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Long Term Running Goals.

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The Hungry Runner Girl: Long Term Running Goals.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Long Term Running Goals.

I love how some of you noticed that Billy and I were matching in the last post.  Yes, I did change when I got home from school to match him.  For some strange reason I LOVE matching people. My poor future children.  I may have to become a seamstress so that I can make onsies and clothes for me out of the same fabric to match my munchkins.


Being totally original and one-of-a-kind, I am starting a Question and Answer series to the blog.  No one has ever done this before:)  If you have a question you want me to post about feel free to email me!!!

Today's question is, 'What are your short-term and long-term running goals other than sub 3 at Boston?"

Um............ I was going to wait to answer this question because it kind of scares me.  What if I fail?  What if I don't make the goal that I set for myself.

Then I remembered........I will just train that much harder and run another race and eventually I WILL get that goal.  No one can stop me.  I truly believe we have the power to GET whatever we want in life.

So, here goes.  I will tell the world what I really think I am going to accomplish with running.

First Goal: To have one marathon picture that I don't look like I am about to die and that you can tell I am a girl.  I am hoping to achieve this in Boston.


Goals are supposed to be, scratch this one. I will always look like death at the end, I guess that is how I will know I gave everything I could into the race.

Goal #2:  2:50 Marathon @ St. George Marathon this October.  I am going to have the whole summer off from work to train my butt off.  My world will revolve around Billy, going to the beach, stalking you and running.  My training will rock.  It is also a downhill course and I LOVE downhill courses so I think that will help me to attain this goal.

Goal #3: Sub 1:20 1/2 marathon. This one scares me because I haven't done a half in years.  This Saturday I am running a HILLY one so we shall see how much work I will need to do to get this one.   This will happen at the Hobble Creek 1/2 marathon this summer:)  Anyone else running this one?

Goal #4: Run some 50 and 100 mile ultra's and place.  Knowing my body and my crazy brain I think that this is one will be the easiest to obtain.  I do love speed but if I had to choose I would rather just run and run and run forever.  I am planning to train for an ultra a year from this summer.  I feel like I could run forever at a slow pace and it just makes me feel peaceful thinking about running all day in the mountains while eating pb sandwiches, Gatorade and Chips Ahoy.

Utah Valley Marathon 48.jpg

Goal #5: Run NYC, Chicago, London, Berlin, Maui, Tokyo, Disney World and a trillion of the Rock N Roll marathons.

Goal #6: Run a marathon with Billy. He won't admit it but I know deep down he wants to do a marathon together.


Goal #7:  I know that after more marathons, working with my coach more and really dedicating myself to the sport I will get a sub 2:40 marathon, and maybe place in some of the bigger marathons. I know that it is going to take a ridiculous amount of work and time but that is what LONG-TERM goals are for, right?  I am not expecting this over night......just eventually, I have at least 15 years left of competitive racing and just thinking about it gives me goosebumps:)

Goal #8: Be one of those ninety year old's out running around the lakes and trails.  Running because I love it and how it makes me feel.  Kicking some trash would be cool too:)


Goal #9:  Sign up for and race 10k and a 5k.  I know this sounds crazy but anything under a 1/2 marathon SCARE'S ME!!!! 3 miles of pure ouch. 26.2 miles of going moderately  I need to see a psychologist.  My brain is messed up.


I am so excited to be a MOM someday and that sounds more exciting to me than anything.  So many of you fabulous ladies that I look to for inspiration have a beautiful family and kick butt in running.  You guys are amazing EXAMPLES to me and get me so excited to have kids.  I just have to get past the whole I lose kids all of the time thing before this happens.


Go wish the CUTEST MOLLIE a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You will love her blog!


Tell me your LONG-TERM or SHORT-TERM running/fitness goals!!!

What is your favorite race you have ever run?

What distance SCARES you?

-The thought of doing a 2 mile race or something like that makes me want to pee my pants.  That just sounds painful.

I am feeling like some comfort food tonight....WHAT SHOULD I MAKE? What is your definition of comfort food?


At February 23, 2011 at 5:18 PM , Anonymous Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn said...

Oh my goodness WE WILL BE 100 YEARS OLD AND RUNNING MARATHONS ON TREADMILLS ON YOUR SIDEWALK:) Slash I cannot wait to run my first marry, it will be so fun! I can't wait to be a Mom either, I can't wait to have little munchkin me's running around!

Slash tonight I was craving mac and cheese so bad!! You should have some for me:)

At February 23, 2011 at 5:22 PM , Blogger Meghan said...

You are such an inspiration!

Honestly, a marathon scares me! I can do a half but the idea of 26.2 miles makes me so nervous! I do want to run one in the next few years (before kids).

My favorite race was the RnR Seattle half last summer- I felt great, was smiling the whole time, and ran under my goal time of 2 hours.

Comfort food= mac and cheese for sure! I am craving that and some homemade cookies.

At February 23, 2011 at 5:25 PM , Blogger Aron said...

If Chris notices that we are somewhat matching before we leave the house he won't leave until one of us changes lol.

Love all your goals, you definitely have all of those in you!!

Personally I think 10ks are the WORST!

