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What do you stash in your gym bag.

The Hungry Runner Girl: What do you stash in your gym bag.

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What do you stash in your gym bag.

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The Hungry Runner Girl: What do you stash in your gym bag.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What do you stash in your gym bag.

First amazing neighbor is trying to steal my husband.

She brought over the yummiest quiche I have ever had.

I don't blame Billy for coveting a wife that makes food like this.  I guess my normal 1 lb of roasted broccoli and potatoes with ketchup and sprinkled in skittles isn't very appetizing to him.  I better go home and make him butter filled cookies to make up for this.


She said that she made it with eggs, half and half, cheese, ham and the magic ingredient that made my heart tingle.....CINNAMON.  Try it, so good.

She also made us little banana pudding cups.  Guess why I was super excited about these....

1. They were delicious.

2. They have bananas on them and Billy hates bananas...that means two for me.  I guess I need to reavaluate my New Years Resolutions about the whole 'others focused' thing.


One of my favorite presents that I have ever gotten is this gorgeous gym bag from Billy a few years ago.


Besides the gum wrappers, Boston Marathon course elevation maps and a picture I drew and colored of me finishing a sub 3 hour marathon......these are the things that I keep in my bag that I take to the gym with me every. single. day.

1. Body Glide- I chafe like no other.  The back of my arms are the worst so I put this on everywhere!

2. 3 pairs of headphones- Heaven forbid one doesn't work and I have to go musicless.

3. Along with #2 I always have two ipods with me.  If one is out of charge, I am in luck.

4. Magazine or book- to beat boredom on the elliptical.

5. Extra socks. My feet sweat a lot.

6. 7,000 bobby pins and 14 rubber bands.  I hate it when my hair gets in my face but luckily there is enough grease to hold it back on its own.

7. Food.  Banana or shot blocks. I hate being hungry. Oh, and of course a waterbottle.

8. An extra pair of running shorts.  For some reason I used to always forget to pack these when I went to the gym after school. Just because the cardio cinema room at the gym is dark doesn't mean anything. You live and you learn.

9. 48 batteries.  I would freak out if I didn't have a good battery for the microphone when I teach spin.

10.  $1.25 just in case I forget my water bottle and need to buy one.  I would die of thirst five minutes into my workout without one.


Tell me what is in your gym bag!!!!  Or what do you take with you to the gym/workouts?

What are your favorite quiche ingredients?

-I am loving this cinnamon thing and loads of cheese is a must.


At January 25, 2011 at 4:34 PM , Blogger Sabrina said...

Onions and peppers in my quiche! No gym bag for me right now. Trying to save some money, but sadly my workouts don't happen without a gym.

At January 25, 2011 at 4:37 PM , Blogger Mallory said...

That was sooooo funny about the picture that you drew.... because I believe you!!! I have most of that stuff in my gym bag plus a lock for the locker, tampons, my inhaler in case I get an asthma attack from exercising (hasn't happened in YEARS), deodorant, body spray and bandaids. I love your gym bag!! I had a bag similar to that but then everything in it started smelling because of my shoes :(

At January 25, 2011 at 4:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

girl you better get baking! hehe, I kid. I don't take a bag to the gym, but do carry headphones and ipod in my pocket. I usually eat a banana on the way there.

I'm not really a big quiche fan, but that looks good! I'd have to say I'd like one with mushrooms, since mushrooms are noms.

At January 25, 2011 at 4:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah, can we see your drawings on the blog? I carry my shoes, ipod, magazines, water & snacks. All that broccoli is so good for you - we were just talking in class today about how broccoli type veggies help your body get rid of cancerous toxins. I love me some broccoli!

At January 25, 2011 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I am going to need the recipe for that banana pudding cup immediately. It looks like a mini banana cream pie, and those are my favorite. Yum.

And I'll just go ahead and confess right now that I don't have a gym bag...

Yeah...I'm a slacker.

At January 25, 2011 at 4:49 PM , Blogger d.a.r. said...

