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Triple Tangent Tuesday

The Hungry Runner Girl: Triple Tangent Tuesday

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Triple Tangent Tuesday

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The Hungry Runner Girl: Triple Tangent Tuesday

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Triple Tangent Tuesday

TUESDAY ROCKS!!!! Billy doesn't have school on Tuesday nights so that means that I don't spend 4 hours talking out loud to myself and trying to play Monopoly with one player (in case you were wondering it is still fun to play Monopoly by yourself, just not as fun as it is with other people).

I started the morning off with SWIMMING but got to the gym a little later than I wanted.  Why.....because I had REALLY scary dreams last night and I was too afraid to walk in the dark by myself to the car.  I waited in bed until it got a little lighter outside before I ventured outside.  I have issues.  I get scared really easy and can't differentiate between real life and dreams (when I was five I was mad at my brothers for a year straight when I had a dream they burned my dollar bill).

The swim felt great and I have a little gadget coming in the mail that will make swimming even more fun!


Time for the Tuesday Tangents.  New readers: I use Tuesday as an excuse to share 3 completely random/weird things about myself in hopes that you share some tangents about yourself in the comments or on your own blog.

1.  The reason i have a 1/2 happy smile in the picture below is because I am happy I am with Billster and Addie but not 100% happy because of my gelato.  Gelato is delicious but I had a definite problem with this one.  $5 down the drain for two bites of gelato.  Why must it be so small?  And the little spoons?  Why?  Give me my double scoop ice cream cone from 31 flavors for $1.50 and then you will see a real smile on my face.

IMG 1101 7

2.  One time at a wedding dinner they were going around the room asking for marriage advice and  when someone said, "Never go to bed angry."  Billy said, "I go to bed every night angry."  If you know Billy than you know that he is the most even-tempered person you will ever meet.  I don't think I have ever seen him truly angry (good thing because I am the biggest emotional roller coaster you will ever meet).  He may have said what he said a little too loud and let's just say a lot of strangers were staring at me shaking their head with sadness.

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3.  If you get nauseated from gross pictures, close your eyes and scroll to the bottom.  This tangent is about our scooter accident that happened when we were in the Bahamas a few summer's ago with my family.  B-dawg and I were traveling along the road to the beach when we hit gravel.....I guess Billy naturally thought to jump off the scooter (we weren't going very fast and he even yelled JUMP) but my brain takes at least 35 seconds to process situations and so I just stayed on the scooter and went down with it.  The noble thing for a captain to do.  The engine landed right on my leg and I can still remember the sound that it made.  Neadless to say, you think I would be afraid of scooters but our little scoo-scoo brings us so much happiness and joy (I don't drive it anymore but I LOVE riding on the back with my arms straight out to my sides pretending I am an airplane).

IMG 1325

Okay, so it doesn't look that bad but man did it hurt and I still have the scar.

IMG 1393

Cue the losing 10 followers for posting gross pictures, I warned you to close your eyes.


Have you ever been in a scooter/car accident?

-The only car accident I have ever been in was when I was at a stop light and a little old lady rear ended me (she was going pretty fast).  She was so sweat and I felt so bad for her.

Favorite Gelato?

-Any of them as long as I get more than an 1/8th cup of it.



At May 17, 2011 at 3:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Car accidents?? Uh yeah many!!!!!! When we lived in Germany I loved getting spaghetti ice! YUMMMO! (aka mamarunsbarefoot)

At May 17, 2011 at 4:00 PM , Blogger Heather Elliott @ the desire to run said...

How do you like swimming for a workout? I keep thinking about trying it out but I am super nervous about it. Your pics are so cute (as usual) by the way.

Yummy gelato sounds amazing but I don't think they sell it anywhere around here.

At May 17, 2011 at 4:03 PM , Anonymous Kerry said...

