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The Hungry Runner Girl: Relays and Yogurt Bowls.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Relays and Yogurt Bowls.


Just wanted to give you a head up about an AWESOME RACE IN AUGUST!!!!  Better believe I will be doing it if the good ol' femur is ready:)

It is called the Rivalry Relayand here is a little description about it......

Do you sweat RED or BLUE? It’s time to prove it. The 2011 Rivalry Relay is a unique opportunity for all Cougar and Ute fans to show their support for their team in a friendly running competition. Sixty miles of picturesque landscape separate the start and finish line near Rice Eccles and Lavell Edwards stadium, and you get to run it!

Rivalry Relay is a one-day event that will start at the Olympic Legacy Bridge in Salt Lake City and run its way south through some of the most scenic and beautiful neighborhoods Utah has to offer until it finishes down in Provo. Since this race is run so close to home, your family and friends can support you along the route and cheer you to victory at the finish line. There isn’t a better way to kick off the football /rivalry season than with you and a few of your best friends cheering each other on and showing support for the team up north or the team down south. Run the Rivalry Relay and make your running season a success by beating your rivals!

Awards will be given out for.......Best decorated Car, Best decorated teammates and the Best team name


Let's talk about food because I never really do on the blog or in real life and it isn't like it is one of my most favoritest things in the whole wide world.

My favorite b-fast is back with a vengence.

Yogurt bowls:  Yogurt, cinnamon, whatever fruit I managed to stuff into my industrial sized lunch box (it may be closer to the size of a suitcase than a normal lunch box) and of course scoops of peanut butter.  This picture was snapped just as it was starting to drip out of my classy plastic bowl onto my pants.

Photo on 2011 05 17 at 08 49  3

What are you going to do with your life in 8.5 days when you don't get to see pictures of me at my desk with drivers ed signs posted all around me everyday?

I hope you aren't bored with the fact that my evenings have been all the exact same thing lately..... when my sis calls and says she needs us, you better believe we drop everything to be with her and her beautiful kids!

We used up the last of our free meal cards last night.  Mr. Cafe Rio, if you are reading this- please email me and I will send you my address for you to send a lifetime gift card.  Thank you.

If you comment asking what angle this photo was taken at because my head is double B-$'s head, just don't.  This picture depicts the reality that my head could eat his head and I will never be able to wear his hats (believe me, I wish I was exaggerating).  At least we can share socks and shoes, dang it...that is slightly embarrassing too.

IMG 6108

Does my neice look like me......cheesy smile/posing with food, I have definitely brainwashed her.

This munchkin is learning young from me how to sneak bite's off of Billy's plate because for some reason his food always tastes better than mine.

IMG 6116

And this ladies and gents would be heaven.  I did not like guacamole for the longest time (basically because I thought it was a waste of calories, I know I was completely off my rocker) and once I tried it at my in-laws last summer I was hooked on my first bite.  Now I will do anything for this green clump of sludgelike deliciousness.

IMG 6111

I fell asleep at 9:20 watching 'Kitchen Nightmares' on Hulu because I am cool like that and like to be snoring (yep, I am admitting my snoring tedancies to the world) before the sun has gone down.


Have you ever done a Relay Race?  Tell me about it...I want all the details:)

-The Rivalry Relay will be my first!!

Do you snore?  Sleep talk?  Sleep walk?

-All of the above.  One night I woke up to Billy speaking full on Russian (he lived in Ukraine for 2 years) and he was completely asleep....times like that I wish I had a video camera handy.

What is your latest breakfast favorite?

-Workdays-yogurt bowls.  Weekends-omelettes and pancakes.


At May 18, 2011 at 6:51 AM , Anonymous Rachel @ The Perseverance Diaries said...

Haha I love watching Kitchen Nightmares on Hulu.

My fav breakfast is a chocolatey smoothie or overnight oats with PB. I like to pretend I'm eating dessert for breakfast :)

I don't snore or sleep walk much but I do cuddle and spoon whoever is sleeping next to me. This includes my sisters and friends when we share beds in hotels, hahaha. Everyone always says "I don't want to sleep next to Rachel, she's going to spoon me!"

At May 18, 2011 at 6:51 AM , Blogger BigHappyFamily said...

Favorite breakfast these days ... home made yogurt parfaited with sliced banana and grape nuts cereal or granola.

At May 18, 2011 at 6:51 AM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

My favorite weekday breakfast is oats with cinnamon, applesauce and berries. On the weekend Mike makes eggs!

