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What do I REALLY need right now?

The Hungry Runner Girl: What do I REALLY need right now?

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What do I REALLY need right now?

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What do I REALLY need right now?

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The Hungry Runner Girl: What do I REALLY need right now?

Monday, May 2, 2011

What do I REALLY need right now?

Sorry for the later post than usual but here are a few pics from yesterday:)

IMG 5795

The sister put this meal together in fifteen minutes.  There were a few unexpected events last night and the sister came to the rescue.

Hopefully, their retina's don't burn out from playing on the ipad for 10 hours straight.

IMG 5798

And then we had some fun playing with photobooth.  The little one has turned into a lap dog and at all times she has to be on top of one of us even if that means sitting on my head.  She has even started barking, I am getting worried.

Photo 1

Time to talk about something that I am kind of nervous opening up about, but I think that 92% of woman have struggled with this at one point in their life so I thought why not talk about it!?!?

Lately I have been eating as though I am still running 70 miles a week.  Not because I am hungry and not because I am sleep walking to the kitchen in the middle of the night and finishing off the plate of cookies.

I have been trying to find love/comfort/peace in food.  For the life of it, it won't love me back though:)

I am definitely a foodie and probably always will be and that isn't the problem- the problem occurs when I overeat and try to fill the void of running in my life with my 3rd helping of ice cream.  I am not saying I am going to cut out sweets or my favorite foods because you know that would last all of 4 hours but rather before I eat something besides my normal meals or when I am truly hungry I am going to ask myself.....


-A hug?

-A nap?

-Watch season 5 of the Hills for the 83rd time?

-Venting season with my journal?


-Calling my mom and talking for 150 minutes?


-Going on a walk with BIllster?

-A yoga class?

-A girls date?

-Pillow punching?

Once I go through my list trying to figure out what I really need at the moment and a costco bag of swedish fish still comes in first place than of course I will eat it but I am just really wanting to learn how to listen to my body/mind/soul to figure out what it is I am really wanting!

Just wanted to share with you my thoughts on learning how to fulfill my EMOTIONAL needs without being able to run and without competing in a food eating contest every day of my life:)


Do you have experience with me (come on help a sister out so I don't feel so awkward:)

When you are tired/stressed/upset what is something HEALTHY that you turn to to feel better?  (No, booze is not the correct answer:)


At May 2, 2011 at 8:59 AM , Anonymous Kerri said...

This may seem a little morbid, but considering some family members recently passed away, I just think about how grateful I am to be experiencing life on this Earth, breathing with a heart beat. It always helps put things in perspective. :)

At May 2, 2011 at 9:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got it, girl. :) I love that list!

When stuff gets super hard to deal with I need a good sweat session. I never feel worse after that.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:03 AM , Blogger Lisa@The Daily RUNdown said...

Janae you are so awesome and so honest! Sometimes just eating a bunch of chocolates is just what the dr ordered! Healthy alternatives calling a girlfriend and venting. Talking about my "feelings" o just reading everyones blogs and realizing so many people think and feel the way I do.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:05 AM , Blogger Amylee said...

I have a tendency to overeat as well. I'm not overweight (in fact, it's the opposite) and sometimes I feel pressure to eat a lot because I don't want people to think I'm starving myself or something to be skinny. (I've had many people accuse me of being anorexic in my life, and it is entirely UNTRUE!) I'm still struggling with how to get things under control so I don't end up with gut bloat at the end of a family party. It's such a stupid thing, but I think it's a problem for a lot of people! One thing I do a lot of times (and need to keep in the forefront of my mind) is portion size and keeping it to maybe 1-2 servings of treats a day. I think the biggest point is that we need to have self control- over food, over TV watching and computer usage, over everything. Moderation in all things!

Good luck today! Each day is a new day and we get to start out fresh. That's good news :)

At May 2, 2011 at 9:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I can't work out, I do something that I know will make me laugh...HARD. Watch a really funny movie, hang out with people who always make you laugh, do something silly and just laugh it off...I don't know why, but it always works!

At May 2, 2011 at 9:11 AM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

I've definitely had this problem before. I was actually reading RuntotheFinish the other day and she said that if you're worried, you should think about whether an apple sounds good to eat and if it does, you're probably actually hungry :). I like it. I still eat candy instead of the apple though.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:11 AM , Blogger Rachelle's site said...

I'm going though this same problem. I hurt my knee and haven't been able to run in a while and I still eat like I do. I've gained a few pounds which makes me sad so I eat more. I'm trying to become more aware of why I'm eating, I'll usually have a big glass of water to make sure that I'm not just thirsty, if I'm really going crazy for food I say a prayer and do something else, like read, clean, play with kids.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:11 AM , Blogger Missy said...

