant, but I figured with you being a teacher and all... haha, sorry I'm a bit of a grammar and all that jazz freak... LOL

At February 2, 2011 at 1:47 PM , Blogger Muncher Cruncher said...

Can you believe how ridiculous the bachelor girls entertaining! I hope the hills workout was rockin' I am sure it was :)
I haven't ever fallen off the treadmill, but I have definitely fallen of the stairs...not my favorite. I can't wait to see you tonight! Beverage date post spin if we aren't frozen solid as soon as we walk out the door!!! LOVE YOU!!

At February 2, 2011 at 1:50 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not racing this month but just decided to do a 4 miler at the beginning of March, the day before my youngest 2nd birthday!

At February 2, 2011 at 1:51 PM , Blogger Jenn said...

Yay on the race! Exciting! Oddly enough, I actually think jam on a grilled cheese sounds good. I've never thought of putting the two of those together.

I'm Canadian (live in the US now obviously). We grew up putting gravy on french fries. Now, doesn't that just sound like a healthy snack:)

I've fallen on the treadmill more than once. We won't talk about that....

Good luck with that hill workout! You're gonna be SO prepared. The second Newton hill was the worst for me. Worse than Heartbreak in my opinion but honestly none of them were as daunting as I imagined! You will have a ton of adrenaline going up Heartbreak and when you get to the top you'll be FLYING knowing that you're done with them! The mile after Heartbreak was my fastest of the whole race! I didn't listen to an IPOD so the whole Newton section of the race I just kept reciting this excerpt from a running prayer over and over....

One more breath...
One more step...
One more mile...
FINISH line!!
I can do all things through YOU who strengthens me...

I'm so excited for all you Boston runners! I can't wait to go back!!!

Obviously I got off on a tangent here! Hope you're having a great day:)

At February 2, 2011 at 1:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do applesauce on our grilled cheese. SOOO GOOD!

I also like mustard in my mashed potatoes at times! Again, SOOO GOOD!

At February 2, 2011 at 2:03 PM , Blogger XLMIC said...

Hope the hills were fun!

Never fallen on a treadmill.
Right now is my fave time of day... baby napping, all other kids at school :)
No race this month.
Weird family food thing... and I HATED it... as a kid my stepdad would put huge hunks of butter in soft-boiled eggs (which were just gross to begin with). And they MADE me eat this! blech.

At February 2, 2011 at 2:22 PM , Blogger Tracy Simmons said...

I love the time just before bed. A good book and some hot chocolate :)

At February 2, 2011 at 2:35 PM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

OH, I didn't get your email! :( But, glad to know you received the package!!!

I love 6 pm ish b/c usually Spencer is down with practice and Coop and I are waiting anxiously to bear hug him!!

At February 2, 2011 at 3:27 PM , Blogger J said...

I just read something today about broccoli being one of the top 7 best foods for runners! Guess I better have some broccoli tonight!

Hope the hill workout went well! I have actually never done a hill workout on a treadmill - only outdoors on the huge hill near my house. I have dropped things off the treadmill but never really fallen off it myself.

I am not racing in Feb I don't think but definitely in march and april and may! I don't feel ready to race yet...still building up my endurance and speed!

My favorite time is the morning when I am out on the road alone. I enjoy the silence and and the time I have to wake up before getting to work.

At February 2, 2011 at 3:34 PM , Blogger Pam @ said...

My husband dips his cheeseburger and french fries in a chocolate shake. lol...freak.

I'm running in a Cupid's Chase 5K on the 12th and MAYBE another 5-miler on the 19th.

My absolute favorite time of day is 7-9 PM. By then I've worked, worked out, and cooked. By 7 we either have eaten or are in the process of eating and chillin' in front of the TV.

At February 2, 2011 at 3:54 PM , Blogger WannabeRunner said...

I've fallen on the treadmill once - and luckily no one was around!!

I AM racing this month - 10k on Feb 20!

I grew up eating cheese sammys....bread, mayonnaise and cheese. Some say that's weird. :)

At February 2, 2011 at 3:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love early morning the most, especially running outside as the sun comes up.

When I was little my mom always put peanut butter on our grilled cheese. Yummy!

