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The Hungry Runner Girl: Stress Eater.

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The Hungry Runner Girl: Stress Eater.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stress Eater.


Yep, I am admitting it.  I am the biggest stress eater in the world.  I KNOW my knees are going to be fine but the thought of getting injured is slightly freaking me out.  I may or may not have cried 4 times yesterday over the most ridiculous things.  I know that it is just overuse and I will be completely fine but I get stressed when I am not feeling 100%.


Races also stress me a good way though:)  So the combination of the two things have made it so that my mouth did not stop chewing on something between the hours of 8 a.m and 10 p.m. yesterday.

As soon as I walked in from spin I grabbed a handful of candy.  Yes, I love candy but after a workout the only thing I usually want is a huge salad with as many nutrients as possible.  For dinner all I wanted was comfort foods without even taking into account what my body needed.  So the mac and cheese/potato was born and eaten.


I remember in high school a time that a certain someone (I will not name any names) and I went through a whole box of ding dongs in an hour because of a stressful family event.

Why do we do this?  We know that a bag of Sour Patch Kids for bfast is going to make us feel like junk all day and not help with the stressful situation at hand.

Luckily, I realized what I was doing (after about 700 grams of sugar) and sat down to write this post and stop the madness.


What am I going to take from this information.  I will be using Thursday to over comepensate for what happened yesterday. (Please Note I am not worried about gaining/losing weight etc. I am just really wanting to fuel my training in the best way possible to make me speedier).  I am going to rock at eating my usual 50 serving of fruits and veggies today along with good sources of proteins, whole grains and of course a cupcake (because those just make life better).

No use looking back and being a cry baby over not fueling myself properly but instead take today to completely fill every cell in my body with real foods that will turn me into a Kenyan.


P.S. The above picture made me happy when I cam home from the gym.  That is until we measured our calves and realized Billy's are skinnier than mine.  JK....they are the same size;) LOVE YOU BILLY and you are rocking running....60 minutes of running last night.  P.P.S. He hung my medals up in the corner:)


Are you a stress eater?

-Um yeah.  No item of junk food was safe within 10 feet of me yesterday.

How do you cope with stress?

-Running is my biggest stress-reliever but when I am 'tapering' and being careful with my knee and not running I turn to eating junk.  Come on peep's I need new ideas, this is not good for me:)

What is the weirdest food combination you have ever had?

-Mac/potato was pretty weird but the weirdest was in Vegas when Billy and I got chicken and waffles.


At February 24, 2011 at 5:48 AM , Blogger Katy said...

Girl, I love these posts where you open up. It makes me smile to know I am not the only one out there, and even the gorgeous, wonderful Janae has to overcome issues with food. :) (Not that I wish food issues on anyone, it's just comforting to know everyone struggles a little, and it's not just me.)

You are so honest and open, and I love your posts. :) You make my day.

At February 24, 2011 at 5:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am definitely a stress eater, too! Loving that mac and cheese and potato combo!
I like to run to deal with stress too, but I also like to bake, read, or make jewelry (weird, I know)
Weirdest food combo?? Can't think of anything right now...but I like to put ketchup on mac and cheese!

At February 24, 2011 at 5:51 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Don't stress. Your knees just needed a quick break. You'll be back in no time.

Oh I am a full-blown stress-eater. I don't understand people who lose their appetite when they're stressed. Are they even human?

Fo' sho'. Running is my go-to stress reliever. Best thing in the world.

Chicken and waffles rocks! Best/weirdest combo for me? Dark Oatmeal Stout Beer + Vanilla ice cream = Beer float. It was amaz.

At February 24, 2011 at 5:53 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Aaaaand don't even worry about all the sugar you ate. To make you feel better I'm going to confess that I just polished off a bag of Sweet's Valentine Cinnamon Lips in 2 days. My mom sent me a care package of them from SLC because she knows how obsessed I am. I'm sure they have some nutritional value, right?

At February 24, 2011 at 5:53 AM , Blogger Jody @ Raising Fin and Fish said...

I definitely stress ate last night too! I am all about the simple carbs. After having pasta with broccoli for dinner, I then ate 3 cinnabon pancakes and a bowl of cereal. I stopped the madness by just going to bed. It was ridiculous!

At February 24, 2011 at 5:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love running to relieve stress. Your mac&cheese potato looks delicous :) I like peanut butter on anything and everything..including mashed potatos. Don't stress!

At February 24, 2011 at 5:57 AM , Blogger Jenn said...