99.99% of all humans (in first world countries) are emotional eaters. Food gives us comfort --it starts at our mother's breast. It is natural in today's society with it's ubiquitous food offerings, presence and promotions for people to use food for other than hunger. And that's fine. But when it gets to a point where you know you you are abusing food and neglecting what is really happening then you need to straighten up. I am living this right now. Food makes me numb. Stress melts away. Until my tummy hurts.
Now you know what to do. It's all good. You'll master tackle it.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the same way. I alternate between emotional eating and emothional shopping. When I find myself wandering around the kitchen looking for "something" (usually chocolate) I try to find something else that will force me to focus. One of the things I like to do is pick a room in the house and "redecorate" by taking things from other rooms/moving furniture around. I find that it refocuses my mind and I feel I have accomplished something when I am done.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:13 AM , Blogger Stephanie F said...

I definitely turn to food. It's so hard to turn down anything that tastes good and makes me feel comforted. We girls need to band together. : ) It's hard stuff!

At May 2, 2011 at 9:14 AM , Blogger Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

I bet every single one of the people who reads this blog understands the feeling. Sometimes something yummy is JUST what the doctor ordered, but it's so smart to stop and think about what we really NEED. OFten, it's not more junk food!

At May 2, 2011 at 9:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post came at the PERFECT time for me. I have been struggling with the exact same thing for the last 2 weeks. It is getting very frustrating and only contributing to the anxiety and sadness that is causing the overeating in the first place. I need to tackle the problem and prove to myself that food is not stronger than my soul.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:18 AM , Blogger ruth said...

heehee that is a FABO list my dear! this was perfect for me because I barely ran last week and still ate just as much as usual... soul food does not have to be caloric :)

At May 2, 2011 at 9:20 AM , Blogger Dr. said...

Last night I ate an ice cream sundae because my leg hurt. Did it make it better? No, but it made me feel better for a little while! I don't think it's a big deal to eat emotionally every once in awhile-life is short, food is delicious, why not enjoy it?
I always just try to start the next day fresh and go from there. Not every day will be a "perfect" day of eating.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:23 AM , Blogger Amy said...

You are so awesome for posting this, Janae! I feel like I go through similar mental checklists about 5x a day! I read this book called "Confessions of a former fat girl" and one of her tips to crush emotional (or mindless) eating was asking yourself "how/will this help me?" and so I've started to ask myself that a lot!
Sometimes the swedish fish really do help (OMG I love them so much) but sometimes a second peanut butter tortilla wrap will not help, and instead I need to snuggle my husband or read a magazine instead of extra eating.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a fellow injuried runner (stress fractures are all the rage these days!), I can completely relate to you. For the past 12 (!) weeks, I have found myself, more often than not, in the kitchen because I'm bored, I'm lonely, I'm sad or I'm feeling sorry for myself.
Lately, I've been making an effort to remind myself, before I reach for whatever snack I want, how awful it feels to be bloated and uncomfortable when I overdo it. That's been helping, as well as asking myself if I am really truly hungry.
I also try and keep myself really busy, with swimming and walking and doing cleaning/organizing tasks to distract myself.
It's nice to be able to almost always relate to all your posts :)

At May 2, 2011 at 9:23 AM , Blogger Rachelle Wardle said...

I 100% struggle with emotional eating and eat 10 times more on days that I do not exercise. I think food will fill the void and it never does.

I would just like to say that every day is a new day and a new opportunity to be the best you that you can be. Let go of the guilt and make today the best day ever. It is easy to dwell on the past but we cannot change it. Since losing my brother I try to live each day to the fullest and it has completely changed my perspective.

lOVE YOU! Lets start a walking club and just talk for hours, that would be great. Have a great day and be happy because the sun is shining. :)

At May 2, 2011 at 9:27 AM , Anonymous said...

Another thing to remember is that it is A OK to feel down sometimes. Its is normal and natural and HUMAN, so if you are feeling anxious, sad, frustrated, etc., not only try to pinpoint that there is something other than food that you want, but also that you might not be able to just find the right answer and feel better. Feeling badly isn't fun...but its part of life and its what makes us stronger :)

At May 2, 2011 at 9:28 AM , Blogger LindsLovesMiles said...

Girl, I gained 15 lbs in the 4 months I wasnt running. I'm working now to get it off. I was binge eating 4-5 days a week--it was awful. I know how you're feeling. Setting goals like to read a certain # of books, to call a friend once/day, to write a letter once/week helped keep me busy. Also LOTS of prayer, and 15 mins of quiet sitting-I can't call it meditation since I'm not sure how to do that but it felt amazing.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:29 AM , Blogger Meghan said...

I think we all deal with this. And I think for most of us the answer is just that we need to be able to enjoy what we want - but know when to say "stop", which is so incredibly hard. It tasted good the first time, it will taste good the second time, too!

I'm really trying to figure this out for myself because I come from a family of overeaters. My boyfriend is BIG on food (he reviews it for a website!), but he's skinny as a rail because he knows when to say he's had enough. I hope I can learn from him.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:32 AM , Blogger Lauren said...

I definitely have the same problem. I try to do some thing that would make eating at the same time awkward... Painting my nails, taking a bath with the tub at risk of overflowing. If all else fails, I snack on something healthy (carrots, fruit, etc.), and then have a tiny bite of the food that I originally wanted.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:35 AM , Anonymous Kim - LovelyVino said...

