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Opening Up: Finding Motivation

The Hungry Runner Girl: Opening Up: Finding Motivation

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The Hungry Runner Girl: Opening Up: Finding Motivation

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Opening Up: Finding Motivation

So, here goes.....I am human.  Saturday morning I taught my spin class and then had on my plan to get at least eight miles done.  I went and stood on the treadmill and couldn't push the start button.  I started crying.  Stupid estrogen mixed with not having candy for a week.

I had ZERO motivation.  All of the sudden I was telling myself that there is no way I will be able to hit my 6:49 per minute mile goal pace for Boston when I am training at least 35 seconds slower than that and most of the time even more than that.

I left the gym.


(This is an old picture... no pictures of me crying, I was a mess). I went home to Billy and cried but don't feel bad I promise.....this was a huge growing experience for me as a runner.

Billy is so good at listening to me be a cry baby for a few minutes and then finding a solution to the problem (I am not like that....I tend to wallow my fears with a gallon of ice cream and sleep it off, probably not the best coping mechanism).


How I Found My Running Motivation Again and Got Over Feeling Sorry For Myself:

1. Come up with a plan.  Billy wasn't going to say, "oh honey, you can do it no matter what, because you are a rockstar."  He said, "let's come up with a plan so that you can get your sub-3."  Be proactive about your fears. We got together an awesome training plan that I will be using mainly for the tempo/pace and hill runs.  I have been focusing way too much on quantity of miles and not the quality of miles.

-Billy even researched a hill in our area that is identical to heartbreak hill.  I am going to hang out with this hill twice a week so that it becomes easy sauce by the time Boston comes around.

-He also scheduled a run for me later that day with my speedy bro-in-law to help me with my tempo!

2. Read about running/exercise and how to improve yourself.  I turned to my book that my cute friend Pam gave me, "Run Fast. "  I started getting excited again.


3.  Watch youtube movies.

I know that sounds silly but it worked for me.  I watched 28 different motivational and informational youtube clips about the Boston marathon and I researched every little detail about the elevation, hills and course.I even watched this video to help me feel more prepared. (it shows the whole course in 8 minutes.

4.  My motivation and love for running came back just by talking to someone about my fears.  Sometimes I bottle them up and keep them to myself but it felt so good to get them out in the open.  If you don't have anyone that wants to hear about your running, please email me.....I WOULD LOVE TO LISTEN and HELP:)  It feels good to post this right now because you guys are my good friends and it makes me happy to tell you how I feel.

5.  Eat a nutritious meal.  I think I was hungry and eating a protein filled lunch helped me think more clearly and feel more energized.


Grilled tilapia, roasted broccoli and an egg wrap.

6.  Remember the reasons why you love doing what you do.  Give yourself a break, we all feel frustration and lack of motivation.....these 'bad' days make the GOOD RUNS that amazing, thrilling and addicting.


What do you do when you lose running/exercise/eating healthy motivation?

-Let's come up with a HUGE list of things K?  We can all help each other out in the comments!!

How often do you use youtube?

-Um, every day of my life!

Favorite protein source?



At January 30, 2011 at 2:26 PM , Anonymous Betty said...

I listen to music that motivates me. I also like to watch old videos or look at old pictures from runs that I've done in the past.

At January 30, 2011 at 2:26 PM , Anonymous Laura @ Meet Virginia said...

Can I just tell you that I think you are so great? This post is so wonderful and I so appreciate you being so open and honest!

Re-evaluating goals and the reasons behind them always helps me regain my motivation. Excited to get a big list from the comments!

Fav proteins sources: Greek Yogurt, Almond Butter, Eggs, and Mixed Nuts. Yum yum!

p.s. You are going to ROCK Boston. I know it. :)

At January 30, 2011 at 2:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know a lot about racing but I have learned a couple things over the last few years. First, the excitement of the race will make you run faster. I know you can't rely on that entirely, but it helps. You'll also go through a taper and go into the race with fresh muscles. Of course you couldn't run goal pace tomorrow because you're body is rundown from all the training. In other words, you're probably a lot closer than you think.

But if you don't meet your goal in your next marathon you will at least get closer. And there are plenty more marathons in your future!

And let's not overlook how much faster you are than pretty much everyone else in the world. You run 18 miles at the pace I run one lap around the track! You're doing awesome!

At January 30, 2011 at 2:30 PM , Blogger Amanda said...

A) I literally just got back from a run (beads of sweat are hitting my laptop...okay not really) and it was a HORRIBLE run. I hated every second of it. That is so unlike how I usually feel. This was great to read. Thanks for re-inspiring me. And you gave me my dinner :)

B) I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I just like you. You're like almond butter and bananas. So great!

At January 30, 2011 at 2:30 PM , Blogger Sabrina said...

I have had the workout blues for a while, but my blogger friends have been huge motivators! Finding a buddy to workout with is always good and just remembering my goals!

I don't use youtube very often. Hardly ever. I know, I am one of the few.

Chicken is always my favorite source of protein. Luna bars and homemade protein shakes too.

PS - Glad you have a plan! =)

At January 30, 2011 at 2:32 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Janae... everyone has those days so don't let it get you down! It sounds like Billy is very Yoda-like with his motivational talk and I'm glad you have him to help you work thru it (either with or without a gallon of ice cream). You're going to rock Boston... and if you ever all of a sudden feel like coming to Boston to do trial run on 'heartbreak hill,' I live a mile from it and you're more than welcome to stay with me. I'll supply the ice cream and swedish fish.

At January 30, 2011 at 2:33 PM , Blogger Stephanie F said...

You are such a little presh! ;) Sorry you had a little breakdown, but like you said, those cause us to dive deep and try to find the root of the problem. I'm so glad that your hubby is so supportive and proactive! Good job, Billy!

I'm kinda like you-it's not my first idea to talk to someone about my problems or my lack of motivation, but once I do open up to my husband, mom, bestie, etc., I always wonder why I didn't do it earlier! I started the Couch to 5K program this morning and I was a little scared about it last night... but talking to Luke and a little prayer definitely motivated me!

It's such a blessing to have someone who wants to listen and also has freakin' sweet advice to give! Thank the Lord for good husbands!

Also, I had a salad will grilled salmon on it today and it was heavenly. Fish is definitely my favorite protein as well. :)

At January 30, 2011 at 2:33 PM , Anonymous k said...

Funny how difficult moments can help us become so much better, huh?! I'm glad you had the ability to look at a difficult moment and find the lesson in it all. You are an amazing source of inspiration. You WILL hit your sub 3 and you will have a BLAST getting there! XOXO

At January 30, 2011 at 2:33 PM , Blogger Raina said...

Reading about how you motivate yourself to run really is interesting to me.
Youtube is a great resource. So are plans. I'd love to see which youtube clips you watched!

I think I am powered a lot by seeing numbers and also by PRAISE and ENCOURAGEMENT!!

I have struggled with the vanity of wanting running compliments Vs. just keeping the paces a total secret; but, the truth is that hearing someone say "WOW you did GREAT" really helps. A lot.

At January 30, 2011 at 2:35 PM , Blogger Demetria Raper said...

wow. can i just say THANK YOU for sharing!?! i stupidly thought that a runner of your caliber probably NEVER struggled to that degree. i also love that you're back in the ballgame now, feeling better than ever about it. AND you have a plan. . .that's important. i mean REALLY thank you!
when i lose motivation i try to remember my goals somehow, and why i started running (or whatever healthy habit) in the first place.
fave protein sources~ meat and cheese, baby!