At February 23, 2011 at 5:26 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Those goals are all amazing, but so are you, so I have no doubt you will reach them all! I can't wait until you're an ultra queen. Just think, you'll probably get to eat DOUBLE what you eat now! How awesome is that!?

At February 23, 2011 at 5:26 PM , Blogger XLMIC said...

What an awesome set of goals you have established for yourself! I believe you will achieve them all :) Really, I do.

My favorite race ever was the Schuylkill Navy Turkey Trot... it's a 5-mile cross-country race on Thanksgiving in Philadelphia.

Right now anything over 8 miles scares me... because that is as far as I have run in the past 9 years! lol

For me, comfort food is changeable... sometimes it is mac n cheese-like (savory) and sometimes it is ice cream-like (sweet). Though grilled cheese on soft bread fried in butter kind of always serves as 'comfort food' for me.

At February 23, 2011 at 5:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

love the goals! sub-3 at boston?! you are my hero!! can i seriously meet you there?!

when i was little my friends and i would coordinate matching outfits to go to school in. i bet you did too ;)

At February 23, 2011 at 5:28 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

My first race ever is a Half this coming June. I just want to finish. That's my only goal so far. :)

At February 23, 2011 at 5:33 PM , Blogger Rose @ Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri said...

My short term goal is to survive my 24 hour ultramarathon (gulp, 3 weeks and 2 days until!) without dying/crippling myself.

Long term goal: acquired babies and maintain runner status.

At February 23, 2011 at 5:34 PM , Anonymous Kate (What Kate is Cooking) said...

Hahaha! I look like I'm about to die / throw up in every race picture I have too :)

At February 23, 2011 at 5:34 PM , Anonymous Dorry said...

I've only run 1 race ever! A half marathon. And I loved that distance. I think the shorter races scare me, too! And to be honest, the marathon distance scares me because I don't want to do any permanent damage to my body. I'm a lot older than you. ;)

Comfort food for me is chili or mashed potatoes. Or both together.

At February 23, 2011 at 5:35 PM , Blogger Kara said...

Having kids will make you a faster runner! Seriously :) You won't have as much time to run, so you'll have to go faster to get mileage in, and running with that stroller is no joke! When I run 6 miles with that stroller, it feels harder than a 12 mile run alone. And my baby is only 20lbs, so it's going to get more fun as time goes on :)

I love your long term goals, dream big!

At February 23, 2011 at 5:37 PM , Anonymous Connie said...

thats the lady i was talking about!and your goals sound challenging but you can do it !

At February 23, 2011 at 5:40 PM , Blogger Courtney said...

I have been blog stalking you since SR posted about you and I totally think we would be frieda in real life if we lived close! Ha! I just started running and my goal is to run a 10k this fall that my two besties and I signed up for and it totally scares me to death.
I love running for the fun of it and I mostly run while pushing my two year old in the jogging stroller. What a great idea to post your goals on ou blog to keep you motivated:)

At February 23, 2011 at 5:41 PM , Blogger Katie said...

Ughhh I have a 2mile race tomorrow and I am Scceerrrdd!! but Excited too :D

Long term goals: Sub 19 5k, Sub 1:30 half :)

I don't know if I will ever do a full Mary, I have a kinda bum hip and would like to keep it running for as long as possible. Longer mileage gives me killer inflammation :/ but I'm fine on shorter stuff.

At February 23, 2011 at 5:42 PM , Blogger Jess said...

My short-term fitness goal is to heal from the injury I gave myself from trying to jump back into running too soon after my hip injury. Long term goal is still to run a 1/2 or full marathon.

Comfort food: Chicken Pot Pie. Come to my house and I'll feel you:) I just created the recipe for a guest post, and haven't posted it yet, otherwise I would send you to the recipe link :)

At February 23, 2011 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how you dream big & have the positive, inspirational mindset to achieve your goals! I saw that video yesterday about the 95 year old runner, she is crazy awesome!
The marathon scares me now, but I want to run one in the next year or two. I talked some of my international camp friends into running the London Marathon with me sometime - gives me the chance to run with friends & see a new place!

At February 23, 2011 at 5:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great goals! I bet you'll reach all of them! =D

At February 23, 2011 at 5:49 PM , Blogger LindseyAnn said...

Short term: sub 1:50 for a half-marathon and run my first full.
Long-ish term: Qualify for Boston. I don't know if I'll actually try to register, but I'd just love to know I could if I wanted to.
Long-long term: be one of those crazy 90 year olds still out there running. :)

At February 23, 2011 at 5:50 PM , Anonymous bess@Bess Be Fit said...

I KNOW that you can without a doubt achieve every single one of those goals. I'm so excited to always read your blog because you inspire me SO MUCH. Like I just showered and ate dinner but now I want to run more. I can't wait until tomorrow to run :) Who AM I?!?

Comfort food: cereal or anything with melty cheese. lots and lots of it. and cake for dessert. specifically german chocolate.

At February 23, 2011 at 5:52 PM , Blogger Samantha said...

I am totally inspired!

And if you run Disney you should do it next January...mostly so I can meet you and then watch you run off because realistically I can't keep up with you for 1 mile never mind 26 of them!!

