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Tribute to cones

The Hungry Runner Girl: Tribute to cones

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The Hungry Runner Girl: Tribute to cones

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tribute to cones

Since today is a rest day you know I will be doing a lot of food talking.

FYI NO KNEE PAIN after yesterday's run. I am telling you.....if you have an injury take time off.  It won't kill you and you will make your come back:)

My shoulders are the only things that are really sore.  Weird.  I guess it is a sign I should pick up those dumb bell looking things every now and then. I can run 2 hours on a treadmill without getting bored but send me to the weight room and I can't last 5 minutes  Too bad running isn't the only workout your body needs.

Today we did one of my favorite things in the whole wide world.

I love going to the old main streets or historic parts of different towns and walking up and down the streets going into the little shops.

Park City Main Street is my favorite.   When Billy and I first started dating I remember him picking me up from school (yes, mom I sluffed my BYU classes every now and then)  and surprised me by taking me to Park City to shop on main street and eat at our favorite pizza joint.  Can you see why I was whipped from the very beginning?!?!


Cute G-ma & G-pa bought me the cutest little measuring spoons.  These will be used every day.


I love heart everything.  Heart necklaces, earring, sticky notes, rings, cookies.  That cheesy section in Claire's with heart everything was designed with me (and most 12 year old girls) in mind.  Even better is when there is glitter too.

Look what we found...... The name is 100% correct


Can I just express my deep love for ice cream cones.

There is something magical about strolling the streets with a cute little sprinkle cone enjoying chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream that makes me realize that life rocks.


Came home and made turkey sandwiches.  Not to be cocky but I am an expert sandwich maker.  I broiled the bread, turkey and provolone in the oven first and it took the sandwich to another level.  P.S. Parsley is amazing on sandwiches.

Now we are driving down the mountain back to San Clamente....I am making myself car sick by typing this but I am willing to do it just for you guys. Now that is love.

Do you get car sick or motion sickness?

-Only when I am writing a post driving down the most windy roads.  That ice cream may make an appearance again soon I gotta end this post asap.

Tell me about one of your first dates with your hubby/wife, bf/gf, fiancee or even just a hottie?

-B-dawg took me to the Dashboard Confessionals concert for one our first dates.  I am telling you I was whipped big time.

Sugar cone, cake cone, waffle cone, dipped waffle cone with sprinkles or a boring cup that is bad for the environment.

-Me just being green here, it has nothing to do with deliciousness;) but I always go for the waffle cone dipped in chocolate and sprinkles.


At December 28, 2010 at 8:12 PM , Blogger Southern Sober Girl Runs said...

I love those measuring spoons. Hearts are much better than plain ole 1/2 spheres. Jealous.

Waffle cones...duh!!

At December 28, 2010 at 8:15 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

ditto, Love the measuring spoons! I love all little cute cookware! You guys are just adorable. So full of love! My first date was a bike ride (road bike)with my hubs. I got us lost on the back roads in TX and I snotted all over him because I had bad allergies. He was impressed, haha.

At December 28, 2010 at 8:17 PM , Blogger Sabrina said...

I love spoons! And the Sweet store!! You two make a very handsome couple! ;)

No car sickness here!
I love going to theme parks or doing something adventurous. Those dates are always memorable.
And I go all out for the dipped waffle cone with sprinkles. Probably why I am still a fat kid! haha.

At December 28, 2010 at 8:19 PM , Blogger Danielle said...

I get car sick when I haven't had anything to eat or when I have been reading.
I'm a complete sucker for cheesecake ice cream with strawberries in a waffle cone dipped in white chocolate with sprinkles. ahh. heaven.

At December 28, 2010 at 8:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those measuring spoons are fantastic...completely amazing!

I only get car/train sick when I'm stupid enough to read while riding...which happens more often than you'd think.

My first date with The Husband involved sneaking out of the house at age 16 and getting pulled over for speeding...I also got a breathalyzer test because it was my first time driving a stick on the road and I forgot about the clutch and killed the car half pulled over...awesome. Luckily he still talked to me the next day at school (yup, young 'uns and HS sweethearts...puke!).

At December 28, 2010 at 8:22 PM , Blogger Savannah said...

Such cute spoons!
No car sickness here, ever.
The husband and I went out for breakfast (we were both working nights at the time) on our first date. As romantic as waffles can be.
And I go for the sugar cone - nothing better than the soggy bottom part after the ice cream has started melting and running down into it.

At December 28, 2010 at 8:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i get motion sick rarely but when i do it hits me HARD. it mostly happens when i try and read though. hope you don't revisit that ice cream!

At December 28, 2010 at 8:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES motion sickness, it's ridiculous.

Our first date was watching the movie, The Last of the Mohicans.