I'm feeling it, too. My hip stress fracture was diagnosed a week ago (I've had it since a 1/2 marathon 2 weeks ago) and I am not allowed to do ANYTHING right now. I know it's still early, but I am going nuts. I go between eating nothing to eating everything, and there's just no balance. Right now I am planning out what I will do once the doctor clears me for some activity - I guess that will be the pool first, then bike, then ? I am trying to take my mind of the fact that I will be missing a full marathon in 2 weeks that I basically rearranged my whole life for for months. It helps me to have something to look forward to, but mostly I really just want to 1. Cry, 2. Sleep, 3. Eat. I wish I had some great words of wisdom for you, but maybe it helps to know you aren't alone? Hang in there - you are a beautiful girl with an incredibly positive attitude throughout all this.

At May 2, 2011 at 9:51 AM , Blogger Julia said...

I totally struggle with this. Especially lately...I just feel stressed all the time and so I used to run a LOT but really I need to be working on school, etc etc etc. So I cut back on my gym time (but still try to get something in because I think it is important)...and work. But then as I am working I just grab candy the whole time.

I like your ideas. I definitely think of things that I really LOVE doing that I do not get to do very of them is reading for fun. I always try to take even just 5 minutes before I go to bed at night to read something fun...just because it gets my mind off school and kind of takes the stress away before I go to bed. I also try to take my pup for a walk every day to just get out of the house for a bit and she never fails to make me so happy :)
And lately I have tried to fit in friend time at least a couple times a week even if I am busy because it is healthy and fun and destresses me. Newest form was that yoga class you took me to last week...LOVED that! It was so relaxing and just what I needed :)
When I need something food wise...sometimes carrots help but I am a tiny bit obsessed. Last night I could NOT lay off the m&ms so I finally just pulled out the carrots and snacked away. haha.

LOVE YOU! hang in there and please call me if you ever need to talk, walk, go to yoga, just go hang out in a park together...pretty much anything :)

At May 2, 2011 at 9:53 AM , Blogger Welty said...

You are still exercising a lot! I wouldn't worry too much. You eat more veggies than anyone I know.
Like you, I eat too many sweets... whether I am exercising or not. Don't be overly hard on yourself. Just keep on balancing good choices among the sweet tooth binges!
Lots of support and understanding,

At May 2, 2011 at 9:54 AM , Anonymous Liv @ The Salty n' Sweet said...

I've definitely dealt with emotional eating, and I've yet to figure out the root cause. I think it mostly has to do with being bored, or trying to fill some kind of emptiness.

But even though I usually grab healthy foods to overeat, it's definitely hard to overcome that need to eat more. I think that asking why you're "reaching for that extra bowl of ice cream" will help a lot, and that's what I've been trying to do, too.

I know that you'll figure it out, and without giving up your beloved sweets :)

At May 2, 2011 at 10:02 AM , Blogger Karen Greenberg said...

Emotional eating is tough for me, too. Since I've been unable to exercise for 6 weeks now, I know exactly what you mean about still eating the same as when you were working out. Food is definitely similar to a drug.

I use popcorn when I just can't seem to stay out of the kitchen. A lot of people don't like it because it is all carbs, but I like that I can eat a lot for a small number of calories. I like that I can put various toppings on it to make it different flavors.

Good luck with that struggle. I think emotional eating IS something that most woman suffer from. I think it comes from the times that food is used to comfort starting when we are little. Think of milk and cookies as an after school snack in Kindergarten.

At May 2, 2011 at 10:02 AM , Anonymous Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife said...

That is a great list to consult--you will be just fine :) This happens when I am lonely or unhappy--so I try and figure out what would be better than diving straight into the chocolate--and go from there!

At May 2, 2011 at 10:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the same way sometimes, what really helps me is to just try so hard to think about other things. Maybe read a good book that is not about food/running (sounds rough, I know ;), ignore blogs for a little while. Focus on things totally unrelated to fill your time so you can allow your hunger to interrupt you and eat then! There is nothing wrong with indulging/eating out of boredom time to time but I understand what you're dealing with and it does get frustrating when ya feel like ya can't stop. Def try to focus on other things though and see if it helps!

At May 2, 2011 at 10:17 AM , Blogger Jordy said...

I haven't had a healthy relationship with food in almost seven used to be starvation, now it's overeating. I'm NOT overweight, but I also tend to stuff myself for no real reason. I find myself pouring a big bowl of cereal when I'm not even hungry. Not sure why I can't just eat a meal and get on with my life, why I feel a compulsive need to snack. I'm trying to get better but it's definitely a challenge. Good luck to've got a good list there. I should try it too. :)

At May 2, 2011 at 10:19 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Girl, I totally know how you feel!! I was feeling the EXACT same way this weekend. I was supposed to run my 3rd half with some family and running buddies yesterday, but had to bow out due to having bronchitis for a week :( So, I filled the "sadness void" with sweets and sugar...and then I felt even more sad then I did about not being able to run!!
I really love your idea about making a list...and I have been trying to do the same thing as far as looking in and asking myself what I REALLY NEED. Thank you so much for sharing where you are and being so open and honest about it. It is so nice to know that someone can relate to how I am feeling!!

