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Salad Mountain and Nike Free!!!!!

The Hungry Runner Girl: Salad Mountain and Nike Free!!!!!

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The Hungry Runner Girl: Salad Mountain and Nike Free!!!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Salad Mountain and Nike Free!!!!!

All the cool people stop by Yogurtland after school by themselves to load of on pb fro-yo, fruit and white chocolate chips! It is completely normal and encouraged.  I wonder if all of my subliminal messaging has worked yet?

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As if ice cream after school didn't make me happy enough I came home to a package.  The most amazingnest, beautiful ALICIA sent me these new kicks.  I have wanted to try out the Nike Free forever and I am pretty sure I am already hooked.  The fact that they are purple made my heart melt and I will be sleeping with them on tonight.  THANKS ALICIA!!!

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For your own safety do not zoom in on this picture.  Lets just say the razor has not hit the legs in a little while.

Once again Billy is being all grown-up and went to his LSAT prep class last night so I declared it a girls night.  It's like he really wants to do well on this test and like it is a really big deal or something.

First, Heather, Ash and I went to RONA'S spin class.  Um, before we took the picture she said, "suck in those guts ladies." She is a character.  You have to save your bike at least 30 minutes before class.  During class she gets off her bike and dances around the room, shares the latest celebrity gossip and if you are going slow she will run and scream at you and you will wish that your legs had fallen off so you had an excuse for not going 400 mph.

The class flies by because of the free entertainment.

Photo 7

Directly after spin we decided to invade Pizza Factory in all of our sweatiness.  Don't the goldfish just look happy to be swimming around in the pool of cottage cheese.  Little do they know that their short life will be over within milliseconds of this photo.

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Some of us didn't get the memo that we were supposed to be dressed, showered and cute for this date.

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Megan, crazyface, Ash, Julia and Rachelle.  We met through blogging yet I don't think we ever talked about blogging once during dinner.  Meeting your friends online is the way to do it these days.  Who has time to actually go out of your way in real life and try to find things in common with a complete stranger.  Blogging narrows down your obsessions so that it is easy to find others that think your same crazy thoughts, talk about running for hours and take pictures of your food.

Julia, you keep holding onto that jug of water for dear life.

I apologize Pizza Factory that our table alone ate through the entire salad bar.  Next week please be prepared for 5 vegetable bingers.


1.  Do you like Nike's? Favorite running shoe color?

-I have some old shocks that I used to wear to weight train but this is my first time in the Free's and I am already hooked beyond belief!  PURPLE!

2.  Do you have any funny stories about meeting friends on the internet?

-So what if I have met my 1309 closest friends via blogging:)

3. Cottage Cheese Fan?

-I could put it on everything.  I know people that don't like it don't like it because of the texture....but that is my favorite part!

4.  What are you doing for your Mom for MOTHER'S DAY?

-Sorry, she comes to the blog at least 17 times a day....stop trying to ruin the surprise Mom!

Check out the AMAZING KATIE'S blog for her "No Weigh May." I LOVE what she is doing!!

PS First 2 Utah County People to comment saying "I live in Utah County and I want Yogurtland because it is the best thing ever invented and Janae you are my best friend ever" get a free Yogurtland gift certificate!!!


At May 3, 2011 at 6:53 AM , Blogger Stephanie F said...

HOW in the world did you get NIKE FREES fo' FREE?! you are crazy girl. so excited for you!

At May 3, 2011 at 7:00 AM , Blogger ash & diz said...

I live in Utah county and i want Yogurtland because it is the best thing EVER and Janae-nae is my BFF!!!! ;)

At May 3, 2011 at 7:04 AM , Blogger ABOUT US said...

I love yogurtland and your blog janae!!

At May 3, 2011 at 7:04 AM , Blogger Lauren said...

I have a pair of Nike Free Runs in blue and I LOVE them! They are so super light and feel great.

I have already met so many great people through blogging... I can't wait till I am stateside and I can actually meet some of these awesome peeps! I'm thinking... Road trip to meet my blog buddies?

Cottage cheese is sooo delicious. I've always loved it, ever since I was a little kid.

I'll be over here in South Korea for Mother's Day, but I'll be able to take her out to dinner and drinks when I'm stateside for a while this summer. :)

At May 3, 2011 at 7:09 AM , Blogger Lindsey@arunningtale said...