At February 23, 2011 at 5:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! We could totally be matchy matchy twinnies! I love matching people for real. Your goals are awesome girl and you are going to achieve them (and take fabulous photos along the way obviously.)

At February 23, 2011 at 5:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you have awesome goals. A marathon scares me. At least with a half you have a super long time to finish because there's usually a marathon going on so you can take like 6 hours if you need to. With a marathon, you only have like 6 hours!! ha ha.

My comfort food is pasta and cheese hands down!

At February 23, 2011 at 5:56 PM , Blogger Rose @ Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri said...

The 24 hour ultra is around a track. Oh man. I'm putting together a support team to keep me entertained. I have a ladder's worth of goals, but no idea how my body will actually cope. I should probably do a whole write up.

At February 23, 2011 at 5:58 PM , Anonymous Laura @ Meet Virginia said...

I KNOW you will be one of those old ladies kicking people's trash!

Oh, oh, great idea! Let's run Maui together, okay?!

p.s. Macaroni = comfort food!!!

At February 23, 2011 at 5:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE your goals!! Way to dream big girl! I have so much faith that you will accomplish everything you set your mind to.

My long term goal is to run a 4:15 marathon and still be mentally tough at the end. At my first marathon, I felt like I kind of gave up at the end. I would love to push through that and finish strong! My short term goal is to run a sub-2:00 half mary in a month!! I really believe that I can do that!!

At February 23, 2011 at 6:00 PM , Blogger sdralphs said...

Short term goal is to do a half-marathon and place. I too am like you and do things to win. That's fun to me. Long-term goal is to run a marathon someday if I get brave enough. But if I do it I know I will want to do it well and have to train even harder to be competitive with it. That scares me.

Favorite race, 1500 in high school. Not quite a mile. Wasn't the 800 where you sprint two laps, but you still got a distance with going fast.

26.2 miles scares me. I can run and run for fun at a moderate pace, but like I said, if I do a marathon I will want to be good at it and thinking of that pain is scary. I don't want to be a girl that just "finishes" one. I would want to dominate and I don't think I could go as fast as all you crazy pros, but I would want to. I like the short speedy ones. I love the thought of going faster and then I finish faster and can rest!

At February 23, 2011 at 6:04 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I love reading your goals. You have so much coming to you Janae... keep pushing yourself!

At February 23, 2011 at 6:07 PM , Blogger Julie said...

hey girl! thanks for your comment on my bloggie :) i love going to school for my mpa and SO cool that you are too!

i work in higher ed administration right now in development and i'm really interested in staying in that field, hopefully with a focus on social media and fundraising! but we shall seeee. what are your future plans?

At February 23, 2011 at 6:08 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

My goal this year is to get started in the racing world! I have my 2nd race on Saturday!!!

The thought of doing an ultra scares me but I am so excited to start working towards it!!!

Best Comfort Food Ever = White chocolate chip chocolate cookies

Try this recipe! It is amazing!

At February 23, 2011 at 6:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm terrified of a marathon. I'm super intrigued by ultras, but more in the reading about one when you run it than in the idea of running one myself.

At February 23, 2011 at 6:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love all of your goals!
My short term goal is to run a 1:55 (or below) half marathon in April. I knocked a minute off my PR a couple weeks ago with terrible training so I know that with a great plan I can do great!
My long term goal is two-fold.
First, I plan to become a marathoner, I plan to race where I ran my first 1/2 only this time the marathon.
Second, I want to qualify for and run Boston.
The race that scares me is the marathon. I plan to conquer that fear in October!

At February 23, 2011 at 6:12 PM , Blogger Chelsea said...

Me & the hubs always end up matching...even though I leave the house hours before he does & he doesn't see me dressed before I leave. Whoops!

At February 23, 2011 at 6:17 PM , Blogger ShortSkirts said...

Those goals are amazing. I think right now all I can focus on is the half marathon in June. Once there I'll have the summer off to play insane amounts of Ultimate (3 games a week) plus tournaments on weekends!

I think long term I'd like to work on my short race times 5k & 10ks, and then long long long term maybe a full marathon if I feel like that's something I want to do.

So 6 miles used to scare me till I ran 6.5, so right now 7 miles scares me. Everytime I increase the distance of my long run I get scared. Hooray head games!

At February 23, 2011 at 6:18 PM , Blogger KT80 said...

Good question. I am signed up for my first 1/2 this fall, so of course that's a goal. Other than that, I really haven't thought about things in terms of goals. I know, strange, huh? I guess there is something about having goals that lends itself to optimism, and that is not my strong suit. I will work on these, and do my own post soon. Thanks!

At February 23, 2011 at 6:18 PM , Blogger ShortSkirts said...

Also my new favorite comfort food, rice and beans, Manfriend made this amazing rice and beans and steak burrito things last night that were to die for. He made sauce out of cilantro, tomatoes, onions, and garlic, cooked it down then tossed in a couple cans of chili beans, and served it over rice. I almost died it was so good.

At February 23, 2011 at 6:29 PM , Blogger Shannon said...