Extra socks, extra running shorts, 84,000 bobby pins, 4 headbands, 16 ponytail holders, chapstick, deodorant, face wash, flip flops, two swim suits, swim cap, three pairs of goggles, ipod, emergency snack, three dollars (not really sure where they came from?) and a tampon (or three...).

I am such a little girl scout. Too bad I almost always still forget something important haha!

At January 25, 2011 at 4:49 PM , Blogger naomi said...

this post saved my workout. had you not mentioned "ipod" i would have forgotten to charge mine...and if it was dead, so would have been my run!

in my gym bag i also have a lock for the gym lockers, a couple of towels (in case the gym gets stingey and won't give me extras) and my swim gear, which for some reason, i always have with me.

At January 25, 2011 at 4:50 PM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Killer bag! Love it! I have to have a headband in my bag to hold back the flyaways. Socks and a sports bra are necessary. Give me my shoes and do I really need anything else? Oh, shorts, yeah. Inappropriateness!

quiche - veggies!! Your neighbors are fabulous! I do need to move to P-town!

At January 25, 2011 at 4:51 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have 2 bags, one for the girls in child care and one for me. In there bag is a diaper and wipes, and an extra pair of pants and undies for the 3 year old, as well as their snacks and drinks. In MY gym bag are my clean clothes to shower into, my toiletry bag, my mp3 player, lifting gloves, lock for the locker, phone, my water bottle, and my running shoes if I am running that day. I only wear them outside if I am running outside. Glad you are feeling better!

At January 25, 2011 at 4:51 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

For me, the question is WHAT IS IN MY PURSE!?

You should see the stuff I pull out of there! On Friday everyone was laughing at me as I pulled random objects out of my purse like my old cell phone that's no longer in service, receipts from 5 years ago, a pair of socks (?), scissors, a christmas card, a tangerine...

I really need to clean out my purse.

You are so super prepared with your gym bag!! Last night I didn't have a hair tie so I had to maneuver about 20 bobby pins into my hair to hold it up. Such a pain in the butt.

At January 25, 2011 at 4:52 PM , Blogger Pretend this is real said...

Pretty much what you said minus socks & magazines. Sadly, I used to bring school books or flashcards for cycling indoors. Studying at the gym got me through a lot of classes!

At January 25, 2011 at 4:57 PM , Blogger Rose @ Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri said...

My "gym bag" is usually a plastic grocery bag with some clothes thrown in it. My gym has towels and toiletries, plus water fountains everywhere, so as long as I am properly clothed, life is good.

Hmmmm, ham.

At January 25, 2011 at 4:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm I carry ipod and earbuds, backup clothes, food. lots of food!!!! oh and hair products. and deodorant!
that quiche looks and sounds AMAZING!

At January 25, 2011 at 4:59 PM , Blogger Katy said...

I also always have two iPods! My new Nano that I bought myself, and the Touch Shane got me for Christmas two years ago. I love it, I can listen to music without wearing a huge MP3 player, then I can watch Glee! :)

At January 25, 2011 at 5:01 PM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

I LOVE quiche. My husband had never had it until we got married, now he's converted!

In my gym bag I have pretty much the same thing as you + an extra set of clothes. I always manage to forget one key item, so I just bring everything with me in duplicate.

At January 25, 2011 at 5:03 PM , Blogger Suzana said...

I take a lock for the lockers, an Anti-bottle (, change of clothes, Ipod, book -- nothing too crazy or special :)
I often bring candy to eat for each 10mins I work out :)

At January 25, 2011 at 5:04 PM , Blogger christina said...

In my gym bag - way too much!
Spin shoes, extra socks, bathing suit/swim cap/goggles, towel, miniture bottles of shampoo/cond/bodywash/deoderant, a few packs of gu, ear phones, water bottle, extra underware. If Im going straight to work from the gym then I take curling iron, make up ect.

At January 25, 2011 at 5:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Body Glide is a lifesaver!