Running very much fuels how I eat. Example break my hip, eat junk. Run, eat healthy. I'm glad you can just shake off the day because EVERYONE has them (even elite athletes, they just don't talk about them)

I don't do well when I'm idle. Some people get stressed when they are busy, I feel like things generally go smoother when I don't have as much time to think...I think I could be considered a stress eater. I did gain 3 pounds in my last marathon taper....

I will never eat macaroni on potatoes-ha! No moment of weakness there! My kids had pancakes with sugar snap peas for supper last night. We are usually all about weird combinations:)

Hope you can relax the next couple of days! No freaking out! You're gonna ROCK it!

At February 24, 2011 at 6:01 AM , Anonymous Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn said...

Me and Billy wear the same shirts while we run! Yes I am too cheapo to buy real running clothes so I wear Hanes shirts.

Slash I am SO a stress eater, which is why it's a good thing I love vegetables so much! I can munch and crunch on those forever and ever and I will not get a heart attack:)

Double slash YAY you made mac and cheese!! I was craving it too girl:) My weirdest combo is definitely hummus, quinoa, raisins, and balsamic all mixed together. It is SO GOOD, I ate like four bowls of it yesterday it's fine.

At February 24, 2011 at 6:07 AM , Blogger Victoria said...

I am, too, so I try to keep junk food out of the house (note that expensive chocolate is not junk food - it's a food group) and baked goods in the freezer. Then I stress eat baby carrots or brussel sprouts.


At February 24, 2011 at 6:11 AM , Blogger Alyssa said...

Awww so sorry you are stressed. I totally understand and I'm sure your knees will be fine. That potato actually looks like a great idea. I combined a sweet potato with salsa, avocado, and cheese, which sounded gross but was awesome. I am oddly not really a stress eater, I am a HUGE boredom eater though. This doesn't work out well because all my grad work is boring and I have to do it every night. Also I'm a huge nighttime/TV snacker. I almost wish I was a stress eater because then at least it would be limited and not a nightly problem. You'll be fine, thinking good thoughts for you!

At February 24, 2011 at 6:11 AM , Blogger LindseyAnn said...

It depends on what's going on--sometimes I'll stress eat my way through an entire box of cookies, and sometimes I can't eat at all if I'm stressed.
Running and cleaning are my stress-relievers.
Mac and cheese and baked beans. It sounds so strange, but it works.
Have a great day! :)

At February 24, 2011 at 6:14 AM , Anonymous Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said...

Aww I LOVE your honesty Janae!! Trust me, I am a HUGE stress eater and do that all the time:)

Girl, your knees are going to be FINE and you are going to totally ROCK that half because you are completely AMAZING and so INSPIRATIONAL. K, so stop freaking out because you are AWESOME STUFF and seriously, come race day you will be feeling 100% and like you can kick everyone else's trash. And you will.

At February 24, 2011 at 6:16 AM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

it depends on the kind of stress for me. If it's like anxiety/sadness, I'm a starver. i won't be hungry for days. But if it's nerves, I eat like it's my job!

That mac and cheese and potato looks delicious!! I invented mac and cheese and beans. Basically exactly what it sounds like with tons of mexican spices added in. It's comfort food and oh so filling!

At February 24, 2011 at 6:18 AM , Anonymous Paula @ Eat: Watch: Run said...

I'm not a stress eater - in fact, I can't eat if I'm stressed, but I DO eat when I'm bored. Which is all the time. So I'm always eating for no reason. It's awesome.

At February 24, 2011 at 6:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the WORST stress eater! I am back in grad school now and when I have papers to write all I do is shove food in my face! So frustrating:). I don't have any other ways (beside running) to cope with it yet, but if you get any other good suggestions from this post please share:).

My favorite comfort food is pancakes, I think. I don't know if that's what most people would consider comfort foods but I love sweets and breakfast, so the thick fluffy pancakes (carbs!) and syrup (sugar!) always do the trick for me:).

Good luck this weekend! You'll do great! I bet you won't even notice your knees once you get running!

At February 24, 2011 at 6:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

IM def either a stress eater or undereater. totally depends on the situation! but ive found that just eating throughout the day and frequently prevents that for the most part!!!!! RUNNING is an awesome stress reliever .. and so is just DANCING. .just dance in your room with music pouding and let loose. ITS AWESOME

At February 24, 2011 at 6:24 AM , Anonymous blackhuff said...

Stress eater? Not anymore :) Stress eating is not a good thing for me who is trying to lose weight.

At February 24, 2011 at 6:27 AM , Blogger Running and living said...

