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I missed breakfast today.

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I missed breakfast today.

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The Hungry Runner Girl: I missed breakfast today.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I missed breakfast today.

P.S.  If you have a wordpress blog please check your spam...I want you to get my comments and for some reason they won't show up!!!


Workout: I taught a spin class and a cute story.

I used to get ready at the gym everyday pre-having my own treadmill at home.  I became very good friends with Kate who got ready everyday at the same time as me.  She is in her sixties and a rock star, she lifts more than me and her workouts are intense.  After teaching spin I finally got to see my dear Kate and get ready together.  As I was leaving she ran over with a little bday present and card in hand.  She had been bringing it everyday to the gym for the last week hoping that I would finally be back to give me my present and a hug.

Good thing I skipped the whole make-up thing this morning because I was a water works mess after that.

Happiness comes from our relationships with others and eating breakfast.


As the title suggests I did not have breakfast this morning, I did have a banana but that is not enough for me so it doesn't count.  Stupid having a job and having to work got in the way of making my usual ginormous breakfast.

I know, the horror.


I was lifeless and I think my students were afraid of me.

I had a sudden flash back to my high school days and it scared me.

In my constant pursuit to lose weight as a teenager I would skip breakfast every day because I thought one less meal a day=skinny.  It obviously worked because later on in the day I would binge on 4 'lean' cuisines and a 1/2 gallon of ice cream with a Milky Way as a spoon.

I had no idea what I was doing when it came to nutrition and exercise.  I even did the Atkin's diet in high school. Janae without carbs=the devil in a bad mood.

I am just grateful to look back and realize how far I have come.  Between not counting calories anymore, exercising for my health (and competition:), fueling my body with what it needs and not having those crazy 'fear' foods anymore ;) I am happier than I have ever been.


Dear Breakfast,

I will never ever miss you again.  We were both effected by my bad decision.  Please forgive me and I can't wait for the next 124,987 breakfast's together.


Creepy Janae Weirdo III


Did you try 'dieting' or restricting as a teenager?  Did you know anything about nutrition when you were younger?

-I tried every diet there was and thought that diet's were the only way to be happy and fit.

Do you ever miss breakfast?

-Not anymore unless I sleep in until lunch time.

Have you ever had any fear foods?

-Cheesecake, steak, cookies, hot dogs, french fries, pasta and cheese used to scare me big time because I thought I would wake up the next day 50 lbs heavier, little did I know that it is all about moderation oh and running.  Candy was never a fear food but I know that it fears me.


At February 17, 2011 at 4:36 PM , Blogger Raina said...

I missed a lot of breakfasts in high school because I just took TOO DANG LONG on my hair!

I eat after runnign now, but I think I could use some good nutrition advice so i might have to pick your brain...oh she who does not count calories =D

At February 17, 2011 at 4:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw thats so nice of her! I cannot miss breakfast or I am cranky. If I eat breakfast late, my stomach is yelling at me. I did the same thing in high school, I would eat nothing or a tiny granola bar, then eat tons later. My running suffered when I did that too cause I had no energy.
Now, I realize I can actually eat tons and not restrict (lots of veggies & fruits...and chocolate).

At February 17, 2011 at 4:38 PM , Blogger Rene said...

I used to all the time and would wind up stuffing myself on crap later. Now having something is a huge must for me.
I should have a food fear list that starts with Girl Scout cookies. However I eat whatever I want most of the time. Sometimes I am healthy, other times I just want a Big Mac. Moderation is the key.

At February 17, 2011 at 4:39 PM , Blogger Raina said...

That should have read as "running" oops. Keyboard dyslexia strikes again!

So...a nice fat hotdog with mustard and a pickle would make the perfect breakfast.

Never did pay attention to calories in high school. But my mom was strict with the money and said I only had as much as the cafeteria lunch cost to spend. I always spent it on chocolate donuts at 10:00 break. Then had like 50 cents to buy lunch with. :/ Those donuts were good...

At February 17, 2011 at 4:42 PM , Blogger middleagedrunner said...

Awwww man. I hated everything about myself when I was in my teens and would have DIED to look like the "hot" girls back then (aka, cute, super skinny al la 1996 heroin chic models.) EGADS! Looking back I was a perfectly fine looking teen but certainly not the ideal of the '90's. I tried skipping lots of foods but for some reason didn't logically cut out donuts, soda and piles of candy (the logic!) I survived though, no thanks to Cher in Clueless- how I wish that Napolean Dynamite had been the cultural norm back then- life would have been great!
Now, I never miss breakfast or I DIE.
I don't have any foods now that scare me. Oh, brussles sprouts. But they are toxic...

At February 17, 2011 at 4:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dieted more in college than in high school. I always felt a little overweight or "pudgy" in the middle, but still ate poptarts for breakfast and pizza or Burger King for lunch every single day. It wasn't until college that I really got into "dieting" and now finally eating balanced, healthy food. :)

At February 17, 2011 at 4:44 PM , Blogger runkatie said...

I totally did not know anything about food or nutrition when I was younger. I did the Atkins diet too! I was so desperate to lose weight. I would skip meals and binge on bad food. I'm glad I have learned from my mistakes!

I never skip breakfast. I have healthy food in my office at work in case I ever forget to bring something.

Hope your birthday was great!

At February 17, 2011 at 4:45 PM , Blogger ShortSkirts said...

that's so cute that she brought a gift for you, even though you haven't been around.

I can't miss breakfast anymore. I used to skip it a lot especially in college, for extra sleep time.