I don't usually snore, but on occation I'll talk in my sleep (or laugh/cry, which terrifies Mike).

You're definitely not boring me with your same nights. I feel like everyday is the same for me too!

At May 18, 2011 at 6:59 AM , Anonymous Chad @ thebreakupnote said...

Oh my gosh - that Mount Everest of food in a turkey roasting pan you have there is driving my appetite batcrap insane!

At May 18, 2011 at 7:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, no snore nothing.. I would TOTALLY come out there but August is my half IM..

At May 18, 2011 at 7:00 AM , Blogger JC said...

hehe on monday i dripped melty PB on my pants on my way to work. Today I'm wearing sneakers and compression socks - at work. you might be a runner if...... heheh.

At May 18, 2011 at 7:02 AM , Blogger ash & diz said...

Rivalry Relay... hmm. I may have to get my own team, because I'm pretty sure I'm the only Utah fan outta the group. :/

and I feel like a slug... tapering sucks. I want to work out. I'm going insane. I might still come to spin and just be like you and spin with no tension... and then go to yogurtland. (carb-loading! DUH!)

At May 18, 2011 at 7:03 AM , Blogger Tales of Roads & Trails said...

hmm..for some reason, I really enjoy my cream of wheat w/ some brown sugar. and.....can't forget my coffee :)

when I was a kid I use to sleep walk....kinda creepy looking back, haha.

I love your blog and how active you are about it. keep it up!

At May 18, 2011 at 7:05 AM , Blogger Lindsey@arunningtale said...

My latest breakfast favorite is smoothies in a bowl! Topped with cereal and fruit.

At May 18, 2011 at 7:05 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Relay Races are the BEST! I've done the Ragnar Relay-The Wasatch Back 2 times now and it was incredible! You should seriously do it! I'm super jealous that I won't be in town for this rivalry relay! you better believe i'd be wearing my RED! Cougars. pcha! what a joke! ;)

At May 18, 2011 at 7:06 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I just finished up the Cape Relay in Massachusetts - it is 189 miles across Eastern Mass, to the tip of the cape- oh yeah...that hooky part on our state map :). It was my second year doing it, and I loved it even more and can't wait for my next one!

I don't do any funky things when I sleep, but I definitely agree, w/e my boyfriend is eating ALWAYS tastes better than mine - and he may or may not get a little testy when i reach over and snag bites of his meal :)

I have an obsession with either whole wheat english muffin, pb, jam, banana or huge yogurt bowls with w/e cereal and fruit I have in the house (all depending on what's stocked).

At May 18, 2011 at 7:08 AM , Blogger Chunky Monkey said...

Ha ha! Little munchkin sneaking a bite. I love it! I always steal my hubby's drink. It drives him nuts. I dont want my own sweet tea...but a sip of his hits the spot.

Snore? Sleep Walk? talk? YES YES YES. I think the most embarrassing was when I was travelling to all these conferences doing meet/greets. I woke up standing beside the bed with my hand extended in a handshake. WOW!

At May 18, 2011 at 7:08 AM , Blogger Ashley said...

Speaking of yogurt, I found a Yogurtland in San Diego!! So obviously I had to go...and it was delicious! Have you tried the devils food cake? :drool:

At May 18, 2011 at 7:09 AM , Blogger Lauren said...

My hubby talks in his sleep a lot... but only in English! LOL

At May 18, 2011 at 7:09 AM , Anonymous Andrea (Run. Learn. Repeat.) said...

I used to think guacamole/avocados were a waste of calories too, and now I'm obsessed with them! My husband and I have to ration them out because they are so dang expensive and we want to eat them everyday. Wish I lived in Utah so I could do that race! I'm from Utah, but we've moved to Texas.

At May 18, 2011 at 7:11 AM , Blogger Stephanie F said...

good grief. guacamole is my favorite thing in all the land. i am obsessed.

At May 18, 2011 at 7:14 AM , Blogger Neon Blonde Runner said...

I do talk in my sleep...
...but worse, I grind my teeth and have to wear a mouth guard at night!

Who would have thought, a mouth guard for sleeping? Not like it's lacrosse or anything!

At May 18, 2011 at 7:23 AM , Blogger Sweat Is My Sanity said...

Yes, it appears your niece has definitely been following your blog. :) The race sounds fun, but how does it work? Do you have to have your own team? I guess so...I'll look into it since we'll be going to Utah in August.