In the meantime, hang in there, it WILL get better and you WILL heal and be faster, better, stronger, and more wise than ever before!! :) You are a ROCKSTAR!!!

At May 2, 2011 at 10:22 AM , Anonymous Britannie said...

I am totally feelin' you on this issue girl! I've been a dancer for pretty much my entire life, pretty much dancing (whether in class or rehearsal) every single day for 3-12 hours and working out on top of that. I never really ate enough for that anyway and when I did I threw it up--anyway I can't afford to pay for dance right now so I'm not dancing at all, but I work out a TONNN cuz I love every aspect of fitness and I'm still trying to beat bulimia, and on the days that I don't deprive myself or try and control my calorie intake I don't puke, but I realized that I'm probably not supposed to eat as much as I am. The good part is that I've realized that I need to find the right balance between freaking out over every single calorie and just eating intuitively (even if it means eating something simply because I want it..which is a lot ;D). I know I'm in great shape and one day of a lot of food won't make me out of shape overnight, it'll just fuel me in my workouts like a champ, but yeah I know I'm not eating normally quiiite yet. I'm also really focusing on trusting God and trusting that he's not gonna lead me down a path of misery, he's gonna help me OUTT! Hang in there homegirl, keep your trust in God and you'll find peace! :D

At May 2, 2011 at 10:22 AM , Blogger Morgan H said...

I know how you feel, well sort of. I always eat out of boredom and can never seem to stop the mindless eating. I'm going to start asking myself what I need besides food, a life maybe? lol. In all seriousness, I think this post is going to help me too! Thanks Janae!

P.S. Sending healing thoughts your way! You'll be back at it in no time

At May 2, 2011 at 10:22 AM , Blogger Jennifer said...

Last summer after I got injured, I kept eating like I was still running 30 miles weeks. And I added a few extra pounds on me. I couldn't stop eating. To counteract it, I drank water like a fish. The water helped fill me up and gave me something to do when I needed to stay busy. Replace your eating with another task and, if you're like me, it will help. Otherwise, I would just hug the heck out of everyone I know and go outside to enjoy nature.

At May 2, 2011 at 10:23 AM , Blogger ash said...

I think every woman struggles with this kind of thing. We're stuck in a society where there is temptation EVERYWHERE, but yet you're still expected to be stick thin. It hardly seems doable! I think a lot of it is just balance, and, like you said, asking yourself what you are truly needing at that moment. :)

Although, don't listen to me. My diet definitely consists of 75% sugar and 25% other.

At May 2, 2011 at 10:26 AM , Blogger Running Girl said...

I can definitely relate. I have struggled with emotional eating for as long as I can remember, and although I feel like I've improved things quite a bit, I still have days when I eat for reasons other than hunger & to fuel my body. Food is hard. We need it, we shouldn't stress or worry about it or give it too much control over our lives, but like you said, we also shouldn't let it fill voids.

You're awesome & you will figure this out!

At May 2, 2011 at 10:26 AM , Blogger Pam said...

I'm going through a pretty stressful time right now, and I've found myself justifying splurges that I normally wouldn't. I've been surprised, because I don't really consider myself an emotional eater. I've been trying yoga and REST, especially. I've found being tired is a huge reason for me to mindlessly eat.

At May 2, 2011 at 10:44 AM , Blogger Meg said...

I hug my dog. it sounds weird, but seriously, it works. in the absence of a dog, hug Billy. also, I'll watch something silly to take my mind off it (like Scrubs) or watch something emotional so I can just cry and get it out of my system (like that new Lifetime show Coming Home. BRUTAL.) but I'll admit, I turn to food more often than I should. I just try to turn to smaller amounts of healthier foods when the need hits. like I'll only eat Skittles when I'm in a good mood. I've trained myself to associate them with a good mood. if I feel like having an emotional pig out, I try to eat some cereal. the milk makes it more filling so I'm way more aware when I'm just TOO full and then I get the "ugh I feel awful" thing which I'm trying to train myself with. if I feel "awful" after I eat when I'm not hungry, then maybe I'll do it less? it's all about the mental training...


At May 2, 2011 at 10:52 AM , Blogger Mara Campbell said...

I know how you are feeling!!!! I've been dealing with an injury and somehow I feel like I deserve that 2nd helping of cake or 3rds of M&M's. But it's not really what I want. I'm trying to figure it out, too. Exercise and running is my #1 way to stay sane and when that got taken away (NO exercise at all for 6 weeks is BRUTAL, not even walking the dog) it made me empty inside. I'm still struggling with it. Just trying to remember that being healthy feels better than stuffing myself with chocolate. Chocolate is an immediate fix, but one I feel BAD about later. So...I continue to try to figure it out.

Thanks for your honesty!!!