At January 30, 2011 at 2:35 PM , Anonymous Matt @ The Athlete's Plate said...

I actually read old blog posts when I lose motivation. I also bribe myself with a burger ;)

At January 30, 2011 at 2:37 PM , Anonymous The Hot and Fit said...

Hungry Runner Girl, you are so lovely and inspirational! I have running blocks sometimes and it is frustrating.
And I have to say I am SO jealous at how fast you are!! I am REALLY trying hard to run a sub 2 hour half marathon and I admire your pace, girl!!
Love the blog, too! :)

At January 30, 2011 at 2:38 PM , Blogger LAPT said...

Honestly, Heartbreak Hill is not really all that bad. I'm not nearly as strong as a runner as you, and I KNOW you can do it!! :-) My friends and I ran Heartbreak as part of our 18-miler yesterday. I'd also suggest training on hills that have even MORE of a steep incline than Heartbreak, and then it'll feel like NOTHING. :-) You can do it, girly!

At January 30, 2011 at 2:38 PM , Blogger Katy said...

Billy sounds amazing! What a perfect match for you. Shane is also far more logical (for the most part) than I am, and helps me out.

You probably shouldn't have mentioned emailing y ou, because I have super stressed about running days alot. I'll try not to overload your inbox... lol.

Reading blogs, especially yours helps to motivate me. You are a huge inspiration to me. Thank you.

At January 30, 2011 at 2:38 PM , Blogger Mallory said...

Thank you for this post! I was just writing about this today. I am really struggling with motivation! It sucks. I don't want to always take a break when I am lacking motivation so I usually read Runner's World or something like that. I also will go look at my bulletin board with my race bibs on it and think about how good I felt during my races. Usually that helps.

Glad you are feeling better!! That's great that Billy was so helpful!

At January 30, 2011 at 2:40 PM , Blogger escott said...

this is a great post. I am a pretty new runner, but competing at a very high level and if there is anything I know for sure: training slow is the way to go! Quality workouts should be quality but easy runs should be a time to get miles/time on your legs, not push to marathon pace every time! I love you blog and wish I lived in Utah so we could run and eat candy together Keep up that motivation, heartbreak hill is waiting for you!

At January 30, 2011 at 2:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this with us! You are so talented and speedy...remember that!
I hit mental blocks all the time...and I just have to remind myself of how great I am going to feel after that run. My faith plays a big part in my motivation as well...I thank God that I have the ability to run...however slow it may be!
My fave protein is chicken or crab...but I can't afford that too often so I'll say chicken ;-)

At January 30, 2011 at 2:43 PM , Blogger LindseyAnn said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing this!
When I need motivation, I actually read blogs. Sometimes the enthusiasm conveyed there is contagious! Or, there's always the extrinsic motivators, like "if you make it out on your run, LindseyAnn, you can sit and watch Food Network endlessly for the rest of the afternoon."
My favorite protein sources? Yogurt, especially greek style. Fish, chicken, etc, are all good, too, but I love yogurt's versatility. Eggs run a close second, for the same reason--versatility!
And YouTube is essential. It definitely is used daily here, too!

At January 30, 2011 at 2:43 PM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Has Billy thought about coaching?! He seems like he would be an asset to athletes in a number of sports! HOY (husband of the year)!

You are such a gifted runner, but what separates you is your work ethic and determination. There may be a number of individuals that make running look easy without trying, but you are channeling your God-given talent into something outstanding!

As a former coach, my biggest disappointment was working with a talented athlete that didn't give it everything. To see all that talent wasteed, was heart breaking. You are the polar opposite of that!

Looking forward to hearing about your "hill dates"! Sub-3 Boston is going to happen!

At January 30, 2011 at 2:45 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

sometimes we all just need a mental break from running. It when our bodies are saying YOU MUST but your mind is saying NO! My husband also says, if youre not going to enjoy it, don't do it. Find something else in the meantime, refocus, spend time with others, and GET A HUG!! Here's a virtual hug for you!!!!

At January 30, 2011 at 2:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl it happens to all of us, and you are so lucky to have Billy to help you make a plan! That really is the best way to feel better about things, to take action and know that you know a way to make it happen. Otherwise, we just feel scared about the future!

You are going to kick ASS at Boston, and get a sub-3 marathon because you are a tough cookie and running is your fuellll:)

When I have little motivation, I take a day off. I've found that unless I want to run, it's not enjoyable and makes it less enjoyable each time. I'd rather want to run, and then do it because it makes me happy!


At January 30, 2011 at 2:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I don't have motivation for something, I tend to get super upset! I've been trying to stop and find the true reason that I don't have any motivation. If its because I'm burnt out, I give myself a break, if its some other reason, I try to come up with a solution depending on what it is. Sometimes, if I don't want to work out, but don't really have a reason not to, I'll tell myself to try out 5 minutes and if I'm still not feeling it, its ok to quit. I also love to call up a close friend or sit down with my mom and just hash things out. Its amazing how much you can figure out about a situation by just talking about it and getting others' insight!!!!
I know you'll get your sub-3!

By the way, I loooove seafood! Fish, shrimp, and crab, here I come! The only bad thing about my love for fish is that my mom and sister don't really enjoy it (my sister likes shrimp, but not most fish), so my dad and I are on our own.

At January 30, 2011 at 2:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I lack motivation, I usually try to read something that will motivate me. Usually this is a running blog (like yours!), book, or websites of upcoming races I'm doing.

I don't really watch anything on youtube. Unless my fiance finds something that he says I have to see.

And... my favorite protien sources would be fish & cheese!!! Oh cheese... yum.

At January 30, 2011 at 2:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love when people open up; it makes them seem human and more personable.

At January 30, 2011 at 2:57 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

One more thing.. I don't know if you like to get all nerdy and scientific about your training (I do... GEEK!) but my husband made me read this article and it made a lot of sense. Do you train with a heart rate monitor?

At January 30, 2011 at 2:57 PM , Blogger Sweat once a day said...

I loved this post, thanks so much for sharing, It was very motivational! You are so dedicated and such a hard worker, you will reach your goal!!!

I know this sounds so materialist but whenever I am feeling very unmotivated I will buy and new workout shirt or shorts. I am always so excited to rip the tags off and use it, that I completely forget about being unmotivated. You also feel really confident because you are working out in your hot new clothes.

Another thing I do is talk to my personal trainer. He is such a great guy and always has something motivational to tell me. I know talking about it really helps!

At January 30, 2011 at 2:59 PM , Blogger Teresa said...

I had only been running about 3 months when I got preggo, but the main thing I will be doing to shed baby weight is to pick up running again. I was loving it, I just wasn't a fast or far runner yet. My main motivation and what keeps me excited is reading blogs like yours! I'll have to try the youtube idea-I had never even thought of it! Glad you got your mojo back-you are a running rockstar, girly!

At January 30, 2011 at 3:03 PM , Anonymous Becky said...

Thanks for sharing this with us. I have been struggling with motivation lately because I worried about how the crazy weather would impact my training. I have found great motivation from the people who supporting, especially fellow bloggers. I also try to make a plan and do whatever I can to make training fun. You are an incredible athlete! Stay strong and smiling! I will be cheering for you in Boston!

At January 30, 2011 at 3:04 PM , Blogger megan said...