At May 18, 2011 at 7:34 AM , Blogger chiara said...

I did Ragnar So Cal last month - 200.9 miles, from Huntington Beach to Coronado Island. So much fun!!! Didn't sleep much for 2 days, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

At May 18, 2011 at 7:36 AM , Blogger Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

I did a marathon relay 8 years ago, loved it. I will be doing one in October in the mountains so excited! Favorite breakfast is a peanut butter sandwich :)

At May 18, 2011 at 7:40 AM , Blogger The Hungered One said...

Lately I've been eating Vans gluten free frozen waffles with peanut butter and bananas for breakfast. Gotta have some kind of fruit at breakfast :)

No talking, snoring, or walking here. Boring, I know. I did relays when I swam. Allllll the time.

At May 18, 2011 at 7:41 AM , Anonymous Laura @ Meet Virginia said...

I want to come to Utah for that race! Then we can go to Cafe Rio and eat lots and lots of guacamole!!!

At May 18, 2011 at 7:44 AM , Anonymous candice said...

egg white scrambles are my fav right now, I stuff as much veggie love in it as possible!!
I am ALREADY signed up for the rivarly relay!!
YAY!! can't wait.. but ps I bleed red. we need a pic for sure!

At May 18, 2011 at 7:59 AM , Blogger Stefanie Mockler said...

The rivalry race sounds like so much fun! I need to look for something like that in my area!

At May 18, 2011 at 8:01 AM , Anonymous Laurel said...

That race sounds awesome!

Breakfast is ALWAYS banana, cheerios, and a hard boiled egg. That is all that ever appeals to me when I wake up. I'm so boring.

i think I snore? my mom says I do but no one has ever confirmed it.

At May 18, 2011 at 8:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love relays! I've never done a long relay, but I've done a marathon relay for a few years. I always feel bad passing marathoners when I run the last leg, but it also makes me feel super speedy.
Overnight oats or yogurt bowls are my favorites for weekdays!

At May 18, 2011 at 8:09 AM , Blogger Lindie said...

Oh my I need to sign up for that relay... I for sure bleed RED with every ounce of my body!! Go UTES!
I did the Red Rock Relay last fall... It was a BLAST! 2 days of running through beautiful red rocks... Amazing! You don't get a lot of sleep, and trust me I need my sleep, but somehow your body wakes up and can run 7 miles at 3 in the morning... It's awesome! I highly recommend it! I will be doing RR again in Sept! Come!
My favorite thing for breakfast on weekdays is cinnamon cheerios with a banana and plenty of PB to dip it in! Weekends I usually make waffles or some kind of eggs with toast... Yum!
I don't snore unless I am really really tired... Used to sleep walk and talk as a kid, but now my husband takes care of it for both of us!

At May 18, 2011 at 8:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love love love relays!! I've done two - Ragnar SoCal both years! A really really fun experience

At May 18, 2011 at 8:13 AM , Anonymous Laura (LunaChickRuns) said...

I haven't done a relay, but I just registered for a 3-person 50-mile relay in Door Co, WI this October and I am so pumped!!

I am loving green smoothies and overnight oats for weekday breakfasts!

At May 18, 2011 at 8:30 AM , Blogger MotherRunner said...

I LOVE relays!!! They're my favorite thing ever. We have a group that has run three relay marathons, and we always have a RE-LAY good time! ha.

I really want to do the Madson to Chicago relay, but we need 12 people and I've only got half that. So if you know any super awesome midwesterners, send them my way! :)

And your guac just made me so hungry, and it's only 9:30. :(

At May 18, 2011 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous katie said...

cool sounding relay, that would be tons of fun! on days I'm not running I love to make omelets the size of my face, and if I'm running I love re fueling with a smoothie!

At May 18, 2011 at 8:33 AM , Blogger Emily @ said...

i've never done a relay but am dying to! there's a 200 mile relay close to me that i have wanted to do for the past 2 years but i haven't found enough crazies that want to do it with me! i love the idea of doing it with a group and wearing crazy outfits!

i make yogurt bowls with yogurt, fresh and frozen fruit, and chia seeds. I've never thought to add peanut butter but it sounds like you're on to something there! :)

Yay only 8.5 days left of school for you - I want a summer vaca!!

At May 18, 2011 at 8:48 AM , Blogger Alisa said...

My usually breakfast is either oatmeal or toast, both with all the toppings! My FAV breakfasts would be french toast, pancakes, or waffles. I love some sugary carbs first thing in the morning!