At January 25, 2011 at 5:09 PM , Blogger Heather -Momma Running Amok said...

My husband makes killer quiche. Probably very unhealthy as he uses like 3 eggs and whipping bream. His magic ingredient is NUTMEG! Give it a whirl! Nothing beats a ham and cheese or broccoli and cheese quiche...I am the person that steals other people's crust too... oh well!
my gym bag: not nearly as stocked as yours....
diaper and wipes
People/Runners World Magazine
Whatever book I am reading...Catching Fire right now
water bottle
Clif Shot- Espresso or Mocha
body glide

At January 25, 2011 at 5:09 PM , Anonymous Maria said...

Oh my gosh, I covet your dinner!

My gym back is pretty simple: towel, lock, extra hair ties/bobby pins, running shoes, running shorts, headphones/mp3 player

At January 25, 2011 at 5:10 PM , Blogger Carina said...

Haha, I just posted yesterday about my habit of putting my ring in my gym bag! But as of yesterday, that habit is broken forever I hope.

At January 25, 2011 at 5:22 PM , Blogger Gracie said...

I keep a whole pie in case I get hungry.

At January 25, 2011 at 5:23 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I don't carry a bag to the gym because my house is only about 5 minutes away but I do carry a bag to school on the days I run with the girls. Pants, sports bra, shirt, pullover, socks, shoes, garmin, cliff bar, banana, powerade zero, gu, pony tail holders, bobby pins, gum, and sometimes my iPod and headphones.

At January 25, 2011 at 5:24 PM , Blogger Runners Fuel said...

I think I'll post these answers on my blog tonight.

At January 25, 2011 at 5:26 PM , Blogger Reese's Runner said...

5 billion rubber bands, extra socks, and a snickers bar.

At January 25, 2011 at 5:36 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

I love spinach and eggs!

I am so lucky, I either run outside or walk across the street to the gym. This girl doesn't have a gym bag!

At January 25, 2011 at 5:37 PM , Blogger Jess said...

I loved your list. Honestly, I bring all the necessities, and then I never end up needing them. Weird fact about me: I can't work out on a machine if I don't have a towel to throw over the screen.... I can't STAND watching the minutes and miles tick by. I like to zone out and just go. Weird, I know.

At January 25, 2011 at 5:42 PM , Blogger BigHappyFamily said...

Love quiche. Mmmm ... breakfast for dinner tomorrow.

What's in my gym bag? Hilarious question.

A diaper and a few wipes.

And that's it. No music, food, water, or gear. I have the baby changing in case I get summoned to child care to fix up a problem. Nothing else would keep me from enjoying my "happy hour" at the gym.

Hope your mouth is feeling better.

At January 25, 2011 at 5:45 PM , Blogger Heather said...

Hope your mouth is feeling better!

I love bacon and mushrooms and LOTS of swiss cheese in my quiche. So delicious!

At January 25, 2011 at 5:46 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

I love the idea of cinnamon in quiche! I have never actually made quiche, but I'm a fan of the standard ingredients that you listed....and now cinnamon?!?!

In my gym bag, I have only the essentials---extra socks, shirt, toiletries, mp3 player, lots of hair doobies....deodorant. I think that's it.

At January 25, 2011 at 5:50 PM , Anonymous Carin said...

i don't even own a gym bag. if i have a bag, it's a leftover plastic shopping bag. what a sad life i lead :)

body glide is the jam. i used to get horrible cuts (also from having sports bras that were too old). i basically can't run in a sleeveless shirt. so sad.

At January 25, 2011 at 5:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mine is ALWAYS loaded with food and water bottles "just in case". And my fat chopstick that looks like a gluestick, along with extra headbands because my hair does NOT stay!

P.s. your gym bag is hot, where can I find one?!

At January 25, 2011 at 6:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your gym bag! I could have totally used that $1.25 because I FORGOT MY WATER BOTTLE today and my run was miserable without it. Sad. :(

At January 25, 2011 at 6:11 PM , Blogger slow ernie said...