Girl, at your marathon pace you can kick trash on a 5k!

So I think you should call me up when you start training for ultras, cuz I want to join you!

So far, I just want to run a marathon and finish it in a descent time. I'd love to BQ, but I doubt I'll be able to. But who knows? I'd also like o do a tri.

And I was thinking of you earlier today because I just wasn't feeling like running, and was wishing I had someone I could call up to just go out and run for the fun of it and for the companionship. Made me think about your post about calling your sister to go for a run.

At February 23, 2011 at 6:35 PM , Blogger Kimberly said...

I typed a comment and then my web froze. Boo!

Short-term goals: Run through the second trimester and hopefully into the third; make a great comeback and run two races in the ball after the baby is born; and run a marathon in 2012.

Long-term goals: To continue my love affair with running, balance motherhood and myself, break 1:45 in a half and 50 minutes in the 10K.

I think all distances scare me a bit as they all present a challenge. It's part of the fun!

At February 23, 2011 at 6:36 PM , Blogger Emily P said...

Your goals are awesomeeee! your totally amazing and such an inspiration!!!

i have a question for ya...
what do you eat if you eat anything at all during your long runs for you eat anything during a half marathon or marathon??

Also, before your workouts in the morning-- do you run on empty? or do you have a little something?

At February 23, 2011 at 6:41 PM , Blogger Keri said...

Love your goals! I know you will get ALL of them! Olympics here you come :)

At February 23, 2011 at 6:42 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Wow those are some amazing goals!! My short-term goals are to do 2 1/2 marathons this Spring and at least 1 1/2 and 1 full in the fall all without injury!! :)

At February 23, 2011 at 6:45 PM , Anonymous Corey @ the runners cookie said...

You have some big and awesome goals, Janae!! Your love for running and your commitment to improve and work as hard as you can shows through so strongly on your blog. It's really inspirational, and makes me excited to see what you'll do in the future!

At February 23, 2011 at 6:45 PM , Blogger Pink Champagne, Gatorade, and MRE's said...

I believe you will have no problem accomplishing your goals!
My favorite race is the Army Ten Miler followed by a race here in Pittsburgh of the 10k (or 5k) flavor called The Great Race.

Right now I am scared to run a marathon..need to work to get better at half marathons first!

My comfort food needs no prep..ICE CREAM!

At February 23, 2011 at 6:51 PM , Blogger Teresa said...

I have the same answer for two of the goal is to run a half, and a half terrifies me! :)

Still a newbie runner on hiatus, I have never gone more than 4 1/2 miles and I am going to have to build up to that again when Miss Priss gets here.

Not my first choice of comfort food, but something we always have ingredients for is cinnamon toast....hmmm, think I'll go have some now:)

At February 23, 2011 at 6:53 PM , Blogger Alyssa said...

You are so inspirational! I love reading your running goals, you work so hard, and I'm sure you can achieve them. Your blog is one of my go - tos when I am lacking motivation. The marathon still scares me, I've ran one but its still daunting! I get jitters for any race though. I just made the mac&cheese recipe that was in this month's runners world and its good, comfort food that doesn't make you feel like you can't move after!

At February 23, 2011 at 6:54 PM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

Thanks for sharing your goals Janae. I have no doubts that you will do it all! You're amazing.

Um, that picture of you on the award stand makes me laugh. those girls are looking at you like they want to eat you or really like they want to be in your spot really really bad. And you're just being your usual wonderfully loving and happy self. Seriously, the girl in third is totally eyeing your award....they're like "who is this skinny thing that runs so fast" And you're probably like "This is so exciting for my very first marathon ever!" And then they are really like "What?! first marathon. bitch." ha ha.

At February 23, 2011 at 6:55 PM , Blogger Julia said...

ahhh...your post has motivated me. i have goals in my mind but have never thought about them seriously or written them i may steal this post idea soon!

but some goals for now: run the half this weekend in under 2 hrs (1:55 is my goal) and then potentially run the Provo half in 1:45. Run the 30k (ogden) in 2:37ish. Run my first marathon under 4 hours. Annnd this summer I really want to get into trail running and potentially do at least a 50k at some point!

I totally relate to you...I would much rather run for miles at a moderate speed than sprint for 3 so 5ks scare me. I can handle 10ks but it still feels like a 6mile sprint....eeeek! CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU THIS WEEKEND!!

At February 23, 2011 at 7:00 PM , Blogger Kathie said...

Love your goals. I just got into running since pre-kiddo 3 yrs ago. Right now, my short term goal is to complete a just finish it. My long term goal is to complete a half marathon (or two)

At February 23, 2011 at 7:02 PM , Blogger Mommyrunsoncoffee said...

You have some amazing goals! I hope you never give up your blog, because I want to watch as hour achieve each goal- I know you will!! Plus, I look forward to your posts so much!

I am with you on the longer runs. I am scared of shorter distance races! I'd much rather go lo ger and not have to sprint.

At February 23, 2011 at 7:11 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

oh youre gonna be the cutest mom! How about you move to austin and we can train together when we both get preggers. Sound good?
I know you will meet all these goals. You have a strong faith in yourself and that makes everything!