At May 18, 2011 at 8:57 AM , Blogger ruth said...

8 days????? I AM JEALOUSSSS. also katie said you were going to help her start her blog?? how fun! I wish I could do that relay, it would be sooo fun but I am sooo poor! :( I Wish they didn't cost so much! I love you and we need to seriously get some people together before you leave!

At May 18, 2011 at 8:57 AM , Anonymous Jill {i run i eat} said...

We're doing the Rivalry Relay!!! I've done 5 Ragnar Relays & I'll be doing my 6th in a month. You should seriously do one. They are so much fun!

At May 18, 2011 at 9:03 AM , Blogger Mandee said...

omg. Have you ever heard of Hood to Coast relay? It starts at Mt. Hood outside of Portland and goes all the way to the coast....197 miles!!! Teams of 12, two vans relaying all the way to the coast, each person runs 3 legs, one of which is usually in the middle of the pitch black night. It is insanely fun!! I did it last year, am doing it this year and I'm hooked for life. You should totally do it one day!

At May 18, 2011 at 9:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've done many marathon relays, and 1 big one. I did Texas Independence Relay this past March. 103 miles.

At May 18, 2011 at 9:23 AM , Blogger Rachelle Wardle said...

That relay sounds like a lot of fun. I am in 100% of course. Can I be on your team? (even thought I am a Utes fan..shhhh.)

If you post about cafe rio one more time I may literally start licking my screen. I have got to get me some cafe rio so soon!

Love you and have a great Wednesday!! :):)

At May 18, 2011 at 9:24 AM , Anonymous Bonnie said...

Where do all these gift cards come from?! That's what I want to know! ;) That relay race sounds great! I've been to Utah once or twice (actually drove down from Calgary, AB Canada to see Coldplay there 2 years ago with my husband and 2 friends!) and think it's beautiful! I participated in the Hood to Coast Relay 2 years ago - a team member had to drop out so I was asked randomly and at the last minute to go ("Oh - you run? Want to join?"). It's very hard to get into, so I was totally pumped to be able to run! It was an absolute blast - I'd love to get a team together and do it annually! My favorite (and fastest) run was at 5 am with a headlamp on, running solo on roads and feeling the morning dew and hearing only my own breath. Loved it! But running with crowds of others at different legs was fun too. What a blast! They just made a short documentary about it too - there are ALL kinds of teams (competitive to not at all and there for only fun) and I think it's the longest running relay race in the US (might be wrong about that)...Anyway, go for that race if you're feeling better - you'll love it! :D

At May 18, 2011 at 9:24 AM , Blogger Runners Fuel said...

I fell asleep about 9:30 last night. Nothing to be ashamed about!

At May 18, 2011 at 9:26 AM , Blogger Chels said...

I have never done a relay race, except for way back in Highschool. Yours sounds like a blast!! I used to sleep walk when I was younger, I would randomly wake up in the middle of the night and find myself searching through a closet or trying to get out the front door of my was pretty scary and I am so glad I grew out of it.
Usually during the week I combine yogurt, oats, fruit and pb together and eat it at my desk here at school. On the weekends it might be the same but I also like to whip up some protein pancakes.

At May 18, 2011 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous Dorry said...

haha - I love that you snore. I've never done a relay, but I think it would be really fun! Well, I ran a relay in 7th grade, I think. But that doesn't count. I've been loving a banana with almond butter right when I wake up...and overnight oats or a smoothie a little bit later. If I'm on the go, or before a workout, I'll eat a larabar, too. Jealous that it's almost your summer!

At May 18, 2011 at 9:47 AM , Blogger Heather Elliott @ the desire to run said...

I've never done a relay but it does sound super fun. Guilty of all the above! I rarely do any of them but when in new environments, at least one of these become an issue for me. Random story; when i was a kid a sleep-walked a lot. I did random shit all the time like shower fully clothed, and walk around the block. (Don't worry my parents followed me to ensure my safety lol)

My breakfast sounds like yours. Greek yogurt, fruit, splenda, and flax seed. And of course coffee!

At May 18, 2011 at 9:50 AM , Blogger Lisa J said...

Relays are awesome! Like several people before me posted, you HAVE to check out a Ragnar Relay- I did TN and I will be doing Vegas this year. Its all about the company you keep, and since you love people, you would totally enjoy this because its a 200 mile relay so you're in a van with your teammates for over 24 hours :)

At May 18, 2011 at 9:53 AM , Anonymous Shannon@HungryGazelle said...