Yes. I moved out to California and drove 3500 miles no problem. I am here for 3 days by myself and get in a 3 car accident on I-880 in the Bay Area. Since then, I try to avoid that highway as often as possible.

At May 17, 2011 at 4:05 PM , Blogger Rachelle Wardle said...

You are too cute Janae! I seriously would have been irate if someone handed me a Gelato that small! Grrr small portion sizes are one of my biggest pet peves in life. (Don't tell Megan) ha!

I have been in so many car accidents and am pretty sure I should have never been given a licesne. I ran into a gas pump the first day I had a valid licesne, totalled my older brothers car while driving without shoes, ran into my dance instructors car, ect, ect, ect! There a tangent about me....I suck at driving and start singing so loudly I run into things. :)

At May 17, 2011 at 4:05 PM , Anonymous Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife said...

I love comes in bigger sizes in EUrope!!

I have been in 2 car accidents...neither of them my fault. ha!

Random tangent.....I have a bazillion things to do and no motivation to do them, because it requires packing, which I HATE. ha

At May 17, 2011 at 4:06 PM , Blogger Stephanie F said...

bahaha "i go to bed angry every night!"

At May 17, 2011 at 4:06 PM , Blogger Mandee said...

tangent:or more like random fact I want to tell you. I did my first track work out today! I have always just ran and ran for fitness and never tried to get faster but today I did intervals with a real track coach that comes to my work on Tuesdays at noon to train us. SO COOL. I loved it and talk about motivation to go work out rather than eat good food from the cafeteria (don't worry I eat after I run)

At May 17, 2011 at 4:08 PM , Blogger dear willow, said...

hilarious wedding story!!

i LOVE monopoly!! what do you like to be? I'm always the iron. :)

never been in an accident thank goodness!!

i'm not a huge fan of gelato. give me froyo ANY DAY!

At May 17, 2011 at 4:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

GAH!! im a wee quesy but tha tpic was FINE!! ive seen all the SAw movies.. NOW THAT IS A SIGHT!
Have you ever been in a scooter/car accident?

no... omg knock on wood!

At May 17, 2011 at 4:16 PM , Blogger Lisa@The Daily RUNdown said...

My favorite gelato is roche (spelling?) it had the crushed up hazelnut and chocolate candies in it, so basically nutella with crunch, very good!

At May 17, 2011 at 4:20 PM , Anonymous Laura @ Meet Virginia said...

Still so jealous that you have a scooter. (Um, would just like to add that I just spelled at "soccter." No.) When I went to Italy I ate gelato every single day but I never get it in America. I would rather have fro yo! :)

At May 17, 2011 at 4:27 PM , Blogger Allison said...

YES! I was in a scooter accident in Key West my freshman year of college Spring Break. I *still* have the battle wounds/scars. I had to go to urgent care to get the wounds cleaned out because they were so bad. Good times. On a side note, the crash had to have looked HILARIOUS. I think I hit a mailbox and flew off of it or something equally stupid. Can't remember.

Eh, gelato. I'm the same as you re: the portion sizes. What's that about? I'll take a cookies and cream gelato though if I can't have anything else.

At May 17, 2011 at 4:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must go to Italy for real gelato! I got so jealous of Julie from pbfinger's gelato everyday on her trip last week.

At May 17, 2011 at 4:30 PM , Blogger Mac said...

I got "love nudged" by a truck today on my bicycle! It shook me up a little, I can't imagine being hit more than just a little "love nudge".

At May 17, 2011 at 4:31 PM , Blogger Ashley said...

Oh gosh, your scooter story reminded me of something that happened back when I was in college. I was walking back to my house one day and I came upon this old man (I mean seriously old) lying sideways basically on the curb with his scooter on top of his leg. It was so sad. So I ran and helped lift it off of him, he said thanks, and then was off again in the blink of an eye! It was so strange. My best guess is that he was uninjured but probably really embarrassed. Poor guy.