I just went through a taper last week, and I hated it. I ran less and ate way more than I needed. It happens to me every taper. I typically like to solve problems that are stressful, but when there isn't anything to solve (e.g., taper = less running = endorphin deficits) I get lots of treats. I don't like sugar candy, I go for chocolate. A lot. In a way it does make sense...the body is trying to get the same level of feel good chemicals that it got before the taper, when running rather than food supplied them! Just go easy on yourself and go with it. The race will be here any minute and can't wait for your PR.

At February 24, 2011 at 6:37 AM , Anonymous Abby said...

My calves are bigger than my husbands. It's ok. I think it's kind of cool!

At February 24, 2011 at 6:46 AM , Blogger Kathie said...

I am a total stress eater and will admit it! Ive tried to be better at intuitive eating so I can sometimes acknowledge it and dodge the bullet but sometimes, well, only swedish fish (or a cupcake) will do. ;)

At February 24, 2011 at 6:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My middle name is stress eating. When I have a bad day, it's straight to the kitchen. I try to not buy too much junk food, but then I end up eating half a box of cheerios.

My weirdest combination is a bowl of pretzels, peanut butter and jelly. I know, it sounds gross but it's really delicious.

At February 24, 2011 at 6:59 AM , Blogger Maria said...

Yeah I am a stress eater too, although not as bad as I used to be. I am getting better at distracting myself from it,and relaxing. Running I find is brill, or even a nice walk in the fresh air. So don't worry, I am sure you will be fine.

At February 24, 2011 at 7:01 AM , Blogger Liz said...

I hope you're feeling better today! You'll be fine. Whenever I get stressed about things like injuries, I stop and remind myself that I am injured from RUNNING. So many people in the world can't even WALK!

Who isn't a stress eater?! And mac & cheese / potato sounds glorious.

At February 24, 2011 at 7:05 AM , Anonymous Emily said...

I am trying to rest a bum knee from running too. All I can think about is running, and I stress eat really badly. Keep your chin up, this is temporary (at least, I keep telling myself that)!

At February 24, 2011 at 7:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mac and cheese on a baked potato? Now that will release the serotonin in your brain! LOL!!!

Stress eater.. I'm not sure I'm stressed A LOT!

At February 24, 2011 at 7:12 AM , Blogger Lori Lynn said...

I'm a huge stress eater, and after losing a lot of weight recently I was/am using exercise as a stress reliever, but it's still hard to not 'return to my old ways.'(I just returned yesterday!) I know that by eating the junk food, that my runs suffer. I'm training for my very first 5K the end of March, so I'm going to have get my head in the game, so I don't lose all the progress I've made!

At February 24, 2011 at 7:14 AM , Blogger Stephanie said...

I used to be a BIG stress eater, but I have curbed it quite a bit, its always good when you can recognize you are doing it.

Running always helps, but when I couldn't run I would go straight to take a nice hot bubble bath with a book or magazine, it would always calm me down.

At February 24, 2011 at 7:20 AM , Blogger A Prelude To... said...

I love mac and cheese. Totally a comfort food!

Steve and I were just watching a show on the food network the other day, Rachel Ray I think, and it was a chicken/waffle recipe. It does look wierd....
Did you like it?

At February 24, 2011 at 7:27 AM , Blogger Stephanie said...

I am definitely a stress eater too! My back/hip has been really painful lately so I've been eating some Vday candy. :)

At February 24, 2011 at 7:28 AM , Blogger Mallory said...

That's so awesome that Billy is running!! I am so happy for you both! That rocks!!

I am a total stress eater and like you, it's usually junk, which ends up making me feel worse.

I cope with stress by writing and running. But if I'm TOO stressed, I can't run. It's weird.

Weird food combo... hmm, everyone makes fun of me for dipping pork chops in ketchup.

At February 24, 2011 at 7:29 AM , Blogger Sheanna said...

How funny! Chicken and Waffles is a Southern thing!

At February 24, 2011 at 7:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a stress NON eater! When things turn fuzzy, I focus so much on worrying [blah!] and trying to make things better, that I literally turn a blind eye towards food.

Awesome that Billy is using the treadmill! :D

At February 24, 2011 at 7:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm actually the opposite....when I'm stressed out, I don't eat, and then I get more stressed out because I'm hungry.
Weirdest thing I've eaten: Navy beans and ketchup

At February 24, 2011 at 7:39 AM , Blogger Emily said...

Girl you are going to be so fine! I'm glad you're being smart and taking care of your knee. You're gonna need it for that sub 3 in Boston!

I am a total stress eater. Yesterday I was stressed at work and sat at my desk inhaling granola bars. Like 12 of them. I would have eaten something else but it was all I had in my desk drawer.

Running is definitely my go to stress reliever but when I can't do that, I crank up power music and dance it out.

At February 24, 2011 at 7:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a stress not eater because being stressed aggravates my already sensitive stomach.