I used to always wear Nike's and love them - I havent tried Nike Free's yet but would love to!
I like cottage cheese but havent became too adventurous with it and only eat it on its own - guess I should change that!
For Mothers Day me and my Mom do a run together, I do the 10km, she does the 5km! Then we have lunch and do some shopping after - but her real gift this year is a spa gift certificate.

At May 3, 2011 at 7:11 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I live in Utah County and I want Yogurtland because it is the best thing ever invented and Janae you are my best friend ever

At May 3, 2011 at 7:12 AM , Blogger Mallory said...

JANAE! I have been thinking about getting Frees for a few weeks now. Please tell me more. One of my biggest questions is, do I need to size down in the Frees since they are supposed to fit more like a sock? Or do you get them in your normal running shoe size? I wear Nike's already but I want to try the Frees. I love pink and yellow on running shoes!!!

I have arranged for a beautiful pot of flowers to be delivered to my mom at work on Friday so she can show off to all her work friends and then she can plant the flowers in her yard. I'm like the best daughter ever.

At May 3, 2011 at 7:12 AM , Blogger ash & diz said...

And i want a pair of Frees bad!!! So jealous you got yours fo free!

Umm.. met my hubby via myspace. :/

LOVE cottage cheese!

Taking my Mom shopping at the clinique counter for mothers day. :)

P.s. Had SO much fun last night. Best monday night EVER. :)

At May 3, 2011 at 7:13 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Ok Now that I made sure I was the second! LOL - I am so jealous - you need to announce your whereabouts at all times -I go to yogurtland too often and always miss out on seeing you - we need to coordinate better!

I got both moms - (MIL and mine) these necklaces that say grandma and they are so freaking cute!!

And I LOVE Cottage cheese!

At May 3, 2011 at 7:14 AM , Blogger Julia said...

I live in Utah County and I want Yogurtland because it is the best thing ever invented and Janae you are my best friend ever" get a free Yogurtland gift certificate!!!!!!!

At May 3, 2011 at 7:14 AM , Blogger Sweat Is My Sanity said...

Sounds like a fun girls night out and good for Billy for being a grown up. :)

I'm off to plan my mom's gift...I keep forgetting and she lives in Texas so I'm running out of time.

At May 3, 2011 at 7:15 AM , Blogger Jilly Bean said...

I live in Utah County and I want Yogurtland because it is the best thing ever invented and Janae you are my best friend ever --- AND I'm running my first half marathon this weekend and could use a motivator :)

At May 3, 2011 at 7:16 AM , Blogger Jenn said...

I wear Nike Frees all the time but not as much for running as just for everyday wear. They are just a cool looking shoe!!

Love my blog friends. So many good ones:) I met a girl through my blog last year from way up in Canada. We both had a daughter named Reese, our husbands did the same job, we had the same marathon time, her college roommate turned out to be a friend of mine!!!!! We eventually met up a couple of times and she is one of my closest friends. I yap via text or email to Amanda Runninghood daily and feel like I've known her forever. I totally agree that especially with my busy schedule, it has worked out well to meet people with similar goals and interests at my convenience:)

Love cottage cheese, going to a hockey game for Mother's Day.

Love the pics. Adorable as always and could Megan get any cuter in that hat!!

At May 3, 2011 at 7:17 AM , Blogger Julia said...

okay had to make sure I got the above comment in quickly!!!! haha!

that water was important. I had to protect it. it was important for me to keep it out of our faces but to also keep any of it from spilling. just call me the hydration patrol. haha.

last night was maybe the best night everrrrr. literally. so pumped. cant even wait for next monday.

I wrote lindsay and told her that we were helping her plan the epic blogger meet-up and that it was important and that it must happen. she agreed.

My favorite shoes colors are purple, pink or orange...but not necessarily all together. those shoes are so amazing. i am SUPER jealous!

for mother's day i got my mom a gift card to sephora. hopefully she loves it. i pretty much get everyone gift cards these days because they are cheaper to send :)

see you tom morning!!!! woo hoo!


At May 3, 2011 at 7:21 AM , Blogger trisha*n said...

I have some nike frees! love them!

At May 3, 2011 at 7:23 AM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

I've only met virtual friends online. I've only actually met one blogger in real life (that I didnt know beforehand). It'd be so fun to get together with bloggers though!

My favorite running shoes are Brooks. I used to only wear nikes though!

I still cant decide on mother's day plans!

At May 3, 2011 at 7:24 AM , Blogger Katie said...