Hey Janae, do you read Runner's World at all? In January's issue, they had a great article about changing up your plan and was really about speed. For some reason, I can't paste it, but if you go to the website and search for "Way of the Renegades" and it is the top result. It's about the Hansons' way of training and coaching. The author ran his PR (2:39:52) ten years prior and after going through this program, ran a 2:38:49. When he was 10 years older. It's a great story and worth looking in to when you're feeling low about training and getting your speed. Also, it has great ideas. Good luck!!

At January 30, 2011 at 3:09 PM , Blogger Heather Sophia said...

Ironic how you and I blogged similar stories today. Though our experiences were slightly different, we pulled ourselves out of it. Today I attempted running a half marathon in Long Beach, MS in 1:37 so I could get in to the ING NYC marathon. I know there's the lottery and running for charity, but I wanted to do it the qualifying way. I felt great for the first 5 miles but then it all went downhill. (didn't hit goal) I wasn't mad when I finished, I wan't crying, I didn't beat myself up - but I was thankful God taught me about Willpower. Since I ran my first marathon 4 weeks ago and qualified for Boston - I'm technically suppose to still be me "recovery."

Anyway - it will come but in God's time.

As far as YouTube! I use it often just like you do. I watch motivational clips that gives me the courage to keep going and don't give up. I love love love the "120 Pound Journey." I could watch it every day!

The other thing is - being honest. Every single one of us has that same feeling of not being able to do it and walk away. It's easy. But the willpower to get out of that zone and right back into, like you said - do what we love to do, is so important. Talking about our fears helps us to overcome our fears. Having the willpower and courage to let the world know our weakness shows others we're normal and ironically shows strength.

At January 30, 2011 at 3:15 PM , Blogger ash & diz said...

umm... I totally feel ya today. I woke up early with every intention to run. I fought with myself... Do i run outside, 6 miles? or do I hope on the treadmill and just go for 30-40 mins? or do I do Jillian's Shred dvd? umm... nope. Just wasn't feeling it. I couldn't convince myself to do anything. I'd like to think that sometimes our bodies just need the rest. I'll be back on my game tomorrow and ready to run. :) just remember we all have off days. YOU ARE TOTALLY GONNA ROCK BOSTON! seriously, I have no doubts.

At January 30, 2011 at 3:20 PM , Blogger gloryrunning said...

You are awesome sauce. Thanks for sharing =)

What I do about motivation...occasionally I buy it =) With a couple new running songs for my iPod or a new running shirt =) Sometimes that's all it takes to make me excited to get back out there.

Also, I watch Steve Prefontaine video clips on youtube. He's one of my favorite old school distance runners.

Or...I tell myself when I finish I get swedish fish =) Yes, like you...I am six years old.

At January 30, 2011 at 3:23 PM , Anonymous Dorry said...

I read your blog for motivation & inspiration...and not just because you can run more miles on a treadmill than anyone I know, but because of posts like this! Because you are honest, in touch with your head & your heart and open to share it with all of us. I think we all need mental and physical breaks from running. It can become a monotonous habit and when we take a break, we come back refreshed. You have a lot on your plate between teaching, blogging, spin, training, Billy, family, etc. so no matter what, remember to take time for yourself. And know that you motivate and inspire all of your readers everyday just by being you.

At January 30, 2011 at 3:30 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Favorite protein source: chickpeas and peanut butter, hands down.

I had the worst run of my life yesterday. The Surf City Marathon is in ONE WEEK and I have been sick and not able to run more than a couple miles at a time. I tried for 5 yesterday. Just a measly 5, easy right? No! I stopped 4 times and at one point I had to lay down in the grass and just breathe. I felt horrible.

My confidence has dwindled big time this last week. I am shooting for 8 miles today but my head might still feel like it's going to explode and my lungs might feel like collapsing. I hate sickness. Look what it's done to me!?

Anyway, I am so glad Billy helped you to find motivation. It's awesome to have someone that gets it and can help you through those moments of doubt.

At January 30, 2011 at 3:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all have days like that. Yesterday and today I had really crappy runs. I know I should have taken time off or eased up, but sometimes our fears get the best of us.

I love that Billy is there for you 100%. It's so awesome to have someone that listens to you, supports you, and even helps you work through your problems. :)

You inspire me everyday, with how much you work out and your positive attitude. Just wanted to let you know that.

When I lack motivation, I try to change my routine up. I either go slower to actually enjoy the run, or go on my favorite route, or get someone I love to run with to come with me!

Keep up the great work, you will go sub-3 and I will go sub-4. Believe in yourself!

At January 30, 2011 at 3:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for opening up and being honest. Everyone has bad days or lose motivation every once in a while, and they can help us appreciate good runs more. Hopefully your plan will be great and you will reach your goal!

I always talk to someone about losing motivation or just give my body a rest day or two until I'm ready to go again. Or I look through pictures of races or cross country days to remind me of memories about how much I love exercising & running.

Salmon & black beans are my favorite protein sources!

At January 30, 2011 at 3:37 PM , Blogger Preston and Jamyn said...

Naester... I think you that should be your new blog name. Ok jk. First of all, you are way too nice. You need to look in the mirror because you and your Freddie Prince Jr husband are the ones that should be modeling! Thanks for this post! I think everyone has days like this. I think I have at least one a week and they aren't fun. It's a good reminder to put things into perspective and come up with a fresh start and new motivation. You're the xoxo

At January 30, 2011 at 3:48 PM , Anonymous Gill (snaxandthecity) said...

sorry to hear you had a bad morning at the gym :( next time you feel like that, remember that you are seriously an inspiration to a lot of people - i can't believe all your achievements in the fitness field, it's fantastic! :)
whenever i feel lacking in motivation i usually chat to my bf who helps to put things in perspective and tackle problems together. that, and listening to some top 40 cheesy tunes!

At January 30, 2011 at 3:55 PM , Anonymous Hinano said...

What motivates me is the thought that while I am not training when I should be, there is someone out there getting faster than me.

Everyone has days when they feel like just not doing it, there are days when I wish that I could just go home and sit in bed eating candy and watching stuff on Megavideo.

But you're addicted now so you can't :) It wouldn't make you happy for that long anyway.

Getting yourself as prepared as possible for the race will make you feel more confident, so work that hill!

You are a hard worker, you put in the effort and I know you will accomplish your goal in Boston.

Protein: Chicken, Fish, Eggs...everything??? It is all good.


At January 30, 2011 at 3:55 PM , Blogger Pam @ said...

Billy rocks. Seriously. Count your blessings that he is so supportive. Mine is coming around, but it didn't always used to be that way. When I first mentioned wanting to run a marathon, he laughed and said he didn't think I could. And before then, when I was just starting to run, he would see me putting my running shoes on and ask, "Are you gonna go do your little jogging thing today?" Yeah it sounds butthole-ish now, but talk about motivation! He's changed his tune now. :)

My favorite protein is definitely nut butter. Any kind but especially almond!

At January 30, 2011 at 4:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Get on that RW Boston Marathon thread!!
2) Heartbreak Hill is not that bad. It's not called Heartbreak because it's a big hill, it's called Heartbreak because it is where John Kelley passed Ellison Brown in 1936, and Brown rallied and passed Kelley back, thus breaking Kelley's heart. There are actually 4 hills from miles 16-21. The best thing you can do for yourself to train for Boston is to run hill repeats, focusing on running the downhills. It's truly the downhills that kill you - your quads will be screaming by the time you get to Heartbreak and you will be happy to go uphill! Also, the bottom of my feet hurt a lot in this race - wear good socks.
3) A plan is good. Lots of people PR using Pete Pfitzinger's plan in his book Advanced Marathoning. Make sure you are doing your long runs s-l-o-w-l-y!! That is key!
4) I was extremely hormonal yesterday and my run sucked too. It happens.
5) And to come full circle, get on the forum!! You will find lots of motivation and encouragement there!


