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The Hungry Runner Girl: Gym Buddies

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The Hungry Runner Girl: Gym Buddies

Friday, December 3, 2010

Gym Buddies

If there was such thing as a magic genie my three wishes would be......

1.  All you can eat candy bar set up right next to my couch that is refilled weekly by Daniel Tosh (then he could do a comedy act for Billy and I while he is at our house refilling our candy jars).  Oh and calories and cavities don't exist with this one.

2.  Nordstroms unlimited shopping spree for the rest of my life and complimentary Chocolate Chip Mint Storms each time I go in.

3.  Be able to work out with my new blog buddies everyday.......

Just to name a few of the many Lindsay, Kerri, Jenn, Susan, Chelsey, The DawnSarah, SR and ERG.

I love meeting up with friends to get your sweat on.  I used to have different friends that I would meet up to work out with every day.  My favorite workout buddy is Megan.....but we have different schedules so it is hard to meet up very often for a work out.  I also love working out with my sister but she decided to have kids and not hang out with me very much.  All of my other gym buddies have moved.

I actually met one of my very best friends at the gym, set her up with my brother and now they are MARRIED and have a baby.  The gym has been good to me.


How can I make friends at the gym without being creepy?
-"Hi, my name is Janae. Do you wanna meet me at 5 A.M. every morning at the gym and we can talk and stretch and share personal things with each other?"  Would that be too much?

Do you enjoy working out with other people?
-It is my favorite except for when I am running on the treadmill, I am more than content just running by myself.   For some reason when I work out with people I feel like I grow so close to them and learn so many things.

Share some of your three wishes.....


At December 3, 2010 at 4:46 PM , Blogger Generation X (Slomohusky) said...

make the the thursday night pizza, and bring the puppy - i will workout with ya :)!

At December 3, 2010 at 4:48 PM , Blogger Shannon said...

Same! I love working out with buddies with the exception of treadmills, but right now I work out at my school gym so I know people there already and still have no work out buddy. I really could use some running buddies to help push me and stop me from walking/slowing down. I would like it if you came up and said that little monologue to me...but that's just me haha.

At December 3, 2010 at 4:51 PM , Blogger d.a.r. said...

I am shameless and will talk to anyone and everyone, haha! I have made a few friends at my gym that I do spin class with and swim with in the mornings. Most of the people at my gym are in their 80s though...ha! "Hey, wanna talk dentures and adult diapers?", no thanks!

I need a running buddy like whoa.

At December 3, 2010 at 4:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love working out with people - and I wish I could work out with you tooooo! I have no idea how not to be a creeper at the gym. THere is another girl about my age who works out at the same time as me every morning (um 4:30, crazy) so you KNOW we would get along good.

At December 3, 2010 at 4:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like working out with others for the most part, unless it is an extremely difficult workout. In that case, I like to be completely alone....maybe because I have to concentrate more on the workout?

At December 3, 2010 at 5:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish for warm cookies to come out of my oven every night and an endless supply of frozen bananas in my freezer and for the really expensive but oh so yummy pizza place down the street to deliver me free pizza anytime I want it!

If we lived in the same city, I'd totally meet you at the gym at the crack of dawn.

At December 3, 2010 at 5:11 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

I love all three of your wishes although I my candy bar would be all chocolate and ice cream. I enjoy working out with others too, but I do most of my workouts on my own since I'm an early riser.

At December 3, 2010 at 5:17 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

this makes me smile.
:) I wish I could I workout with you each day! It would be a blast! ANd yes, I wish I could shop at nordstroms for FREE!

At December 3, 2010 at 5:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious! That literally had me laughing out loud! I know the feeling! I haven't lived in my city for long so I don't have a lot of workout buddies. How do you meet new workout peeps anyway? It's so hard!

At December 3, 2010 at 6:49 PM , Blogger Running Ricig said...

I can't say I ever made any lasting friendships at the gym, though I did convince like ten of my friends to join the gym with me at the same time so we could all work out together.

My wish would be to have a huge disposable income to spend on travel and fun. It's no fun being on a budget.

At December 3, 2010 at 6:53 PM , Blogger Keri said...

Aww I wish I could workout with you too!

At December 3, 2010 at 7:06 PM , Blogger Susan said...

I want a candy bar in my house too...and I would love to run with you!

That's crazy about meeting someone at the gym and setting up your brother....I love it!

No idea how to make friends at the gym....I wonder the same thing about meeting people who are running in Central Park. Can I Just run up to someone and start running with them?? Would they hate me? Would we be friends for life? Who knows.

I like a good mix of working out in groups and working out by myself....sometimes I just get lost in my thoughts and run by myself, but some runs just fly by when running with others!

At December 3, 2010 at 7:24 PM , Blogger Mallory said...

I'd love to have some running buddies especially because I want to do some trail running and am afraid to go alone!