I don't know if i have any fear foods, heavy cream makes me cringe a little, manfriend uses it in a bunch of stuff, and is always like look away. Of course it always tastes really good, i just feel like i need to hit the gym for 3 hours after eating when he cooks with it.

At February 17, 2011 at 4:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aweee wait workout buddy Kate is so cute!! I wish I had a getting ready buddy!

Slash girl I love you, I am so proud of you!! I did tons of crazy things to be "healthy", but of course never was. Early on in high school I had a terrible eating disorder, but I am so glad to be enjoying my chocolate and avocado's now!! Slash I think we would both turn into scary monsters if we ever stopped eating carbs....rooooaaaar!

At February 17, 2011 at 4:53 PM , Blogger Stephanie said...

I used to skip breakfast too, not since I started running, I will hurt someone if I don't get breakfast!

I used to avoid chocolate by telling myself I didn't like it, it worked pretty well. But I ate most everything.

At February 17, 2011 at 4:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had eating issues as a teenager/young adult too, many of the same fear foods. Any kind of bread or ice cream, anything fried, potatoes--basically any carb. HOWEVER, like you, for some reason candy was free game. And I have held onto that for sure. Is there any better pre-run snack than Skittles>?!?

At February 17, 2011 at 4:59 PM , Anonymous Laura @ Meet Virginia said...

"Candy was never a fear food but I know it fears me." Bahahaha. I've had some whacked out issues with food since I was a junior in high school. I'd like to say I'm completely past it, but I don't think that's true yet. But I'm getting there. That is so sweet about the lady and the card. I want to go to the gym with you guys and get ready together!!!

At February 17, 2011 at 5:00 PM , Anonymous Kate (What Kate is Cooking) said...

I NEVER skip breakfast. Well, I never skip any meals, but I definitely never miss breakfast! It's my favorite meal of the day, and I will risk not showering / being late if it means I can eat breakfast!

At February 17, 2011 at 5:00 PM , Blogger Megan W. said...

breakfast is a must. Usually just a bowl of cereal (that usually gets eaten on the way into work). And then I bring fruit of some sort for a second breakfast once I'm at work. :)

And that is absolutely so sweet about your gym/getting ready for the day friend bringing you a present and card. It's amazing how people touch our lives, and how we can touch theirs!

At February 17, 2011 at 5:01 PM , Blogger Julia said...

I am so scared to miss breakfast. I have no idea what I think will happen if I do not eat but seriously it makes me wake up starving like every day and will not leave until aim sure that I will not get hungry at my morning workout...something may be wrong with me...

At February 17, 2011 at 5:02 PM , Blogger Rachel said...

I did weight watchers in HS b/c I gained close to 20 lbs after I quit cheering.

At February 17, 2011 at 5:03 PM , Anonymous Michelle (The Runner's Plate) said...

I can't imagine what it would have been like to go without breakfast because I am famished after my early morning run!!

At February 17, 2011 at 5:07 PM , Anonymous Corey @ the runners cookie said...

I used to have a not-so-good relationship with food, and the foods I was "scared" of were peanut butter, cheese, fried food, anything with fat content, dessert. It was so made no sense!!
Now I cannot imagine my life without copious amounts of nut butter and cheese (and fats) :)

At February 17, 2011 at 5:07 PM , Blogger Keri said...

Aww that is a cute story about the bday present! I ate an english muffin for breakfast and was hungry like 10 minutes later...

At February 17, 2011 at 5:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I 'tired' it but restricting but it never worked. I never ate breakfast though, which if that happened today like you I would be a very unhappy camper! I'd had fear foods and still have them. I love sweets and all but when I eat them I can't help but making myself feel guilty. I do it wit a lot of foods actually and I'm really trying to stop though!

At February 17, 2011 at 5:12 PM , Anonymous M-ST said...

Never! My mom is a nutritionist and I was always so embarrassed when I was young that I had to take healthy things in my lunch. You are not the most popular kid when your mom sends you peanut butter, shredded carrot, and raisin sandwiches in your lunch (even if they do taste really good)! But now that I'm all grown up I realize how awesome it actually was! Thanks for teaching me so much about healthy eating Mum!

At February 17, 2011 at 5:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never dieted as a teenager. I ate pretty healthy until I was 16 and got a job at Sonic, it went downhill from there.

I used to never eat breakfast. Now I ALWAYS eat it, if I don't, it throws off my eating and function for the rest of the day.

At February 17, 2011 at 5:22 PM , Blogger B said...

I've been reading your blog for awhile now and wanted to comment on this!
Breakfast is my absolute favorite meal of the day, I live for cereal! I would probably die if I missed it! haha
Soph year of college was my "foodie fear" year...that wasn't a fun year...but to this day I still have issues with cheese and pasta...for some reason I can't avoid food guilt when I eat them.
By the way, I love your blog!

At February 17, 2011 at 5:24 PM , Blogger Rad Runner said...

B-Fast the most important meal of the day, if I dont eat it, we become what my friend calls
"HANGRY" hungry+angry :) No good, get your food on, I played that food game in highschool to, and learned it didnt work, foods to fun!-just as fun as RUNNING!

At February 17, 2011 at 5:38 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day now! In my teen years I skipped breakfast, lunch and than would not eat over 20 grams of fat in a day. It seems so silly now but back than it was a very serious deal to me! It has taken me a LONG time to grasp the fact that all food is fine in moderation. I think I finally got it though! Hallelujah!