I covet my neighbor's wife because she push mows their lawn while he sits on the porch drinking a beer. Now I'll be fantasizing about the deserts she could bring me. Thanks.

At January 25, 2011 at 6:11 PM , Blogger Christine Delaney said...

My gym bag is really scary...

*Garmin,405, foot pod, HRM
*terry cloth shorts to wear while blowing the hair dry pre work.
*7 pairs of underwear, as you forgot shorts, I have a habit of having to go comando to work..not cool in 4F weather.
* 2 ipod
* 2 headphones
* Kor Delta Waterbottle
*extra socks
*Cor Silver face soap
* awesome round brush to fix the hair
* many headbands
*dry shampoo
*baby wipes from Costco.

I think a small county could live out of my gym bag!

At January 25, 2011 at 6:13 PM , Blogger Caroline said...

Water. I pod shuffle and Itouch just in case. 2 headphones. Gum. change of clothes. running hat in case I look like crap (6 days out of 7)and a book.

At January 25, 2011 at 6:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

billy hates bananas? ummm yeah. i'd say screw the "thinking of others" thing too. ahahah

At January 25, 2011 at 6:26 PM , Blogger J said...

My gym bag is a bag my mom picked up from a garage sale last summer. Its huge and from old navy and I pack all my stuff in there. I empty it every night. I carry all the stuff I need and usually I forget something like today when I forgot socks and had to stop at Brians on the way to work to get a pair of his socks to wear. Last year I forgot a towel that was fun.

At January 25, 2011 at 6:30 PM , Anonymous Bess@Bess Be Fit said...

I'm currently looking for a cute gym bag...I want a Lulu one but the one I wanted is sold out! I guess other people liked it a lot too. Blessing in disguise because it wasn't cheap!

Can you inspire me to run longer distances because seriously right now I'm in a rut and just wish I could go bang out 20 miles no prob.

On a more realistic note...did you get my comment back to you on my blog?? Would you likey some Apple Butter of your own??? Let me know, I can surely mail you some! I have an unopened jar :) or pumpkin butter, if you'd prefer! Holler at me girlfrand!

At January 25, 2011 at 6:33 PM , Anonymous Tina said...

I think you have my gym bag!!!

But, seriously, can you get yourself on Twitter? :)

At January 25, 2011 at 6:45 PM , Anonymous Abby @ Have Dental Floss, Will Travel said...

Hmm... I don't have a go-to gym bag - which is probably why when I try to do something silly like go directly from the gym to work (or vice versa), I inevitably end up forgetting a key article of clothing and have to spend the day in a sports bra, or running socks.

A couple years ago, Brent biked to school and when he got there he realized that he had forgotten his pants. He had to teach all of his classes in bike tights - including the class that he was covering for another teacher!

At January 25, 2011 at 6:45 PM , Blogger Pixie said...

I pack my gym bag from top to bottom with the same things everytime:

1. Tennis shoes
2. Flip flops
3. Towel & wash cloth
4. Socks, underware & sports bra
5. Black workout pants, sleeveless t-shirt, and a t-shirt to go on top
6. Shower bag filled with makeup, soap, deoderant and hair ties

There is a lock on the gym bag and one in my car. I carry my ipod, droid & shuffle for music. I have recently forgotten my headphones so tonight I am putting one in my car and once in my bag.

I agree with Tina, PLEASE get on twitter.

At January 25, 2011 at 6:50 PM , Blogger Carmen said...

No gym bag...but I just signed up for a sprint tri and now I have to find a pool to train. Ahhh! Luckily we have an aquatic center I can use and pay per visit. Money is no object for training right? Ha!

Mushrooms and mucho cheese a must!

At January 25, 2011 at 6:53 PM , Blogger Caroline said...

My gym bag is full of ponytail holders, deodorant, brush, and an extra pair of socks. Exciting, huh? Your neighbor is a God send. Please send her my way.