Sugar cone baby!!!!!

I want those spoons, and the two of you are soo adorable!!

At December 28, 2010 at 8:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those measuring spoons are so cute!

At December 28, 2010 at 8:35 PM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

That Sweet Tooth Heaven looks perfect for you! Fun. I always get car sick driving on the windy roads to the Oregon coast. But always feel better when I barf. And our first unofficial date was a 7 mile run to the top of this place called bald hill. I was new to Oregon, didn't know anyone and he was the friendly neighbor asking me for an early run. I think he liked that back then I could get away with wearing really tiny tight shorts with a matching sports bra like top. He ran right behind me. I wonder why? Must be because I was faster? :)

At December 28, 2010 at 8:40 PM , Blogger Caroline said...

So cute!! I love little towns like that. :)

Follow me:

At December 28, 2010 at 8:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your day - and I must say today when I was running only THREE miles in the 10 degree weather, I thought to myself.... "keep going, Janae can do 28.. keep going Janae ccan do 28". :)

The first date we went on was a group date to a stir fry restaurant, but we were already "officially" a couple.

At December 28, 2010 at 8:54 PM , Blogger Muncher Cruncher said...

You are making me want an ice cream cone...Come home already. Oh wait did I say that in the last 5 comments I made...oops. Proof that I miss you!!!!!!

At December 28, 2010 at 9:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dashboard concert! I see why you got whipped early. We started dating at a summer camp, but our first official date was sushi aka my fav food besides chocolate.
I get car sick so easily, even with a little reading.
Yayy for no knee pain!

At December 28, 2010 at 9:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a first date by for our first anniversary of dating together, boyfriend took me on my FIRST EVER plane ride around Pittsburgh. It was the best!

And yes, I get car sick so easily...even when reading a phone...or not even reading anything at all depending on the driver!

Boring cup is the usual but definitely dipped waffle cone!

At December 28, 2010 at 9:22 PM , Blogger XLMIC said...

I didn't get motion sick ever at all until my late 30's. Now I sometimes do. And I cannot ride roller coasters anymore :(

My first dinner date with my husband was our second date... he introduced me to SUSHI!!!!! I was a goner.

No cone, no cup... just give me a spoon and the carton, please :)

At December 28, 2010 at 9:25 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

Are you my long lost sister? were we separated at birth? I love all things heart, glitter, ice cream and candy! Weeeeeeee!!!!

Sadly I get car sick easy.. Boo hoo!

At December 28, 2010 at 9:40 PM , Blogger Trying To Heal said...

Yay for no knee pain! that's great to hear!!!

You would love my town, we have a very small downtown area but the art galleries are awesome! i buy stuff by local artists all the time!

and the best first date i went on was with an ex, but he surprised me in the middle of an april in florida with ice skating and pancakes when we got home, at 1am! it was so much fun!

At December 28, 2010 at 9:52 PM , Blogger Gracie said...

My hubby drove an hour to pick me up, an hour to our date, then an hour to drop me off, and an hour back home for him. And he took me to a French crepes place. And he ordered dessert even though we were full. And we used all the driving time to talk. PERFECT. I tell you, he had me at "dessert".

At December 28, 2010 at 9:54 PM , Blogger Katie said...

Those are the greatest measuring spoons ever!! WANT!

My fiance and I met as beer pong partners (Klassy, I know ;) And we beat all his All-American Lacrosse teammates and knew it was a match made in heaven :D I guess the real "first date" was when he took me into NYC for his art museum class trip and we visited the "Imagine" memorial in Central Park (which is also where we got engaged :D) Sorry for the life story. . .

I'm not an ice cream person, but I LOVE Red Mango Fro-yo, always served in a cup!

At December 28, 2010 at 10:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE little 'old town' areas! That's pretty much how I decided to move next year... the city has a great little old town :)

At December 28, 2010 at 10:11 PM , Blogger Nathan said...

I have a round set of spoons exactly like that! Except that there is a tiny spoon that says "dash" on it =D

Since I was teaching at the time, most of my dates were to drive the high school newspaper to Eugene from Elkton to get it printed. Or when I worked supervising concessions at the school BBall games. Haha! I got reminded of that last night =D ...

And we also went to weekly Bible studies where I learned a few things. Very exciting, I know ;)

No motion sickness here. Glad your legs are good. Funny about the shoulders. Meet me with the dumbells!

At December 28, 2010 at 10:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the old parts of towns!

I don't get motion sickness.

On our first date, my husband and I went for a canoe ride late at night and just hung out and talked.

At December 28, 2010 at 10:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fun day! Cute pics, even cuter headband hairdo. <3

Billy and I had a headstand contest on our first date- I won!

I love the art of sandwich making - maybe I should work at Subway and be a sandwich artist.