3 Wishes
1. Mountain Dew fountian in my house
2. Macy's (or Express, J. Crew or Banana Republic!) shopping spree of everything I can grab in 2 hours.
3. World Peace. (Thought it might be good to add in something selfless!)

At December 3, 2010 at 7:29 PM , Blogger J said...

All my friends/gym buddies would not get up and meet me at 5am! I am afraid to say anything to the woman at the gym...they all seem so angry at 5am. I like meeting my friends for spin class and yoga...but its hard to run on the treadmill and talk to your friends. I would probably fall off the treadmill.

At December 3, 2010 at 7:36 PM , Blogger BigHappyFamily said...

I usually work out alone (run/lift). I do like to throw in a weekly class to see people/crosstrain. But .. I love if a friend scores the treadmill next to mine at the gym, so we can chat and each go our own pace. I haven't been able to connect with someone to run with outside with a similar enough schedule and a quick enough pace. Tomorrow I am sacrificing sleep and going for a 6AM run with my new neighbor. Hopefully, we'll make a good pair.

At December 3, 2010 at 9:24 PM , Blogger Jenny said...

I used to have the BEST running/workout partner but unfortunately she moved about 2 hours away last year. We trained for 2 marathons together (but didn't do all of our runs together just so we could still have our "me time" while running) and when we weren't trainnig for marathons, we met at the gym 2-3x/wk at 5:00 AM to kick each other's butts. It was great & I've never worked out harder than with her b/c we both pushed each other. I'd love to find that again :)

At December 3, 2010 at 9:26 PM , Blogger ThE MidLiFe CrUiSeR said...

My magic genie would put one of those frozen yogurt dispensers in my house, and he would let me wrap my lips around the spigot when he turned the chocolate/peanut butter swirl ON!!!

I miss my running buddy from Texas :(

At December 3, 2010 at 10:07 PM , Blogger ThE MidLiFe CrUiSeR said...

One hour later....

I'm Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I need therapy.

At December 3, 2010 at 10:23 PM , Blogger Gracie said...

Don't you hate it when your running buddies have babies? Then they join the stroller brigade and leave you all alone.

At December 3, 2010 at 10:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love working out with others, but rather than it being motivating, I tend to get distracted and end up talking more than working out :)

At December 3, 2010 at 11:43 PM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

Yes, having babies really changes your life. :) Your sister will come back to you again. :) I think you would be a great person to workout obviously make friends easily (in the blog world and in the real world) so I think you'd be super comfortable to workout with. Usually, though, working out or running especially is when I'm in my own personal zone. I like being alone with my thoughts and pushing myself to where I want to be. but if you ever come to Oregon, please please please come and run with me! :) And ERG since she's here too! :)

At December 3, 2010 at 11:47 PM , Blogger Amanda@runninghood said...

Oh, and my three wishes:
1. That my kids would always sleep through the night and until I am ready to wake up.

2. I would love to be able to eat all the yummy yummy food in the, cheese, pizza, pasta, more pizza, and NOt ever have my ass grow because of it.

3. Oh, and on a serious note...that my children would never have to suffer or experience pain...only the growth and beauty that comes from those things sometimes.

At December 4, 2010 at 12:00 AM , Blogger Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

um. we actually have WAY more in common then even that! I just read more about you and I am going to school to be a high school teacher, I just decided last week I love spin so much I should become a spin instructor AND I am training for my first marathon, the san diego rock n roll marathon! hahaha

At December 4, 2010 at 12:14 AM , Blogger XLMIC said...

1. I would wish for aging to be more comfortable and graceful and accepted and understood.
2. I would wish for people (including my kids... especially my kids) to really hear what I am saying to them.
3. I would wish for world peace (isn't that what we're all supposed to say? ;-) ).

Workout buddies... yes, but I only like working out with people who are able to actually workout while having fun. That is a rare combo... being able to be intense and still sociable. Right now I am only running and only running alone... too hard to mesh with someone else's schedule while juggling a household including 4 children!

At December 4, 2010 at 12:22 AM , Blogger Muncher Cruncher said...

You KNOW that I absolutely love when we get to work out together!! Those were the good days, huh? I hate working out by myself! We should try and at least get like one a week in still, shouldn't we? I vote yes. See you in the morning darling!

At December 4, 2010 at 12:57 AM , Blogger Madison Michele said...

Janae!!! just come shopping with me at Nordstrom! I am there all the time now working :) Just stop on by the handbags section :) ps i love going to your spin classes! you are simply amazing!

At December 4, 2010 at 3:34 AM , Blogger coach dion said...

wish one: no more injuries I want to be able to training hard every day.
wish two: running with buddies is good
wish three: not having to work...

At December 4, 2010 at 5:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

New to your blog and wanted to drop a quick note to say hello! I'm with you on the workout buddies, and with you on the solo treadmill running. The occasional treadmill date is great, but generally, I'm happy to zone out to cheesy cable television and people magazine when I'm running at the gym (yes, I always need both in order not to want to jump off after one mile!)