Love you friend.

At February 23, 2011 at 7:13 PM , Anonymous K is for Karma said...

you go, girl! those goals are amazing -- you're going to accomplish EVERY SINGLE ONE of them, too! I believe in youuuu!

My short term goal: (physical) Going 100% vegan for a whole month. Running another 10 miler and feeling great about it (it's been far too long since i did this last and missing my 1/2 mar. registration doesn't help on the motivation front!)(Personal) Find a part time job for week nights and weekend shifts.

Long term goal: (health) PR half marathon distance, becoming 100% vegan. (personal) get married and make some babiessssssssss

Comfort Food: Lasagna

At February 23, 2011 at 7:13 PM , Anonymous Page said...

FAV goal is to be a running old lady :) I'll be there with you!

At February 23, 2011 at 7:25 PM , Anonymous chelsey @ clean eating chelsey said...

Those are some awesome goals! Reach for the stars! :) That was so cheesy.

At February 23, 2011 at 7:30 PM , Blogger Trying To Heal said...

omg i hope you don't have twins or they will be in trouble. at least be like my mom, maybe dress them a bit the same, but designate colors to also helps people tell them apart. lol.

i hate running anything below a 10k. 5ks are too fresk'n short; i always feel like i've just started when i'm done with the race! haha!

long term goal for me is to just finish the SD RNR marathon in June. it'll be the second time i've tried that race, since I DNF the first time I tried. :(

At February 23, 2011 at 7:35 PM , Blogger Shari said...

I give you so much credit. I can't imagine running one marathon, let alone a long list of them. You are definitely an inspiration!

At February 23, 2011 at 7:36 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

You have such awesome goals! I am just in awe over you and your running!
My goal is to run my half marathon in April (Nashvile Rock n' Roll) in under two hours. My ultimate (secret life ambition) is to qualify for Boston! It really feels kind of nerve racking even typing this for public reading!!

At February 23, 2011 at 7:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go girl! You are absolutely amazing!!!! I also want to be running/swimming/going to the gym when I'm old and wrinkled :)

At February 23, 2011 at 7:49 PM , Blogger Caroline said...

short term goals: no maiking fun here ok speedy?
ok run a 10k under 1 hours and a half under 2:20

long term: marathon?

that is the distance that scares me.

Favortie race was my first half marathon. I was so proud that I did it and in front of my 2 sons. I will never forget that.

comfort food: Mac and Cheese!!!

At February 23, 2011 at 7:57 PM , Blogger One Crazy Penguin said...

I've done the Disney marathon before and it. is. awesome. I'm glad to see that it's on your list :)

Long term goal:
- BQ
- Run the major marathons
- Sub 1:45 Half
- Run an ultra

Short term:
- Sub 2 hour half
- Sub 5 hour marathon

My favorite race was the Miami half marathon. Not only was the weather amazing, the course rocks!

I say you make sweet potato fries. It's my fave comfort food :)

At February 23, 2011 at 8:21 PM , Anonymous Michelle said...

Janae, you are so inspiring! I don't have the same running dreams as you (well, I guess I don't really have many at the moment), but I still get super excited when I read about yours. Seriously, so awesome!

At February 23, 2011 at 8:23 PM , Blogger WannabeRunner said...

You are such an inspiration, you crazy girl! I have no doubt you can accomplish everything on this list!

At February 23, 2011 at 8:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gah, I hate short races. I'd much rather be out there for 2 hours, than 25 minutes. Honestly, even during training, I find the shorter [less than 6 miles] runs tedious and a *gasp* waste of my time. I know. This sounds terrible. But it's how I feel.

My life long goal is to do ultra's, so I know where you're coming from. It's seriously #1 on my bucket list.

I hope you had something chocolate and gooey, because I could totally go for that. But I "settled" for a frozen yogurt date with Husband and Toddler :)

At February 23, 2011 at 8:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gah, I hate short races. I'd much rather be out there for 2 hours, than 25 minutes. Honestly, even during training, I find the shorter [less than 6 miles] runs tedious and a *gasp* waste of my time. I know. This sounds terrible. But it's how I feel.

My life long goal is to do ultra's, so I know where you're coming from. It's seriously #1 on my bucket list.

I hope you had something chocolate and gooey, because I could totally go for that. But I "settled" for a frozen yogurt date with Husband and Toddler :)

At February 23, 2011 at 8:34 PM , Blogger Reese's Runner said...

I can't wait to see you on TV one day! You can totally do it (and if you miss one goal you can come over and we can eat candy together, cry, and watch trashy tv. I'm here for you).

At February 23, 2011 at 8:38 PM , Blogger Ricole said...

Those are some amazing goals. What about the Olympics?! What shoes do you train in / race in?

At February 23, 2011 at 8:57 PM , Blogger Gracie said...

Big goals, but ones you can attain! So impressed! I will come watch you in the Olympics!

At February 23, 2011 at 9:13 PM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

the marathon distance definitely scares me. I'm sort of terrified that I'll never be able to prepare myself for it. That could also be the winter talking since I haven't been able to run any real distance outside in MONTHS. Here's to hoping the spring brings more optimism!