At May 2, 2011 at 10:55 AM , Blogger Lindsey@arunningtale said...

My way of dealing with stress is a good workout and some "me" time! But I also love a good Starbucks on a long day - not sure this is 100% healthy though!

At May 2, 2011 at 10:55 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

When I am upset I usually just cuddle up on the couch with a big bag of fat free popcorn!

At May 2, 2011 at 11:00 AM , Blogger Lorraine said...

I know how you feel! I think every woman has a tendency to look everywhere else for fulfillment. For me, music has always played a huge part in my life. When I am stressed I sing along with my music, especially some of my worship songs or just Nat King Cole (he always makes me smile lol)or I simply dance to the music.
If that is not the solution I pray then talk it out with my husband.
I hope this is an encouragement for you!

At May 2, 2011 at 11:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so strong to admit this. I have been struggling with bulimia for years (no one knows) it I mainly struggle when I'm stressed out or bored. It's tough b/c I hate it so much and feel so ashamed...but its a disease and so hard to overcome. I find when I get out, enjoy myself, hangout with my friends and husband, I don't think about food or binging at keep up the good work and when you feel the urge try to do something else like going for a walk, taking a bath, calling your momma, etc. I'm working on that too!! xoxo

At May 2, 2011 at 11:04 AM , Blogger Chels said...

I think we all struggle with this, and if it is not food, it may be shopping (my problem) over exercise to fill the void, drinking, gambiling, etc.
I am trying to work on limiting my workouts, my blood sugars are really low right now and if I over-exercise it makes them CRAZY. This is really hard for me to do, I don't like listening to my body.
I too, write a list of things that I can do other than working out (or eating). One thing I have just started is scrapbooking, I am making a scrap book of Craig and I, all our pictures, movie ticket stubs, concert tickets, etc. Keeps me busy and happy :)

At May 2, 2011 at 11:09 AM , Blogger Pam @ said...

You are most definitely not alone! I may be wrong, but it seems like I read somewhere once that even your BFF Kara Goucher packed on more than just a few pounds during one of her injuries!

At May 2, 2011 at 11:10 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

as athletes, I think our body finds comfort in food. We go through so much stress during training and it gets neglected. Then when we can't train, we start stressing it more emotionally, never giving it a break. I think you are so wise for recognizing this Janae! When that craving strikes, we must ask ourselves what is the true meaning of it. Are we craving a release? maybe some hot yoga sweating will work. Are we craving attention, call ME!! I will talk to you! Are we craving peace? Ask God for his comfort. Sit in quiet and talk to God in prayer. This is all so easier said than done, I know!

Email me anytime, know that I am praying, and believe that you are truly AMAZING TO US ALL!

At May 2, 2011 at 11:13 AM , Anonymous Cyndi @ Weightless Life said...

I am a huge emotional eater. It's the first thing I think of when I'm stressed out. Lately instead of eating I try to talk out whatever is bothering me with the husband, and if he isn't around I write about it. If it's a distraction I'm going for, which is usually the case, I'll read a book. Good luck Janae, you will overcome this rough patch.

At May 2, 2011 at 11:17 AM , Blogger Jennifer said...

I just love you - your honesty and authenticity. I think you are right, I bet more than 92% of women, especially, are emotional eaters. I am one of those too. I am one who has always struggled with my weight. When I lost 40 pounds 10 years ago, I had to become very restrictive with how I ate to maintain my weight loss. I've put some of the weight back on, but I kind of think I will always feel like the fat girl inside no matter if I keep my weight off because 1) I love food and can eat A LOT of it; 2) because my first instinct generally is to eat junk food; 3) food will always bring me comfort. I've been struggling recently too,going through fertility challenges and treatments. I've found myself turning to sweets for comfort, stress relief, etc. I think it's a daily process - working each day to understand ourselves better, to ask ourselves the hard questions about what we really need, learning how to live a balanced life, learning how to eat in moderation (not overeating and not restricting). It's definitely a journey!

At May 2, 2011 at 11:17 AM , Blogger Brit said...

I'm definitely in this boat RIGHT NOW. It's not fun. As much as I LOVE the rice krispy treats that somehow seem to disappear from my cupboard as fast as I can make them... it makes me feel weak both physically, emotionally, and mentally. I love your list. I'd go ahead and add crying (because it's healthy), reading and gum! It's just hard because well "peanut butter... it fills the cracks of the heart"!

At May 2, 2011 at 11:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for your honesty, girl! i think we can all relate :)

At May 2, 2011 at 11:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

GIRL. story of my life. I have this irrational thought process that every time my head hurts or I have womanly cramps or I stubbed my toe, eating chocolate or tortilla chips or pasta will cure the ailment. I know it is CRAZY. But I TOTALLY know how you feel. TOTALLY. So much of our celebrations (weddings, birthdays, holidays) have food as the focal point; how can we not associate feeling yucky/empty/sad with eating. It usually makes us feel better! I have to force myself to remember that food is for nourishment, not as a security blanket, but this is something I struggle with DAILY. Thank you so much for this post! It makes me feel better to know others go through the same things. SO MUCH LOVE TO YOU, YOU'RE FAB! XOOXXO

At May 2, 2011 at 11:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds very familiar! It's really hard to balance being a foodie with also wanting to be healthy and feel good about yourself. I have been trying to tell myself that there is a difference between treating myself to dessert or a tasty snack every once in a while and stuffing my face with chocolate chips just because I am stressed out. Thank you for your checklist--I will DEFINITELY be using it the next time I find myself cabinet foraging.