I love waffle cones and cake cones and sugar cones. All of them.

At December 29, 2010 at 2:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had such an amazing day. And these cones!!

I cannot read or write in the car, as well.

Best date ever when I was 19 and met the love of my life. Two greek students met in Florence, Italy because I couldn't speak italian and he offered to help. We were walking until 5 o clock in the morning.

At December 29, 2010 at 3:11 AM , Blogger Katy said...

I don't really get car sick, which is a huge blessing since I read pretty non-stop on car rides.

It wasn't a first date, but my fiance to treated me to a weekend in Maui for my birthday after we had only been dating a month. It was wonderful and romantic, and I haven't let go of him since. :)

At December 29, 2010 at 3:28 AM , Blogger Maria said...

Those measuring spoons are the best :)

At December 29, 2010 at 4:27 AM , Blogger Stephanie said...

I love walking through cute/quiant little towns and driving through the country. I have never had any motion sickness issues, and I often read while we are driving.

My now fiance' was a surprise date for my sorority's semi-formal my freshman year, it helped that I already had a thing for him;)

I am pretty easy when it comes to ice cream, I will eat it out of my hands if you give it to me!

At December 29, 2010 at 5:39 AM , Blogger the "ME" in this team! said...

My hunky hubs and I meet at work in a jetway at the BWI airport. We went out for our first date to a nice dinner of crab cakes and wine. I was def in love!!!
Waffle cone yum!!!
BTW I love the brown boots. Where did you get them?

At December 29, 2010 at 6:21 AM , Blogger Running and living said...

My upper body is always tense when I run, and so it is always sore after a long run or race. I am working on staying relaxed. Love those measuring spoons:)

At December 29, 2010 at 6:24 AM , Blogger Keri said...

Love the pic with g-ma and g-pa. My upper back and shoulders also get sore after a long run...

At December 29, 2010 at 6:25 AM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

I don't get motion sickness, which is good because my parents' idea of a vacation was driving for hours upon hours to get somewhere, so I did a lot of car reading.

My first "date" with my husband was playing scrabble at my apartment. I annihilated him.

At December 29, 2010 at 6:30 AM , Blogger LindsLovesMiles said...

I love Dashboard!!! "Tune Out" is my half mile repeat song!

At December 29, 2010 at 6:53 AM , Blogger Pixie said...

Those spoons are cute! I also like how I can see the snow at your feet in the picture of you two eating ice cream. I'm like you I don't care about the weather if I want ice cream I want it now.

At December 29, 2010 at 7:27 AM , Blogger BigHappyFamily said...

I don't get motion sick, but all 5 of the kids do. I buy dramamine in bulk.

I match the ice cream to the cone. I feel like certain flavors are complimented by different cones. And sherbet should never be on a cone, that's ordered in a cup.

At December 29, 2010 at 7:32 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

The only time I get motion sickness is when I read on the metro facing backwards... random I know.

I am a cup girl. There is just something about eatign ice cream with a spoon that I love!

At December 29, 2010 at 7:32 AM , Blogger Mallory said...

I love those spoons!!

I've never really gotten motion sickness so I am pretty lucky for that!

Our first date was to a Mexican restaurant and it was good! After that we went to a movie (Good Luck Chuck!) and then we sat in the car and talked for about 3 hours. I swear I knew right then that I was done looking!

I like waffle cones sooooo much.

At December 29, 2010 at 7:34 AM , Blogger J said...

I only get car sick on twisty turny roads too while reading.

My first day with Brian was when he came over to my apartment and made me dinner. Our second date was at his apartment where he made me dinner again and then we stayed up all night talking and watching America's Best Dance Crew. lol.

I love ice cream cones but its a little cold here now to eat ice cream. I am a wimp. I only eat it from may to september.

At December 29, 2010 at 7:54 AM , Blogger Shannon said...

I love the measuring spoons! I, too, am a sucker for anything heart shaped. I found a sterling silver ring with a heart at an antique store in Colorado and my sister bought it for me for Christmas; love it! And not much beats going shopping in little downtown stores!

I think sugar cones were made for soft serve and waffle cones for all other types of ice cream. Paper cups were made for when you pull into the Sonic drive-through to spoil your pups and buy them an ice cream... only for them not to eat it so it sits there in all its slightly-dog-licked, melting glory until you get to a place where you can dispose of it.

I do get car sick basically whenever I'm on curvy roads or reading while in the car. I can make myself carsick, too. However, I absolutely love roller coasters and have no problem with them.

And I've never actually been on a date...

At December 29, 2010 at 7:57 AM , Blogger Christine said...

OK, first date with hubby = double date when I had a crush on the OTHER guy!! HA!