What always makes me feel better (other than running) is hitting people. Or stuff. Maybe you should get a punching bag to beat on. No, not Billy. It would also help with upper body strengthening.

At February 24, 2011 at 7:42 AM , Blogger athletic chick said...

I love how open you are! I go for sweets too when I'm stressed. Something about wanting to comfort myself, I guess. And for an athlete, being injured is about as stressful as it gets.

My weird combo: cottage cheese with fiber one cereal and nuts stirred in. My roommate thinks I'm crazy when I eat that.

At February 24, 2011 at 7:42 AM , Blogger Run with Jess said...

I'm totally a stress eater!! My weirdest combo (yet good!) is pretzels dipped into cake frosting.

At February 24, 2011 at 7:44 AM , Blogger Cara said...

I definitely like to get a good workout in after a stressful day. It takes my mind off of everything! I used to run a lot when I was younger, I can't wait until it is nice again outside!

At February 24, 2011 at 7:49 AM , Blogger ShutUpandRun said...

Billy has nice calves. So do you.

I'm not really a stress eater. I cope by watching bad tv. That's my vice. And running and maybe some wine (whine).

At February 24, 2011 at 8:03 AM , Blogger misszippy said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that it's just tired legs, no real injury. I totally get the emotions that come with the prospect of injury.

I used to stress eat, but have somehow gotten it under control. Now I just stress yell and cry!

At February 24, 2011 at 8:06 AM , Blogger B said...

I'm sure your knees will be totally fine after a day or two of rest!
And I totally get you on the stress eating, just the thought of my long coupled with feet that are begging for new shoes has led to one or two days I'm less than proud of. So know you're not alone.
As for my weirdest food combo...I've got nothing...I'm a seriously boring eater apparently haha

At February 24, 2011 at 8:08 AM , Anonymous K is for Karma said...

I'm a big time stress CHEWER! When I'm at work and trying to get through a difficult project, I chew a TON of gum and I chew it really HARD! I can easily put away a whole pack in one day!!!

I'm trying to do more yoga now, to get myself to de-stress in situations. Even if it's just the breathing-aspect of yoga. It helps fine tune everything and bring me to a better place ;)

Everyone makes fun of me for putting ketchup on salmon -- is that a weird food combo?!?!

I'm keeping my eyes, fingers, legs and toes all crossed for you. I bet just taking a few days to slow down and fuel well will make you feel 100x better. XOXO

At February 24, 2011 at 8:12 AM , Blogger my little celebration said...

I am a stress eater, but I feel like I have more control over than I used to. In college I used to eat sugar from sunrise to sunset if I had a stressful project on the horizon. Egh.

The weirdest food combo I ever ate was probably a baked potato topped with a can of tuna, salsa and parmesan cheese. Sounds grosstastic but it was real goods.

At February 24, 2011 at 8:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Great post, I think all women have a stress eating day every now and then. However, in your case, I also just think that the carbo load of a potato with mac 'n cheese is not all that much of a stress eating, but maybe your body just needed the extra carbohydrates (some carbs with bite as compared to just candy carbs :) ) to recover and fuel all those long runs! Yes, salads and veggies have a lot of nutrients in them, and your body needs the extra protein like you wrote about before, but your body needs pasta's and potato carbohydrates JUST AS MUCH!! don't forget that!

Keep up the good work, you are one amazing runner!!

At February 24, 2011 at 8:16 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm a total stress eater...I need to learn to instead exercise...cause I'm such a binger and I've eaten a whole bag of double stuff oreos when I've been stressed!

You are going to do awesome this weekend and if all else fails - you can meet up with me doing the 9k race and run at a slow slow slow pace like me and then you won't have to worry about injuries!! LOL

At February 24, 2011 at 8:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a stress eater....I usually clean or do laundry to relieve stress lol
BTW that mac-n-cheese potato looks awesome! Macaroni is my favorite food by far in the world, love it!
Weird food combo...the other night I had an egg omelet and inside was pinto beans, white shredded cheese and salsa (my sister was grossed out) but it was awesome! Super yummy!

At February 24, 2011 at 8:24 AM , Blogger Big Daddy Diesel said...

- I stress eat, and I can put away some food, that can be dangerous, once I ate a whole can of sliced apples from my food storage, yes, those BIG cans!! I got in trouble for that though, now the storage is in the basement, covered by heavy boxes so I cant get to it

- I like to ride my bike when stresses, shocking, I know

At February 24, 2011 at 8:31 AM , Blogger Katie said...

My 2nd year of college was really stressful for me, I was in a really bad place emotionally. My best friend and I use to buy boxes of pop 'ems and finish them off together while rocking out in her car. I cringe thinking about it now.