I have Nike Frees and I love them!!!!! They are neon green and blue, one of my co-workers asked if they were my disco shoes (he's mean), but 10 year olds always tell me they rock :D

I need a new pair though and I can't wait to pick out some awesome new colors :)

At May 3, 2011 at 7:26 AM , Blogger Christina @ The Athletarian said...

Nike Frees are the best thing ever invented. You will absolutely love them. I have a pair and am looking to invest in every single colour they have ever come in.

Haven't met too many friends over the internet yet, as I just joined the blogging world, but I love the ones that I have and cannot wait to meet more :) I love that there are so many crazies out there just like me that can relate to all of my obsessions and interests!

I don't eat cheese so no to the cottage cheese. Even in my cheese-eating days, I couldn't bear to look at it!

I haven't decided what to do for Mother's day yet...I should probably get on it!

At May 3, 2011 at 7:27 AM , Anonymous Cyndi @ Weightless Life said...

I wish I had friends that would send me new shoes lol.
I haven't met any of my bloggy friends yet but I definitely have a list of people I want to meet.
I can never convince myself to like cottage cheese because of the texture. Every few months I give it a shot, but no dice.

At May 3, 2011 at 7:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have nike free's in bright orange and I love em'!

When I used to eat cottage cheese, I LOVED it was salsa! Seriously, tryittryittryit!

At May 3, 2011 at 7:29 AM , Anonymous Chloe@321delish said...

I have been contemplating getting a pair of these for a while now! They look pretty good on your feet :)

At May 3, 2011 at 7:34 AM , Blogger Jody @ Raising Fin and Fish said...

Ummm.... I met my husband online. BFF til death do we part.

At May 3, 2011 at 7:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait to hear more about what you think of the nike frees! they look pretty sweet, i love the purple!

At May 3, 2011 at 7:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know I used Nike free. I do like them but I think they still are too built up in the heel. I've got a new shoe... not revealed yet!!

Love cottage cheese~

At May 3, 2011 at 7:49 AM , Blogger LisasFitLife said...

Love the new kicks!

Being a military wife it can be hard to make friends since we move every three years. But thank goodness for the internet and social networking! I've met a lot of my friends (who are also military spouses in my area) via internet. Love it hate it. FB is the future! LOL

At May 3, 2011 at 7:56 AM , Blogger Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

Nike's are my absolute favorites!! seriously... if nike wanted to sponser me I wouldn't even have to think about it... I'm always a walking billboard for them anyways lol ;) love the shoes! :)

At May 3, 2011 at 7:58 AM , Anonymous Katie @ Parker Report said...

Thanks for the shout out!! ;)

Those shoes are super cute!!
And yes, cottage cheese is awesome. I can't eat it with fruit though. icks.

At May 3, 2011 at 8:19 AM , Anonymous Liv @ The Salty n' Sweet said...

I don't know how I feel about Nike Frees. I'd like to try them, but I don't think I can run without a mountain of cushion to land on yet!

Cottage cheese is ... strange to me. It isn't the most appetizing thing for me to looks at, and it reminds me of spoiled milk (don't hate me Janae, I still love you!). I think I'd still choose yogurt every time.

At May 3, 2011 at 8:22 AM , Blogger Stephanie said...

I am VERY jealous about your Nike Free's for FREEEEEEE!!! There is a pair at the ol' 26.2 that I want so blasted bad, I love them. One day I will get them, too bad I have to pay for them though. I threw out a little hint to my hubby last night...we'll see if he catches on in time for Mother's Day :) In case you haven't figured it out yet this is not Jake, this is Steph :)

At May 3, 2011 at 8:25 AM , Anonymous Laura @ Meet Virginia said...

AH I have been wanting to try Nike Free's! I shall get them now so I can be just like you. :)

At May 3, 2011 at 8:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Nike's b/c they have so many different styles to choose from, you can be fashionable while working-out!! I really like UnderArmour though. Really comfortable & durable!
I recently discovered your blog. It is one of the best ones that I follow. Your silly faces & funny remarks are great! It brightens up the day!! We have something in common...our love for CANDY! Sometimes I will skip meals b/c I'd rather eat candy!!!

At May 3, 2011 at 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok super jealous that you got Nike Free for FREE! That's insane and I am also wishing that there was a Yogurtland here in NC...all your pictures make me super hungry! lol

At May 3, 2011 at 8:39 AM , Blogger Mon Amour said...