At February 17, 2011 at 5:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I could skip breakfast if I tried! Food is the first thing that I think about the minute I'm awake!! Happy to hear you won't be like the devil ever again... ever!! :-)

At February 17, 2011 at 5:51 PM , Blogger Mallory said...

I had some real struggles in high school with my eating. It took several years and intervention to get through but I am definitely past it.

I don't miss breakfast anymore. I make sure to have it every morning. I love breakfast.

I don't have any "fear" foods but when I was in high school it was pretty much any food. It was my way to control things.

At February 17, 2011 at 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I never miss breakfast! But I have food fear absolutely! Anything really fatty, fried you name it I'm afraid to eat it. :(

At February 17, 2011 at 5:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL - your comment about your students being 'afraid of you' made me laugh and relate. Whenever my food consumption is not what it needs to be...I let my students know - "Ms. G needs food in her belly!"...they know not to push it! I agree it is tough in the morning with fitting workouts in and getting to school or work. I also 'try' to get get snacks in but eating while teaching does have its challenges. Times for me as well that I have gone with fruit in my belly and know it doesn't work so well. Not a skipper of breakfast (always eat prior to training) but post training, when most essential, does prove difficult when I need to get my butt to school!
Does candy count as breakfast?

At February 17, 2011 at 6:02 PM , Blogger Caitlin said...

I still battle some restrictive thoughts but I try my best to not let it effect my actual intake. I now know a ton about nutrition since my weight loss and I'm 19 so I suppose yes?
I HATE that I have fear foods like donuts, pastries, pizza, french fries, full-fat cheese, pad thai (I know random). I try to make myself eat them on occasion because I've found that if I do and I don't gain weight the fear starts to go away =)

At February 17, 2011 at 6:03 PM , Blogger Caitlin said...

Oh and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE times a million and a half breakfast!

At February 17, 2011 at 6:12 PM , Blogger Sam W. said...

i don't think i have any fear foods :)

maybe kolaches...

it's so hard to believe you were overweight and dieting?! you look fabulous now!!

At February 17, 2011 at 6:15 PM , Blogger Rick and Nikki said...

You have the sweetest people at your gym :-)

Yes. My Junior year particularly. I started starving myself, and then running or exercising and I did lose weight. But I was always weak, and anemic. Then I started becoming more impatient with the weight, I got to the lowest I'd ever been and I still wanted to lose 15 more lbs..and I discovered laxatives.

I'm not one to throw up. I hate the feeling, and I just didn't want my teeth to rot, but I bet you I would have if I didn't hate the taste and feeling so much.

Long story short I was a victim of Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa my last year in high school. It was when I started realizing laxatives and running just COULD NOT mix that I stopped. I didn't want to give up running - it was my outlet to a lot of issues at home. So I stopped! I gained the healthy weight back and started increasing the Fiber, whole grain, veggies and fruits. Life has treated me well since :-)
And thank goodness for the wonderful husbands we have who take such great care of our health! So I'm not tiny, but I just wasn't built that way, and I learned to accept it. Besides, Rick loves my beefy, tan legs ;-)

At February 17, 2011 at 6:15 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

Starved myself for more years than I can count. Now breakfast is first when I wake up. Avacados were a huge fear food along with any carb.

At February 17, 2011 at 6:16 PM , Anonymous chelsey @ clean eating chelsey said...

Missing breakfast is one of my biggest fears. I don't know what I would do without eating oatmeal in the morning. No hot drippy peanut butter? That makes me want to cry for you.

At February 17, 2011 at 6:20 PM , Anonymous Pam said...

Yes, in high-school I did skip a lot of breakfasts. Both of my parents worked when I was growing up and morningS weren't really supervised. So, 90% of the time I'd just drink OJ and throw a pop-tart in my backpack. As an adult and especially as I started running I realized how important breakfasts, nutrition were. Especially after I had children I knew that I needed to become a better example to my kids..."Children learn what they live..." Breakfast is now the most important meal of the day!! Sometimes we even have breakfast for dinner!

Fear foods-no not really...I just naturally prefer the "good stuff" veggies,lots of fruit,lean proteins,frozen yogurt(although I love the occasional splurge of Ben and Jerry's "chunky monkey" ice cream and costco pizza!! :) )

Your friend Kate is soo cute. I can totally picture her anticipating your presence!! AWWWW...You have so many fans!!

Have a great evening and "DON'T FORGET BREAKFAST TOMORROW!!" :)

At February 17, 2011 at 6:23 PM , Anonymous Dorry said...

So sweet of your friend to keep bringing your gift everyday! I love that the older I get, the more I realize that some of my favorite friendships are sort of unconventional (like my blog friends who I've never met!) You know I had my issues with restricting. I started paying attention to nutrition when I was about 20 or so, but have learned a whole lot more the past few years. I can't remember the last time I didn't have breakfast! But when I used to restrict, I'd skip all the time and just drink coffee. I hate that I did that to my body! But you live and you learn. :) xoxoxo

At February 17, 2011 at 6:26 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

oh yes, I did atkins once too in high school. I was bloated, moody, and HUNGRY! haha. Not a fun Lindsay. I love the story of Kate, so precious. I hope that makes your week because you are so worth celebrating!

At February 17, 2011 at 6:30 PM , Blogger Jennifer said...

I never dieted in high school. I love food too much! I did drink on Carnation Instant Breakfast my 7th grade year because my band teacher was super scary and intimidating, so much so that I lost my confidence and my appetite in the morning :(

I only ever miss breakfast if I wake up after 12. And even then I usually have breakfast. I love breakfast just that much!