At February 24, 2011 at 8:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stress eating happens occasionally, but I can deal with it better now because I know that I will go back to my normal healthy eating the next day - cause my body will be craving nutrients. Plus, that mac n cheese n potato looks like the perfect comfort food. I usually eat sugary foods when I stress out.

I deal with stress by doing fast runs - it gets all my tension out. Yoga also helps, as well as cuddle therapy.

At February 24, 2011 at 8:37 AM , Blogger Rebecca said...

Hello. long time reader- or stalker, I forget the difference these days. But I am SO with you on over-eating because of stress ... and tapering! I just started getting ITB pain, and I'm all freaked out about my first half this Saturday. And unfortunately for me, hubby brought home donuts yesterday. I don't even like donuts. Sigh. Today I hit a reset button, and am fueling eith things that will make me string and happy -- becauses I get way depressed when I eat something bad, and guess what happens? It's an ugly, vicious cycle.

CTR ... foods ... :)

At February 24, 2011 at 8:37 AM , Blogger Pam @ said...

I don't do stress very well. Yes, I'm a stress eater, and I have been known to have a cocktail or six after a particularly taxing day.

I hope your knees get back to 100% STAT! Praying for no injuries and a pain-free lightning-fast half this weekend!

At February 24, 2011 at 8:46 AM , Blogger Michelle said...

I am a stress eater. I actually did some stress eating yesterday! It doesn't always work, but sometimes if I can distract myself by going for a walk or making my husband hang out with me I can stop it.

In high school one time I thought that a waffle with mashed potatoes would be soooooo delicious together. Not delicious.

At February 24, 2011 at 8:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was in England for a study abroad you could order baked potatoes covered in all kinds of stuff for a meal, thus the mac potato sounds awesome! I'm also a stress/bordem eater, so I understand your pain. Good luck with your improved diet day!

At February 24, 2011 at 9:01 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Sending good vibes to you and your knee right now...................

Also, I love that you just owned making/eating a mac and cheese potato. I am definitely a stress/emotional eater too and I completely agree----it helps NOTHING. I don't feel better or more relaxed, I feel annoyed with myself that I didn't stay focused and nourish my body so it can better handle the stress.

Here's to recognizing those weak moments and reaching for a better source of fuel!

At February 24, 2011 at 9:27 AM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

i'm right there with ya sista! Just give that knee a little rest...easier said than done. :( When I get stressed, I steal candy from my daughter's valentine's box, eat the macn'cheese I made for them...oh yeah, just eat and eat and eat. and yell at my kids. poor kids. No, I'm not that bad.

So glad you thought my comment on your picture in your last post was funny...I was hoping I wouldn't have offended you with my "bitch" part but it was so what those girls were thinking. Even if it was in a good way. :)

At February 24, 2011 at 9:28 AM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

oh, I'm just slowing down on the blog posts so I can dig out of my e-mail and spend more time with my kids. :) It was getting kind of crazy there and I was feeling swamped and it should be fun...not break time for this blogger lady.

At February 24, 2011 at 9:34 AM , Blogger Siobhan said...

I am one HUGE stress eater! And I'm not gonnalie that potato and mac and cheese actually looks good. I kind of want one.

And chicken and waffles is SOOO weird for me!! I saw it on Rachel Ray's show on the weekend and I was so creeped out of the thought of it!

At February 24, 2011 at 9:38 AM , Blogger Kristen said...

My coworker and her sister put peanut butter on top of pizza and ate peanut butter on bread with their spaghetti...

At February 24, 2011 at 9:43 AM , Anonymous Jennie said...

I LOVE to eat spaghetti with alfredo sauce on a chicken pattie, all on a bun together. With a tomato. Crunchy and cheesy and weird and comfort food delicious.

At February 24, 2011 at 9:52 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

THANK YOU for writing this post on the perfect day. Yesterday, I was stressed about stuff at work and I think I am spreading myself too thin by agreeing to watch everyone's kids and dogs every day of the week and work a full time job AND train for a trail marathon. So how did I deal? I ate 8 small pastries. EIGHT, Janae! :( Now, they were tiny, but still EIGHT is overboard. I am such a stress eater. Today, I need to get back on track.

Thanks for this post.

At February 24, 2011 at 9:56 AM , Blogger WannabeRunner said...

You're going to be fine!! We all have faith in you & will be sending you good vibes!!

Um, that mac & cheese plus potato kinda looks delicious. :)

At February 24, 2011 at 9:58 AM , Blogger clm said...