At May 17, 2011 at 4:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOOOVE triple tangent tuesdays!!! :D
Never been in a scooter accident, but I did fall off my bike while riding down our hill (we lived on top of it) when I was about 8.

Tangents about me:

1. I managed to jam a pencil through a pair of jeans, cut my knee and break a piece of lead off in my knee. It is still there.

2. I can't sit still for more than about 10 seconds, but also can't do the same thing for too long. This results in me running around like a crazy person back and forth from various tasks throughout the day.

3. I sing while I run. Like, I have playlists that I listen to, and I sort of boogie and sing along to the songs. The people at my gym think I'm weird and I've only been there for 3 weeks......

Hope you have an awesome day!!

At May 17, 2011 at 4:36 PM , Blogger Lindsey@arunningtale said...

I had my best gelato ever in Costa Rica last year - coconut and mango! Was seriously better than the real things.

At May 17, 2011 at 4:46 PM , Anonymous Cortney @ Nerd on the Run said...

I've been in a motorcycle accident, well accidents. But they weren't that big of a deal or had anything to do with another vehicle or person. When I first got the bike, I had a few tip-over incidents, say at stop signs and weird angles of streets. My "big one" was when I slipped on black ice going down a hill! The 400+ lb bike landed on my calf and I had a doozie of a bruise. The worst part of it was that I couldn't get it started or pick it up by myself b/c of the stupid black ice! Now, I know to ride the bus to school if it even thinks about freezing! Did I tell you I was blonde? :) It's ok b/c I'm also working on my PhD.

At May 17, 2011 at 4:56 PM , Blogger ATTrio said...

Luckily no I haven't but my man has 2 motorcycles and that is all we drive around on in the summer and sometimes I get a little freaked out. He has been in an accident but I was not with him.

I don't really eat gelato, I am right there with you. Too much money for so little treat. Not my thing although it is still good.

So funny about your wedding dinner. I am lame and can't think of anything random about me, guess its too late in the day and I have already used all my brains for the day :)

At May 17, 2011 at 4:58 PM , Blogger Jacqueline Francis said...

gelato=fabulous. except they give you smaller portions than ice cream because ice cream is pumped full of milk fat and air to make it fluffy (is that the right word?) and gelato is pure CREAM fat and they suck the air OUT of it (decompress it), and that's what creates the thick texture and deliciousness. so they think that giving you a small portion is being nice to you but really they aren't doing you or me any favors because i think the smaller the portions are- the more i want. it's like goldfish- i can eat a bazillion because they are so small!

At May 17, 2011 at 5:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

LOL! yes, the gelato is little. But you gotta savor every bite, right? Enjoy your time with the billster today.
Are you getting a ipod for the water??? Those are amazing.

At May 17, 2011 at 5:09 PM , Blogger ♥ Drazil ♥ said...

Never had gelato...but I might try it now!

At May 17, 2011 at 5:26 PM , Blogger Christine said...

When I was in Italy in July I ate gelatto three times a day (and I still lost ten pounds from te heat). My favorite is chocolate chip or pistachio!

At May 17, 2011 at 5:34 PM , Blogger EBURNS said...

Tangent that reminds me of yours:..... and I wish i could remember the details, but the hubs and I were joking around in Target and I said the phrase "I guess the biggest mistake I made was marrying you." and some other woman in the isle gave me the look of death.

At May 17, 2011 at 5:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch!! Mmmm, gelato. Brings back memories of Italy... I should've had more gelato. My brother had like 3 a day and I should've done the same as him. what was I thinking??

At May 17, 2011 at 5:39 PM , Blogger Christina @ The Athletarian said...

I have never been in a car accident and I'd like to keep it that way!

I love gelato...lemon and chocolate are my two faves. Two scoops please and thank you, and a supersized spoon to go with it.

At May 17, 2011 at 5:45 PM , Anonymous Rachel @ The Perseverance Diaries said...