I really want to run in Nike's but I seriously over pronate so they do not work for me. They are so cute though!

At May 3, 2011 at 8:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't run in Nike yet but seeing your cool shoes has me wanting some! Love the purple!!!
The last time I had cottage cheese it was baked itnto a cheesecake (one of my most favortie desserts!)
And for mother's day, my mil is coming over for dinner so I've gotta start working on my menu. My kiddos will probably bring me breakfast in bed so that will be fun see what messy creation they come up with

At May 3, 2011 at 8:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm tempted to drive to Utah just so I can have Yogurtland; it doesn't exist in Michigan ;(
I have never attended a blogger meet up, but if anyone is ever in MI...let's do it!!!


At May 3, 2011 at 8:55 AM , Blogger Rachelle Wardle said...

Love you Janae! Love the shoes, laughed out loud at Ronda while all of my co-workers starred at me just barely. ha ha

I eat so much cottage cheese I am able to justify my cottage cheese thighs. Have the best day ever girl!!

At May 3, 2011 at 9:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE cottage cheese, and yeah I know a lot of people don't like the texture but it's definitely the best part. I tell people I like anything curd-y and they think that's disgusting. That's why I lovvvve poutine so much too!! Canadian thing - fries, topped with cheese curds, and then gravy over that. YUMMMMMM.

At May 3, 2011 at 9:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always had this unconscious bias against Nike and I have no idea why. When I had to get new shoes back in February the shoe that worked for me was a Nike Lunarfly 2. I love it! I didn't think I'd like the neon green color either but I love it!

At May 3, 2011 at 9:19 AM , Blogger Runners Fuel said...

I loev those shoes!! They look so comfy!

At May 3, 2011 at 9:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Generally I am not a fan of Nike shoes, but I LOVE the Frees. I have run in a pair for a while and plan to get another pair...or two or three! I love the color you have much better than mine though!

At May 3, 2011 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous Rachel @ The Perseverance Diaries said...

Those are some sweet Nike's!

That salad looks good but I must admit that cottage cheese is the one food I will never be able to enjoy!

At May 3, 2011 at 10:11 AM , Blogger spiffykerms said...

Oooooooooooooo I LOVE YOUR NIKE FREE'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol I'm so excited because I got my first pair of HOT PINK nike free's in the mail yesterday!

At May 3, 2011 at 10:18 AM , Blogger ash said...

I always wonder how you manage to eat your salads without everything falling off the plate. Seems like every time I stack mine high like that, I end up with a salad disaster!

Oh, and I LOVE cottage cheese. The boyfriend thinks it's disgusting, though, and reminds me of this every time I eat it. I think he's just jealous that he's missing out.

At May 3, 2011 at 10:26 AM , Blogger ACL said...

Really jealous of the Frees, I am in the market for a few new pairs of sneakers and choosing the color is the best part!!!

I used to HATE cottage cheese, but I have changed my tune and realized the deliciousness I was missing. nomnomnom

Since I'm 3,000 miles away from her, I ordered my mom flowers online and they will be coming her way soon :) I also got a pretty sweet card when we celebrated Mother's Day here in April which she should be getting (did you hear that British Postal Service???)

At May 3, 2011 at 10:26 AM , Anonymous Dorry said...

I love those Nike Frees! I really want a pair...just saving up to justify the purchase. And you know I LOVE anything purple, including (and especially) my running shoes. Can't do cottage cheese - it's a texture thing. I'm definitely planning to spend some time with my mom this Sunday, and my other favorite "moms" - my sisters. :)

At May 3, 2011 at 10:28 AM , Blogger Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

Your blogger meet-ups look so fun!
Ugh, cottage cheese is not for me. Hubs eats it every day and I refuse to kiss him until he rinses his mouth out. It's THAT bad.

At May 3, 2011 at 10:46 AM , Blogger Rene said...

I am a running shoe snob. When I first started running I went to a running store where my friend works and they don't carry Nikes at all (this was before the Free). Now I can't get past the Nike doesn't make good running shoes mindset. Plus I am in Newton's and I LOVE them so have no reason to try anything else. Props to Nike for making a pretty shoe though.
I hate cottage cheese.
I have no idea what to do for my mom. I am a slacker.

At May 3, 2011 at 11:04 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

you girls are just too gorgeous for words. I think UTAH is home of the beautiful bloggers. haha.