I am a MAJOR stress eater. And I wish I had invented the mac and cheese potato because it looks AMAZING!!! You're my comfort food hero :)

At February 24, 2011 at 10:04 AM , Blogger Joanna said...

I am definitely a stress eater. Yesterday was one of the worst teaching days of my career and I was totally bummed last night. I went to happy hour and while everyone had beers and cocktails... I ordered two appetizers. When people are stressed and say "I NEED A DRINK!" I say GIVE ME THE MENU ASAP!!!

At February 24, 2011 at 10:17 AM , Blogger Shannon said...

Everyone thinks I'm weird because I eat ketchup on potatoes (wait until they find out I also eat mustard on them...)

And crying over little things when you're afraid of injury, in my opinion, is perfectly okay. There was definitely some crying going on with me last week!

At February 24, 2011 at 10:22 AM , Anonymous Alyssa @ Life of bLyss said...

I SURE DO stress eat. And all I want is comfort foods. And that mac and cheese potato looks AMAZING.

and totally worth a not-so-fueling day.

I love running for stress. it always makes me feel so much better afterward.

At February 24, 2011 at 10:23 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

So I love reading your blog, but I shouldn't have opened this one. That mac and cheese potato looks great and I'm not even stressed. ;)

I'm definitely a stress eater. And it's never the problem solver, but I still do it. You aren't alone!

At February 24, 2011 at 10:24 AM , Blogger ShortSkirts said...

I use to be a lot worse with stress eating, I try to find other things now to channel my stress towards. Running, Yoga, Elliptical. These all make me feel better.

At February 24, 2011 at 10:26 AM , Anonymous Dorry said...

My sisters and I talk about this - stressful family situations always used to lead us to sit in the kitchen and just eat without even thinking about it. Now we go for a walk or head outside to play with my nieces, etc. I think stress eating is very common and I love that you are so aware of what's going on in your head. It seems like tapering should be easy, but I know it's anything but easy. I think your dinner looked really good! I top my baked potatoes with all sorts of things. Don't be too hard on yourself - you are going to kick that race's butt this weekend! Love ya.

At February 24, 2011 at 10:27 AM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

Hey cute thing, go check out Nicole @
She's new to blogging but just got a coach and is training for her firs marathon and has some big goals. She asked about my fav blogs and yours was one of my first to give her. Oh, and she's Mormon too. :) Not that that really makes a big difference but something in common besides running anyway. ;) Oh, and she's fast and has some major potential.

At February 24, 2011 at 10:33 AM , Blogger Britt @ Chicago Runner Girl said...

When I'm stressed I make a little snack that I call the goldfish taco. I take a piece of colby cheddar cheese, some goldfish crackers, and maybe a squeeze of mustard and roll it up and eat it like a taco. I only crave this when I am super stressed, and it tastes delish.

Good luck this weekend at your race. I'm sure you will be a rock star leaving a massive crowd of runners in your dust!

At February 24, 2011 at 10:36 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

you got this girl! I know it can be stressful! Listen to what your body needs. It will tell you. just calm the mind, breathe, say alittle prayer.
On another note, I MUST TRY THE MAC AND CHEESE POTATO combo. Thats awesome. I just might add in some salsa or jalapenos!

Thank you for all your honesty. We are here to always support each other.

At February 24, 2011 at 10:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there! I"m new to this, just found your website online when you posted having the NT C900. I just purchased mine this week and it should be here next week. I'm in the army and I'm training for a 10 do you like your new NT? Is it everything you've ever dreamed? Pros, cons? I would love to know. I'm Candis btw.

At February 24, 2011 at 10:40 AM , Blogger Emily @ said...

I am the worst stress eater - its so bad. When something is really stressing me out I'm like a robot and can't stop stuffing my face, no matter how full my stomach gets. Its awful. Running is also a great stress reliever though, so maybe they balance out?!

If you need something other than eating candy to relieve your stress (and you can't run bc you're resting or tapering) just do something to keep your hands busy - that usually helps me. Paint your toenails or make a cute homemade present for someone...or maybe start practicing making those little onesies for your future kids!

I think the mac n cheese baked potato looks like a perfect carbo loading food for your half marathon this weekend!! you're going to be amazing this weekend and amazing in boston!!

At February 24, 2011 at 10:47 AM , Anonymous chelsey @ clean eating chelsey said...

I am definitely an emotional/stress eater. Case in point, yesterday I had a horrible doctor's appointment and was hysterical the entire way home. I then preceded to enter into the kitchen and eat leftovers straight from the box and dominate some chips/hummus. Then I thought, "wtf am i doing!??!?!" and went and cried on the couch instead. :)

You're going to ROCK your half!!!