At January 30, 2011 at 4:07 PM , Blogger Danielle said...

Music usually motivates me. If that doesn't work I have a stash of pictures of me from about a year and a half ago and 40 pounds heavier. That's enough motivation for me to get going. I was so unhappy with myself.
Or I set a goal and make a deal with myself that I can have a certain treat if I hit my goal. Bribary? Yes, PLEASE!
I use Youtube WAY too much. I usually spend my Conferences at school reading blogs and watching videos on youtube. fabulous use of my time at school I would say! : )

At January 30, 2011 at 4:07 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

I am having a hard time getting motivated for my back to back marathons this spring. i have 15 weeks to get my booty in gear and i have NO motivation. what the heck is my problem?

At January 30, 2011 at 4:10 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

Glad you're feeling better! Don't stress, although you're not running at your goal pace most of the time you can do it, because tapering will help you more than you ever thought! It's great that you have a training plan now and such a supportive husband!
When I struggle with motivation I buy new music for working out or new clothes... Other than that I try to change it up, which might be hard for you since you live in the cold and can't really run outside. Having something to train for and a plan helps too, because I really like to check off those days!

At January 30, 2011 at 4:12 PM , Blogger Sue said...

Google the 'mean kitty song' on YouTube. It's hilarious and guaranteed to make you smile!

At January 30, 2011 at 4:18 PM , Blogger ShortSkirts said...

I know how you feel sometimes you hit a rut and just want to throw a tantrum. I did that on like my third distance run while on a treadmill.

I love Nike ads. Is that weird? I watch the my better is better than your better ad quite regularly it always gets me pumped. It touches that little piece inside me that is up for a challenge.

I also got a couple of Nike t-shirts in the mail that I ordered recently that have serious attitude. One says "Since you're behind" on the front and "How's mine" on the back. It totally motivates me to do butt kicking workouts up hills.

My other fav is one that says "I work hard to make it look easy" Plain and simple. Throwing one of these on generally gives me the energy to get going again.

At January 30, 2011 at 4:21 PM , Blogger Liz said...

Ah, so Janae IS human! Haha :) Seriously though, glad you made it through your little rough6 patch.

When I'm lacking motivation, I'll either take a break (which allows me to re-focus), or think about the goal I have and how I'm going to reach that goal. Sure, 6:49 miles for 26 miles might seem daunting, but if you break it down and make each day of training targeted to get you to your goal, you'll get there (ie, hanging out with that hill!!)

At January 30, 2011 at 4:21 PM , Anonymous Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said...

I am SO glad you posted this!! I had the exact same feeling a few days ago when I realised I wasn't going to get my sub 21/20 5k. I consoled myself with plenty of cookie dough (tip #1), read blogs like YOURS for inspiration and a cheer-up (tip #2) and made myself a plan like yours to get myself there (tip #3!). Oh, and pray like crazy! (tip #4).

Aww I love you so much for posting this!!! :D

At January 30, 2011 at 4:21 PM , Anonymous Jessica said...

A plan is the best option for me! I just redid mine realisticly and to avoid injury. I am super pumped to start.

Looking back over a training log, reaffirms how much you have already done and how well you are doing. You can also see spots that might be lacking, like hills or speed.

Fav protein: fish, eggs, peanut butter

I can not wait for you to rock Boston! Remember to have fun, no matter what!

At January 30, 2011 at 4:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing - I often struggle with finding the motivation to keep running longer or harder than I feel like, or to get out of my warm, comfortable bed and go for a run. But I tell myself, give it a try for 20 minutes, if it sucks and you're not feeling it, you've at least given it a good shot and you can stop there.

More often than not, I end up doing the entire run that I wanted to in the first place. And while running, I think about people who are probably out there, running, working out, teaching classes, and being a lot more fit and healthy and mindful of their health than I am. And that inspires the ever loving life out of me!

You're doing such a great job, you just had major mouth surgery and were out of practice for a few days. Hopefully you'll be back into the swing of things really soon and your Billy and your plan sound like just the thing to get you into gear!


At January 30, 2011 at 4:27 PM , Blogger Amanda said...

Ha! I just got your comment on my blog....I stopped that lil' guy a few years ago but my new blog should be on my profile, as well. I update profile just has my old blog on there still. :) So don't yell at me! Haha!

At January 30, 2011 at 4:27 PM , Blogger Kate said...

This is the exact same thing that I am going through at the moment. I don't run, but I found myself the other day completely losing the motivation to get on that treadmill. It is frustrating, but I find having supportive people around is the best way to conquer those "bad" days. Good luck :)

At January 30, 2011 at 4:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl you are amazing it is almost hard to hear you get so down on yourself when I run 10 min. But that is 'my' pace so I'm alright with it=) Today I didn't feel like doing anything let alone run and I promised myself a fun trip to Target if I did!

At January 30, 2011 at 4:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Janae, HUGS!!! When things get me down and I start to lose my way, I tend to break down and need to just step away and take a break. I sulk and then I realize that I just need to get proactive and try to turn things around. And that is exactly what your plan does, so it is going to work. Remember how you felt when you had your first run after your long break? You love running. It's just the stress of the goal that sucks the enjoyment out sometimes. Quality over quantity and a speedy partner sound like a great way to mix it up.

Favorite source of protein? Peanut butter. I really love peanut butter.

At January 30, 2011 at 4:53 PM , Blogger Meg said...

I think we've all been there. Personally, I like shows about people bettering themselves. Shows like "Too Fat for 15," "I Used to be Fat," and "Heavy" seriously motivate me. If these people can overcome their obstacles and work their booties off, then I should be able to get my butt to the gym!!

Also, other people. I don't know if you're on, but it's an amazing way to get motivated. If you're not feelin' it, you look at your friends' workouts and read the inspiration they have written on yours in the past few days and just go "I can do this." It gives me the boost I need to get out there. Other people are a big positive influence for me. I love reading blogs and such to get inspired.

At January 30, 2011 at 5:00 PM , Anonymous Radioactive Runner said...

Hi Janae,

I'm sorry to hear you had a rough day...
Thanks for sharing with us.. it reminds me that we are all human and it's normal to have days like that. It makes us dig deeper than we normally would and actually face those fears and feelings. Aren't super supportive husbands great?! They can really help put things into perspective and help/encourage those thoughts and turn them into a PLAN. and it sounds like you have a great plan and are handling it well. Good on you girl!!!! I'm glad you are feeling motivated again and feeling better!!

At January 30, 2011 at 5:07 PM , Blogger Reese's Runner said...

I'm glad I'm the only one who cries about running! I'm glad you got a plan together so you can be a rockstar. Go eat some Swedish Fish now and put on some mascara.

At January 30, 2011 at 5:08 PM , Blogger Sue G. said...

Sometimes I will go back and read my running log and look at how I was doing a year or two ago. The comments I wrote about feeling great and accomplishing more than I thought always remind me that it is always tough, and sometimes there are days where a break is ok. It's good you got refocused and made a plan. Billy sounds like Bud. He never pats me on the back and says it will be ok, he tells me what I'm doing wrong and how I should fix it. He always motivates me to be as good as he believes I can be.