I've done the Ragnar Relay twice and they were the best experiences ever!! You will have a BLAST!

At May 18, 2011 at 10:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have done Ragnar Wasatch Back twice and will be running again next month! I absolutely love them! I have also run the Epic Cache to Teton relay, it was also great!

I think that Red/Blue relay sounds like so much fun!!

I too can share shoes with my husband :(

At May 18, 2011 at 10:14 AM , Blogger Julia said...

i am obsessed with relay races...most fun ever to be had while running!! are we going to run this one together??? or do you already have it worked out!?! please pick me to be on your team! haha!

LOVED seeing you today...I missed you this past weekend. hope to see you again soon!

also teach me your ways...I see you in the aerobics room and then 5 mins later you are walking out the door looking super gorgeous!

At May 18, 2011 at 10:16 AM , Blogger Holley @ Lunges and Lashes said...

LOVED getting to see you this morning!!! i hope you don't let the dumb "news" bum you out all day. super lame sauce... what will i do without my cardio fix! have a great day girl!

At May 18, 2011 at 10:35 AM , Blogger ATTrio said...

I actually came out your way last June and did the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay. It was a blast but exhausting at the same time. Our relay was over a period of 2 days which meant sleeping or lack there of in a car. Not much food and chilly nights. It was fun tho and I might even do it again some day.

I dont really move all that much when I finally fall asleep. It is just the getting to sleep part that is difficult.

My fav breakfast is almond butter toast with banana. Yum

At May 18, 2011 at 10:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Youa re too funny - and I can't wait until summer! We get out June 3!

At May 18, 2011 at 11:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loove oatmeal and scrambled eggs for breakfast!!!! I also eat a lot of yogurt bowls, but usually as a snack! :P
Hope you have an awesome day!

At May 18, 2011 at 11:17 AM , Blogger Lauren said...

Your niece is ADORABLE! And does kinda look like you :)

PS...I want to jump through my computer and scarf down that guac!

At May 18, 2011 at 11:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm running my first relay in september, and I cant wait! My favorite breakfast is oats! I can't even remember the last time I didn't have them for breakfast.

At May 18, 2011 at 11:39 AM , Anonymous Paula @ Eat: Watch: Run said...

I'm really big on oatmeal smoothies for breakfast lately! Instant oatmeal, almond milk, yogurt, and crushed ice. Soooo tasty. I heard overnight oats make for really good smoothies so who's gonna try that next? Yep. This girl. :)

At May 18, 2011 at 12:12 PM , Anonymous Lauren @ Hungry Dancer said...

Guacamole is never a waste of calories!!!!! Luckily you have seen the light!!! Guac makes life better!

At May 18, 2011 at 12:27 PM , Blogger Cara @ EAT. PRAY. RUN. said...

Never done a relay but it's on the bucket list -it just seems like it would be such a different dynamic having a team, instead of just me myself and I! Breakfast obsession is buckwheat oatmeal since i'm in the midst of trying our a gluten free week! Hope those femurs are on their way to being better than new!

At May 18, 2011 at 12:29 PM , Anonymous Alyssa @ Life of bLyss said...

I've been known to talk in my sleep about Bob Dole's underwear. And that's a true story.

At May 18, 2011 at 12:55 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I think I MUST do the rivalry relay! Maybe I can brett to do it too. What a cool race!

At May 18, 2011 at 1:07 PM , Blogger RunFitMama said...

I love relays! My mom and I are doing a two person relay in the Vermont City Marathon in a couple weeks- this will be our third year splitting the marathon. I told her next year we are running the full 26.2 together.

I'm trying to convince my running BFFs to do a 100 mile relay with me. It's called 100 on 100. 100 miles on Route 100. It's apparently super hilly and my step-dad said it was harder than running the Chicago Marathon the year the race was closed half way through because of the heat. I might be slightly crazy.

At May 18, 2011 at 1:08 PM , Anonymous Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife said...

that relay sounds awesome!!

I love waffles and oatmeal :)

At May 18, 2011 at 1:27 PM , Blogger Caitlin said...

luv the industrial sized lunchbox remark! :)

I don't usually snore or sleepwalk, but I grind my teeth really loud...not good!

Favorite breakfast is chocolate chip pancakes but I usually eat oatmeal. :)

At May 18, 2011 at 1:29 PM , Blogger Monica and Whitney said...