At January 25, 2011 at 6:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always keep in my gym bag: toiletries, lock, towel, little terry wrap thing, 2 wet clothes bags, flip flops, blowdryer, hair brush, 100 ponytail holders, qtips (im a freak that HAS to have them after a shower), Powerbar gels, gym hand towel (for sweat), first aid kit, extra socks, extra undies, and lotion

I throw my makeup and clothes in there the night before.

At January 25, 2011 at 6:59 PM , Anonymous Dorry said...

I love all your gym bag gear (and the gym bag itself is SO cute!). I don't currently belong to a gym but we have a decent one where we live. I'm so anal about charging my iPod and my Garmin for outdoor runs. I'm not a big fan of quiche - never have been. I remember being a little kid and sleeping over at a friend's house. Her mom served us quiche for dinner and I sneakily put most of mine into a napkin then flushed it down the toilet. :)

At January 25, 2011 at 7:10 PM , Blogger Anna P said...

No gym bag for me as I dont have a gym 'ship, maybe in the future!
As far as quiche, I have never liked them, but your's with the cinnamon sounds yummy!
And that banana dessert looks to DIE for!

At January 25, 2011 at 7:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have a gym bag because my gym is about 2 seconds away from my house, so I just get ready at home!

At January 25, 2011 at 7:31 PM , Blogger dawn @ running the dawn said...

oooo, this made me miss my "instructor" bag, with my microphone and bobby pins. i need to get back to instructing heart might just break.

since i'm not currently going to a gym, i have my "cold weather running" bag with my gloves, face cover, ear cover, several reflective vest things, blinking lights. SO FUN!

At January 25, 2011 at 7:35 PM , Blogger Stephanie said...

I always have a towel, a waterbortle, 4 hairties with 3 clips (all attached together like a little hair kit), and extra headphones- mine always die!

I forget socks most often, it's kind of sad!

At January 25, 2011 at 7:45 PM , Blogger Maddie said...

I have a lot of random recipes and gum wrappers, bobby pins, lip balm, and my extra iPod (glad to know I'm know the only one with a back up *just in case*). I quite often forget one element of my outfit or another when i pack my bag in the morning, so maybe I should start keeping an extra one of everything in my bag?

At January 25, 2011 at 7:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Extra socks, flip flops for the shower, shower supplies, swim cap, goggles, ear plugs, ipod, a few dollars, and I still always seem to forget something.

I like quiche loaded with roasted veggies!

At January 25, 2011 at 8:02 PM , Blogger The Depressed Yogi said...

First, thanks for your SWEET comment!! I'm excited we're going to be blog buddies, too!

Now onto the questions...

1 - In my gym bag? Not nearly as much as what's in yours. I have one ipod, one pair of headphones, water bottle (sometimes 2), lock, antibacterial gel, and sometime Gu for my long runs.

2 - I LOVE QUICHE! Fave combos include: broccoli & cheddar, feta/swiss/or goat cheese and spinach, bacon and/or pancetta with any of the above!

At January 25, 2011 at 8:13 PM , Blogger Meg said...

1. shower stuff, an extra pair of pants (to be worn either during a workout or post-showering), extra headphones, two baseball caps (in case hair needs containing, and in case I take one out I'll always have another one), extra socks (just in case), and an empty water bottle that I can fill up if I forget my fav one.
2. omg I want quiche now. I make one with artichoke hearts, sundried tomatoes, and feta. I also use fake chicken in it (because I'm a veggie), but it's supposedly great with chicken in it. and one serving is only 250 calories!

At January 25, 2011 at 8:21 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

Ipod x 2 :)
hair ties
head bands
bobby pins

At January 25, 2011 at 8:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bacon of course in my quiche :)

In my gym bag are coupons...weird. Socks, an extra pair of headphones, deodorant, and gum wrappers.

At January 25, 2011 at 9:06 PM , Blogger Jenn said...

Hmmm-for fun I'm actually going to open my gym bag and look.