No fear foods. It's all about moderation and life is too short to deprive one's self of the good things :)

At February 17, 2011 at 6:36 PM , Blogger LindseyAnn said...

Breakfast came first when I was growing up. My mother didn't let us leave unless we ate. I am a bear unless I eat breakfast.

I had fear foods like crazy in college. I was basically scared of anything that wasn't coffee, diet soda, or a vegetable. I'd eat them, but I'd panic the whole time. To this day, I still have to shut a voice up when I eat something that would have been "bad" then, but I'm much better than I was.
Enjoy your breakfast tomorrow.

At February 17, 2011 at 6:39 PM , Blogger Lindsey said...

I can't skip breakfast any more either. I totally did in highschool and don't know how I functioned. And I totally tried Atkins too while in high school, such a dumb decision! I felt cranky and gross without carbs and I needed the carbs to perform well in sports.

At February 17, 2011 at 6:52 PM , Blogger Shannon said...

I never tried any actual diets like Atkins or anything, but I did start to count calories... then started to restrict calories.

Fear foods included cheese (still is a "fear food" to an extent), cream (same as cheese now), dessert, bread, butter and oils... basically anything that would put my meals over 200 calories...

And all through this I was a big fan of "moderation is key"... of course, you know, I had to make sure everyone else was eating

Depending on how you define breakfast I may or may not skip it... I usually eat a piece of toast with some peanut butter before I work out, then I eat something else afterwords, which is generally around 11-12...

At February 17, 2011 at 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember being in a cafe with my sister and parents and almost in tears because they ordered me cake and I was TERRIFIED of eating it.
And because I loved my sister so much, when she cooked for me to make me eat more I would try so hard to eat what she made me because I knew she loved me and wanted me to be better. But I was scared of the food at the same time.

I am so, so, so happy that is over.

Now, I love carbs. I was just having lunch right now and was thinking : Is it weird that carbs make me happy?

There are foods that I won't eat on the regular-but it is a choice I make because I want to fuel my body to get the best results-not because I want to fit into size 0 jeans.

Like you Janae-I am a grumpy person without endorphins and food!!!

At February 17, 2011 at 6:56 PM , Blogger ash & diz said...

my whole life has been a "diet", more recently though I've been better as doing more of a "lifestyle change". Balanced diet, lots of fruit and veggies, and splurging from time to time. I've always struggled with my weight. :/

i ALWAYS eat breakfast, love me some cottage cheese with yogurt. SO good.

and i sadly still have a lot of fear foods...

At February 17, 2011 at 7:06 PM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

This totally hit home with me! In HS, I became really restrictive my soph year. I was participating in 3 sports and not consuming enough carbs! Then, I followed The Zone diet and became even leaner. That diet has it's advantages for the less active me now, but then NOT SMART!

Laughing at your Milky Way spoon!! hahahaha!

At February 17, 2011 at 7:13 PM , Anonymous Connie said...

you're like the fittest and slimmest person i've ever seen! you didn't needa diet girl!

At February 17, 2011 at 7:27 PM , Blogger Stephanie said...

In high school I always thought I was too fat but I did NOTHING about it. I usually just shrugged my shoulders and ate a chicken and potato burrito and some ice cream. In college when I was no longer with my high school long-term boyfriend I wanted to look *hotter* so I paid attention to what I ate and plus I was poor so I ate less than when I lived at home. It wasn't until after having kids that I started to get down in the dumps about my weight. Even then I just started running and eating healthier. I don't do super great with long-term restrictions. I loved the raw diet because I still made desserts that were tasty. :)

At February 17, 2011 at 7:29 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

:) you are the best looking runner around! :)

At February 17, 2011 at 7:30 PM , Anonymous Holley @ Smart Snacking said...

I have never missed breakfast. I am starving when I wake up (somehow though I can wake up and workout before eat?) so if I don't eat shortly after I get up (minus workout days) I am one un-fun person to be around :)

At February 17, 2011 at 7:32 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I don't miss any meal. Period. When someone says they forgot to eat that blows my mind. Food is always on the brain!

At February 17, 2011 at 7:47 PM , Blogger solarpowered said...

I'll probably never eat fettucini alfredo again. Years ago I heard it's one of the worst things to eat, and I haven't had it since. I'm convinced I'll gain ten pounds of the worst kind of fat and it'll never come off.

It's a shame because fettucini alfredo can be really yummy.

At February 17, 2011 at 7:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. never did diets until those 4 long years of college. by the end of the 3rd year, i finally figured out that exercise = weight maintenance. restriction = weight gain. funny how that works...

2. breakfast is the best time of the whole day. that's sometimes why i eat breakfast twice : )

3. i used to be afraid of fettuccine alfredo.

you are hotttt sauce, Janae! keep up the great work.

At February 17, 2011 at 7:54 PM , Blogger Caroline said...

1. Ah my other life back when I was young...I had issues..big ones. 5'11" and 105 lbs. not good. I got better. then I got FAT. see picture on my blog today. and back to thin, not 105 but still underweight..not for the same reason as in HS though thank God.

2. not anymore for me also but I used to. now I have coffee and special K.

3. Fear Foods: back then pretty much everything except apples.

At February 17, 2011 at 7:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Janae, you are so cute! I always look forward to your posts because your happiness is truly infectious! Keep it up!!!! :)

At February 17, 2011 at 8:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHHHH I am SO scary and grumpy when I miss breakfast! Yes, I have gone through two major eating shifts, but never in an unhealthy manner! Hooray for running and having a healthy lifestyle :)

At February 17, 2011 at 8:03 PM , Anonymous Maria said...