Cottage cheese is my staple. I make everything swim in it.

At May 3, 2011 at 11:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Asics - I have really weird feet and a really low arch, so they fit me really well. For mother's day my mom has requested going to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch! I'm pumped.

At May 3, 2011 at 11:08 AM , Blogger Shari said...

Love the new sneakers! Looks like a fun night. :)

At May 3, 2011 at 11:24 AM , Blogger ruth said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your new sneaks!! im so jealous. FRO YO tomorrow???

At May 3, 2011 at 11:41 AM , Blogger Christine said...

you ladies are so cute :)
we just had a blogger meetup in nyc and it was awesome NOT awkward, duh!

i'm pretty sure you account for like 96% of yogurtland and pizza factory business :)


At May 3, 2011 at 11:50 AM , Blogger Camels & Chocolate said...

Um, I'm VISITING in Utah County (in two weeks) and I want Yogurtland because it is the best thing ever invented and Janae you are my best friend ever!

Does that count? =)

At May 3, 2011 at 12:34 PM , Blogger Daniella @ Runner at Heart said...

I love the Nike Free's to crosstrain in but not to run in.

I do not like cottage cheese at all but my fiance loves it and eats it by the gallon (gross!)

At May 3, 2011 at 12:37 PM , Blogger Erika said... do you eat so much frozen yogurt and stay so stinking skinny?? And can you please ask them to open one in Michigan because it looks AMAZING!

At May 3, 2011 at 1:06 PM , Blogger Hailey said...

I have 5 pairs of Nike Frees, they are my favorite but as crazy as it sounds I have never ran in them before . Might do that at the gym today :)!

At May 3, 2011 at 1:45 PM , Blogger Cara @ EAT. PRAY. RUN. said...

Nikes are so freakin' fashionable but every time I try a pair for running it's death to my feet. Asics for life! BUT they are wonderful gym/x-training shoes, bright laces and all ;)

At May 3, 2011 at 1:50 PM , Blogger Chunky Monkey said...

I am a Nike girl but have not tried the Frees. I love your black & purple kicks!! Gotsta get me some...perhaps Mothers Day to myself?! LOL. Even if you arent sharing MD plans, thx for asking everyone. I am looking for ideas....perhaps your mom could help!

At May 3, 2011 at 2:03 PM , Anonymous Lindsey said...

OMG I looove cottage cheese and you must try these two recipes at least once, your life will forever change. lol It's like Cottage Cheese heaven! I make this at least once a day...
a. toast two pieces of rye bread, spread strawberry jelly on top, then smother each piece with cottage cheese, then finally top with slivered almonds!
b. mix 1 cup CC with 1/2 cup fiber one twigs, then mix in 2 tbsp SF maple syrup. yummmmm

At May 3, 2011 at 2:12 PM , Blogger Jennifer said...

I want free shoes! Those are super cute!

I'll be spending Mother's Day with mom and grandma at our local baseball team's game. I love me some hot dogs and family time!

At May 3, 2011 at 2:18 PM , Blogger Jen said...

Love those shoes! I'd like to try those for just everyday shoes!
I love cottage cheese. It's really good in salsa. With chips of course! And good on potatoes and with fruit and with cucumbers and italian dressing. Love it!
I have no idea what I'm getting my mom yet. Do you have any good ideas?
Thanks for your nice comment. I'm a skitzo right now. I made my appointment finally. Tomorrow morning. At least I'll hopefully know more then.
Oh and I used to live in Utah county? Does that count? And you are my best friend! Heather had such a good time with you all. She gets me and my blogging friend insanity.
Have a great day!

At May 3, 2011 at 2:27 PM , Blogger Holley @ Lunges and Lashes said...

I have been wanting to try those shoes too, they come in so many cute colors! Love the purple. Julia mentioned in passing to me about the pizza factory but I didn't want to crash a party! I am so SADDDD that I didn't now! Holy lame me. Are you doing it again next week? Can I come be your friends please?

At May 3, 2011 at 2:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the purple Frees! I used to wear Nikes, but I have a pair of lime green Sauconys that I love now.

At May 3, 2011 at 2:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, so I've seriously been eyeing Nike Free's FOREVER now! I have a feeling those might be my number one on my birthday list come July... ;)

At May 3, 2011 at 4:01 PM , Blogger Muncher Cruncher said...