Can't say I've ever been in a scooter accident but I have been in a car accident! I swear I was afraid to ride in a car/drive for at least a month after...ahhh!

Ohhhh gelato, I like this one nougat flavor at this place in Little Italy. I live in walking distance to Little Italy, that is a very dangerous thing :)

At May 17, 2011 at 5:49 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

A week after I got my drivers license I ran into an oncoming car while turning left. Major bummer. No one was hurt but my mom's car was pretty bad off. Sorry mom!

At May 17, 2011 at 5:50 PM , Blogger BigHappyFamily said...

I have never had Gellato ... or a car accident.

I have, however, gone a full year eating ice cream literally every day. And, I did commute to high school junior year on the back of my brother's motorcycle (accident free).

I'm getting excited for my premature mid-life crisis/warrior dash this weekend!

At May 17, 2011 at 6:04 PM , Blogger Lauren said...

My cousin ran over my arm with a go-cart when we were kids, lol.

At May 17, 2011 at 6:07 PM , Blogger Rene said...

No major accidents (fingers crossed). I've never had gellato. I'm not a huge ice cream fan but I do love fro-yo.
I hate writing. I'm taking an English class and trying to organinze my thoughts into a coherent 5 page essay is not my thing.
I was once mad at my husband all day because I dreamed he had an affair with a woman from work. I was almost over it when I saw he had an email from her. Completely rational, right?

At May 17, 2011 at 6:29 PM , Anonymous kelly said...

No big giant crashes (crossing fingers - don't wanna jinx me)

Gelato unsatisfying! I did have some this past weekend but that was because the Red Mango wasn't open yet.

At May 17, 2011 at 6:39 PM , Blogger Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

No accidents other than fender benders, thankfully!
I love gelato, especially mint choc chip, yum!!!

At May 17, 2011 at 6:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I would have killed the Husband if he jumped off a moving scooter with me on it! :) That's pretty funny though.

My favorite gelato was when I was in Rome. Best thing ever!

At May 17, 2011 at 6:43 PM , Blogger Chels said...

No scooter accidents, but I have been hit by a car on my worries no injuries, but my bike was smashed. I felt more sorry for the old man driving who did not see me crossing the street.
A tangent of mine, when Craig is not home I eat dinner in our bed...he gets a little grossed out when he finds crumbs in the bed but I think it is kind a funny :)

At May 17, 2011 at 6:44 PM , Blogger Colleen said...

The only accident I have been in was in highschool. I was a passenger and my friend rear ended the car in front of us. Air bags deployed. The sucker that was in my mouth went flying. I got a black eye from the airbags. Losing the sucker was by far the worst though...

Never had gelato. While I love cold desserts like ice cream, I tend to graviate more towards the cookies/cakes/chocolate things if those are available...!

At May 17, 2011 at 6:46 PM , Anonymous Jess said...

OUCH!! That looks like it hurt a LOT!!
I've never had gelato--sounds and looks SO good though!

At May 17, 2011 at 6:47 PM , Blogger Myndie said...

I have so many accident stories, I could write a book, but the worst was two car accidents about 10 min. apart!! It was a horrible day and all I wanted to do was go to the park and run on dirt...instead I end up in the ER after the 2nd accident. NEITHER of them were my fault either!!

Can't remember the last time I had gelato. Sad, but true.

At May 17, 2011 at 6:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been in car accidents before- my teacher in 9th grade was driving me and another girl on a field trip a few hours away since the van was full, we didn't get more than 30 minutes away probably and end up with a totaled car and it was the other persons fault, who then sped off (they caught him after). The teacher was freaked out and said she never wanted to drive students anywhere ever.- her husband who was also a teacher(principals son), drove us all the way to our field trip destination afterwards. I woke up the next morning and couldn't remember anything or peoples names. >.>
I've never had gelato (I think) but that night after the car accident we walked down a snow covered hill down to Coldstones >8D

At May 17, 2011 at 6:52 PM , Blogger my little celebration said...