At December 4, 2010 at 5:11 AM , Blogger middleagedrunner said...

I wish: (for big stuff like world peace, obvi. and to have my mortgage all paid off.. but right NOW I wish)

-For a House Elf, like in Harry Potter to do my cooking and cleaning so that I can just go home at night and read, eat candy and play Jenga with the Huz.

-To be able to find a pair of skinny jeans short enough for my short little legs. ALL of them bunch up around the ankles and make me look like a sharpei. Not good...

-I want Vampire Eric from True Blood (or someone equally sexy) to live in my house for the sole purpose of having eye candy and perhaps to bring me beer and rub my scaly feet as I sit on the couch (eating candy and playing Jengs with the Huz- who in this world would not mind having Vampire Eric hanging about. MmmmmMMMmmmmmmmMMMMMMmmmmm)

And BTW- all my freak injuries are job hazards for me. I neglected to mention the broken shoulder, 5 broken noses (not at the same time as I only have one nose) and 2 broken toes. Goot times! I need an office job STAT.

At December 4, 2010 at 6:07 AM , Blogger Katie said...

What a cute picture, I Love your hair!!

I mainly workout home and I enjoy the peace especially on my treadmill. Although I guess a gym buddy would help me go to a gym, I think one of the reasons I don't go is that I HATE going places on my own.

At December 4, 2010 at 6:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would totally come work out with you, but you'd have to feed me first.
1. For perfect temps for every run
2. For people to run with! I get tired of talking to myself
3. And of coarse... world peace

At December 4, 2010 at 7:21 AM , Blogger LindseyAnn said...

I think I got put off from working out with others in college, when my friends would want to go to the gym as a social event and not as the get sweaty, work hard, go home exhausted kind of trip I was used to from high school. Since then, I've really stopped working out with others except for an occasional run with the boyfriend or strength training sesh with my little sister.

My three wishes:
1. A gourmet chef to live in my apartment for a week to cook for me and teach me what s/he is doing along the way.
2. An unlimited food and running equipment budget.
3. For everyone in the world to practice tolerance and acceptance of others.

At December 4, 2010 at 10:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to be your gym buddy! Please teach me how to have your arms, run as fast as you, and have your endurance on the stair climber. K thanks! :)

3 wishes...
1. A sparkly diamond ring from Tiffany's
2. A tiny teacup yorkie puppy
3. To movie into Anthropologie!


At December 4, 2010 at 12:13 PM , Blogger Lizzy said...

Wow three wishes- too many to choose!
Workout buddies are the best. Sadly, I have running buddies, but no gym buddies : (

At December 4, 2010 at 1:48 PM , Blogger LindsLovesMiles said...

Gahhh lately whenever I see girls working out together, gossipping or going to a class together I get so jealous! Not many of my friends work out as often as I do or go to my gym! I would love to have someone to do abs with or go to Pump with!!!

At December 4, 2010 at 3:18 PM , Blogger Jamie said...

Dear Gym buddie- I love your stinking guts!! Thanks for the shout out on your blog:) If I still lived in Utah, I would for sure be your 5 a.m. work out pal and we would have the time of our lives chatting it up on the eliptical machine...just like the good old times. Someday when we move back, me and the gym will be re-united at last. Until then, re-runs of saved by the bell will have to do. Love you bunches. See you in January!!

At December 4, 2010 at 9:46 PM , Blogger Lindsay said...

i don't think i could make friends at the gym. the girls are all ditzy and just there to be eye-candy for the meatheads (ie: styled hair, 3lbs makeup, outfit that does not look comfortable to work out in...). and the guys are mostly meatheads. haha. the guys i've talked to are older - 30's, 50s, 60s... not sure what that says about me.

At December 5, 2010 at 5:38 PM , Blogger dawn @ running the dawn said...

let's work out!!!! i'll move there, how about that :)

honestly, i have such a huge dilemma with this!!! i LOVE working out with people. in college i always had friends that i could talk into joining and going to the gym with me. after graduation, i would get people to sign up for half or full marathons with me....and running those marathon lead me to some of the most meaningful relationship that i have! in fact, half of my bridesmaids were girls that i'd finished a marathon with.

but, recently, i have had the hardest time finding people to exercise with. i've never been able to meet people at the gym...cause i'm not regular enough and then i switch gyms and it just never works. also, i'm way to shy (at first) to introduce myself to people....

like today. i went to our church's new running club's information session. found out that there was a guy there who's run boston 5 times! after the meeting he was talking to a group of people, but instead of waiting around, i just left. its lame, i know. part of me says that i'm just waiting for when we're running....but really i know that i'm just scared to walk over and say, "hi, i'm dawn...teach me!"

At December 5, 2010 at 10:11 PM , Blogger coach dion said...

Dawn you can pop over any time and chat... I'm in cape Town and love talking running, I'll teach you all you want to know. My wife (also a Dawn) says I talk to much running. So if you are ever in Cape Town say HI


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