Wonderful post, per usual! I cannot skip breakfast. My body would rebel!

At February 17, 2011 at 8:06 PM , Blogger PBandJ Runner said...

Last year I had to lose some weight to get healthy, but I went TOTALLY overboard. As in 1300 calorie diet after weight loss and 2 hour workouts, including 10 mile runs without fuel (I was a newbie to long runs). I was afraid of peanut butter (how I lived without it for 3 months I will never know. If I go a day without it now I get grumpy...), bread, cheese, olive oil, and even some fruit. Fast forward to the end of the summer when my hair started falling out from being so skinny, and I realized, with the help of my wonderful family, that I no longer wanted to look like an insect and wanted to have hair again. I ate lots of yogurt for protein, which helped me build muscle mass and weight, and though the problems still aren't gone, they are so much better. I try not to count calories as often, but I still have those rough days when I think, I can't have that, I haven't run enough, biked enough, etc. Then, I tell myself to shut up, and I go out some pudding. Because life is too short to look anorexic. Sadly, though, my hair never really fully recovered.. all the more reason not to have eating problems!!!

Miss breakfast: NEVER. EVER. EVER. I would literally collapse.

Scary foods: Pizza, Chipotle unless after races, cookies, ice cream, milk chocolate, oatmeal. Cookies and ice cream and chocoalte because of my insulin resistance, Pizza because I used to be able to eat a whole pizza without gaining a pound but then kept on doing it after my metabolism slowed down, which led to a tummy pouch, and oatmeal because I ate it ever day of my eating disorder and now it brings back memories of hunger and sadness.

At February 17, 2011 at 8:16 PM , Blogger Mara Campbell said...

LOL about candy fearing you!!!! I always have to eat breakfast or else by 9am i'm the biggest b*tch EVER!!!! But I do love breakfast, so it's not such a big deal to eat it. I workout in the morning so I love eating after!!

At February 17, 2011 at 8:20 PM , Anonymous Caitlin said...

Hey girl! That is seriously the most presh story I've heard in a while! You have such amazing people in your life!

Some day I'd love to pick your brain about stuff like fear foods and if you ever feel guilty after eating food? That's probably my biggest problem, when I actually do let myself have a splurge or something there is always guilt that comes along with it. It's something I've been struggling with as well as fear foods and finding a balance. Bleah- all in good time!

Anyways- love your blog!! I seriously look forward to reading it every morning and night!

At February 17, 2011 at 8:29 PM , Anonymous Sarah said...

I restricted my food like crazy in college, I was a hot mess when it came to food and nutrition. I hate missing meals now! That's so sweet about your gym friend, little things like that are the best!

At February 17, 2011 at 8:33 PM , Blogger RoseRunner said...

uhhh, at my high school, NO girls ate breakfast. Or lunch. They nibbled on pizza crust that they stole from guys. It was pathetic, but hey, most of the girls at my high school were also "hot".

I can't wrap my head around you being worried about gaining weight!? You are such a small person as a young adult, that as a teen you must have been even tinier (what with the crazy metabolism and all).

poor teens are so vulnerable to all sorts of pressure. Help your little tots at school start building healthy body images while they are young!

At February 17, 2011 at 8:34 PM , Blogger my little celebration said...

Yes, I used to restrict my calories, starting in college. At one point I swore I was only going to eat apples until I reached my goal weight. Ya, that one worked, right up until I had a binge freak out and ate half of the ice cream in our cafeteria soft serve machine AND an oatmeal cookie sandwich for "second dessert." Stupid apple diet.

NO, I never skip breakfast. It's my favorite meal o' the day and even if I wake up not hungry, I walk around a bit and drink some water purposely to make myself hungry enough to eat. I, heart, breakfast.

food fear: beets. Don't get NEAR ME with those things.

At February 17, 2011 at 8:38 PM , Blogger Michelle said...

Oh my gosh, I did the same thing in high school I would skip breakfast, have a chocolate milk and candy for lunch, and then eat an entire bag of chips or box of cereal or a giant bowl of white rice as soon as I got home from school! I would really beat up on myself about it. I thought it was a problem with self control. I had no concept of moderation. I am still working on that one though...

Now breakfast is my favorite meal. I can totally relate to your situation this morning. I would be very sad and cranky if I had to miss my breakfast.

At February 17, 2011 at 8:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To avoid becoming obsessed with calories, I avoided looking at nutrition labels for the longest time from about high school on (because there was a short time I was obsessed).

This approach, while effective, had some negative side effects, including being completely unaware of other (possibly more) unhealthy aspects of nutrition like sodium and sugar contents.

All throughout first year university, I'd buy the giant vending machine cookies as a "healthy" snack. Ignorance is bliss right?

Now I pride myself on all my knowledge of nutritional info in certain foods. Don't get me wrong - I still LOVE cookies and definitely get a good healthy dose into my diet, but I no longer fool myself into thinking they're healthy, and am somehow still (more than) okay with that.

Oh, and I never miss breakfast!!

At February 17, 2011 at 8:39 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

Cute story! I love the old people at the gym. I ran into my old man friend the other day and he said he's sick :( So sad because some of them can be so sweet, like your friend.
I think I still have some fear foods, or just things that wouldn't appeal to me, like potato skins and gross "this is why you're fat" things.
I could never miss breakfast! A lot of the time I forget about lunch and am stuck with a protein bar, but it's not intentional and I definitely make up the calories when I get home. Missing meals puts me in a bad mood!