Ha, ironically enough I HAVE been in a scooter accident. My sister and I had a push scooter when she was 8 and I was 4. We were in our little church dresses one Sunday morning and somehow convinced our parents to let us take our new garage sale find for a ride. My sister was steering and I was holding onto her waist and we accidentally hit a huge pot hole and both went flying. We got so banged up that we ended up missing church, ruining our dresses, and our parents used up an entire 2 boxes of bandaids to patch us up. Was it worth it? NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Learn from my mistake young ones. Two people on a push scooter is a BAD idea.

Favorite gelato: toasted coconut or white rum raisin. YYUMMMMM.

Ms. Janae. I love you.

At May 17, 2011 at 6:57 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

I love gelato, but I've never understood why they always serve it in such small cups for such expensive prices! I guess it's good to have small serving sizes, but still....

At May 17, 2011 at 7:02 PM , Blogger Meg said...

what do you mean the injury doesn't look that bad? it looks AWFUL! ooouuuccchhhh.

I've been in a couple car accidents, but nothing major and no injuries (thank goodness). and I think gelato is overrated! give me some vanilla ice cream or fro yo with rainbow sprinkles - gelato is over priced and silly!!

At May 17, 2011 at 7:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the same problem with scaring easily. I can't watch horror movies if I am going to get my pre-dawn runs in.

At May 17, 2011 at 7:07 PM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

hahaha! I am the exact same way about dreams (movies too!). But I also have crazy dreams where I wake up hysterically laughing. Very strange.

I love gelato, but, to me, it tastes exactly like ice cream, so you might as well just get ice cream because it's cheaper.

I've been in a couple of car accidents. In fact, the year before I got married, i was rearended three times in the span of about two months and one of them was a hit and run!!

At May 17, 2011 at 7:14 PM , Anonymous Tori (Fresh Fruition) said...

Luckily I've never been in an accident. And I've never had gelato! Can you believe it?

At May 17, 2011 at 7:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a car accident when I was 18 and totaled my car but luckily I walked away with only bruises and whiplash. I love your tangents! You are a trip!

At May 17, 2011 at 7:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had one car accident and its so embarassing because I hit a parked car!!! How lame right? Well, I was learning to drive a stick and accidentally pushed the clutch instead of the break. Even though I was only going 10mph, I dented this parked sports car and the man ran out of the store and started screaming at me!! Needless to say, I started bawling :( No injuries though!

And you are one tough chick- cuz I think that wound looks brutal!

Gelato- I've only had once and wasn't that impressed. I think I need to go to Italy and have the real stuff!!

At May 17, 2011 at 7:29 PM , Blogger Unprofessional said...

I have a thing against gelato too...not the actual substance but the size of those cups. COME ON!

At May 17, 2011 at 7:50 PM , Blogger Pam @ said...

YOWCH! That looks painful!

I've had a couple of car accidents but thankfully nothing major. I was rear-ended when I was in high school, and a couple of summers ago I pulled out in front of someone when I was leaving the grocery. I have NO IDEA where that car came from, but it shouldn't have even been on the road. The guy was driving on a suspended license...

At May 17, 2011 at 8:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

get gelato in france or italy & it'll be larger than life :)

At May 17, 2011 at 8:37 PM , Blogger Neon Blonde Runner said...

I've been having some bad dreams recently!
Last night I dreamed than an orthopedic surgeon beat me up and I had to get surgery, but they wouldn't tell me what had happened...and then they started to anesthetize me while I was still talking. When I woke up, I was all traumatized!
It took me a little while before I relaxed and realized it was just a dream...

At May 17, 2011 at 8:37 PM , Blogger Chelsea said...

You had me laughing out loud in this one with the scooter story! I even had to tell B (the husband) all about it while I was laughing.
You crack me up!

At May 17, 2011 at 8:51 PM , Blogger ihaverun said...