Good luck on your goals, they are intense, but so are you, so you'll be awesome!

At February 23, 2011 at 9:15 PM , Blogger Dana said...

Awesome goals! Can't wait to see you pick 'em off!

I'd love to run a full marathon, but the 26.2 scares me! Short term; I want to do another tri. I have 2 fav races. One was a highschool xc meet when I smoked my PR and the other would have to be my first tri.

At February 23, 2011 at 9:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 2:40 marathon? Even your goals are inspiring! I don't think my knees have the juice to handle more than a 1/2... but I'd like to do a few of those and then just work at getting faster 5K and 10K times. Can't wait 'til you're a Mom! Then you and Billy can run side by side and take turns pushing the running stroller!! And you can all match!!

At February 23, 2011 at 9:30 PM , Blogger Pam @ said...

First of all, your "I just have to get past the whole I lose kids all of the time thing before this happens," totally cracked me up.

Short term - Sub 28:00 5K on 3/12. (Yeah, I know, I'm blazing fast. lol)

Long term - Sub 2:00 half marathon. (Honestly don't see that one happening, but one can try!)

Favorite race - Country Music 1/2 marathon in Nashville.

Scariest distance - The shorter, the scarier. Running fast hurts! lol But I guess that's how you know you're doing it right.

At February 23, 2011 at 9:52 PM , Blogger ash & diz said...

short term goal: survive your spin class... and maybe even come tomorrow morning for a run and your spin class again. also... get to my goal weight. the cruise/emotional last 2 weeks have been really hard! grr.

long term goal: sub 4:00 marathon, and shoot for 3:40, aka qualify for Boston before the qualifying times change next year. I'd LOVE to run a marathon at disneyland and/or disneyworld. and I so badly wanna be a momma sometime soon. so ready for little munchkins!

At February 23, 2011 at 9:57 PM , Blogger Erin Masi said...

I love reading your blog!

Short term goal: not die during the NYC half marathon. training has gone out the window, i just want to finish and not get picked up by the sag wagon! eeel.

Long term goal: train for a run a marathon. right now, i just want to do one. just to say that i have. i have heard that they are addicting though...

At February 23, 2011 at 10:11 PM , Blogger RoseRunner said...

Do you know if St. George sells out? I was planning on running it, but don't know where I'll be working come October so kind of wanted to sign up last minute...

I'm totally on the same page re: shorter races. Even a HALF marathon scares me. I'd rather run long-and-not-a-crazy-fast-pace than short and sprint

At February 23, 2011 at 10:48 PM , Blogger Samantha said...

Can you do a post on your favorite running shoes/clothes/etc? I need some new running/workout clothes so bad! I used to love asics but my feet have been hurting me latley so I want to try a new shoe brand.

Awesome goals. You inspire me.

I’m running 2 halfs this summer and my goal is to race them feeling STRONG and finish in 2 hours or less.

At February 23, 2011 at 11:01 PM , Blogger RunEatRepeat said...

I have some big running goals for this year and I'm completely, totally and utterly scared of them.

I know you can do it! I am already excited to watch you place in races, run the Olympics and being the world's fastest blogger everrrrr!!!!

At February 23, 2011 at 11:10 PM , Blogger me said...

hey there!

will your kids be matchy-matchy like the von trapp children? please don't make their clothes out of the drapes. :)

1. i'll be running my 6th 1/2 in april, and hope to train through the summer for my first-ever-omg full in september. yikes! totally terrifying, but i'm excited! i also just want to still be running when i'm 106 or whatever.

2. ok, can i add to your travel-the-world-marathon list? vienna vienna vienna. come, spend a week, we'll hang, and you can see the most gorgeous city on the planet! i run the half here every year, and it is a blast! though for my very favorite race, i guess that one ties with the wachau marathon, which is in the breathtaking austrian wine country (!), or any jingle bell run complete with puppies wearing santa hats and jingle bells.

3. not gonna lie, 5ks freaked me out when i first started running. i'm no speedy gonzalez! i love the atmosphere of longer races, where people are much more chill and not as chomping-at-the-bit.

ok, that's it. stay warm over there!


At February 23, 2011 at 11:31 PM , Blogger Mara Campbell said...

Short races scare me too. I don't ever want to run a 5K!! Unless it's a 5K on my way to a half or full marathon. I love your traveling marathon list. I would love to do so many of those and travel all over running marathons, that is a great goal to have!!

And comfort food? Chocolate chip cookies....mmmmmmm....

At February 23, 2011 at 11:54 PM , Blogger Lindsey said...

I'm just trying to increase my mileage right now! My short term goal is a 10k, then on to a 15k, etc.

At February 24, 2011 at 2:05 AM , Blogger Katy said...

Girl, I think you can achieve all of those goals! Plus I think yours and Billy's kids will be GORGEOUS! :)

At February 24, 2011 at 2:07 AM , Blogger Maria said...