At February 17, 2011 at 8:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your story about Kate!

Oh I used to skip bfast all the time...don't know how I did it! I used to restrict everything I ate and it made me super cranky and miserable! Thank goodness those days are over!

At February 17, 2011 at 8:58 PM , Blogger Katy said...

I only miss breakfast when I sleep in, too. It's the only meal I look forward to out here, but my sleep comes first, haha.

I've had issues with diets, too. Until recently, actually. But now I'm finally starting to exercise because it FEELS good, and I have the blog world to thank for that. It's given me a much healthier look at food and exercise, and I'm so glad. You guys rock, especially you, gorgeous girl.

At February 17, 2011 at 9:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, reading all this comments I both wanted to cry and to rejoice. Rejoice because it looks like most of the people who have had eating disorders (and I am one of them) are recovered or recovering, but still so sad that so many people have gone through this, and mostly when they are really young. Why is it that the years you should be enjoying life become the ones where you are the most stressed and filled with anxiety about something as stupid as food and body image? I'm guessing its some sort of hormone thing that makes teens/adolescents more susceptible, though I imagine its also cultural as girls (and some boys too of course) become more aware of what the "ideal" beauty is and feel more pressure to look like that. I wish we could all just skip that phase and go right from childhood "ignorance is bliss" to adulthood "age brings wisdom/body confidence"!

At February 17, 2011 at 9:12 PM , Anonymous Jessica said...

I really didn't think about dieting when I was younger, and it wasn't until my senior year of high school that I even tried to diet. But at that time, I didn't know as much about nutrition, and I also thought skipping breakfast was a good idea. Skipping breakfast is never a good idea. It's my favorite meal of the day! Sometimes I even have it for dinner.

At February 17, 2011 at 9:29 PM , Blogger Euniece Santiago said...

euniece without breakfast/anymeal/snack during the day = hangry euniece

At February 17, 2011 at 9:40 PM , Blogger sdralphs said...

I didn't know much about nutrition when I was younger. I never even thought about it. I loved food and always ate it, but never thought about what I was putting in my body. I just ate whatever my mom had in the house. It was not until college where I learned about foods I was eating.

I hate missing breakfast, but during basketball season when I am so tired and sleep in more I never have time. I usually am eating a granola bar as I leave which keeps me full for 2.5 seconds and then by lunch I have already eaten my whole sack lunch. Luckily, I live close enough that I just run home to eat lunch. Breakfast is my best friend and I hate missing it.

I have never had any fear foods. Like I said, I never really thought about what I was eating. Probably not a good thing at times. I am fearful of raw undercooked meat, veins in my chicken, bad eggs when I crack them, moldy bread, and chicken nuggets... but those are just weird fears of finding something gross. I have problems, this I know. Shane tells me that every time I attempt to cook raw meat. I'm not good at it and end up cutting of most the good meat because I think their are veins... So never invite me over to prepare the meat.

Love ya girl!

At February 17, 2011 at 9:43 PM , Blogger Jenn said...

Oh how cute is that!! What a sweet thing to do, I would have cried too!!

I never skipped breakfast... I was just a chunky monkey and went with it! haha
I cant imagine you worrying about your weight, your so tiny and beautiful... isnt it funny how much we can loath the crazy hard times growing up. I never talk about mine but maybe I should.
Did you go to Provo high??
K, you coming to CA for that run?? I will send the hubbs to get you, you like small planes??
When is Boston, lots of questions! haha
Oh, and I hope I didnt spoil The Bachelor for you last week, I totally forget that you dont watch it until tuesday. oops, So Sorry!!
Hope your having a great night!!
xoxo Jenn :)

At February 17, 2011 at 9:48 PM , Blogger Trying To Heal said...

ya know, breakfast was one thing I always had every single day, even when i was first struggling w/ my ED. lunch and dinner were another story, but we won't go there!

come to think of it, i never thought ever of dieting in hs. to me hs was all about yearbook, x-country and track and field. i loved that group of friends!

i still have fear foods sadly, but they're slowly being reintroduced to my diet!

At February 17, 2011 at 9:53 PM , Anonymous Nicole said...

Hey! I've been reading your blog for awhile (I LOVE it!) but this is the first time I've commented...I used to have the same problems in high school, same story as you except I did the south beach diet (awful 2 weeks of no carbs). I still struggle with a lot of these issues but I have to say running has helped me but also reading amazing blogs like thanks girl! :)

At February 17, 2011 at 10:07 PM , Blogger michael. mindy. dane. said...

just fyi..your blog is my new fave. i read every post and love that you post twice a day.

so i went running last night. remember how i never work out? probably not since you have like 83984 comments and don't remember who's who or who says what. don't blame you at all there. anyway. i keep commenting and saying i don't run. and i don't. but sometimes i attempt. and last night i went. 2 whoppin' miles. so lame compared to yours. especially since i run like a 738-minute mile. or something about that slow. anyway. the point is..i read your blog and it makes me want to go running. just so you know. and it might sound creepy to say i thought of you when i was running. but i kinda did. in a non-creepy way. anyway. that is all. have a good breakfast tomorrow! it's friday, for heaven's sake!

At February 18, 2011 at 12:52 AM , Anonymous Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said...