I do like gelato. Are there people that don't? But I'm with you on the 31 flavors =)

Car accident yes. Not fun. Not my fault. Long story that ended with lots of PT on my back.

Funny wedding story! And the not going to bed thing doesn't work for us. Sometimes sleep is what I need to get some perspective.

At May 17, 2011 at 8:52 PM , Anonymous Liv @ The Salty n' Sweet said...

I seriously hate how little gelato they give you! I guess we're supposed to savor the flavor, but serve-yourself fro-yo has totally ruined my perception of portion sizes. I want to fill an entire cup with ice cream/gelato/fro-yo!

At May 17, 2011 at 8:52 PM , Blogger Alisa said...

I have very vivid dreams that when I wake up, I feel like parts of them are still true. But my dreams aren't exciting. I have dreamed about emails and texts that don't exist multiple times.

Car accidents. I was the passenger in one when my big bro was driving. And then I've been hit twice. My favorite was the lady who hit me while I was at a red light. I was the third car back, so it didn't just change. And then she kept claiming it was my fault. The police officer called her crazy to her face. It was amazing.

At May 17, 2011 at 9:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OUCH!!! You may be okay with riding a scooter after your spill, but I don't know that I am...

At May 17, 2011 at 9:12 PM , Blogger Hannah Biggers said...

Favorite gelato: Rita's Mango with Sweet Cream.

That scare looks intense! At least its an adventure wound ;-)

At May 17, 2011 at 9:38 PM , Anonymous Dorry said...

Eeek! That looks & sounds painful. I've never been in a scooter accident, but one time on a family trip, I was going down the water slide at the big pool at the resort where we were staying and I slipped and busted my chin open. Oh! And another time I was hit by a waverunner in the lake. Stitches and a broken nose.

At May 17, 2011 at 9:49 PM , Blogger Lindie said...

Tangent is that I just got done typing a comment and it disappeared! Ugh... Oh well... This one will have to be quick..
I love scooters too.. In high school my friends and I called ourselves scooter buddies because we rode my scooters everywhere duri g soccer season.. So fun! Never had a scooter accident, just a motorcycle accident when I was 10... Instead of pulling the brake I hit the gas and ran into a parked car... Oops!
I love real gelato from Italy... While there we ate at least 1 each hour! My favorite was coconut and hazelnut! Yummy!

At May 17, 2011 at 10:53 PM , Blogger Erin @ UntilYouTri said...

Haha, okay I SWEAR I am not trying to be a jerk (because I hate when people point out errors...we're all human, people!), but I have to point out that you wrote "sweat" when I think you meant "sweet." I am only pointing this out because I think it is your subconscious missing your sweat action lately and trying to get it any way it can:).

Okay sorry about that. Moving on. I have been in a couple car accidents (scary!), but your scooter accident reminds me of a rollerblading accident I had! My brother and I were rollerblading at the beach in NC on vacation. One of us was holding the dog's leash (I don't remember who it was), the dog saw a cat or squirrel (do squirrels live at the beach?) or something and went whipping after it and ran in front of the person not holding the leash...we both got tangled up and wiped out and had BAD road rash. My brother had it the worst and was not happy because he was in so much pain and couldn't swim in the ocean all week:(

At May 18, 2011 at 6:15 AM , Anonymous Sarah said...

Random question... you are always so cute in your pictures! Where do you go shopping/buy your clothes?

At May 18, 2011 at 6:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ouch that scar still looks bad. I had a bad biking accident last summer (yes bicycle) and cmae home with some pretty good cuts, bruises and now scars. Luckily i was wearing my helmet because of course the first thing that hit the ground was my head.
I love coffee flavored gelato But why do they always have small spoons. It drives me nuts.

At May 19, 2011 at 2:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Favorite Gelato=Sea Salt Caramel(:

Your hair is so beautiful curled! How do you get it so perfect??


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