At May 2, 2011 at 11:42 AM , Blogger RunToTheFinish said...

this is something I am working on every single day...somedays go well others I go yup this is emotional and I eat it anyways

At May 2, 2011 at 11:45 AM , Blogger Laura said...

After I got in the boot for my sfx I could do nothing, no exercise at all and yet I kept eating the same amount! I thought to myself, hmm you should really eat less as you are just butt-sitting all day now. But I was already depressed about the injury I just didn't feel like eating any less!
It's definitely tough when you are used to working out and eating a certain way, it's hard to have your workouts taken away AND then you are supposed to eat less yummies?! well screw dat I say ! :D
Seems like you are still able to do a lot of exercise so I think you'll be fine, plus you are teeny. I think in the end I probalby didn't gain much #, i just feel squishier.
Good luck with your healing! SFX are the worst, ugh. Worst injury ever.

At May 2, 2011 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cry my eyes out. not even kidding. i'm weird and do this alone, because i don't want to inconvenience anyone else.

unfortunately whenever i'm stressed, i stop eating.

cue on big blubbering mess, irritable from emotion and not eating.

getting out of the house and trying something COMPLETELY different helps. my mom bought me a sewing machine at the perfect time, because while i don't know how to use it, i plan on learning and making some things.

((hugs)) Modern Family is only two days away!!

At May 2, 2011 at 11:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I definitely used to eat my emotions, no shame there. It is something that is hard to deal with but has to happen. I found that eating didn't fill that void, it only made me feel worse. I often find that doing something like taking a walk, or having a cup of tea help me avoid emotional eating. Usually it isn't hunger talking it's the feelings. You will overcome it girl, I KNOW IT!!

At May 2, 2011 at 12:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel, and everyone goes through phases like these. It's hard when your life is uprooted by a change and you're not sure what to do. It's okay to eat chocolate, cry, or just watch TV all day once in a while - it can help you feel better. I think it's just all about making small choices daily and taking each moment as it comes.

At May 2, 2011 at 12:05 PM , Blogger Christianne said...

popcorn or chips and salsa. I can have 3 helpings of air popped popcorn which are about 300 cal with nothing on them. It fills you up without a billion calories and chances are I'll get bored of chewing before round 3 :)

At May 2, 2011 at 12:19 PM , Anonymous Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said...

LOVE your honesty!! I struggled with the same thing when I couldn't run, but the best thing for me was just filling those gaps where my runs would be with things I COULD do, like walks with the fam and I volunteered at a charity:)

Healthy? Yeah I can't really help you there. When I'm down its cookie dough all the way. But in my defence, I do make the cookies with whole wheat flour, so that makes it all okay, right? ;)

Love you friend, stay strong!! :D

At May 2, 2011 at 12:55 PM , Blogger Coy Martinez said...

I think it's really common to go through this! I mean, we love food and it's there for us when we need it! And even when we don't need it.

To fix my problem I bought that cookie plastic jar thingy at Target that's filled with animal crackers. I dip my hand in a couple times a day when I'm feeling edgy. It worked for me!

Keep your head up. I'm injured AGAIN right now and it SUCKS.

At May 2, 2011 at 12:59 PM , Blogger dear willow, said...

Love this!!! And remember, just because ur not running a ton, doesnt mean ur not burning a ton of calories,.,,u still need to fuel ur body!! Spending time with family more = laughing more = burning more calories :)

I totally eat when i really just need to sleep.

At May 2, 2011 at 1:07 PM , Blogger Emily @ said...

I love this post - and thank you for posting it. Lately I've realized that I'm eating more and more of the junk that used to be considered a "treat". I still eat all my fruits and veggies, but I've become a bottomless pit for junk at the end of the day. I think I've been using that as my way to cope with stress and uncertainty about a lot of things that are going on in my life. But guess what...just because my jeans are tighter it doesn't mean my problems are being solved! I like your list of questions to ask yourself - sometimes we can lose touch with our bodies and I think its a really good idea to bring it back to basics and really ask ourselves what we need and why. Thank you!!

At May 2, 2011 at 1:45 PM , Blogger Ines Tucakovic said...

You are definitely right - every girl goes through this, especially an athlete! I absolutely love that you've made a list of things to look for and fulfill first before turning to food, because I've found that works best for me as well and keeps my sweet tooth in check.

I also have a friggin' adorable dark golden retriever and he's always down to go for a walk and help his mom out when she's a stress ball and is unable to run. :) Hang in there, you've got all the support you'll ever need!