I got home that night and relayed all the crucial details about what the OTHER guy did and said. My roommates were like, "What about Dave?" and I said, "Yeah, I feel kind of bad about that. Oh well!"

Yeah, I ate my words when I feel in love with Dave, my best friend and 7+ years later, I barely remember why I liked that other guy.

At December 29, 2010 at 8:59 AM , Blogger Runners Fuel said...

I love shopping in those places, too. I will be taking some time off of running. I see a dr. for my knee tomorrow.

At December 29, 2010 at 9:17 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

OMGsh!! I want those measuring spoons! SO CUTE!!
I have a deep love for ice cream but I'm an ice cream snob lol

At December 29, 2010 at 9:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been motion sick on cars, buses, planes, trains (of the public transit kind), ferry boats and speed boats. I bet you I could even get motion sick by walking or riding a bike if I tried hard enough!

Looks like you had a fun date with the grandparents! I don't even remember my first date with the boy.. boo! Cute spoons though!

At December 29, 2010 at 9:58 AM , Blogger Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Motion sickness = any circular ride for me. Roller coasters are fine if they are fast and forward, but no spinny things!

We hit up "Anchorman". Such a romantic movie-ha ha! It is totally my personality though!!

Good point with the "biodegradable" cones! Big ole waffle cone with endless vanilla soft serve and toppings!

Glad to hear that your run left you confident and healthy!! You are an inspiration!! 28 freakin miles! wow!!!

At December 29, 2010 at 10:01 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Have you ever had a pretzel cone? Its apparently rare and pretty much can only be found in PA. Its delicious. I actually don't even like ice cream all that much, but if you shove it inside a cone shaped pretzel, I'm all over it. Some people scoff when I mention this, but then I bring up how wonderful chocolate covered pretzels are w/ their salty, sweet flavor and then then get it. Seriously, if you haven't already tried one, do it if you ever encounter one. Yummy stuff.

At December 29, 2010 at 11:09 AM , Blogger Heather said...

Oh my gosh...I get car sick if I look at the map for more than 30's horrible.

First date w/ the hubs: a movie...with my roommate...does that count?? :) And my mind is drawing a blank on what movie it was...I am so horrible.

Plain waffle cone - yum!!

At December 29, 2010 at 12:24 PM , Blogger Lizzy said...

So does that mean you don't like Dashboard?? I love them!

At December 29, 2010 at 1:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY for no knee pain!

love the spoons! we have a town here, Gruene, that reminds me of where you were. LOVE it.

Our first date was when he took me out for my birthday to ZTejas. I ordered the most expensive thing on the menu AND I got tipsy off a pomegranite martini. Guess he should be happy i'm cheaper now, lol. I don't drink and I no longer eat what I had that night

At December 29, 2010 at 2:44 PM , Blogger Jen said...

That sandwich looks delish! You could make me one any day! I love those spoons. They remind me of something you'd see at the 7 dwarfs house in Snow White for some reason.
One of our first dates was fishing. It was the best.

At December 29, 2010 at 5:19 PM , Blogger Q said...

Those spoons are so cute! And ice cream rocks.

At December 29, 2010 at 5:46 PM , Blogger janieliz19 said...

first date with my soon-to-be-husband - well we were friends for a long time first, but our first real date (official you could say) was to go to the Boston Museum of Science to see the baseball exhibit that was visiting - I wanted to see Curt Schilling's bloody sock!!

and those spoons are cute:)

At December 29, 2010 at 6:57 PM , Blogger Rachel Marie said...

One of my first dates with my husband was a "ride-along" with him at work. We were in a big SUV with two other SUVs full of cops wearing really cool tactical gear (black clothes and cool looking ballistic vests and guns strapped to their thighs). Gotta admit, it was fun being surrounded by nice looking men wearing pretty cool cop gear. They were targeting shifty hotels, corners known for drug activity, hot-spot areas. I got to watch my now hubby and his partner interviewing people, making arrests, and the finale was an actual pursuit thru the city ending with the bad guys ditching the stolen car they were in, all the SUVs slamming to a stop, cops bailing out and into a foot pursuit, and me watching while the criminals were run down, tackled, handcuffed and marched back to the trucks. It was so amazing to see something like that! I even got an ice cream cone on the way home as a reward for not peeing my pants during the pursuit. :)

At December 30, 2010 at 6:01 AM , Blogger Abby said...

Three days after Brent and I started officially dating (we were friends first), he invited me to go look at houses with him. This was a day after I'd texted a friend saying "I'm going to marry this kid" and two days before he asked how long he should wait to propose. The houses at that point were just for him, not for us, but it was still a little surreal!

I'm trying to keep up with blogs this week from my phone because there's no wifi at Brent's parents' house, and it's giving me motion sickness even when I'm not in the car!


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