I am loving cottage cheese these days. It's weird because I never have before...It's so good on salads! I also love my Nike free's minus the fact that they may be the reason behind this possible stress fracture... booo.
I love you SO FREAKING MUCH. last night was so fun and I can't wait to do it again! You're the bestest. xoxoxo

At May 3, 2011 at 4:19 PM , Anonymous Holly said...

I'm OBSESSED with your shoes..not only are they purple..but they are purple AND black-- Baltimore Raven's colors & our wedding colors- LOVE them :) I'm going to hunt for them online right now!

At May 3, 2011 at 4:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband hates cottage cheese. I am trying to convert him. I agree with you. It is all about the texture:)I LOVE it. It is the only salad topper on a salad bar that can double as a healthy dressing too. YUMMY! My fave cottage cheese is with chives. Double-yum.

At May 3, 2011 at 4:41 PM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

Love the new kicks! Seriously awesome. I agree about the friends thing. I've met some pretty cool peeps on the blog world. I'd like to try some Nike Frees too!

At May 3, 2011 at 5:34 PM , Anonymous Caitlin said...

Love those Nike Frees......looking into getting the same pair myself! I live in FL, so there's no chance we'll run into each other with the same purple shoes on :)

At May 3, 2011 at 7:09 PM , Blogger Pam @ said...

I had my very first blogger meetup in Nashville this past weekend! It was GREAT!!!

At May 3, 2011 at 7:38 PM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Wow! You got the hook up with teh Free's! I JUST ordered some (grey and teal) and LOVE them. I'm going to run in them after my marathon--doesn't hurt to follow the minimalist movement if it helps our running form right?!

I like light colored running shoes, so I look more tan! :)

Uh, how I want to be in Provo with you fun, beautiful girls! I recently connected with Julia via our blogs, and she is fantastic!! We both have softball backgrounds! :D

At May 3, 2011 at 8:13 PM , Blogger Falon said...

Girl, you make a badass salad!

At May 3, 2011 at 9:00 PM , Blogger Hailey said...

I have already posted a comment on this post but oh what the heck..

After reading this post and realizing I had not yet ran in any of my Nike Frees, I decided to give them a try. Ugh , I did not like them. My shins have been bothering me lately so that might have affected the run but I will probably not run in them again.

Oh and I also ran 6 miles then took spin class. Kinda felt like you; )

At May 3, 2011 at 10:32 PM , Blogger Lizzi said...

Never had Nikes for running (other than probably like when I was a really little kid). My current faves are my RED AND GREEEEENN Mizuno Musha 3s. LOVE THEM! So ridiculous-looking. They make me feel like the flash :D

One of my best friends in the world I met online when we were 11. hahah bad internet safety monitoring, parents!! I live in Australia, she lives in the US. We've never met but I honestly believe this girl is my soulmate. Totally gonna be each other's bridesmaids one day :)

Met a couple of people online that have become real-life buddies. A few running dates have come out of it! Which is awesome because I don't really have any friends who run otherwise.

I've also had a few AWESOME snack swap/care package friends. We send each other local candy/snacks so we get to *~*~experience the tastes of the world *~*~*~ ;)

Cottage cheese is a bit of a meh thing to me. I love STRONG cheeses!

Mum's on a huge board game kick at the moment so I'm gonna hook her up with some of my faves for mothers day! Mostly so we can play together haha. Plus gonna make her something delicious.. cake or cookies or something :)

At May 4, 2011 at 9:31 AM , Blogger Neon Blonde Runner said...

LOVE the purple frees, they're perfect for you!

At May 4, 2011 at 12:36 PM , Blogger Laura said...

I am OBSESSED with cottage cheese, and eat it almost daily for breakfast in one form or another. Sometimes I add vanilla extract and a bit of lemon juice and put granola on it so it tastes like vanilla cheesecake. Sometimes I add garlic powder, chopped carrots, and chopped celery so it tastes like veggie cream cheese and put it on top of an English muffin. Sometimes I put it into a smoothie. And sometimes I turn it into protein pancakes by blending it with oats and egg whites to make batter, then popping it on the skillet. SO GOOD!

At May 13, 2011 at 12:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your subliminal messaging is totally working! I have to pay $5 to cross a bridge to get to a yogurtland and it's been on my mind for weeks! Haven't quite made it there but I'm sure I will. I also haven't been running because of some issues with my've been trying to think of what to do instead and it hit me yesterday. Spin! You can totally take credit for that idea! Would you please come to California and teach a class for me?!


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