At February 24, 2011 at 10:55 AM , Blogger Nicole said...

Sometimes i stress eat... I wish i didnt though. Instead i wish i stress ran... im hopefully going to be turning myself into a stress runner and not a stress eater!

At February 24, 2011 at 11:04 AM , Blogger Rose @ Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri said...

I am not a stress eater, I'm a boredom eater. Sometimes I think it's worse, because I'm bored WAY more often than I'm stressed.

Have you ever tried rice with cheese melted into it? OH MY GOD.

At February 24, 2011 at 11:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been so stressed with school and figuring out my housing situation for next year that I have been eating like crazy! I do this when I am stressed for sure!!! I tend to stick to salty foods though, so that next day or so = hello water weight! haha. This is a bad habit of mine that I am trying to break.

At February 24, 2011 at 12:00 PM , Blogger Raina said...

Bean soup with orange in it is pretty DANG gross if you ask me...

Hoping the knee is ALL better. REST UP!

At February 24, 2011 at 12:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a big time stress eater. And anytime I'm stressed chocolate and Starbucks coffee is needed ASAP. For some reason Starbucks calms me down.
Now that I'm running more and training I definitely think that has been helping my stress levels. When i run it's all about me and I have time to think about anything and everything.
Hmmmm weirdest food... When i was in France we ate snails... I don't really know if I mix things that are weird together. I've eaten fried pickles, they're actually really good!

At February 24, 2011 at 12:08 PM , Blogger Jenn said...

Oh how I have missed your blog!! I def. eat when Im stressed but mostly when Im bored!! School has taken over my life the past week but I missed my beautiful blogger friend! Thanks for the comment on my post...guess we all have bad days! :)
I love all your goals, your AMAZING and I know your going to be a famous runner with lots of your own books and a cute running line! I can consult on that one with you! :)
Hope your run goes amazing this weekend and I want to run this summer with you!! Of course, far far behind but we can hang out at the finish line! :)

At February 24, 2011 at 12:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mac and cheese potato is crrrazzy!! Would never even think of eating those two at once! Talk about comfort food!! Don't stress too much lady, you're awesome!

At February 24, 2011 at 12:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm such a stress eater. When I'm upset (such as this week) you better believe my comfort foods are entering my body all week. I'm a big fan of chocolate pancakes in the morning-getting my chocolate fix for the morning does wonders for your body.

At February 24, 2011 at 12:16 PM , Anonymous Kelsey said...

It is so funny that 5 and 10k's stress you out! The thought of running a half and full stress me out! Maybe we can temporarily switch bodies?!

PS if you are still collecting birthdays, mine is June 11! :)

At February 24, 2011 at 12:53 PM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

I totally am a stress eater and I'm fast too--so I have zero time to reflect on my food, b/c I already have a scoop of ice cream in my mouth!! You are totally a Kenyan, a slightly pale one, but the endurance/speed matches fo sho'!

I cope with stress by cuddling with and/or walking my fur-baby Cooper!

p.s. liked you today!

At February 24, 2011 at 12:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the WORST stress eater too - I tend to go for sweets (ice cream, candy, baked goods, etc) - it can be veryyyy bad!

At February 24, 2011 at 1:05 PM , Blogger Miles In Murray said...

I am a stress eater bad. I won't want sweets at all, but I just eat and eat and eat them. It is Ri-Donk-U-Lous! I can't stand it, but I am working on it :)

I had NO IDEA that someone that lives in "Happy Valley" could be stressed ;)

I cope with stress by working out or watching TV or writing or yelling at someone(Ha!) or playing with my pups!

You are going to do great this weekend! You rock!

At February 24, 2011 at 1:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can be a stress eater I try not to be though! Instead I try to do something fun to take my find off my stress! I eat weird food combos all the time! Something weird but good is grilled cheese with jam and McDonald's hash brown with jam! I am so healthy...not. Your mac and cheese baked potato does look good...I love baked potato and mac and cheese! But if I am being honest...does the two different kinds of starchy-ness go weird together?

At February 24, 2011 at 1:10 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Awe he hung your medals! Good job on his part ;)

Oh and stress eating, I think we've all been through it. I try not to do it so much now, stress that is. My fiance is one of those people that nothing ever bothers him, trust me looking at him all nonchallent is stressful in itself lol.

At February 24, 2011 at 2:02 PM , Blogger Emily said...

I already commented on this post, but I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Women's Health blogroll. Not sure if you wanna be on it, but your blog is by far my favorite!

At February 24, 2011 at 2:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont be so hard on yourself!! Just listen to your bod and rock it!!

Katie :)

At February 24, 2011 at 2:15 PM , Blogger Caroline said...