Ok, Janae. So I totally went to Yogurtland last night for the very first time in my life. I thought of you the whole time. And it was 30 minutes of pure bliss. I can't believe how many amazing flavors they have there. Thank you for introducing me to heaven.

Ask the Duplex

At May 18, 2011 at 1:33 PM , Blogger BOBBI McCORMICK said...

oh how I wish I didn't like guac as much as I do, but when you live in Cali your blood bleeds green :)

At May 18, 2011 at 1:39 PM , Blogger Amylee said...

If I could, I would marry the Ragnar Relay.
It's the best because the race atmosphere lasts a lot longer (24+ hours). There are people of all shapes and sizes doing one of the most difficult things anyone has ever done. If you ever do the Wasatch Back, then some of the challenges are INSANE. This year I'm running the leg that includes Guardsman Pass- a nearly 1700 foot elevation climb in only 4 miles. Plus the fatigue and lack of sleep and being with 6 other people in a stinky van cheering and dancing and running your guts out for each other. It's awesome. Plus you are running at crazy times of the day/night in who knows what kind of weather. Seriously. Talk about a challenge!

At May 18, 2011 at 1:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to do a rlay race! I think it would be so fun =)
also, your niece is totally your mini-me in that picture-adorable!

At May 18, 2011 at 2:02 PM , Blogger Aron said...

YES relays are INSANE. So fun, but so nuts!!! I did one last year the weekend after a marathon (which was probably part of my problem lol), but it was an unforgettable experience I think every runner should do :)

My report if you want to read:

At May 18, 2011 at 2:24 PM , Blogger Mrs. JM said...

i have never ran in a relay. i'd probably do best to start small like those marathon relay's where you only have to run a 1/5th of the marathon. i think i can handle that. lol! rivalry relay sound fun. i'd have to run in red. just sayin'.

my husband works in his sleep. it's hilarious. he's an electrician so he does a lot weird motions with his hands like he's screwing a nail in. it really is funny unless i'm super tired. then i wish we had separate rooms. HA! teasin' (just in case he ever reads this). i know i'm a perfectly quiet, still angel while i'm sleeping. obviously.

At May 18, 2011 at 2:56 PM , Blogger Carie said...

I have done one relay and loved it! I ran it with my best friend and another friend. We finished 1st in the women's open division! We Rock!

My latest breakfast obsession is my mixed cereal bowl. Basically it is my 3 favorites cereals (Grapenuts, Kashi heart to heart, Natures' Path granola) mixed together and swimming in vanilla almond milk!

At May 18, 2011 at 3:09 PM , Blogger Christina @ The Athletarian said...

I've never run a relay but I want to run one WITH YOU!!!

I don't think I snore or talk in my sleep...

Oatmeal is my go-to on most mornings and sometimes I will have a green smoothie or PB banana sandwich :)

At May 18, 2011 at 3:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am kind of in a breakfast rut where I have no idea what my favourite is. I guess leftovers. :) I had salmon and asparagus this morning with my coffee...totally normal! :P

At May 18, 2011 at 3:38 PM , Blogger funderson said...

That race sounds so fun!...I would have to wear red though...even my GREAT-grandmother went to the U.

At May 18, 2011 at 3:52 PM , Anonymous Tori (Fresh Fruition) said...

I. Love. Guac.

Its one of the greatest inventions ever! :)

At May 18, 2011 at 6:38 PM , Blogger Rachel said...

Now that my beloved vanilla chobani is back, so is my fav breakfast... chobani, fruit, granola. Every. Single. Day.

I talk in my sleep. I've been told I don't snore so that's good news:)

At May 18, 2011 at 6:49 PM , Blogger Allison said...

Do you remember when the REAL B$ sang a birthday song to Billy last year as we just hung outside of 7-11 for hours. That was unforgettable. Good times.

It was fun seeing you this morning. I'm planning on coming to spin tomorrow if I can get the baby to sleep early enough tonight. Here's to hopin'...

At May 18, 2011 at 8:54 PM , Blogger naomi said...

Go Team Cougs! True Blue all the way!

At May 19, 2011 at 2:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was little, I shared a room with my older sister. I did everything possible to annoy her, when sleeping only of course. This includes, sleep walking, sleep talking, snoring, kicking the wall, grinding my teeth and my sister even said she walked in on me 'sleep-singing'! Thank goodness I have grown out of most these habits now..


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