At February 2, 2011 at 4:34 PM , Anonymous Holley said...

I fell for the first time while running outside a couple weeks ago! I tripped on an uneven sidewalk. I felt pretty hardcore running the rest of the way back with a bloody knee though!

At February 2, 2011 at 4:59 PM , Anonymous Stacie said...

Working at a gym means I have seen many a people fall of the treadmill. One time, a guy fell off twice within a 15 minute period. I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

At February 2, 2011 at 5:45 PM , Anonymous Errign said...

One time, while workout out with a friend, she got distracted and went flying off the treadmill. This was at school and she was flustered and embarrassed so she just hopped right back on & it happened again. Worst thing ever & she skinned the sh!t out of her knees!

At February 2, 2011 at 6:40 PM , Anonymous Monique Gagnon said...

well, I fell and broke my elbow while running a year ago... and have a ridiculously ugly scar that takes up my entire knee cap from it. I've fallen and sprained my ankle, as well! oh, and yesterday on the treadmill, i had to take my glasses off because i was sweating to much (hott, i know), and my glasses fell of the treadmill and into another machine!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't fallen of a treadmill, when I do sprints I kinda jave to jump off the side though once I reach the distance!

We don't own a toastie maker and I have been dreaming about a grilled sandwhich for DAYS.

Hills kill your legs, My calves are constantly sore at the moment from trynna work in hills.

racing in 13 days! First race ever it is 23.7KM. Good luck for yours, I know you will do great!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:24 PM , Blogger megan said...

Feb 20th! Half marathon in Austin! And we don't do anything weird to our sandwiches except we call them "Toasted Cheese Sandwiches" instead of grilled cheese. My mom always did, so we do. And yes, I realize it makes no sense. Oh well!

At February 2, 2011 at 7:58 PM , Blogger RoseRunner said...

I have, on average, one uber bad spill while running per year. I always shoot my hands out and they have scabby, sore palms for a week.

Once I fell on my bony hip and the skin fully scraped off pretty deep, and all this asphalt got it. I did a really bad job of cleaning it out, so it healed with all this dirt and was a dark scar. less than a year later, I fell on the exact same spot and scraped open the scar skin, went to a doctor, and had them clean it out proper. Now it's slightly less ugly. go double scar!!

At February 2, 2011 at 8:16 PM , Anonymous Natalie @ cinnamonbums said...

oh my goodness i know this comment is late but i LOVE JAM ON GRILLED CHEESE! YUMMM! there's this spanish place in harvard square called cafe pamplona that serves up an awesome grilled munster cheese with guava jam - i had it and i was so surprised by how good it was!! you also have to have grilled cheese on cinnamon-raisin toast... the bomb...

i love the mix of sweet + savory!

At February 2, 2011 at 8:34 PM , Anonymous Ally (oatsandspice) said...

The Bachelor is my guilty pleasure... What a nice husband to watch it with you :)

At February 2, 2011 at 8:57 PM , Blogger Chelsea said...

Spence and I both love the Bachelor. That is so cute that your mother in law sent you that package. Good luck in your race!!! Let's play when I get back from Mexico!!

At February 2, 2011 at 9:09 PM , Blogger Taweesa said...

I have not fallen off the treadmill, but have taken a major dump off the stairmill. Very humbling when you are spread out on the ground and the stairs are still going in circles.

I have a marathon Feb. 2oth. Looking forward to my friends and neighbors cheering me on since the course runs through my neighborhood.

Peanut butter on toast sprinkled with sugar, yummm.

I cherish my early morning runs in the dark. My favorite time to run, peaceful and hardley any traffic.

At February 3, 2011 at 11:21 AM , Blogger ShortSkirts said...

mmm looks tasty. I love biggest loser! I love Jillian, although I think I might choose the new trainers this season. I like the whole sports training approach they seem to be training.

At February 5, 2011 at 11:52 AM , Blogger dawn @ running the dawn said...

i have never been able to sit through a bachelor episode with mr. dawn. he hates it and makes fun of everything that is said/done on the show. so, to keep our marriage healthy i watch it during lunch at school.

we always put ketchup on our grill cheese. yum!


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