Wow great goals! Marathon runners get better into their 30s too so you have loads of years ahead of you to get those goals. I never mind the shorter races (but I dont sprint those either!)- the marathon scares me mainly because my one has a 6 hour cut off and so if something happens and I have to walk a bit (or what if I need the toilet on the way round?) then it doenst give me much leeway.
PS thinking about goals- I think you should listen to this
The interview is sooo interesting. :)

At February 24, 2011 at 3:14 AM , Anonymous Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said...

I think I just PASSED OUT reading this!! You are SO AMAZING to be thinking of doing all this stuff!! And trust me, I'm training for a speedy 5k, and that does make me pee my pants!! Sprinting for 3 miles is NAT easy! But then neither is running a sub 3 hour marathon obvs so ignore my moans:)

And I AM SO EXCITED to see London on your marathon list!! I live in London and would LOVE to run it!! PLEASE come to London in the next couple of years and run the marathon with me!! It would be SO MUCH FUN!!! I'd love to run a sub 3 there!! Pretty please?!

Love ya girlie:)

At February 24, 2011 at 4:02 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I love your comment on wanting a good race pic that looks like a girl!! Hilarious!! I have the same problem. Hysterical!
Love your goals!!

At February 24, 2011 at 5:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My long term running goal is to run a marathon, specifically the Disney Marathon 2012, I'm so scared! So I guess a marathon scares me, anything more terrifies me. My short term is to beat my half-marathon pr 2:35 this weekend the Princess Half and I think I can do it! My favorite race would either be the Princess last year or a marathon relay I just did in Jacksonville, Fl because the people in the community rocked!

At February 24, 2011 at 5:32 AM , Blogger Runnin-From-The-Law said...

You are right, I bet Billy secretly DOES want to run a marathon with you. In fact, I bet he has one picked out and is secretly training and will tell you as your anniversary surprise!

At February 24, 2011 at 5:37 AM , Blogger J said...

You have a lot of great goals girly!! I know you will achieve them! The marathon distance scared me but I think that is because I am the opposite of you and have always run shorter races. Running for 26.2 miles just seems sooo far and I don't know if I could do it.

At February 24, 2011 at 5:50 AM , Blogger Adrienne said...

Love this- and you have the perfect attitude! If you want it, you will achieve it!

At February 24, 2011 at 6:46 AM , Blogger Mallory said...

Great goals and a great attitude to match it! You WILL achieve them all!!

My short-term and long term goals: Short - Run a PR in my half on May 1; Long - Run a marathon when I have more time to train, run an ultra

My favorite race was the half I did last October. It was such an unexpected time that I ran the race in. My training hadn't been going well but I went out there and did great.

I get scared at 5k distance because I prefer to run longer.

Comfort food - most of my "comfort food" is super unhealthy like mac n cheese and pizza!

At February 24, 2011 at 7:52 AM , Blogger Jeri said...

You definitely have the ability and drive to make these goals happen. As far as running NYC, CHicago, London, Maui and Disney World... those are all on my list, so we should coordinate schedules to become bloggy bffs in real life. ;)

And the 10k distance scares the bejesus out of me. At least a 5k is over asap.

At February 24, 2011 at 8:21 AM , Blogger Big Daddy Diesel said...

- OK, I know some athletes that did the St George Ironman and it has been labeled the hillest course of all the ironman races, and you are going 2:50, YOU ARE A FREAKING ROCKSTAR!!! I wonder how fast you can go on a flat course mary.

- Short Term - Stay healthy, both mentally and physically, my body breaks alot

- Long term goal - do a triathlon in all 50 states, I guess I need to start to think about racing outside of Ohio if I want that to happen

- 140.6 scares the life out of me

- Favorite Race : Tri for Joe in Cincinnati, it is a local charity race and the swim is in a wave pool, yes, you read that correct, a wave pool, it was soooooooo freaking FUN!!!!!!! My favorite race, hands down!!!

At February 24, 2011 at 8:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Short Term Goal: sub-30 in a 5k, I'm not a fast runner but I would really like to break the 30 min mark in a 5k.
Long Term Goal: break 2 1/2 hours for a Half Marathon...My first was 2 hours 43 minutes but my training sucked so hopefully this year is the year!
Honestly Marathons scare me, I just don't think I can run that far....but maybe one day I will attempt it.

At February 24, 2011 at 8:29 AM , Blogger Mollie said...

Thanks for the link!!! I had a great birthday yesterday! My goal is to get healthy and be smart so I can get back to running consistently, and keep running fast!

At February 24, 2011 at 9:21 AM , Blogger Legs said...

You are SUCH an inspiration!! I loved reading your goals because it gave me hope for mine.

At February 24, 2011 at 9:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite race is the half marathon, if you're talking about favorite race place, Vegas Rock n Roll has been my favorite so far but last year I ran in a Germanfest 15K which was awesome because you got two free beer tickets for the fest when you were finished running!
The ultras scare me!
My fitness goals for 2011 is to maintain what I've been working towards, building muscle and staying strong. I'd also like to see myself keep a steady increase in my speed, no more runs over 9 minute miles.

At February 24, 2011 at 11:58 AM , Blogger Raina said...

Man those are some INCREDIBLE goals!!!
You can get that 2:50, I am CONFIDENT IN YOU!

I bet you'd do great at an ultra too! It would be fun to see how you do in one.