I am stressed 24/7 and so it is a good thing I dont use food to is the thing I don't know how to cope...but i try. running for sure that helps, and then really intellectual tv like the Bachelor and General Hospital (go ahead laugh it is ok) that also helps.

At February 24, 2011 at 2:20 PM , Blogger Jen said...

I am a stress eater and a bored eater. So I've got you there!
I'm sure your knees just need a break. Part of that 26 was down a canyon, right? That really takes it's toll so don't worry. Come Saturday you'll be fresh as a daisy. I'm excited for you!
Scones and tuna fish is about the weirdest combo I can think of. But it sure is yummy!

At February 24, 2011 at 2:22 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

Goodness, I am exactly the same: I always overeat to calm my anxiety, but fear of injury, or actual injury, sends me into full-blown bingeing. And what upsets me isn't just the weight I gain (which you clearly don't, so please don't worry about that!) but the damage I do to my body. What you're doing doesn't seem to be bingeing though, and I am sure your knee will heal quickly.

It's a fine line when you're as talented and practically elite as you are between pushing to the max and just going that little bit too far, but that's the only way of knowing your body's limits.

I wish I had some way to deal with stress other than eating: I actually envy people that lose their appetite. I wish I could offer some helpful adivce but I struggle with this every day: all I can do is offer some solidarity and say that you need to have more faith in your many abilities and talents, and know that things will be okay in the end.



At February 24, 2011 at 2:40 PM , Blogger ash & diz said...

I am the world's worst stress eater. Oh man.

PS your mac n cheese potato looks divine. It's been years since I've had mac n cheese. :(

Running is the best stress reliever... or reading a good book.

And fyi : my legs, bum, and triceps hurt, LOTS.

At February 24, 2011 at 3:08 PM , Blogger Stephanie F said...

It's so easy to eat when you're stressed- your mind tells you that you just need some time to relax, and BINGE. And, well, sometimes that's true. : )

At February 24, 2011 at 3:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry you're stressed...things will look up soon. spring is coming and that makes everything better :)

At February 24, 2011 at 3:28 PM , Blogger Kassie said...

You will do great in your race and your knees WILL feel better with the taper.
I love tater tots dipped in soft serve ice cream. When tater tots are not available, french fries are an acceptable substitute :)
Do you get how healthy I eat? Even when not stressed?

At February 24, 2011 at 3:37 PM , Anonymous Julia said...

My knee is hurt right now and I can't run which is totally stressing me out too. I keep telling myself the best thing I can do for my running since I can't run now is to eat super healthy. I don't get stressed too often, but when I do I definitely eat more.

You're going to be great, though, so don't worry about it!

At February 24, 2011 at 3:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a big stress eater!! I usually crave all kinds of salt and comfort foods. It's usually not that big of a deal because I try really hard not to let stress bother me as much anymore.

At February 24, 2011 at 4:43 PM , Anonymous Holly said...

Running totally keep me un-stressed/sane. My hip is being a bummer at the moment so I haven't been able to run as often as my sanity requires and in turn I've been stuffing my face. Basically: hip injury > less running > me going insane > face stuffage. Awesome.

At February 24, 2011 at 4:48 PM , Blogger Mary said...

I've realized I am definitely a stress eater! The other day I got a bad grade & immediately went to grab a box of chocolate granola. Talking to or spending time with my family always makes me feel 100X better. If my niece or nephew are involved it's 1000. Going for a run also clears my head & refreshes my perspective...

Don't worry, you're super amazing, and everything is going to be okay!

At February 24, 2011 at 5:14 PM , Anonymous Kate (What Kate is Cooking) said...

I am a total stress eater too! I always hear about people losing their appetites when they're stressed... it's the opposite for me!

At February 24, 2011 at 5:59 PM , Blogger Angie said...

I went to Roscoe's for chicken and waffles after I ran my first marathon (LA) last year. So good.

At February 24, 2011 at 8:41 PM , Blogger PBandJ Runner said...

Whenever you feel the urge to shove something not-so-good-for-you in your mouth, just ask yourself, do I really want this? If so, have it! But if it's just to keep away boredom or sadness, watch some TV or do yoga instead. Your mental status will thank you!

At February 25, 2011 at 4:19 AM , Blogger Little Miss Runshine said...

I am not only a stress eater but also a bored eater! If I am bored with a task, I'll grab a snack to help me get through it! haha.

That mac and potato sounds like heaven! I'm totally going to have to try that!

I can't wait to hear about your race!

At March 9, 2011 at 11:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have bigger calves than my husband too. And thighs. And boobs. Wait, that last one isn't true.


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