At January 30, 2011 at 5:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is something about a teary breakdown that really gets you to a turning point in life as a runner... and getting an action plan put together (with the help of the Billster) is a great way to deal with it!

At January 30, 2011 at 5:10 PM , Blogger Jenn said...

Ah-you're human!! Way to tackle your fears, be proactive about them and as a result, conquer them!!! Love that Billy helped you devise a plan! I like the quantity vs. quality of miles statement. That is a huge weakness for me. I easily fall into the quantity trap and the quality suffers.

Boston is strategic but not overly hard if run properly in my humble opinion. There are a whole lot of quality downhills after those uphills!!! You will ROCK Heartbreak if you train on a similar hill! I have absolutely no doubts you can hold a 6:49 on that course. You'll be ready!!! Just think, during the race, you will have over 500 online stalkers tracking and virtually cheering for you! I guarantee you will hear us cheering at the top of Heartbreak when you realize you now have IT in your back pocket and just need to bring it home!!!!

I'm so behind here so I've just read your last two posts!

Love bloggy meetups! I've met some of my favorites and I felt like I already knew them! Hopefully I will add you to my list one day!

Good luck with the training! Keep your head up! You are going to do just awesome!

At January 30, 2011 at 5:15 PM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

my favorite protein is definitely peanut butter! I would eat it for every meal if I could, including dessert!!

When I lack motivation, I kind of just push myself through because i know I'll feel better afterwards.

At January 30, 2011 at 5:24 PM , Blogger Keri said...

Thanks for sharing! It is refreshing to know that even a super running star like you can lack motivation occasionally. I didn't read the previous comments so I'm sorry if this is repetitive but definitely be careful of over training! You don't want to be burnt out by the time Boston comes. I wouldn't worry that you are training 30 seconds or more slower, in fact, most books I have read recommend to keep the long runs 2 minutes slower than goal pace (which I never do either) but it is reassuring...

You WILL bounce back!

At January 30, 2011 at 5:29 PM , Anonymous Bess@Bess Be Fit said...

Love this post. I am sorry you got so frustrated and cried...that happens to me a lot too! But Billy is super awesome amazingness for coming up with such an awesome will rock Boston, I am sure of it!!! This post totally inspired me to not settle for the time I have now and push to run faster...I'm gunna hop on the treadmill and work on that now! <3 ya girlie!!

At January 30, 2011 at 5:30 PM , Anonymous ImNotDone said...

I read running blogs! That's exactly why I started reading your blog, for those days when I don't feel like running after work. It gets me excited to run when I read about someone else's workout!

At January 30, 2011 at 5:41 PM , Blogger Geneviève said...

You are very lucky to have such supportive people in your life! Whenever I forced to do my runs on the treadmill, I always think of you. "If Hungry Runner Girl can do an entire marathon on a treadmill, you can suck it up and do 6 miles." You such an inspiration!
Keep up the amazing work!

At January 30, 2011 at 5:51 PM , Blogger Carrie said...

Awh, I'm sorry you had a rough day lady! But I'm so happy that you have a plan for now to make tomorrow a lot more awesome, and I know it will be.
Reading your blog is totally motivating and inspiring for me! So thanks for that. Good music is also inspirational. Setting goals. Reading about other people who have overcome some obstacle to get to their goals. Dancing and yoga can be too, because they can be as mellow or as intense as you want, you can adjust for injuries, and they are totally all about letting go and moving your body. Eggs (my fave protein) are totally inspirational in their own way :)

At January 30, 2011 at 5:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great post.

When I need motivation, I just think of the few times I had injuries and couldn't run for a few days/weeks and how terrible it was. I try and remind myself that I am lucky to be able to run and to just get out there and do it.

Favorite source of protein is peanut butter! :)

At January 30, 2011 at 5:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this might get lost a bit in the other comments, but I COMPLETELY understand losing motivation. Sometimes we want things so badly that we sabotage ourselves from getting them. I know I do, I get terrified about the possibility of a dream coming true that I melt in the face of a challenge I used to run towards. I think it is completely normal, and it looks like this "meltdown" will help you grow stronger. I think you are so blessed to have such a supportive husband and I truly believe you are going to do awesome on your marathon. This girl BELIEVES in you SOO much, it's not even funny.
I even lose motivation. For example, today I went to church, and then I ate more food than I wanted too, I beat myself up about it but went to the gym anyways, when I got there, I did NOT want to step on those machines. I could have run and said "I'll do it tomorrow" but I didn't and you know why? Because while I am getting healthy for myself, every time I prioritize my health over some other visceral distraction, I motivate my friends, my family, and all those who care about me. That is a powerful thing. I think you do that for people every time you blog. I learn more from your posts on overcoming obstacles then when you succeed. Now that's motivation. Good luck, your fantastic and everyone on this blog knows it. Demand perfection from yourself, but recognize that being human is a beautiful thing and humans fail all the time. It is how we learn from our failures that keep us strong. Keep on trucking, sista.

At January 30, 2011 at 6:00 PM , Blogger Shannon said...

Sometimes I definitely lack motivation! I know just what you mean! I haven't worked out all weekend due to lack of motivation.

Lately I've been signing up for more and more races when I lose motivation. It gives me just that much more incentive to keep going. Also I find that if I'm training for something, i can focus on training, where as if I am not training for anything, my focus is more exercise for weight loss. I like to think of weight loss as an added bonus you get with training.

At January 30, 2011 at 6:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It happens to everyone and it's a sign that a rest day is needed!

At January 30, 2011 at 6:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love going to you tube to find motivation. Even if it's just because I don't feel like running--there are some clips on there that just inspire me. :) I'm so glad you are feeling better, I think it's awesome that you came up with a plan that helped you feel better. I think sometimes that is the hardest thing to do. Good luck girl, I know you are going to ROCK Boston and I can't wait to read all about it.

At January 30, 2011 at 6:15 PM , Anonymous chelsey @ clean eating chelsey said...

Girl I always lose motivation. Sometimes I can just go with it, other times I just have to stop myself. So glad your Husband is awesome and helped you through it! You WILL get that sub 3 marathon! <3 you!

At January 30, 2011 at 6:18 PM , Anonymous Courtney said...

I always have SERIOUS emotional stability issues when I havent eaten. Its like my brain waves get all wonky and I start crying if I hit a red light!

Motivation for me:
-Create a new playlist
-Look up races to do
-Read running blogs (Hello Hungry Runner GIrl!)
-And post my workout on twitter/blog then I feel like I owe it to everyone to do it!!!

At January 30, 2011 at 6:20 PM , Anonymous Lauren @ Hungry Dancer said...

Everyone loses motivation every once in a while!! At least you cried it out and are feeling better!!

At January 30, 2011 at 6:24 PM , Blogger kay.tee. said...

I ran my first half marathon in October. Prior, I had done a 5k and a 10k. I got tricked into signing up for the race, but once I was signed up knew that I had to train. I didn't follow a training program, instead just figured out how to build up my long runs. The week of the race, I was a wreck.

Let's go back to 2004, in aerobics class, when I got weighed in front of the entire class. At 5'11" and 17 years old, I was 265 pounds. The week of my race I weighed in I was 163. I had lost 100+ pounds, and I was crying about a silly 13 miles? At some point I realized I wasn't really worried about the running. I had trained for it, worked my butt off, and was ready. But all of a sudden people were asking about my GU packet (what the h was gu?), who was taking me, who would be cheering me on, where was I going to put my keys?whatwasonmyplaylist,whatclotheswasiweari.. Too much. I took a couple of days to chill out and plan ahead. Race day I was prepared and knocked it out in 2:01. Not bad for a first timer.