Gum, a whole bunch of single pieces strewn across the bottom.

A towel which is really grossly wet and I don't know why I left it in there.

One sock-in case I lose one of my legs apparently...

Body Glide-I practically bathe in this in runs over 10 miles. I have like permanent scars from forgetting it and people have genuinely been concerned about my well-being when I entered the shower at the gym.

Also-extra headphones that are so tangled I will never be able to use them again.

2 water bottles that have black spots in the bottom of them. I think it might be mold?? Yeah-I will probably still use them.

A screwdriver. I'm handy and know how to fix the stupid middle treadmill at the gym!

14 bobby pins and two ponytail holders.

Ah-thanks for motivating me to clean this out!

At January 25, 2011 at 9:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I make a yummy mushroom, shallot, and green onion quiche.

At January 25, 2011 at 9:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also have 7000 bobby pins in my bag too! But thats because every day I get 2 new ones then throw them in my gym bag when im done..and then the next day..i can find the ones from yesterday, so i get two more new ones..rinse and repeat...its a never ending cycle

At January 25, 2011 at 9:35 PM , Blogger cathysrunning said...

Cinnamon in quiche - that sounds good! I must have bacon and cheese in my quiche. Love the crunchiness!

At January 25, 2011 at 9:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've lived in apartments with gyms for 2 years now... well until now. I am going to have to start packing a gym bag again, I guess! Thanks for all your ideas for what to put inside :-)

At January 25, 2011 at 10:01 PM , Blogger Kelsey Ann said...

i stash my yoga mat, a towel, water, energy bar or banana, headphones, watch, cellphone, sweat shirt, gum, and some motivation (when i need it) hehe :)

At January 25, 2011 at 10:11 PM , Blogger racing dawn said...

i go in my gym clothes so i only have to leave home with my ipod, water, gum and chomps if it' a long workout... it all fit in my jacket pocket...nice...

At January 25, 2011 at 10:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

your post always make me smile!!

I was going to do a post on whats in my gym bag :)

lets see...let me open up my bag:

empty water bottles (5 to be exact!) Hawt dang!
gatorade bottle (2)
4 granola bars
packet of gum
water bottle
pepper spray (you never know, I may have to use it to fight someone off for a bike in spin.)
hand towel
hand sanitizer
post its ( don't ask)
note pad
planner (dont ask!)
tampons (you never know)
lip balm
head band
rubber bands
weight gloves
ear phones (2 sets)
bobby pins
magazines and books!

No wonder people stare at me when I walk in the gym, my bag is bigger than me!

okay I think that's I carry alot :)

At January 25, 2011 at 10:22 PM , Blogger ShortSkirts said...

I love your bag, mine is a hot pink nike monstrosity. I always know which one is mine!

Besides clothes I always have my heart rate monitor, cliff bars, and extra hair ties.

At January 25, 2011 at 10:24 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Your gym bag sounds a lot like mine! :) I also always have: an extra shirt and sports bra (I usually work out before class, and I feel a little less gross if I change clothes, 8 different kinds of chopstick, my mic belt, batteries, and aerobics cd's incase I ever have to sub last minute, my day planner, face wipes, and moisturizer just to name a few!!! I live out if my gym bag!

At January 25, 2011 at 11:27 PM , Blogger Stefanie Mockler said...

I have that same Nike bag in black and white! I've had it for almost 4 years and I still use it every day! :)

At January 25, 2011 at 11:56 PM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

Oh my , How do I get behind on your blog?!! So missing it! I take my iPod that share with my hubby, a water bottle, and that's about cell phone, yes. I have this really easy quiche recipe but it probably isn't very good for you...It calls for Bisquick, cheese, eggs, milk, and ham..we use spinach and no ham but whatever. I think that is easy! Oh, and butter. told you it isn't good for you.

At January 26, 2011 at 12:27 AM , Blogger Maria said...