At May 2, 2011 at 1:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said... many (if not all) of the commenters on here feel the same way, and in a way it is depressing that we are all so..well..out of touch with ourselves? 8/
Alot of us are also injured and not sure what to do..which makes me sad..we've become so dependant on outside things, that we don't know how to adapt naturally. Currently I'm injured, it's been more than a month now and probably could have been prevented if I had taken it easy in the beginning and not run through it. As far as food goes though- I've been eating the same as pre-injury. My meals are all very structured, and I don't know where to cut or keep the same etcetera...I'm just hoping that I'll heal up soon and get back running and not put any weight on- unless it was muscle, which wouldn't make any sense since I haven't been lifting more that when I could basically I am taking the cowards way out.>_<"" but if it takes longer I will have to either figure it out or live with the consequences/ outcome. I try to think it through, but it is so SCARY to me. I feel I have to eat the same becuase I'm used to eating this way, and eating another way would be so..uncofortable and new. THEN when it's over, I'd have to transition back over..ha..I'll cease the banter in my head now XP

At May 2, 2011 at 2:10 PM , Anonymous Rach @ Girl on the Run said...

No matter how much I try and be healthy (and running has helped so much)...if I'm still in a really bad mood, I will end up with chocolate and wine. Not a good combo! It's so nice to hear other ladies feel the same way...and your list was full of some great ideas, too

At May 2, 2011 at 2:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will always be those moments in life that you lean on other things for comfort..but just remember that you will get to run again! You are a strong confident, talented woman! Get it girl! When it comes to food, I try my best to eat healthy but if I'm craving a Bacon Deluxe from Wendy's, by god I'm gonna have it!

At May 2, 2011 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow- great topic!!! I think 100% of women can relate to this. I love your list and ideas for redirecting away from food when you're not really hungry. Computer time, reading outside in the fresh air and gardening are things I have tried. Different things work for me at different times. One recommendation I have is a book I read "Women, Food & God" by Geneen Roth. She talks about identifying the thing(s) that are missing that we try to fill with food and how to move away from that type of eating. I'm even thinking of going to one of her workshops.
Going through change, whether its injury, babies, work HARD! I hope you feel loved and supported by all your blogger friends- you are a bright spot for my day :)

At May 2, 2011 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Janae!
I love you and I love your blog! I think you should know though that you are still working out A LOT and burning a lot of calories and maybe your body is telling you something! Maybe you need to be eating a lot more than you think! It might be helping with your recovery. Sometimes I have found that people that don't properly nourish don't recover as fast or end up injured (not saying you don't properly nourish, but you even mentioned yourself that you could use a couple extra pounds). Just something to think about. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

At May 2, 2011 at 4:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your sister makes food look good!

I think that's a great idea btw. Good luck!

At May 2, 2011 at 4:27 PM , Blogger Sweat Is My Sanity said...

Do you realize spaghetti and garlic bread are my fav??? You're killing me. :) I think that will be my first real meal after Medifast.

Sorry you are having a rough time while you can't run. I totally get it. I'm an emotional eater, stress, tired, lonely, etc., gets me nosing around in the kitchen. I'm still working on making the switch. I think the key is to STOP, make the conscious effort to pause and ask those very questions you listed. You're doing're a smart girl!

At May 2, 2011 at 4:28 PM , Blogger Sally said...

Janae!! I'm still sending you lots of love & hugs from Baltimore! This post definitely resonates with me. I often find comfort in food when i'm feeling extra bad for myself. i turn to food when i'm unhappy, lonely, and anxious. afterwards, I'm still unhappy, lonely, and anxious... and now i'm full and feel worse for stuffing my face. It's a lose, lose situation! There are obviously worse things to turn to -- drugs, alcohol, etc-- but comforting the sadness (or whatever emotion) with something else isn't going to help. These are things I try to remind myself al the time, so I'm right here with you! There's more to life than food & running.... and i think at the end of the day, if all you want is a big scoop of fro-yo or a bag of sour patch kids, then go for it!! Just because you're not running doesn't mean you don't deserve your favorite foods. :) Moderation is key.. definitely a hard thing to grasp for my black/white personality!! But you can do it. and so can i!

PS: I've been doing a lot more yoga recently too! I find that it's really helping to improve my body image and helps me find a good balance!

At May 2, 2011 at 5:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are all emotional eaters. The first thing (hopefully) that your Mother did when you were born was hold you close and feed you. Of course we associate food and comfort. The trick is to accept yourself as an emotional eater and have a treat just not 80 in a row :)

At May 2, 2011 at 5:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to your post. It's so hard sometimes to really question ourselves and ask, what you really need. I love your list you typed out here. I'm thinking of doing the same--it's really helpful to see what works for you in black and white!

At May 2, 2011 at 6:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Janae, I feel your pain. I use food as a substitute for a lot of things, none of which it can actually replace. I wish I had some kind of awesome advice, but I've been fighting this battle for a long time and I'm not sure I'm winning. I hope you find some peace soon.