I'll tell you right now, that no one was there for me when I finished. I patted myself on the back, called my mom who asked "you finished what?", and drove myself home. But I was overwhelmed with the sense of accomplishment of what I had done. FOR ME. At first I was a little bummed out that I didn't get under 2, but if you ask me now, it's just a time to beat.

That race was very representative to my life. There were times when there were cheerleaders, bands, strangers giving high fives.. And there were times where there was no one. But I kept running, for me. When the running becomes for someone else (Billy, your mom, even your blog followers), it's going to take a little more. So dig deep, figure out what's getting you down, and remember that all of this hard for is for YOU.

I am now in week 2 of my full marathon training. I'm nervous, I'm scared, and IT IS HARD. But I know that if I can make it through the training I will be successful on race day.

Thank you for being an inspiration to me.

At January 30, 2011 at 6:27 PM , Blogger EBURNS said...

Just some things that help me, in no particular order.

1.) Make a running date with someone just getting into running, and jog with them at their speed, and remember the sheer joy behind running.
2.) Being around other people who are also doing cool stuff or have something they are passionate about.
3.) Having a non workout hobby that also makes me feel equally (well almost) equally happy to do.
4.) Find a Janae of your own! You SO inspire me.
5.) As much as I love my hubby, I know he will love me with or without reaching the goals I have set for myself, so I like to have someone, whose opinion I value, conscious of my goals so they help hold me accountable.

Well, just a few. Hope this helps. Big hug.

At January 30, 2011 at 6:28 PM , Blogger Meg O @watchmegorun said...

thank you for posting this! It's good to know you are human and not some superhuman who never gets down on themself. (I was beginning to think you were never unhappy or hard on yourself hehe). I'm glad you got through it though!

I motivate myself by reading running blogs, talking to someone to give me some "tough love" on why I need to get motivated, and by bribing myself (i.e. if i run, I can go do something extra fun after).

I use youtube everyday. It's how I jam out to music I'm too cheap to buy off itunes :)

fav protein: peanut butter!

At January 30, 2011 at 6:31 PM , Blogger Angie said...

I definitely know where you are coming from! Billy is such a supportive BF!! Props to him for knowing the right thing to say! :) A couple things I do for motivation... I read blogs (like yours!!), there are so many inspiring people out there doing great things I admire.. running in cold, running at 5 am, etc etc etc. Looking at race results usually motivates me as well. I am very competitive! :) Also, I recently signed up for daily mile. It is HIGHLY motivating because people on the site are SOOOO supportive and encouraging! It means so much to have a stranger comment on your workout and say you did a good job. You might want to check it out! Good luck with your training, you are inspiring us all everyday! :)

At January 30, 2011 at 6:33 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this....I am no where near your skill but I am glad that even you feel the same way I do about running and feeling defeated.

To keep me motivated, I just try to remember how far I have come...and read your blog!!!

At January 30, 2011 at 6:35 PM , Blogger WannabeRunner said...

Waiiit a minute, you are actually human?! Just kidding lady - thanks so much for sharing this with us. And major props to Billy for being amazingly supportive and helpful!

Honestly, reading everyone's blogs motivates and inspires me. You guys are all so amazing and it makes me strive to be a better runner!

I think you will do great at Boston. You have the drive and the practice - we will all be cheering for you!!

At January 30, 2011 at 6:43 PM , Blogger Carina said...

I think most (all?) coaches recommend training at least 30 seconds slower than race pace for your long runs. You're right on track and you're going to hit it. Adding quality is definitely good, but I think quantity has it's own benefits too.

At January 30, 2011 at 6:48 PM , Blogger Rachel said...

I am so glad you posted this!!! I am having a really hard time training for my half and the end of the month and am trying really hard to make fun. I have started changing my music every couple of days. I wanted a sub 2:30 and to run the whole thing, but I have come to realize that isn't going to happen. I haven't even ran 5 miles yet. My knee is bothering me. And that bothers me mentally. Is it just a twinge? Or is it something more serious? In case you haven't realized, I obsess over things. If you have any tips and tricks about anything, let me know! PS I think you are awesome and absolutely beautiful!

At January 30, 2011 at 6:49 PM , Blogger Megan W. said...

When I feel unmotivated and get down about it, I try to remind myself that running is NOT my life. It's a big part of it, but there is so much more. My hubby, my friends and family, other things I like to do. But there are times when I just get out there and start a run even if I don't want to and that helps me get into it. :) And no worries, you're gonna rock Boston!

At January 30, 2011 at 6:53 PM , Blogger Meghan said...

I'm really thankful that you wrote this, because I couldn't get the motivation to run this weekend (my long run). But it's good to know that everyone (even Boston qualifiers who are awesome runners) has bad days.

Thanks for the thoughtful post.

At January 30, 2011 at 6:53 PM , Anonymous Cait said...

There will always be moments that you may not feel motivated, but putting on a song that gets me in a good mood or pumped up to do a work out will lift my spirits in a heartbeat. I also try an call a friend just to 'talk it out'. You'll do great!

At January 30, 2011 at 7:03 PM , Blogger Julia said...

thanks for the sincerity and honesty of this post. you are AMAZING and I totally know you will be your best come time for Boston :) When I am having a rough day I try really hard not to push myself (I only end up more frustrated) usually I will stop, take a break or do some cross-training. I also like to pick up one of my running books and just read...always works to inspire me or helps me find something new to try :)

At January 30, 2011 at 7:05 PM , Blogger Whitney said...

I've been reading your blog for a while and I really love it. You will do great at Boston, you definitely have the mileage base for it. Hills and tempos are great to add, they'll really help with the marathon. I usually do one hill session and one tempo a week along with a long run. Another workout that would help you know if you ready is to do Yasso's 800s. Good luck with your training. If I lived in Provo, I would love to run with you, the social part of running is the best, it's what helps me stay motivated. Having a training partner or running group has given me something to look forward to when I'm not feeling the most motivated.

At January 30, 2011 at 7:07 PM , Blogger Southern Sober Girl Runs said...

Sometimes I forget that you don't only have to listen to your body--but your mind and spirit as well. Girlfriend, you deserve a break. Be kind and gentle with yourself.

At January 30, 2011 at 7:12 PM , Blogger ida said...

what a great post! I think that 1/2 you were talking about doing before boston will be a good confidence boost too. Billy rocks for helping you come up with a game plan.

At January 30, 2011 at 7:18 PM , Blogger danielle said...

First of all, does Billy have a brother?? Heehee:) He sounds like a great guy. I use music and fitness magazines for motivation. I leave the magazines laying around the house so that when I'm sitting on the couch, I'll look at that and it usually motivates me to get up and do something. I'm a spin instructor too and I volunteer sometimes to teach early weekend classes because after a spin class I am usually motivated to hit the weights and go for a run! I love my protein shakes...I buy the vanilla ice cream flavor and mix it with milk - it's DELISH! Thanks for this's nice to hear other ideas for motivation because we all have days like these!

At January 30, 2011 at 7:18 PM , Blogger Gracie said...

I needed to read this post, I have had NO motivation lately. I have a marathon in 2 weeks and my only training for it consisted of a 30-k race I ran today. I guess since I ran BQ times earlier this year that I could apply for 2012, I didn't think of a goal for this race. That made me not care about it. I pretty much have to make a goal and a plan to get to my goal or I will simply do nothing.