I dont have much in my bag- hair band, hair clips, water bottle. bUt when I go running I have a longer list- mp3 player, headphones, gloves, tissue, ear warmer, water bottle, sometimes food like raisins or a nakd bar, nike+ wristband...

At January 26, 2011 at 1:01 AM , Anonymous Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said...

Clearly, your neighbour is an evil genius!!

Please post a photo of you running the Boston marathon!! Sounds hilarious! :D

My must is food. I must have food. Even if I have to treadmill run in jeans, I will if it means there is food waiting for me at the end... :)

At January 26, 2011 at 7:02 AM , Blogger Big Daddy Diesel said...

After I am all packed, I lay a big piece of paper on the top with the date of my "A" race, so when I get to the gym, maybe not feeling like going hard, as soon as I open my bag, I see that piece of paper as a reminder I cant slack off.

Did you do your homework? I didnt get it last night

At January 26, 2011 at 8:13 AM , Blogger Stephanie said...

I live just a few blocks away from my gym so lately all I have on me is my coat, my keys and my music!! Banana pudding sounds awesome right now!

At January 26, 2011 at 9:39 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

So I didn't forget my socks today, I packed 3 pairs just in case hahahaha!!! I also pack shower stuff (since I've been going before work), ugh but I did forget water. I always forget something! Until I get used to going in the AM I'm sure I'll forget something else.

At January 26, 2011 at 9:51 AM , Blogger Jamie Pickle said...

I wish I had awesome neighbors like you do!!! Along with a lot of the same items you keep in your gym bag, I also keep a towel, chapstick, deoderant & body spay (for when I am leaving the gym and not going home - gotta try to cover up my funk).

At January 26, 2011 at 10:07 AM , Blogger Katie said...

you know, i just noticed this weekend that i probably have enough food in my gym bag to last me for several days. a lot of stupid stuff ends up in there too!

At January 26, 2011 at 10:45 AM , Blogger Cheryl said...

hi! came over from a runners fuel.,,love a great blog about running!

first off, my poor gym back is a burberry purse, sad,'sa fake knock off, does that make it better??

IPOD, workout scribbled down, water, protein shake, gloves and blackberry...
come follow my road to the stage!

At January 26, 2011 at 1:01 PM , Anonymous Amy Johnson said...

I recently found you blog, and you are hilarious! :)

Do you recommend a certain type of head phones? I can't find any that I love....They always seems to pop out of my ears! I'm training for my first 1/2 marathon and really would like a good pair of head phones! :)

At January 26, 2011 at 1:12 PM , Blogger RunningOnCoffee said...

When I go to the gym, I bring:
mp3 player, water, hair elastics, Garmin + HR monitor + tank, shorts, shoes, bra, socks.

My gym bag is the black lululemon bag featured in my post from last night, purchased on sale (hooray!)

I don't usually bring fuel because I have never run on the treadmill more than 7.5 miles. Also, my gym is ~1.5 miles from my apartment. So really, I only bring the gym bag if I'm going to the gym right from work and can't change at home first.

At January 26, 2011 at 6:20 PM , Blogger Trying To Heal said...

i don't have a gym i feel left out. but if i did...extra socks, shirts, shorts, gu chomps, snack bars, water, lotion (i chaf like a mad woman too but have found out that body glide doesn't help; thick lotion works better! but may make you look like you pee'd your pants with the way sweat drips down your legs! hahah!) ipod/ipod band/earphones and...body spray.

At January 26, 2011 at 11:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the BEST zucchini broccoli quiche recipe! Officially I don't think it's very healthy because it includes LOTS of cheese, but you can kind of trick yourself into thinking it is because of the greens.

At January 28, 2011 at 10:04 AM , Blogger Heather said...

I mostly go to the gym straight from home so no bag...just a sweatshirt w/ my chapstick and car key in my pocket...and then of course I have my iPod and water bottle w/ me. When I used to bring a gym bag to work when I worked out there I had so much junk in my bag it was like Mary Poppin's bag! But at least I had everything I needed! :)


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