At May 2, 2011 at 6:23 PM , Blogger Jenny said...

I'm with you, girl! I went through a really difficult time recently where I was turning to food. Junk food to be exact.
I realized it was getting a little out of hand. I really focused on making better choices and telling myself that if I put good IN, I'd get good OUT. Even though (and especially since) I haven't been running, I still need to eat well to stay healthy.
It didn't mean I didn't have a treat here and there. I just really cracked down on myself to have a couple pieces of candy instead of half a bag.
I've been trying to eat fruit in place of candy for a sweet treat. When all else fails, call your mom. Moms can fix anything. Or send out an SOS Tweet and I'm sure many of us will come to your rescue. ; ) xoxo

At May 2, 2011 at 6:27 PM , Anonymous Ellie@fitforthesoul said...

You're right, everyone especially girls go through it! :D yay we're human! hehe. I think it's definitely alright to not feel good or upbeat all the time, and God understands that! But I think it helps me to pray and meditate on His Words that speak life into my heart and soul. Many of us start to feel guilty about this and that and for no reason at all! Many times we tend to think that it IS guilt, when it's really sorrow. Also, walking at the park or being in nature and having dates with Jesus definitely help. :D I know this is really abstract stuff, but I hope it helps! stay strong girl!

At May 2, 2011 at 6:40 PM , Anonymous CJ said...

Looks like you've got plenty of company in this boat! QUALITY over QUANTITY is a big one for helping me keep things in check. You're doing this with workouts--getting great cardio, core, strength, etc., even though you can't get the running miles right now. So you can apply that to eating--getting the quality foods that you so crave (broccoli, spinach, egg, chicken) and cutting back (a little) on the quantity of sweets, and make them "worth it" by going for a little of the best that you're craving. Rooting for you to heal fast, though I'll read you no matter what because your posts are inspirational anyway. Best to you!

At May 2, 2011 at 6:47 PM , Blogger Mrs. JM said...

clearly (from above), you are not alone. WE are not alone in this. what an amazing support system you have here.

for me, respecting my body is the most effective way to keep on the "right" path. when i'm aware of how the food i am eating will be metabolized AND how it will make me feel, it's a lot easier to say "no thank you." the problem I have is that i seem to need a constant reminder to remain aware. it's very frustrating for me.

sugar is as addictive and quite possibly as harmful as controlled substances. i have no problem staying away from cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, soda pop, etc. even WITHOUT any kind of moral reasoning rather simply because i don't want the "poison" in my body. i want to live a long and healthy life. i want to feel good about the choices i make every single day. my vice is sugar but unlike you, i'm not addicted to candy rather, anything chocolate covered and any kind of baked good. i'm a sucker for it all. so now, i'm in the process of reading all sorts of data on sugar and the effects it has on the body. i need to understand in order to avoid because simply wanting to avoid is not enough for me. the temptation is too strong and clearly, i am weak. the first article i would recommend is the recently NY Times article "is sugar toxic?" it was an interesting read to say the least and, one thing it reminded me of was that when you consume sugar, your body reacts the same as it would with drugs (in a sense). there's a chemical reaction that results in a high followed by a gnarly crash. we might love our sugar and justify the consumption of it but honestly, the stuff is no good. no good just like MANY of the other things you wouldn't never let pass through your lips. (phew, that was long winded. sorry).

At May 2, 2011 at 8:02 PM , Blogger athletic chick said...

Janae - thank you for posting this. After almost 3 months of rehabbing a hip/ back injury, I can totally relate! Sometimes I just tell God, "This is really really hard right now - please help me!" And sometimes it helps to remind myself that being injured is temporary (even though it's starting to feel like forever!).

I love reading your blog everyday - it's always the first one I check. Hang in there. You're doing awesome. :)

At May 2, 2011 at 10:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You still exercise so much that you probably need all those calories. You seem to avoid a lot of calories (salad dressing, cheese, etc) and even if you try to make up for it with sweets, you're certainly not overeating. Most stress fractures are due to overtraining, not eating enough calories (even if it seems like a lot, when you workout 3x a day you need even more), and hormonal problems. Honestly you will probably recover from your injury faster if you eat more calories and more fat. Maybe just try to balance it a little more, bring some healthy fats into your diet, your bones them too!

At May 3, 2011 at 2:22 PM , Blogger Jen said...

I SO needed this post. I have not been a very good girl lately and have been letting food fill my sadness hole. Sometimes it's just the easiest quick fix. But it doesn't solve the problem. I'm going to be more aware. I liked your list.
Also, I hope your unexpectedness wasn't anything bad. You have an extremely nice sisssy. That meal looks delicious!

At May 3, 2011 at 8:32 PM , Blogger Sheila said...

I think we have all been there at times. Your list looks really good. Knowing what your doing is have the battle.

At May 4, 2011 at 11:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you Janae. Right now I'm having such a hard time listening to my body (& mind for that matter) & realizing what I NEED. Clearly what I want and need are two totallly different things at the moment. No more chocolate for breakfast lunch & dinner like I have been :)


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