At January 30, 2011 at 7:21 PM , Blogger Anna P said...

When I lose my mojo, something new always helps, new music, new shirt, new route etc...
You are AMAZING, Janae and I have no doubt you will accomplish what you set your mind to do (after all, if you can go even a DAY without sweets, you have all the determination in the world!-hope your mouth is better by the way!)
You are an inspiration to me and a fun gal to be around (cyberly at least) =)
I love your honest spirit =)
Youtube-just about everyday. With homeschooling, its AMAZING all the info we can find out about on there (it was neat looking up castles in Germany!)
Fav protein source: I also LOVE me some fish! However, I also love cheese and overly processed chicken (think chicken nuggets, chicken patties etc) =)

At January 30, 2011 at 7:30 PM , Blogger PBandJ Runner said...

I totally have those days, too. I just tell myself "ten minutes, that's all you'll do" and inevitably I enjoy those first ten minutes so much that I keep on going. If this fails, I try to imagine that I am SuperWoman and I am literally flying down the racecourse, (even though I am probably invisioning this on a treadmill), and that I am the lead runner and there is a swarm of people behind me. If ALL that fails, then I do another form of exercise like the elliptical or bike where I can just chill and visualize myself doing awesome. Sometimes we all just need days off of running, though honestly, a lot of the time when I really don't want to run, I push myself to anyways because I know that the feeling I get afterward is worth the drudgery of putting one foot in front of the other.
Youtube: Used whenever I want to jam out repeatedly to a song I do not own. Like Sarah Bareilles' Jersey Shore Christmas song. It's hilarious!!!
Protein: PEANUT BUTTER. Or seafood.

At January 30, 2011 at 7:44 PM , Anonymous Kate (What Kate is Cooking) said...

You will do awesome at Boston! My workout motivation is pretty non existent most days, so it's nice to know I'm not the only one :)

At January 30, 2011 at 8:04 PM , Blogger Q said...

One day does not a trend make!

I use youtube, hmmm, every day too I think.

My favourite protein source at the moment is beans! I like eggs too.

At January 30, 2011 at 8:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ARGH. I had a whole post and it deleted it. In short:

1) you're going to kick Boston's ass
2) I change up the route of my run.
3) I change up the run - if I don't want to do 10 I do 4 or 5 as fast as I can.
4) Elliptical, stairmaster, go for a walk, etc.
5) Tell myself I only have to do 3... generally I keep going.
6) Take a break. Sometimes I just need one - I'm physically done or I'm just mentally out of it.

At January 30, 2011 at 8:14 PM , Blogger Laura said...

You are wonderful! We all have moments like you did today, and it's great that you have your husband to comfort and cheer you up. Sounds like you came up with a killer action plan! You're gonna rock that marathon!
I struggle with motivation, and my new favorite inspirational mantra is "Nurturing myself is a necessity, not a luxury." We all need to treat ourselves a little better, cut ourselves some slack and know when we need a break.

At January 30, 2011 at 8:42 PM , Anonymous Lauren said...

I'm sorry you had a rough day, but I have to say -- this is a great lesson and your tips are perfect. I definitely find myself lacking in motivation some days. As much as I love running, I just don't always love doing it. Sometimes everything just feels wrong. But to get my motivation back, I do a lot of similar things. Of course I have to take a minute (or 30) to feel sorry for myself, but if I can talk to someone about it and make a new plan of attack, I usually find my excitement coming back.

I think you are an amazing athlete and seem to have such a positive attitude! I know you're going to get that sub-3 Boston. And I will be there cheering for you! :)

Oh, and just a note about the course -- I think your plan to do hill repeats is a great one!! I'm not sure if other people have mentioned it already, but Heartbreak Hill really isn't all that bad (I honestly didn't even know I was running up it until I got to the top and saw someone had written something about it on the ground, haha). What IS bad is just the overall number of rolling hills. There's a hill at mile 16 that I remember feeling particularly tough and your legs get a little torn up going through the rolling hills of Newton. I think it's the downhills that do the most damage -- my quads were so sore after!! Anyway, I'm not saying this to sound negative at all, but just to say that I think hill repeats are a huge key to doing well on the course.

Anyway, I'm glad you were able to cut yourself some slack today hope this new week starts off great! :)

At January 30, 2011 at 8:58 PM , Blogger Stephanie said...

You can't poop skittles out everyday! :) :) I say...congratulations for listening to your body. I would be so sad for you if you got up on the treadmill, dreaded it so much that you wanted to cry and then made yourself. That pressure isn't the fun competitive pressure that makes the sport fun. Your body obviously needed a day off. (Sounds to me like you need some candy!!)

Billy sounds pretty awesome which is so great for you! Nothing like having a BFF in a partner for life!

At January 30, 2011 at 10:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cross training is a way that I stay motivated through the down periods or running.

Sometimes I get burnt out and hit the elliptical, which switches things up mentally for me.

At January 30, 2011 at 10:45 PM , Anonymous Maria said...

Proactivity is totally the best. We all get burned out but you handled it in probably the best way possible. I definitely took the ice cream route tonight...

At January 30, 2011 at 11:16 PM , Blogger Christine said...

When I'm not motivated I bribe myself, usually with pedicures or ice cream from McDonalds. It's probably not the best method, but it works!

At January 30, 2011 at 11:40 PM , Blogger Muncher Cruncher said...

I'm so glad you are human! It makes me feel better! I can't even tell you how sad I am that I missed the yogurt date on sat! It looked SO fun! Can I see you this week. You + Me + Maverick!?!? PLEASE?!?

At January 30, 2011 at 11:41 PM , Blogger Muncher Cruncher said...

p.s. teething during church? I laughed out loud at that.

At January 30, 2011 at 11:43 PM , Blogger Caroline said...

you said it yourself: you are HUMAN. sometimes it is ok to take a break. If you get no joy or good feeling out it it is best to take a break and do other things. Billy gets major husband points...I am a fan of Bill, Billy, get it.. see my son is Will and my husband is Bill..all Williams...good guys right?!

It is better to face the rough days now in training then on Boston will help you mental preparation I am sure.

At January 31, 2011 at 3:28 AM , Blogger Jessica said...

Eek, I didn't see this post before I commented on the last one...sorry about that.

I think we all have 'those' days when running seems tough and unappealling, usually when we're tired, run down, uber-stressed, battling with niggling injuries or struggling to meet our time goals. I think you're being terribly hard on yourself and pressurizing yourself a little too much about your Boston time. Motivation is fantastic, so is drive, but not when it becomes detrimental to your running and your wellbeing. I know the anxiety of 'I HAVE to run at this pace and if I don't for THIS run, I am a big FAILURE' goes through my head and sometimes stops me running/turns me to tears too. Where as if I'd just accepted for that particular day that I wasn't feeling my best I would have at least got a run in, which is better than nothing!

I confess I'm rarely on YouTube unless I'm watching a film for my PhD and don't want to buy the DVD because I am cheap ;)

Fav protein source: Peanut Flour!


At January 31, 2011 at 5:08 AM , Anonymous Nichole said...

I have to admit that I have been "stalking" your blog for the past month or so. I really enjoy reading your posts! After this particular post I felt the need to comment.