I'd like to run a sub 3 marathon. I have no idea how long it might take to get there, but I do think it's possible.

BEST WISHES in your race this weekend!!!! Prayers that your knee will be 100%-

You WILL rock!

At February 24, 2011 at 12:09 PM , Blogger Tiny Hiney said...

Hi, I've been following your blog for a couple of weeks now and I gotta say you are super adorable and so inspirational in your running! I'm sure all those goals will be attained!

At February 24, 2011 at 12:38 PM , Anonymous Holly said...

I actually think your potato + mac & cheese sounds SO good. I think I might just have to try that ;)

You have such awesome goals & the BEST part is that I KNOW you will achieve them!! NO doubt in my mind. As hard as you train, you DESERVE them :)

I will be thinking of you all day Saturday! Can't wait to see how that half goes!!

At February 24, 2011 at 2:26 PM , Anonymous Sabrina @ Radioactive Runner said...

WOW, you are amazing. I loved reading your goals. We will all be here cheering you on the whole way!! Way to go!!

The thought of running a marathon absolutely terrifies me. I want to check it off my "bucket list" but I am too scared.

At February 24, 2011 at 2:37 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

Love your goals: with your fitness, natural talent, drive, determination and commitment, I know you'll smash every one of them.

My goals are a lot more meagre than yours but a sub 3:30 full, sub 1:30 half and sub 40 10K would be lovely, as would running 3 marathons this year. Oh, and running the London marathon if I can EVER get a place.

Shorter races scare me too: I hate 10Ks in particular. Vomit-inducing sprint pace for an extended period ain't my cup of tea! Definitely more of a distance person myself.


At February 24, 2011 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous Pam said...

Awesome goals Janae!! You can do it!! I see endorsements in your near future.
Girl, you are still soo young and naturally fast. Your goals are all very attainable. Especially, since you have a family that gives you so much support!! That makes such a difference!!

I'd love to attain a sub 3:20 marathon and 1:30 (half) but, we'll see!! I like 10K's but, not 5K's (you have to be really FAST!!) I'd also love to compete in a triathlon one day!! Wow, Tokyo marathon would be awesome!! I bet they have sushi at their finish line!! :)

You motivate me to train harder!! YOU GO GIRL!!

Have a great evening!! :)

At February 24, 2011 at 4:32 PM , Blogger renae said...

You are so inspirational! Seriously! What a great list. And as a mommy runner, I can tell you that my best running has all happened post kids. There is something about seeing their faces at a race and the pure excitement they bring. Not to mention that it's kind of cool to have 2 people think you are the biggest rock star ever....even if they are too young to know any better!

At February 24, 2011 at 9:50 PM , Blogger XLMIC said...

LOL about the shaving! That guy's chest is .... ick.

You are going to crush this half, Janae! It is toast 'neath your fleet feet, girl ;-) Your goals are just beyond inspirational! And you will reach them. All of them.

My short-term is to run a virtual 5K next week in 26 min. That would knock 56 seconds off my current time. Mid-range is to run a 12K in May in an hour. Long-term... be able to keep running and keep loving running until I am a super old lady :)

At February 24, 2011 at 11:14 PM , Blogger Nicole Wagner Makeup said...

You are right!! 5K's are scary and suck but you NEED to do it!! you are strong and in great shape!
I did one this past monday and WON:):) okay there were only 40 people but still! lol

goals for the next year:
sub 19 min 5K
sub 41 min 10K
subt 1:30 half
3:10 Marathon

At February 25, 2011 at 9:25 PM , Blogger Susan said...

I would love to run a sub-3 marathon, but we're working on 3:10 first. :) Maaaaaybe you'll just have to run one with me!

At February 26, 2011 at 2:29 PM , Blogger Shelly said...

I love your goals Janae... it's seriously inspiring!

Here's mine and I hope I can make them someday:
1. Run a 1/2 marathon this April just to finish
2. Run a 1/2 marathon with a time goal (tbd) later this summer
3. Run a marathon probably a few years down the road. That's the post-baby goal. I know if I can do that after kids, I will officially be back in shape. :)
4. I don't really see myself running multiple marathons so I want to do lots of 5Ks and 10Ks throughout my whole life! My goal is to ALWAYS be in shape to do those!

Miss you! Hope you're having a blast in St. George and I already know you're kicking major trash.

At February 27, 2011 at 4:24 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

This is my first time actually writing, but recently discovered your blog and admittedly totally a creeper/stalker, but I just saw this post and had to say it really brought to my attention my own goals in trying to become a runner.

I always thought I just "couldn't" run, despite doing all the other machines and weights around the treadmill at the gym. Finally got on one day and an hour later realized I had done 5 miles no problem (thanks weights and intervals!) and thought, man I should put this to good use.

Just signed up a few weeks ago for my first 5k, and although it is next week I am already nervous, but reading your goals and seeing how hard you work and your sincere passion and love for running has eased the anxiety!

Thanks so much!

At March 9, 2011 at 11:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a second...I didn't see run the marathon in the Olympics on that list! Or even make enough money winning races as you do working full-time. You need to set your sights higher!


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