Awww that is so SWEET of your getting-ready buddy!! Bless her!! I LOVE old people like that-when I'm 60 I still wanna be running and schweating just like I do now:)

I used to skip breakfast too cos I thought it would make me skinnier :( Now it is the highlight of my DAY!! Pancakes ROCK!!! :D

It's Friday, and that means it's my Janae-inspired FRIDAY FAVES day!! Whoop can't wait to read yours gorgeous!:)

At February 18, 2011 at 2:04 AM , Anonymous blackhuff said...

When I was a teenager, I too had numerous diets of which none have worked because I was not educated about nutrition nor exercise. I am happy, just like you, that these days I have the sufficient knowledge of food and exercise to be healthy and weigh less than I was in high school :)
I never have skipped breakfast ever in my life cause I am always, ALWAYS grumpy when I don't have breakfast. And I hate feeling like this.

At February 18, 2011 at 2:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have always eaten breakfast but it used tobe super small... like a small 90calorie bar.. YEAH that AINT NO BREAKFAST
now i have a BIG breakfast- its my biggest meal of the day!!

Ah im with Emma!! ITS FRIDAY FAVS woo!

At February 18, 2011 at 4:08 AM , Blogger Jessica said...

We sound so alike as teens: I'd skip breakfast too or just eat an apple...and I'd miss lunch, or if lunch existed, it was a packet of Skittles. Then I'd go crazy when I got home, which makes sense...for me, home and food=security, school=dieting, starvation and being bullied and anxious the whole time. I would do literally anything as long as I lost weight, and had zero knowledge of nutrition or health at all.

I tried Atkins and lasted all of three days :P Then I ate three baked potatoes at once. I was fifteen then: now I'd probably go equally to town on the sweet potatoes.


At February 18, 2011 at 6:18 AM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

oh man, if I skip any meals I'm a nut bag. I basically eat 24/7!

At February 18, 2011 at 6:38 AM , Blogger BigHappyFamily said...

I love my breakfast. Can't miss it. Ever.

At February 18, 2011 at 6:53 AM , Blogger Emily @ said...

I did the same thing in high school - I wouldn't eat breakfast, I'd eat the absolute bare minimum all day at school and then go to sports/work - and then come 5pm I would devour everything in sight. It was so unhealthy and terrible to do to my body! Now I could never go without breakfast - I seriously don't think I could function. My fave breakfast is oatmeal and I love adding different things to it! This week its a spoonful or strawberry jelly and a spoonful of peanut butter - it turns the oatmeal into a creamy, amazing pb&j!!! Try it :)

At February 18, 2011 at 7:04 AM , Blogger Big Daddy Diesel said...

STOP THE PRESSES!!!! YOU MISSED A MEAL?!?! I am writing this down, I think this is rarer then seeing the Loch Ness Monster!!!

"I can't wait for the next 124,987 breakfast's together."

One thing about triathletes is that they are number freaks, so that means you wont miss a breakfast for 342+ years, I am impressed how long you gonna live

At February 18, 2011 at 7:19 AM , Anonymous Sabrina @ Radioactive Runner said...

Janae you are BEAUTIFUL!! I hope you are treating yourself well.. because you deserve nothing less :)

I thought I knew a lot about nutrition when I was a teenager but looking back I didn't know as much as i thought, or do now.

If I don't eat at least every two hours I can turn into a bear haha

At February 18, 2011 at 7:40 AM , Blogger Kathie said...

In HS I used to skip breakfast too for the same reasons. Now, if I dont have breakfast im a monster!

At February 18, 2011 at 8:11 AM , Blogger athletic chick said...

Oh yes, I dieted and restricted as a teen and in my early 20s. I would have a small orange or a handful of raisons for breakfast, and that after doing 5 miles of sprints. Major eating disorder.

My fear foods: meat(not sure where I got that), pb, anything w/ sugar, anything fried, butter, mayonaise, avacado, hot dogs, hamburgers... anything that wasn't a green vegetable or an apple, pretty much. I still don't eat fried foods, but now it's b/c I know it gives me a stomachache, and not so much b/c I think I'll blow up like a balloon if I eat it.

Now I never skip breakfast - it's probably my largest meal of the day. And favorite!

At February 18, 2011 at 8:33 AM , Blogger Beth said...

I used to always skip breakfast, I wasn't hungry and I figured I shouldn't "waste" calories when I wasn't hungry. It's completely different now, I wake up starving and now eat two breakfasts, one before working out and one after =)

At February 18, 2011 at 9:17 AM , Blogger Beth said...

Aw, that is so sweet of her!

And I sometimes miss third breakfast, does that count? I cannot function without eating in the morning. Like, not function at all!

At February 18, 2011 at 9:20 AM , Blogger Pam @ said...

Let's try this again! I've been having trouble commenting on your blog lately. I type it up and click post comment and I get the HTTP 404 error. Grrrrrr...

I was overweight in high schoo, so I definitely could have stood to miss a few meals! Then when I was like 16 or so the weight just started falling off. Baby fat I guess. But I liked it so then I actually started trying to lose more, but like you I had no idea what I was doing. By the time I was 24 I was 112 pounds which is really skinny for me. (I was 170 at my heaviest and am 132 now.) Half a slim fast bar for breakfast and the other half for lunch with a salad or cereal or popcorn for supper. Yeah, I was basically starving myself. 125 is pretty much my ideal weight. I could get there now if I could learn to keep my face out of the cupcake pan! Stupid coworkers and their stupid birthdays...

Crossing fingers and clicking post comment in 3...2...1...

At February 18, 2011 at 9:56 AM , Blogger Runners Fuel said...

In HS I never ate breakfast. Just because I wasn't really awake until lunch time.

At February 18, 2011 at 11:12 AM , Blogger blondevue... said...