You are an amazing runner with a perfect combination of natural ability and hard-core work ethic. I have been running and racing for several years (and even started working with an individual coach last year) and it sounds to me like you may be doing too many fast miles. Long, slow runs (at a conversational pace) are so beneficial to recover from harder workouts (like interval and tempo runs). Those long, slow efforts help your body build new capillary beds to better feed the muscles and even build more mitochondria (the little cellular power houses). I think that psychologically it feels good to actually run long distances at your goal pace but in the end it breaks you down (physically and mentally). You will do great in Boston!

At January 31, 2011 at 5:19 AM , Blogger Kristin @NyceLife said...

YOU motivate me :) Also songs, just thinking about my kids and how I am getting healthier and will live longer for them! Its a S L O W process. You are amazingly fast, my sprints are slower than your marathon pace, ha ha... like by a lot...

Right now my protein of choice is some shake I get at Publix (Pure Protein brand)- it's like 23g protein in 120 calories. After I workout I am usually running around so I have one. FOr real food sources I like greek yogurt and the old standby grilled chicken breasts :)

At January 31, 2011 at 7:43 AM , Anonymous Pam said...

Hello Janae! sorry this post is late...our internet was down yesterday!!

No worries sweetie we all have up/down days when it comes to our training. I think Billy is so wonderful! He understands you and is soo supportive!! Bonus...he has solutions!! AWESOMENESS!! That's all you need right there!! Please, don't get too hard on yourself!! You are right where you need to be. You are naturally going to get faster as the weeks progress. YOU'VE GOT THIS!! Don't underestimate the "long run." I did in the beginning years of my running. But, now I'm reaping the benefits of "going long!" It's okay to do "slow miles!" the all don't have to be "fast." incorporate some "fast miles" in your workout but not "all" Janae, you're doing that already!! GIRL YOU ARE AWESOME!! We all love you and are supportive of you!! Remember training pace and racing pace are very different. After races I'm always surprised at the pace I can maintain during a race compared to my home route. It doesn't happen at home but, magically it comes together on the race course!! IT WILL FOR YOU TOO!! It's okay to take rest days your body will benefit from them. I have to tell myself that all of time too!!

I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying your book!! :)

Favorite protein: chicken!!

Love ya!! :) xo

At January 31, 2011 at 8:13 AM , Blogger Jen said...

See, I love how you are so honest. You are so lucky to have Billy. I tend to hold things in too and then when they finally come out with all the tears I feel so much better. Why do we do that?
When I don't feel like working out, I try to evaluate whether it is my body telling me to take a break or if it's just a mental thing that I need to get through. Sometimes it's best to take it easy and other times I just need to get on and try one mile and see how it goes. Usually, if it's a mental thing the one mile isn't so bad and I can continue. New workout clothes are a bad habit that I've gotten into. I can't wait to wear them and that usually fixes any little slump I'm going through. Even just a new shirt works for me. Or new music. But the biggest thing that works is just having a goal.
You're gonna do great! No worries, girl. With your talent, work ethic, and positive attitude, you can't fail. You're gonna be so prepared!

At January 31, 2011 at 8:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the idea that the crappy or nonexistent runs make the great runs that much greater! You have such a good outlook on this, from your attitude to your proactiveness (I know that's not a word, but you know what I mean)... you are absolutely going to destroy 6:49!

At January 31, 2011 at 9:18 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. I'm not sure I could ever add anything to what has already been written, but let me tell you- this post motivates ME! I'm aching to get back out there and rejoice at a 10:00 mile.... (it's all relative, right?)


At January 31, 2011 at 10:14 AM , Blogger d.a.r. said...


Hang in there sweetie!! It is totally normal to have off days. It makes those good days so much sweeter. And makes you hungrier for success!!

At January 31, 2011 at 10:56 AM , Blogger Jamie Pickle said...

I love this post. I am so glad you faced your fears and were able to get your mojo back! I am very competitive, so I turn challenge my friends to a friendly competition. I actually was just thinking this morning about what I can do to get my lazy butt out of bed and work out before work every day. I realized I was really good about it when I paid for my daily bootcamp class because I hated knowing I would be throwing money away if I didn't attend (you paid up front and didn't get money back if you missed a session). Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of money anymore, but I figured out something that may work. If I miss a morning workout, I have to pay my husband x amount of dollars and he will put it in our savings account. I am hoping this will keep me on track!!

At January 31, 2011 at 12:02 PM , Blogger Sheanna said...

You have NO IDEA how much I needed to read this today! Seriously. So, for today, and nearly every morning, you have given me some great, positive, motivation.

Thanks! Gosh, I REALLY needed to read this.

At January 31, 2011 at 12:35 PM , Blogger Katie said...

I am way late on this post but LOVE AND HUGS TO YOU!!!! I'm so glad you got your mojo back, it sounds like you did all the right things. We all hit spats of low energy or no mojo and it's tough, it really is, to keep doing this stuff day in and day out. Lots of support your way, babe, you will get there! Eat more broccoli!

At January 31, 2011 at 12:51 PM , Blogger dawn @ running the dawn said...

i'm know that i'm super late...but i canNOT tell you how much your honesty touched my heart.

its so easy to think that speed and confidence comes easily to the people that have them...but in reality motivation, and the desire to improve is the refining fire to each of us. it hurts. but it helps. your hearts desire to be the best runner you can be is so inspirational. and knowing that you have bad days is more helpful than you can probably realize.

thank you so much! you are a blessing!!

At January 31, 2011 at 1:23 PM , Blogger funderson said...

Ah..your Billy is just swell...

At January 31, 2011 at 3:17 PM , Blogger All Things Jaime said...

You have these days, too!? I thought you were superwoman! It's nice to know we are all human! In all seriousness, I'm glad you got through it. THere is nothing worse than beginning a run and not making it more than 5 seconds before stopping because you're crying and don't want to be running and/or have zero motivation.

You've got a great husband :)

At January 31, 2011 at 5:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My motivation comes from people like YOU!! I read your running posts as well as some others that totally get me motivated to get up and get going. I will never be in the same running "class" but that's ok. I did not start running until I was almost 40 :) I am simply trying to be the best me. You can check me out on youtube @ MsOverweighted

At January 31, 2011 at 6:07 PM , Blogger J said...

Oh girly I am so sorry I am late on this post! I hope you know that you are A GREAT runner but you are right, if you don't prepare you wont be ready for the race! But now you have a plan to get you ready and you will be ready! You have so much potential and it will all come out on race day! Just so you know you motivate me and many others! Keep it up!

At January 31, 2011 at 7:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, I am not terribly good at motivating myself. Particularly to do homework, though that's a different issue entirely ;)

But I think you are absolutely amazing and I am always in awe of your mental stamina to run for so many miles on that treadmill. There is NO doubt in my mind that you can do this sub-3 marathon! Billy is also totally a winner :)

you go girl! You know I'll be cheering from over here in norcal :)


At February 1, 2011 at 6:56 PM , Blogger the hoppe pad said...

My motivation comes from different sources depending on what I am trying to motivate for...

However, you have been a motivational factor for me on one front! I really want to do a marathon before the heat of the southern summer comes but unfortunately money and logistics probably isn't going to get me to one. But...after seeing you do a marathon on the treadmill...I had inspiration! I think I will run my own marathon on our local greenway. I can park at an entrance that has bathrooms and leave some fuel in my car. Go out and back a few times and boom own 26.2! I think I will make myself a medal of some sort too! Why not! I don't have to wait on the perfect race...I will make my own! So thanks for being my motivation on this one!


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