I deff was on a diet at 13 (weight watchers) then went to the Adkins diet a couple years later. I loved how you said janae with no carbs = the devil in a bad mood.
That was sooo me. I do not, I DO NOT do well without some cards. Die, DIE!!! hahah ok well you get the idea. I agree with ya! :D
Weight watchers was probably a much better choice, a lot more balanced.
The gift at the gym was sooo sweet. What a kind lady!

At February 18, 2011 at 11:32 AM , Blogger Bobbie said...

In HS I rarely ate before 3pm. I would starve all day and then go home and pig out, I also went through a period when I was bulimic.

Since I started running and exercising regularly I have to eat every 2 or 3 hours. I can't even imagine skipping breakfast, at least not on purpose, there have been some days when I have been too busy and didn't prepare the night before.

Fear foods, I still have quite a few. I never eat peanut butter, I have always been afraid of bananas but I make myself eat them cause they are so healthy, any baked desert, avocado, potato chips (once I start it's hard to stop) pasta and pizza, nuts, juice and regular soda.

At February 18, 2011 at 11:33 AM , Blogger ashe said...

FRIEND! the suspense is killing me! I'm dying to hear about your run this morning! I keep refreshing my google reader every 5 minutes to see if you've posted yet. hurry! hurry!


At February 18, 2011 at 1:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's fabulous that you have recovered. I'm also glad that you clearly have a much healthier relationship with food. But sometimes, in the posts, when you are posing with food but you are so, so, so skinny, and you are talking about how you don't have a problem with food, I get this nervous, worried feeling of "she doth protest too much". Maybe it's the mom in me. I sincerely hope all is well, and as I said, I believe you when you say it is. I just can't shake the nagging feeling of something being off about the constant talk about food food food, coupled with how very small you are. I have friends who are hardcore marathoners, but none are as small as you, so I guess it just gives me a red flag. But, again, that's probably just the worried mom in me. You're a great person, I love your blog, and I have no reason to believe that everything isn't fine other than my lingering nervousness.


At February 18, 2011 at 2:32 PM , Blogger Missy said...

I love, love, love this post.
Here's why:

I'm glad I am not the only girl whose "gym buddies" bring her presents. One guy walkes into the sauna one day with a cupcake, a candle, a party hat and one of those blower things. AW! So cute.

He said "I only bought one, because I knew you wouldn't eat it." LOL.

Why? Because I am weird like that and am trying to recover from an eating disorder. I still have foods that I don't "do" but mostly because I like to eat healthy. However there are still foods I don't "do" and I have no idea why.

Thanks for being inspiring and writing about overcoming all that ridiculous. TOO nmany women worry about that and for some, like me, it lands you in HELL.

PS- Never commented before but have been reading for a while. Love your blog and your spirit and I don't even run!

At February 18, 2011 at 7:12 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

God forbid those around me if I miss a meal!

Well, I've tried all the diets you can imagine. You name it. It really screwed me up. I used to restrict every single possible food that I considered "bad" from my diet, but then I would binge on them afterward, just like you said. So lame. Last year I was still struggling with that... I just don't seem to be able to accept certain foods but my body keeps craving it, it's a constant battlefield... I got much better after I came to Brazil for vacation, but I'm heading back to real life in a couple weeks and that is already scaring the crap out of me. ): Let's see how it goes...

I never ever miss a meal. I mean ever. It get so but sooooo hungry afterward that I eat 'till I pass out lol.

I still fear mostly anything that has sugar in it, specially white sugar... when I was living in the US, before I even started working out at a gym, I was on a constant sugar binge to cope with winter + depression + homesickness and it took a lot of effort for me to come out of it... so sometimes I still get scared... :S


At February 19, 2011 at 11:18 AM , Blogger RunningOnCoffee said...

I had amazing metabolism and ate whatever I wanted in high school. This changed in college when I suddenly had hips and my chest grew and I had to start exercising/making better choices about food. I could never do a "diet" like the Atkins (I don't think that became more popular until college anyway), I'm not about restricting my options. I already love carbs, if I told myself I couldn't have them, I'd want them more.

I don't miss breakfast. Sometimes it's just a banana and a kashi granola bar on my drive in to work, but I always eat something in the morning.

No fear foods, see the above restricting foods comment. I mean, I know I can't eat french fries daily or there will be consequences...but I don't fear them.

At February 20, 2011 at 10:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had body image issues in high school. I was 110# at 5'5" freshman year and was happy with that. I would suck in my stomach and look at myself in the mirror every night and liked what I saw.

The summer after freshman year I toured Europe in a choir and ate ramen noodles out of the package when I got back. I was 120 and had the little belly pooch (if you're a girl you know what I mean!). I mistook this for being fat, not gaining curves as my body matured. I would skip lunch everyday at school and get dizzy at sports after school. It was a bad combo. Sophomore year was a bad year for me but I returned to eating lunch after that. Of course, since then I've gained quite a bit more weight since starting college and am still trying to get back down to a 125 or so (I have a small bone structure so I'm pretty sure that's a good weight for me but we'll see! I've got a lot more muscle now too!).

Pretty stupid, huh? I wish I could go back to 15 year old me and set her straight! Having a boyish figure is unnatural for most women!

At February 20, 2011 at 10:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also weighed myself every.single.time I went to the bathroom. I don't have a scale now. I think not having an easily accessible scale in college + cafeteria-style dining made me gain a bunch of weight. That was probably a good thing except I'm still trying to lose the excess weight.


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